
Chess Lite img-1

Chess Lite

Рейтинг: 4.1/5.0 (1855 проголосовавших)

Категория: Android: Настольные


Mobialia Chess Free, Napo Chess Lite, Chess Free от AI Factory Limited - Лучшие шахматные программы

Mobialia Chess Free, Napo Chess Lite, Chess Free от AI Factory Limited - Лучшие шахматные программы
  • Android-приложение Mobialia Chess Free. версия: 4.3.2, цена: бесплатно.
  • Android-приложение Napo Chess Lite. версия:, цена: бесплатно.
  • Android-приложение Chess Free от AI Factory Limited. версия: 1.8, цена: бесплатно.

Здравствуйте, уважаемые читатели портала Helpix! Сегодня речь пойдёт о нескольких шахматных приложениях, которые лично мне понравились больше всего из всего ассортимента приложений в Google Play Market.

Mobialia Chess Free

В приложении есть реклама, но об этом честно предупреждено словом ads на иконке в Google Play. Средняя оценка приложения - 4,3. Но это явно необъективно. Много напрасных обвинений.

Что касается одного из комментариев, где написано, что программа всегда делает одинаковые ходы, то на моём устройстве программа ходит практически всегда по-разному.

Описание приложения весьма подробно, но оно на английском языке. Пожалуй, данное описание - самое полное из всех, которые я когда-либо видел.

В приложении есть множество функций. Разберем каждую из них. Итак, начинаю.

Другие статьи, обзоры программ, новости

T Chess Lite

iPhones.ru App Store t Chess Lite. Шахматы

Шахматы — настольная логическая игра, сочетающая в себе элементы искусства, науки и спорта. Одна из древнейших игр на Земле, сохранившихся до нашего времени; долгое время считалась игрой королей и аристократов. Играется двумя игроками по определённым правилам. Широко распространено мнение, что шахматы способствуют развитию умственных способностей, памяти, творческого мышления.

Именно такое определение дает Википедия, если мы спросим у нее «шахматы».

Существует огромное множество толков вокруг этой игры. В основном, все, что я слышу – это насмешки над интеллектуальным видом спорта, откровенные намеки на то, что это вроде бы и не спорт вовсе. Может быть, я не в тех кругах вращаюсь, чтобы слышать постоянно о том, как мастерски один из знакомых сходил конем в той или иной партии?

Ничего не могу с собой поделать, но сам тоже иногда смеюсь над шахматистами. Да, я не профессионал, и речь ниже пойдет далеко не о профессиональном приложении для спортсменов и тех, кто себя к ним причисляет. Более того, разработчик, ответственный за релиз tChess Lite. как раз для таких неискушенных игроков как я и выпустил облегченную версию своей доски.

Кто бы знал, как давно я ждал таких шахмат! Беглый чуть ли не ежедневный поиск в AppStore по запросу «chess» постоянно выдавал мне гору приложений ценой в $9.99. Но вот-вот, кажется, появилось что-то новое, недорогое, ан нет, оказывается это версия без AI, рассчитанная на игру через WiFi, который, в принципе то, не просто не везде, а практически нигде. Да и попробуй, просиди где-нибудь на одном месте часа три, пытаясь закончить одну лишь партию с каким-нибудь мега-мозгом, думающим над каждым ходом минут по пять-десять.

Но все это уже в прошлом сейчас, с приходом вышеупомянутого приложения, пришли и кардинальные изменения.

Говоря об AI, хотелось бы отдельно отметить, что разработчик его в облегченной версии урезал. В наборе нет самых «умных» уровней сложности. Да это и не беда, многим это и не нужно. Я, например, поигрываю в шахматы для удовольствия, а не для того, чтобы доказать всем, что я могу. Предпочитаю, так сказать, меряться другими величинами.

В целом за 99 центов имеем именно то, что было обещано в релизе и это одни из немногих шахмат, в которых мне удалось выиграть с первой партии.

Для продвинутых существует версия t Chess Pro: $7.99 [iTunes link ]

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Shredder Chess Lite

Shredder Chess Lite

Shredder, the most successful chess program ever, is now also available for the iPhone. You can play against Shredder and solve chess puzzles. It offers the usual Shredder standard for your pocket.

The 12 times computer chess world champion Shredder is able to mimic the play of a human chess player with any playing strength. He even deliberately makes typical human mistakes in those levels.

Solve 100 built in chess puzzles. Shredder keeps track of your performance and offers advice if needed.

You can adjust Shredder’s playing strength and, if you like, Shredder automatically adjusts his strength to yours. He even calculates an Elo rating for you. This is how the playing strength of chess players is typically measured.

During the game a coach is watching your moves and warns you if you are about to make a mistake.

See how you are getting better and better the more games you play and the more chess puzzles you solve.

Shredder Chess Lite features:

  • Adjustable playing strength
  • Intuitive and very easy to operate
  • 100 built in chess puzzles
  • Rates your play
  • Coach shows your mistakes
  • Great variety: opening book with more than one million moves
  • Load and save games (incl. names, date, etc.)
  • Different chess boards and pieces
  • two player mode / enter moves
  • Learn the name of the opening you are playing
  • Improve your play whenever and wherever you like

'Shredder Chess Lite' is a fully-functional version of 'Shredder Chess' for casual chess players. If you are an active player, need more features or simply want the best you should take a look at our pro version 'Shredder Chess' .

Here is what you will additionally get in our pro version :

  • The strongest chess engine for the iPhone
  • Can be set to outstanding playing strength
  • 1000 built in chess puzzles
  • Send games via email
  • Different playing styles from passive to aggressive
  • Enter and analyze any position you like
  • Analyse your games with Shredder, find your mistakes and improve your play
  • 10 USD discount coupon for Shredder 12 Mac/Win on shredderchess.com

Free Android Mobialia Chess Lite App Download

Free Android Mobialia Chess Lite App Download

Mobialia Chess is a chess application for the Android Mobile Platform with lots of possibilities.

· Five playing personalities (Baby, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Chess Master)

· Selectable time per move: changing the personality and the time per move, lots of difficulty levels can be selected

· Opening book with more than 30.000 positions: ensures variated funny games

· Can undo/redo all moves (you can also undo/redo moves by making a gesture from left to right/right to left on any unused part of the screen)

· Send PGN by email: This way, you can analyze later your games on your PC

· Also can edit position’s FEN notation

· On closing, saves the current game and it is loaded when the application is restarted

· Option to keep the screen on when playing

Play Online:

· Play on internet at freechess.org (FICS)

· Play as guest or as a registered user

· Seek/offer match rated and unrated

· View seeks posted by other users

· Takeback, draw, abort, resign and rematch options when playing

· Console to see FICS output and to send commands

· Timeseal: avoids lag problems

Chess Problems:

· 2900+ chess problems to solve looking for the best moves: problems collected by Uwe Auerswald, from Germany

· Selectable problem difficult (Easy, Medium and Hard Problems)

The Best Interface:

· Clean, simple and intuitive interface (options appear after pressing the “MENU” key)

· Move by dragging and dropping the piece with useful guide lines

· Also move by tapping the origin and the destiny squares or with the trackball

· Portrait and Landscape mode

· Shows legal moves (as yellow translucid squares)

· Highlights last move (with a yellow arrow), also move hints (as a green arrow) after a request in the menu

· Four piece sets (Merida, Leipzig, Berlin and Staunton) and five board styles (Blue, Brown, Gray, Marble and Wood)

· Shows a dot on the side to move (the point is of the moving side color) and can show board coordinates

· Shows captured pieces advantage for each one of the sides (as an example if black captured 3 pawns and whites 2, it shows an advantage of 1 white pawn for blacks)

· Speak moves, checks and game results

· Sound and vibration

· Only the “Chess Master” personality

· Only the “1 second per move” level

· Play on FICS only as guest

· Supported by Ads

What's New in This Release:

· New theming engine for board and pieces, now you can choose many themes (and also the old styles with black backgrounds)

· Improved the premove feature, solving some bugs and adding a faster response

· When saving online games as PGNs, if user plays as guest, appends "(Player)" to the user's player name

· Do not show two dialogs when logging in FICS as guest, user name is shown in the chat dialog title

· Solved a bug with the captures pieces background

What's New in 4.1.6:

Small fixes before mayor changes:

· Solved a bug with misplaced pieces on the Kindle Fire and maybe another tablets

· Improved the "Seek Filter" dialog, now fits on small screens without scrolling

· Added a new option to do not show problem info dialog

What's New in 4.1.5:

· Pressing setup while computer was thinking was not showing the right board

· If there is only one legal move, computer does not think, makes the move

· Problems are now sequential and problem number is shown on the problem text message

· Added the menu option "Go to problem", to go to a problem number

· The app no longer sets the variable "noescape" playing online, some people prefers this

What's New in 4.1.3:

· Show checks and game ends toasts playing online, disabling them only when playing wild variants

· Improved support for wild variants on ICC

· Some corrections to Portuguese and English texts

What's New in 4.1.2:

· Fixes visualization problems on some tablets showing mangled board and pieces (failing since version 3.7)

· When playing online now sets the variable "noescape" to off, avoids losing games by disconnection (adjourning them)

· On each connection to the chess server sends a "resume" command to continue adjourned games

What's New in 4.0.1:

· Confirm move when playing online was causing a Force Close error

What's New in 4.0.1:

· New German translation by Axel Gaiser and Jan Gruner.

· Optimized speed on board redrawing

· Removed arrows on setup screen (introduced by error on 4.0)

· Solved a BUG causing that when playing offline some times computer did not move

· More small fixes and optimizations

What's New in 3.6.7:

· PGN: Current opened game is highlighted on the game list and list is initially opened on its position

· Play Online: Confirm move feature was failing when combined with the "Always Promote to Queen" option

· Solution for some force closes on the game offer list

What's New in 3.6.6:

· Solved some force close errors

What's New in 3.6.5:

· New premove option. Selecting it on the preferences, you can input your next move on the opponent's turn. Origin and destiny squares of the move will be highlighted, and on your turn the move will be done

· On the "Flip Board" preference you have a new option to rotate only pieces

· New options to specify White and Black player names on offline mode

· Portuguese translation corrected by Nilson de Lourenco

· Now you can introduce moves while examinating

· Examine last game option was not working on FICS

What's New in 3.0:

· Support to play online on chessclub.com (ICC) with all the options already available on FICS (timestamp, observe, examine, etc.)

· New engine Carballo 0.5, 150 ELO points stronger than the previous version

· Selectable ELO level for the engine from 1000 to 2100 ELO points in 50 points ELO steps

· Graphical setup board

· Solves a draw by threefold repetition detection bug

· When choosing to play a problem on “play vs android”, marks the “alternate” option on the Opponent setting to play the puzzle with the winning color

· Option to disable the arrow showing the last move

· Solved bug rotating 270 degrees on Android 2.2

· Solved a problem with the gin variable on FICS: now is set to 0 on connecting

· And other minor bugs…

Shredder Chess Lite on the App Store

By Eiko Bleicher, Skizzix.com

Open iTunes to buy and download apps.


Shredder, the most successful chess program ever, is now also available for the iPhone. You can play against Shredder and solve chess puzzles. It offers the usual Shredder standard for your pocket.

The 12 times computer chess world champion Shredder is able to mimic the play of a human chess player with any playing strength. He even deliberately makes typical human mistakes in those levels.

Solve 100 built in chess puzzles. Shredder keeps track of your performance and offers advice if needed.

You can adjust Shredder’s playing strength and, if you like, Shredder automatically adjusts his strength to yours. He even calculates an Elo rating for you. This is how the playing strength of chess players is typically measured.

During the game a coach is watching your moves and warns you if you are about to make a mistake.

See how you are getting better and better the more games you play and the more chess puzzles you solve.

Shredder Chess Lite features:

* Adjustable playing strength

* Intuitive and very easy to operate

* 100 built in chess puzzles

* See your rating in a diagram

* Coach shows your mistakes

* Great variety: opening book with more than one million moves

* Load and save games (incl. names, date, etc.)

* Different chess boards and pieces

* two player mode / enter moves

* Learn the name of the opening you are playing

* Accessibility / VoiceOver support

* Improve your play whenever and wherever you like

'Shredder Chess Lite' is a fully-functional version of 'Shredder Chess' for casual chess players. If you are an active player, need more features or simply want the best you should take a look at our pro version 'Shredder Chess'.

Here is what you will additionally get in our pro version:

* The strongest chess engine for the iPhone

* Can be set to outstanding playing strength

* 1000 built in chess puzzles

* Send games via email

* Different playing styles from passive to aggressive

* Enter and analyze any position you like

* Analyse your games with Shredder, find your mistakes and improve your play

* 10 USD discount coupon for Shredder 12 Mac/Win on shredderchess.com

IPhone Chess Lite - with coach game

Chess Lite - with coach Information:

Chess Lite - with coach is the game in the "Board" category which was developed by Christophe Theron in June 2011. It is compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. The game interface is available in English, German and French. Chess Lite - with coach users have left more than 200 ratings for this game in the Apple App Store.

It was last updated on January 7, 2016. Age rating 4+



? Do you want to learn or improve at Chess?

? Do you want to master the most prestigious, the classiest game ever, while having fun?

Chess LITE is EASY, is guaranteed to improve your chess, and you will not have to read any boring lesson!

How does it work? It's really simple: you just play! The coach shows you the moves a Grandmaster would pick. Not just one move, but the 4 best moves.

Sounds silly? Well think about it. How did you learn to talk when you were a child? Did you take grammar and spelling lessons? Of course not. You just went with the flow! Because that's the most effective way to learn!

Chess LITE allows you to do just that, AND IT WORKS!

In two minutes from now you are going to start learning effortlessly. You start having fun immediately, and notice after just a few games that the right moves come to your mind naturally, as if they were obvious.

If it still sounds incredible, please read the reviews below. Chess LITE has one of the highest customer satisfaction of the App Store.

Chess LITE is a simplified version of Chess PRO, our full-featured chess app.

NEW: Chess LITE is a HD+ universal app, designed for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, including all Retina Display devices. Purchase it once and use it on all your devices!


• Easy to use

• 9 levels of difficulty from beginner up to club player

• Play with or without a teacher

• 100 historical games included

• Includes a book with the rules of chess

• Stunning HD graphics, realistic and varied sounds


• Play against the computer or against a friend on the same device

• The rules of chess are included and easily accessible for reference: you can learn chess with this app!

• Touch a piece to highlight its legal moves (you can disable this)

• Naturally the app knows and applies all the rules of chess (castling, en passant. )

• You can easily take back your move in case of mistake

• You can even take back several moves if you want

• Features 9 progressive levels ranging from absolute beginner to club player

• The app can act as a teacher and show you the good moves: you will learn much faster

• You can be warned of the threats of your opponent so you can learn to spot them yourself

• You can play without the coach and get a hint on demand, when you really need one

• HD+: Includes support for all devices and all screens including the new iPad (retina display).

• Stunning, customizable graphics: 9 piece sets and 14 board styles!

• Realistic and varied sound effects (you can disable them selectively)

• Built-in chess clock

• Move list available for the full game, allows you to jump directly to any move

• Your game is always saved when you quit the app, and you can continue it later

• Your previous game is also saved and you can alternate between current and previous

• A collection of more than 100 historical games by the greatest players of all times is included

• Uses very little energy from your battery: much less than any typical game

THIS APP IS "CLEAN": it does not display any ad banner.

Thank you so much for all the great reviews! As each update resets the ratings count, please take a moment to update your review for the current version.

Also, if you ever have a problem with the game, please write us via the "Report a problem" option, which is available from the Options menu, or with "Contact us" on our website (http://www.chesstiger.com). We answer all email promptly, and work very hard to solve any problems that come up.

If you send a review to report a problem, we have absolutely no way to contact you back. So you will not receive any answer, and it's a pity because we probably already have a solution to your problem!

Sigma Chess Lite for Mac - Free Download

Ratings about Sigma Chess Lite for Mac

Detailed analysis

Sigma Chess Lite is a complete game of chess that has been designed for people who start playing this game as for those who have played a lot but still want to improve and be better. Any kind of chess players will find in Sigma Chess Lite a perfect rival for all their games.

Sigma Chess Lite is very complete and it will allow us, besides playing all the games we want to, have at our disposal a complete database with information of historic matches, our own history, notes that we have taken, etc. All what we need to become the best players of chess, we have it here in this game.

Sigma Chess Lite includes an engine that makes the computer to calculate the probabilities while we play in the screen, the possibility to save all the notes that we make in each of the games, export all the information that we want to the database of the program, etc.

Also, Sigma Chess Lite can be completely customized so we can choose the boards that we most like, the pieces, the movements, the colors and have 3D perspective of the game in real time.

Chess Lite

Chess Lite is designed for casual players of chess on iPhone and iPod touch. Its simple UI, easy to use touch sensitivity and tap-tap move makes playing Chess Lite an addiction! Play single-user or compete with friends in 2-player mode without a network.

Chess Lite makes use of Sjeng chess engine; a powerful engine tailored to suit casual play. It is fast, stable and over a period of time makes you master the game of chess.

Current Version Features:

- Single player mode - Player vs iPhone, iPhone vs Player

- Compete against friends in 2-player mode

- Move pieces by dragging or with a tap-tap movement

- Complexity- Designed for casual players

- Undo option, last move highlight

- Next move hint and legal moves highlight

- Save/ Load/ Resume options

- Demo game by iPhone vs iPhone to understand the game

We welcome your feedback and appreciate your reviews. We would continuously strive to make our products best-in-class for our users

If you are already a chess master, then theres Chess Pro for you