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Категория: Windows: Настольные


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Игры домино

Домино - всем известная настольная игра, пришедшая к нам из древности. Существует много разновидностей игры в домино, самой популярной среди которых у нас считает игра в домино козёл.

Играть в игры домино онлайн бесплатно Виртуальное домино

На сайте flashplayer.ru представлены различные варианты игры домино онлайн. Бесплатно загружайте любой из них и наслаждайтесь! Великолепная графика создает ощущение, что в ваших руках находятся самые настоящие костяшки. А прекрасное звуковое сопровождение поможет проникнуться атмосферой напряженного противостояния. Отвлекает музыка? Просто отключите ее!

Правила здесь те же, что и в реальной забаве. Вам и вашему сопернику выдается одинаковое количество костяных пластин, на каждой из которых выбиты точки. Вместе они обозначают цифры. Присоединяйте половинки с одинаковым количеством очков, выстраивая таким образом витиеватую цепочку. Победит тот, кто первым выложит все имеющиеся у него камни. Против вас выступит виртуальный соперник, но не радуйтесь раньше времени. Играть в домино с компьютером не так просто, как кажется!

Вариации на тему

В категории «Настольные» представлены разные модификации этой забавы. К примеру, у нас есть маджомино – смесь маджонга и домино. Онлайн и без регистрации вы сможете испытать себя в этом флеш симуляторе. Возможно, что такая версия придется вам по душе. Если вам будет сложно разобраться, воспользуйтесь подсказками. Главная цель – убирать из общей массы парные пластины и в конце концов добраться до костяшек с надписью «Man» и «Jomino». Будьте внимательны, ведь вы ограничены во времени.

Сделайте перерыв, если вы устали. Выстройте все камни в ряд, а затем толкните крайний. Вам понравится эта цепная реакция! Повторяйте этот эксперимент снова и снова, увеличивая ряд и расстояние между пластинами. Играть бесплатно в домино онлайн можно и таким способом.

Любители раскладывать костяшки по традиционным правилам найдут у нас несколько разновидностей этой забавы. Друг от друга они отличаются интерфейсом, музыкальным сопровождением и лимитом времени, который дается на одну партию. Flash игры домино рассчитаны на двух, трех и четырех игроков. В вашем браузере они загружаются без регистрации.

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Construction and composition of domino sets

Domino tiles

Modern commercial domino sets are usually made of synthetic materials, such as ABS or polystyrene plastics. or Bakelite and other phenolic resins ; many sets approximate the look and feel of ivory while others use colored or even translucent plastics to achieve a more contemporary look. Modern sets also commonly use a different color for the dots of each different end value (one-spots might have black pips while two-spots might be green, three red, etc.) to facilitate finding matching ends. Occasionally, one may find a domino set made of card stock like that for playing cards. Such sets are lightweight, compact and inexpensive, but like cards are more susceptible to minor disturbances such as a sudden breeze.

However, this is a relatively small number especially when playing with more than four people, so many domino sets are "extended" by introducing ends with greater numbers of spots, which increases the number of unique combinations of ends and thus of pieces. Each progressively larger set increases the maximum number of pips on an end by three, so the common extended sets are double-nine. double-twelve. double-fifteen and double-eighteen. Larger sets such as double-twenty-one can theoretically exist but are rarely seen in retail stores, as identifying the number of pips on each domino becomes difficult, and a double-twenty-one set would have 253 pieces, far more than is normally necessary for most domino games even with eight players.

Домино, игра домино онлайн

Домино онлайн

Как весело и с интересом провести время? Конечно же, сыграть в какую-либо игру. Так одна из занятных игр – это домино. Известна игра всему миру, однако до сих пор весьма популярна и интересна. Главная задача в ней – выстроить цепь костяшек, которые будут соприкасаться друг с другом одинаковым числом очков.

Сейчас в эту игру можно сыграть через интернет на нашем сайте: НАЧАТЬ ИГРУ. Доступно приложение Домино будет после регистрации. Она недолгая и потребует указания лишь данных о почтовом ящике. Представлены и некоторые другие игры. Как только регистрация окончена можно переходить к использованию. При этом стоит отметить, что весь процесс будет происходить не один на один с компьютером, а с реальным человеком. Многопользовательский режим весьма удобен тем, кто хочет попробовать свои силы в борьбе с соперником, а не программным обеспечением.

Представлено две разновидности: Домино Козел и Домино Осел. Заметим, что игра полностью бесплатная. Платить за регистрацию и сам процесс не нужно. Требуется лишь компьютер, браузер и высокоскоростное подключение к сети интернет. Начать играть может любой желающий вне зависимости от возраста, пола и каких-либо интересов. Начало игры в режиме онлайн полностью схоже с игрой в реальной жизни. Представлено 28 костяшек. Играть одновременно в домино онлайн могут от двух до четырех человек. Выигрывает в игре тот, кто ходил последним. Выигрышем является начисление очков проигравших игроков победителю.

Здесь очки представляются в электронном виде. Интерфейс достаточно простой и каждый разберется в нем. Присутствует такая позиция, как рыба. Представлена она блокировкой костяшек. Как только очередная игра окончена и определился победитель можно вновь сыграть в неё. Нажать начало и вновь представляется чистое поле для очередных действий. Удобством стоит отметить и то, что для игры не требуется сложное программное обеспечение и мощные характеристики системы. Играть можно в любое время, хоть дома, хоть в свободные минуты на работе. Домино онлайн бесплатно позволит развить мышление и поднять настроение.

Dominoes - Online Guide

Tile games of some form have been found from around 1120 AD in China. Chinese dominoes are longer than Western ones and are divided into two types and were originally carved from bone or ivory with the indented pips made of ebony. Each Chinese tile represents one of the twenty-one different permutations of throwing two cubic dice although there are a total of thirty-two tiles since certain dominoes are duplicated. A set of Chinese tiles is divided into two categories - Military and Civilian. The Civilian tiles are the set of tiles that have duplicates while the Military tiles are those that are unique. A variety of different games were and still are played with these tiles and the much more modern tile game of Mah-Jong evolved from Chinese Dominoes.

The game appeared first in China in in the 14th Century but the first recorded reference in Europe is from Italy where they were played in the courts of Venice and Naples. The tiles were originally constructed by gluing and pinning two sheets of ebony on either side of the bone tile. This prevented cheating by being able to see the pip value from the back of the tile in certain lights. It also served to produce nice contrasting white pips on black background by allowing the bone to show through holes in the ebony. The pin through the middle of the tile became known as the "spinner", for obvious reasons. Although tiles have not been constructed in this way for centuries, tradition has maintained the spinner which can still be found on many modern sets. Many players feel that it is still of benefit since it makes the tiles more easy to shuffle and protects their faces.

Although domino tiles are clearly of Chinese inheritance, there is debate over whether the game played by Europeans was brought by the Chinese to Europe in the eighteenth century or, in fact, was invented independently. European dominoes are shorter than Chinese ones and there is a single tile for each permutation of the throw of two dice or a blank making a total of twenty-eight tiles. This is the standard or "double-six" set and, as in China, various games can be played with it. Double-twelve sets (91 tiles) are popular in America and Double-nine sets (55 tiles) also exist.


Domino tiles and suits

Bones are generally named for the number of spots on the two ends of the bone. A bone with a 2 on one end and a 5 on the other end is called the 2-5. for example. Bones that have different numbers on the two ends are called singles. and bones that have the same number on both ends are called doublets or doubles. Bones that share a common number of spots on one end are said to be of the same suit. In a double-six set, for example, 1-0. 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 1-4. 1-5. and 1-6 all belong to the suit of one. All singles belong to two suits. The 1-2. for example, belongs to the suit of one and the suit of two. All doubles belong to one suit only.

The ranks of domino pieces

The value of each end of a bone is determined by the number of spots on the end, with zero (blank) being the lowest and six being the highest. The rank of a bone is determined by the combined number of pips on the two ends. This rank is sometimes referred to as the bone's weight so that a higher ranking bone is called a heavier bone while a lower ranking bone is called lighter .

Playing a domino piece

4-6 played on 4-5

The bones that are face up in play are called the layout. chain. or line. The layout will have one or more open ends that are available to be played upon. In most games, there are two open ends--one at each end of a line of bones. In some games there may be more, or there may be varying numbers depending upon the circumstances of play. In some games, the first doublet of each hand, often called the "sniff", forms the intersection of a cross in the layout. This usually means that there are four open ends once the sniff has been played.

When only a single bone has been played, the two open ends are generally the two ends of the bone. If Player A played a 4-5. for example, there is a 4 on one open end and a 5 on the other. The next player must usually play a bone with an end that matches one of the open ends. Player B, therefore, must play a bone with either a 4 or a 5. and the matching ends must touch. If Player B plays the 4-6. the new bone is placed with the two 4 ends touching so that the new open ends are 5 and 6. Doubles are placed crosswise and sprouted (played upon) crosswise. As the layout grows, the two ends of the layout generally form the two playable ends.

Common Domino Games

Most domino games are block games or draw games. In draw games, players draw from the boneyard when they have no matching bone. In block games, players pass and forfeit the turn when they have no matching bone. Otherwise, there is no difference. Both generally consist of several hands of dominoes played until one of the players accumulates an agreed upon number of points and wins the series. Points are generally earned only by the first player in each hand to go out (play his or her last bone, also called to domino ) and win the hand. The primary object is thus to play all ones bones before an opponent does.

There are many existing rules for determining which player is the leader (or downer ), the player to make the first play of the hand. In some rules, the lead is determined by lottery. The bones are shuffled face down on the table, and each player draws one bone. The player with the highest double, or heaviest bone, or other agreed upon prize is designated the leader. By this rule, the leader then reshuffles the bones before the final deal. By other rules, the final deal determines the leader. Playing the first bone of a hand is sometimes called setting the first bone, leading the first bone, downing the first bone, or posing the first bone, and the bone so set. led. downed. or posed is called the set. the lead. the down. or the pose. After the first hand, the winner of the previous hand is usually the leader for the next. By some rules, however, the lead rotates player to player across hands.

After the final shuffle the bones are dealt; each player in turn draws the number of bones required. The stock of bones left behind is called the boneyard. and the bones therein are said to be sleeping. If the leader was determined by lottery, the leader sets by placing any bone face up on the table. If the leader was not determined by lottery, the player with the highest double leads with that double, and if no player has a double, the hand is reshuffled and redealt.

The next player, and all players in turn, must play a bone with an end that matches one of the open ends of the layout. Play continues until one of the players goes out (and calls "out!" or "domino!") and wins the hand or until all the players are blocked. If all the players are blocked the player with the lightest hand wins.

In block games, players who cannot match on their turn must forfeit the turn by knocking (passing)--accomplished by rapping twice on the table or by saying, "go" or "pass". In draw games, players who cannot match must draw bones from the boneyard until obtaining a playable bone. According to most rules, the last two bones in the boneyard may not be drawn. If the boneyard is exhausted (only two bones left), the player knocks.

The winning player scores a point for each pip on each bone still held by each opponent. If no player went out, however, and the win was determined by the lightest hand, the winning player sometimes scores a point for each pip on each bone still held by each opponent, and sometimes only the excess held by opponents. A game is generally played to 100 points, the tally being kept with paper and pencil or on a cribbage board.

Muggins (or, All Fives or Five Up)

Points are earned when a player plays a bone with the result that the count (the sum of all open ends) is a multiple of five. The points earned are equal to the sum of the ends. Therefore, if in the course of play a player plays a bone that makes the sum of the ends 5, 10, 15 or 20, the player scores that number. All pips on a crosswise doublet are included in the count.

Each player takes five bones (four players) or seven bones (two players). If the leader plays the 6-4. 5-5. 5-0. 4-1. or 3-2. the count is evenly divisible by five and so the player scores. If, later, the ends before play are 2 and 4. the next player can play the 4-4 crosswise and score 10. Each player must play if holding a matching bone. A player who cannot match must draw until obtaining a playable bone. Scores are called and taken immediately.

The player who goes out wins additional points based on the pips still in other players' hands. Each opponent's hand is rounded to the nearest multiple of five and the result is given the winner. For example, the winner scores 25 for 27 pips in an opponent's hand and 30 for 28 points. If all players are blocked, the lightest hand win, still earning points based on the pips in opponents' hands.

All Threes

All Threes is played in the same manner as Muggins, except that points are earned for multiples of three.

Fives and Threes

Fives and Threes is similar to Muggins and All Threes, but points are scored for multiples of five and multiples of three at the open ends. Multiples of five and multiples of three are worth one point each. These can be scored in combination, however. If Player A plays the 6-5 and Player B the 6-1. then Player B scores 2 points because 5 and 1 sum to six (two threes). Player A then plays the 1-5 and earns 2 points because 5 and 5 sum to 10 (two fives). If Player B then plays the 5-5 crosswise, Player B scores 8 points, 5 for five threes and 3 for three fives.

Fives and Threes can be played with or without a sniff (see Playing a domino piece ). Games are often played to 31, 61, or 121 points using a cribbage board to score.

Matador. meaning "killer" (of the bull in a bull fight ) in Spanish. is a common draw game with the usual object of going out first and collecting points based on the bones still in ones opponents hands. The rules governing play of a bone, however, are different.

New bones are not played matching end to matching end. Instead, bones are played so that the sum of the open end and the new end touching it sum to seven. If one of the open ends is a 3. for example, any bone with a 4 can be placed abutted with the 3. If a 4-2 is played, the 4 is placed against the 3 and the 2 becomes the new open end. As Matador is played with bones no higher than six, a blank means the blocking of that end because there is no tile that can sum with zero to seven. No further play can take place at that end excepting by playing a matador. which may be played at any time.

There are four matadors, the 6-1. 5-2. 4-3 and 0-0 --that is, all the tiles whose two ends sum to 7 and the 0-0. It is often better to draw one or more fresh bones than to play one's last matador, as it may save the game at a critical juncture. In playing, a double counts as a single number only, but in scoring the full number of pips is counted. When the game has been definitely blocked the player with the lightest hand scores the number of the combined hands (sometimes only the excess in his opponent's hand), the game being usually 100. Matador can be played by three people, in which case the two having the lowest scores usually combine against the threatening winner; and also by four, either each player against all others or two on a side.

A player who cannot make a seven on either end must draw from the boneyard until securing a playable bone (although two bones must remain in the boneyard). If the boneyard is exhausted, the player must knock. A player may also draw a bone even when holding a playable bone.

Other Games

There are also a variety of other games played with dominoes. Some are simple memory games like Concentration (based on the card game of same name), some are complex, and some are simple solitaire games.


Concentration is generally played by two players. The bones are placed face down on the table, shuffled by one, both, or all players and then arranged in a simple rectangular grid. For double-six dominoes, for example, the 28 bones would be placed in four rows of seven bones each.

The goal of play is to collect pairs of bones. The player who collects the most pairs wins the game. With double-six dominoes, pairs consist of any two bones whose pips sum to 12. For example, the 3-5 and the 0-4 form a pair. In some variations, doubles can only form pairs with other doubles so that the 2-2. for example, can only be paired with the 4-4 .

Players, in turn, try to collect pairs by turning over and exposing the faces of two bones from the grid. If the four faces of the two bones sum to 12, the player takes the two bones, scores a point (in some rules a point for each bone taken), and plays again. If the tally is any other number, the bones are turned face down again and the player's turn is over.

The first player to accumulate 50 (or 100) points wins the series.

The Origin of Dominoes

Dominoes are descendants of dice. The two ends on each of the original Chinese dominoes represented one of the 21 combinations that can occur with the throw of two dice. Modern western dominoes, however, have blank ends on them as well and so the number of dominoes is generally 28. Dominoes were apparently unknown in Europe until the 18th century and may have been invented in their modern form in Italy. The dark spots on light faces apparently reminded people of masquerade masks with eyeholes (called dominoes ) and thus gave the playing pieces their name. Chinese dominoes do not have blanks, but some whole tiles are duplicated.

Other Uses of Dominoes

Other than playing games of strategy, another common pastime using domino tiles is to stand them on edge in long lines, then topple the first tile, which falls on and topples the second, etc. resulting in all of the tiles falling. Arrangements of thousands of tiles have been made that took several minutes to fall. By analogy, similar phenomena of chains of small events each causing similar events leading to eventual catastrophe are called domino effects.

Play Dominoes online - domino games

Play dominoes online

You can play popular 2-player Domino games: Five-Up (All Fives), Block and Draw Domino online. Dominoes games and tournaments are played against real people worldwide.

Dominoes is a game for 2 players consisting double six set of 28 dominos, each player gets 7 (or 9) dominos. There are 3 versions of online domino games: Five-Up (Muggins or All Fives), Draw and Block.

Dominoes players lay off tiles (domino bones) which have a number of pips that matches one of the exposed ends of the chain. Play may proceed off both ends of the chain, or optionally from the exposed ends of the first double (spinner).

Object of the Game is to be the first person to attain the agreed-upon number of points (100 - 500). Points may be awarded during the play of the hand by making the exposed ends of the chain total to a multiple of five (in Five-Up).

The winner at the end of each hand also scores points for all the pips remaining in the other player's hand. Players can also select between 7-bone hand and 9-bone hand.

You can play internet multiplayer Domino games and tournaments online for free or for money prizes with friends or with other real opponents.

Try New! Dominoes HTML5 game to play in browser online for all platforms - desktop, android, apple, win phone - phones and tablets. See more Dominoes HTML5 game

To play Dominoes on iPhone, iPad or on Android or WinPhone login and select "green app" or "blue app" in Dominoes playing room list. HTML5 game allows you to play without installation.

see also Dominoes articles:

Dominoes: Wikis (The Full Wiki)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Construction and composition of domino sets

Domino tiles

Modern commercial domino sets are usually made of synthetic materials, such as ABS or polystyrene plastics. or Bakelite and other phenolic resins ; many sets approximate the look and feel of ivory while others use colored or even translucent plastics to achieve a more contemporary look. Modern sets also commonly use a different color for the dots of each different end value (one-spots might have black pips while two-spots might be green, three red, etc.) to facilitate finding matching ends. Occasionally, one may find a domino set made of card stock like that for playing cards. Such sets are lightweight, compact and inexpensive, but like cards are more susceptible to minor disturbances such as a sudden breeze.

However, this is a relatively small number especially when playing with more than four people, so many domino sets are "extended" by introducing ends with greater numbers of spots, which increases the number of unique combinations of ends and thus of pieces. Each progressively larger set increases the maximum number of pips on an end by three, so the common extended sets are double-nine. double-twelve. double-fifteen and double-eighteen. Larger sets such as double-twenty-one can theoretically exist but are rarely seen in retail stores, as identifying the number of pips on each domino becomes difficult, and a double-twenty-one set would have 253 pieces, far more than is normally necessary for most domino games even with eight players.

Бесплатные Домино игры играть бесплатно онлайн для мальчиков и девочек, скачать бесплатно Домино на компьютер полные версии без регистрации

Играть Домино игры бесплатно онлайн

Игра «Домино» хорошо известна каждому, причем во всем мире. Популярность костяшек с числами невероятно удивительна – простая и не затейливая игра увлекает семьи, друзей на долгие часы. Были организованы даже международные турниры с крупным призовым фондом. К сожалению, найти компанию для игры в домино не всегда удается, а виртуальный мир доступен в любое время суток. Интернет сеть предоставляет возможность играть в домино бесплатно, не заботясь о покупке приложения.

В России традиционно играют в такие разновидности домино, как «козел», «пятерка» и другие. Все они популярны и в интернет сети. Здесь вы можете играть в домино без регистрации, не отвлекаясь на заполнение анкет и введение личных данных. Запуская сайт, вы сразу выбираете понравившуюся игру и начинаете партию. Это идеальный вариант для обеденного перерыва в офисе или просто заполнении свободного времени.

Виртуальное домино позволяет изучить все правила, наработать опыт и просто поиграть. Для того чтобы не был потерян интерес, разработчики часто внедряют всевозможные бонусы. К примеру, набрав определенное количество очков, будут открываться новые виды столов или игр. Для упрощения интерфейса, предоставляется возможность играть в домино онлайн, не затрачивая время на скачивание файлов и установку приложения. Любимая игра теперь стала гораздо доступнее. В любое свободное время вы можете выкладывать костяшки домино, отвлекаясь от напряженного трудового дня.

В интернет сети выложены все известные варианты этой популярной игры, так что вы обязательно найдете то, что нравится более всего. К тому же, вы получаете возможность постоянно опробовать силы в новых версиях. Также вы можете совершенствовать свои навыки в хорошо известных видах домино.

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