
Sudoku For Android img-1

Sudoku For Android

Рейтинг: 4.7/5.0 (1896 проголосовавших)

Категория: Android: Головоломки


Приложения на Google Play – Sudoku for Android

- Detailed help with game rules.

- Infinite number of grids (pre-calculated grids are updated with each new version, and the game will compute new grids if you run out of them).

- 6 levels of difficulty.

- Complete undo/redo.

- Automatic save/restore when game is closed/reopened, including undo stack.

- Advanced solve & reset options.

- Optional helper icons in header.

Use the menu key for options and long press menu entries for more choices.

Toggle on/off header indicators (errors and easy move) from the info page (flip right).

When you are stuck, highlight a cell (long press) and pick one of the possible choices. If later you realize it was the wrong choice, use Reset/Reset to last highlight.

Comments/requests/bugs/Paypal donations:

Судоку для Android v3.6

- Подробная справка с правилами игры.

- Бесконечное число сетей (предварительно вычисленные сетки обновляются с каждой новой версией, и игра будет вычислить новые сетки, если вы бежите из них).

- 6 уровней сложности.

- Полная отмена / повтор.

- Автоматическое сохранение / восстановление, когда игра закрыта / возобновлено, в том числе отменить стек.

- Расширенный решить и восстановить значения параметров.

- Дополнительные вспомогательные иконки в заголовке.

- Информационный экран.

- Несколько цветовых схем.

- Поддержка клавиатуры и трекбола.

С помощью клавиши меню для опций и элементов меню нажмите и удерживайте кнопку для большего выбора.

Включить / выключить индикаторы заголовков (ошибки и легкий ход) из информационной странице (Flip справа).

Если вы застряли, выделите ячейку (долгое нажатие) и выбрать один из возможных вариантов. Если в дальнейшем вы понимаете, это было неправильным выбором, используйте Reset / Сброс К последнему подсветки.

Примечания / пожелания / ошибки / Paypal пожертвования:

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Download free Android Sudoku app for Android at Freeware Lovers

Latest version: [unnamed]

Total versions: 1

Submitted: 1 Mar 2008

Updated: 25 Aug 2010


Android Sudoku by Ed Burnette is an Android port of the classic Sudoku puzzle game. The game consists of 3 Sudoku puzzles, offers three difficulty levels, hints for players and has a nice background music.

As Ed says: "Consider this to be a very early alpha version. The code is rough, undocumented, it only has 3 puzzles, and it doesn't know when you have solved the puzzle. But rather than sit on it until it was perfect I decided to release it as-is. Future updates will address all these things."

It's really rather a test version. Some functions like options to turn on/off background music and tips are not yet working. Anyway, the game is fun and you will surely like it. The developers among us will be interested to get the sources and Ed's notes about programming of this game here .

[unnamed] seem to be the latest available version. Below you can find file(s) assigned to this version:

Sudoku for Android

About Sudoku

This is probably one of the best puzzle games ever. Sudoku puzzles will definitely help you exercise your little grey cells.

There are three levels of Sudoku puzzles you can choose from: easy, normal and hard, and all of them contain limitless combinations of Sudoku grids to solve.

How to play:

Sudoku is a logic puzzle, and its aim is to fill the grid of 9x9 dimension with numbers from 1 to 9. Each number in each Sudoku column, row and 3x3 square can appear only once. Some numbers in a Sudoku grid are already given.

All you need for playing Sudoku puzzle is some logical thinking and a little patience. Times, when you were looking for a pencil for solving Sudoku puzzle are gone. Sudoku can now always be with you and all you need are your fingertips.

Tired of boring lectures at school, sitting in a waiting room with nothing to do but stare at the floor or a ceiling? Not anymore! SUDOKU PUZZLE will make these moments go by in an instant. Just grab your phone or tablet and play Sudoku puzzle.

Sudoku in general

Every Sudoku row, column and 3x3 square contains numbers from 1 to 9. This means that you have to fill into Sudoku grid all this numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. Every number can appear only once in every sudoku row, column and 3x3 square. Sudoku puzzles have only one solution or correct combination.

Sudoku row

Every Sudoku row has nine fields. correctly filled sudoku row contains only one of each number from 1 to 9.

There are nine sudoku rows in a sudoku puzzle grid and same rules apply for all of them.

Sudoku column

Every Sudoku column has nine fields. correctly filled sudoku column contains only one of each number from 1 to 9.

There are nine sudoku columns in a sudoku puzzle grid and same rules apply for all of them.

Every 3x3 Sudoku square has nine fields. Correctly filled 3x3 square has to contain every number from 1 to 9 only once.

Numbers in a Sudoku 3x3 Square must not repeat. Sudoku Puzzle grid has 9 Sudoku squares and same rules apply for each of this squares.

Call it Sudoku, Magic Square or Number Place, this is the best puzzle game ever.

Sudoku for Android

Real Sudoku

– A pleasant Sudoku  experience on your Android device! Download it now, Free Sudoku for Android

High-tier Sudoku puzzle design now for Android Sudoku is a highly popular game, and there are over 100 different free Sudoku games for Android. But it’s hard to find polished, well designed Sudoku games with real unique solutions for each board.

Real Sudoku bridges that gap on iOS for two years, and now is coming to Android – and, of course, also for free!

The game has 5 difficulty levels: from Easy to Tournament, with 600 unique boards total, providing over 200 hours of gameplay experience, either you are a novice or a master Sudoku player.

For those who love puzzle games and still don’t know what Sudoku is, the rules are simple: it contains a board with 9 x 9 squares, where you have to add digits (1 to 9) to each square not being able to repeat the same digit on the same row, column or region. To make the gameplay unique, each board comes with some numbers already hard-written, and you have to type the missing digits.

The rules are simple, and you will see the time fly as you play. Download it to try if you are tired of low quality Sudoku games – it’s free.

Android Open Source

Android Open Source - Game/sudoku

JSON Android Sudoku Solver

Score:5 Activity:3 Min SDK:7 Java File:14 Manifest File:1
  • VS_Sudoku

    Repo for the Sudoku project for Distributed Systems fall 2012.

    Score:4 Activity:2 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:10 Java File:98 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    Sudoku game for Android 2.2

    Score:3 Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku-Solver---Android

    A sudoku solver I made in one day for android

    Score:2 Activity:1 Min SDK:7 Java File:1 Manifest File:1
  • sudroid

    My first android app. Your normal Sudoku game

    Score:2 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Java File:14 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    The Android Sudoku game, developed by a group of students from University of Engineering & Technology - Vietnam National University, Hanoi

    Score:2 Activity:5 Min SDK:8 Java File:8 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku_Android

    Simple game sudoku created for android

    Score:2 Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:6 Manifest File:1
  • Sudokoid

    A sudoku game for android

    Score:2 Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • Android-Sudoku

    Sudoku Game on android,just for practice

    Score:2 Activity:7 Min SDK:8 Java File:8 Manifest File:1
  • sudoku-android

    Android Sudoku Game.

    Score:1 Activity:4 Java File:6 Manifest File:1
  • android-game-sudoku Score:1 Activity:10 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:8 Java File:58 Manifest File:1
  • SudokuSolver

    A Simple Sudoku Solver for the BlackBerry Playbook

    Score:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:10 Java File:5 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku_1

    Testing android app

    Score:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:7 Java File:5 Manifest File:1
  • android-sudoku

    First android app. (Hello, android)

    Score:1 Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • sudoku

    Sudoku example in "Hello, Android"

    Score:1 Activity:4 Min SDK:3 Java File:6 Manifest File:1
  • vsudoku

    Sudoku Game for Android device

    Score:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:12 Manifest File:1
  • SudoSudoku

    Android app which uses computer vision and OCR to digitize and "read" Sudoku puzzles, and then solves them

    Score:1 Activity:2 Java File:15 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    sudoku game for android

    Score:1 Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • sudoku

    Android Sudoku from "Hello, Android"

    Score:1 Activity:4 Min SDK:7 Java File:6 Manifest File:1
  • AndroidSudokuSolver

    A hobby project. This program can solve sudoku of any difficulty level

    Score:1 Activity:5 Min SDK:8 Java File:9 Manifest File:1
  • SudokuAndroid

    A sudoku application for Android, taken from the "Hello, Android" book

    Score:1 Activity:4 Min SDK:10 Java File:8 Manifest File:1
  • Android_Sudoku Score:1 Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    sample app from the book "Hello, Android" 3rd edition

    Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku2

    Full sudoku game

    Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Java File:6 Manifest File:1
  • SudokuAplicacionesMoviles

    Este folder contiene el codigo fuente de la aplicaci?n de sudoku

    Activity:3 Min SDK:6 Target SDK:17 Java File:6 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku_Samsung-Android-lab

    Simple android sudoku game

    Fragment:3 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:18 Java File:4 Manifest File:1
  • JMeSudoYu

    Sudoku program written in Java for j2me, native Java, and Android

    Activity:1 Java File:13 Manifest File:1
  • SudokuSolver

    Android app to solve 9X9 Sudoku using backtracking with optimization.

    Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:1 Manifest File:1
  • Android_sudoku

    Android sudoku app to teach myself Android development.

    Activity:4 Min SDK:3 Target SDK:8 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • sudokuhelper

    Android App which can assist you solving a sudoku

    Activity:3 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:18 Java File:21 Manifest File:2
  • Sudoku

    A GNU licensed Android Sudoku generator.

    Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:11 Java File:2 Manifest File:1
  • Sudokuv4

    Sudoku game for the operating system Android. The example is taken from the book Ed Burnet.

    Activity:4 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • AndroidSudoku

    The first Android app I ever developed, just to get the hang of it. Play a game of sudoku with a "pen" or "pencil", ask for hints, submit your solution, or ask for the answer.

    Activity:1 Min SDK:15 Target SDK:15 Java File:1 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    Incomplete. A simple sudoku game in Android

    Activity:2 Java File:16 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku-Resolver

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    Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:2 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    Sudoku game on android

    Activity:4 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:17 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • opensudoku-master

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    Activity:10 Min SDK:3 Target SDK:4 Java File:54 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    Android Sudoku game support multi-player using bluetooth

    Activity:9 Min SDK:3 Target SDK:17 Java File:109 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku-Solver

    Android app where user inputs an incomplete sudoku. The app then solves the sudoku.

    Activity:6 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:8 Manifest File:1
  • sudoku

    sudoku android source

    Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:21 Java File:8 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    my first (&crappy) Android Sudoku app featuring 100+ Sudoku puzzles

    Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:18 Java File:4 Manifest File:1
  • android_sudoku

    Sudoku app built in "Hello, Android"

    Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:16 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • Android-Sudoku

    Simple Android Sudoku game with three difficulty levels.

    Activity:5 Min SDK:10 Java File:8 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    Sudoku repository is done by following the book "Hello, Android Introduction Google's Mobile Development Platform"

    Activity:1 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:21 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    Sudoku app made in Android Studio

    Activity:7 Java File:6 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku-app

    Android Sudoku app - made as part of a 4 man team

    Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:18 Java File:12 Manifest File:1
  • pandoku

    a sudoku game on android

    Activity:8 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:7 Java File:79 Manifest File:1
  • Android-Sudoku

    Sudoku for Android 2.1

    Activity:4 Min SDK:7 Java File:5 Manifest File:1
  • SudoESIEE

    Android game. Sudoku (auto generate grid)

    Activity:1 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:19 Java File:9 Manifest File:1
  • SudokuSolver

    Demonstrates the Android NDK by solving Sudoku puzzles in native code.

    Activity:2 Min SDK:16 Target SDK:19 Java File:10 Manifest File:1
  • opensudoku

    Open Source Sudoku game for Android.

    Activity:10 Java File:54 Manifest File:1
  • ClassicSudoku

    A repository for my Android Sudoku app

    Activity:3 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:18 Java File:7 Manifest File:1
  • SudokuSolver

    Android Application that solves user-input Sudoku puzzles.

    Fragment:2 Activity:2 Java File:26 Manifest File:1
  • Sudoku

    From Hello, Android (Ed 3)

    Activity:4 Min SDK:19 Java File:6 Manifest File:1
  • android-sudoku

    Fully functional sudoku game (with generator)

  • Featured: Top 5 Best Sudoku Games for Android

    Featured: Top 5 Best Sudoku Games for Android June 14, 2014 - Written By Nick Sutrich

    If you like puzzle games you’ve likely played Sudoku before.  In the past you’d be stuck holding a Sudoku book or maybe you could find it in the puzzle section of the newspaper, but normally you’d have to take something with you specifically to enjoy a good game of Sudoku.  Thankfully smartphones give us some fantastic games to play and don’t require us to lug around paper books or newspapers to get the same level of enjoyment, and we’d like to help you out by sharing what we think are the 5 best Sudoku games we could find on the Google Play Store.  If you just go to the Play Store and search for Sudoku you’ll immediately notice that there are hundreds of Sudoku games on the market, and many of them look nearly identical.  This is a guide to try and deliver the best results possible, but of course as any top 5 article goes this isn’t necessarily the be-all-end-all list out there, just a list with apps that have a great feature, visual appeal and price blend versus other apps in the market.

    5.) Sudoku Free

    With such an unassuming name you’d never know you’re getting so much value, but for the bargain price of free you get a whopping 6,000 puzzles and variations on Sudoku like x-Sudoku and Color Sudoku.  The best part of the app is the Google Play Games integration that provides online leaderboards and achievements for your gaming pleasure.  Just about anything that hooks into the Google Play Games service is almost automatically better because of what’s offered, and Sudoku Free doesn’t hold back here.  If you need hints the game provides a note and highlight feature that will help you figure out what number is supposed to go in each box.  The game is entirely ad supported and will let you disable ads after viewing 100 ad banners or by participating in one of the available promotions within the app.

    4.)Travel Sudoku

    Travel Sudoku at first seems like an ordinary Sudoku title until you check out the features.  While it doesn’t have Google Play Games integration and gets knocked down the list because of that, it makes up for it by providing an extra 2,000 puzzles over Sudoku Free, totally 8,000 puzzles, and has a really cool location alarm mode for when you’re traveling.  This feature is intended or those that use mass transit on their daily commute and just want to relax by playing a little Sudoku to start your day or wind down at the end of the day.  The alarm feature lets you pick a geolocation where your stop is at, and when you get close to your stop the app will pop up an alarm telling you you’re almost there so that you won’t miss your stop if you’re engrossed in the puzzle.  This sort of feature is tailor made for something like Sudoku and makes this app one seriously unique one.

    3.) Simply Sudoku

    Simply Sudoku is a great little app with an absolutely gorgeous user interface and Google Play Games integration.  At this point it doesn’t have nearly as many puzzles as the previous two Sudoku titles, but the Google Play Games integration coupled with the sleek user interface and the overall presentation of the app bring it a notch higher in levels of enjoyment.  Taking things beyond just a plain piece of paper with a grid on it, Simply Sudoku provides a visually compelling representation of Sudoku while providing nearly 1,000 puzzles.  While only 100 of these are free to play the developer has been adding puzzles steadily via app updates for paid customers, giving you constant updates and new challenges.

    2.) Sudoku 2 Go Free

    Once again another Sudoku game that doesn’t have Google Play Games integration but trumps that with sheer numbers of puzzles and features.  Sudoku 2 Go Free has over 10,000 puzzles, 10 different variants on Sudoku and 5 levels of difficulty.  Having a hard time?  There are over 30 different ways of giving you hints, cell highlighting, notes and an undo/redo feature as well.  The game is ad supported and ads can be removed via an in-app purchase.

    All things point to Sudoku Duel being the ultimate Sudoku app, and you really can’t argue with such a feature list.  Taking a key from popular multiplayer games like Draw Something and Words With Friends, Sudoku Duel features a robust turn-based multiplayer mode and over 100,000 game boards with 5 difficulty levels.  While it doesn’t have as many hints or Sudoku types as the previous Sudoku title, the number of puzzles combined with the multiplayer experience trumps all at this point.  In-game chat makes conversing with your opponent easy, and the account system is a fairly standard sign-up when you first log in.  Google Play Games integration would likely shoot this game into the stratosphere, but you can’t have your cake and eat it too sometimes.

    There you have it!  What we consider the best 5 games we’ve played on the Google Play Store.  Have other suggestions?  Let us know in the comments or on Google+, Facebook or Twitter.  Maybe we’ll include your favorite next time!

    Download Sudoku 1

    Free Download Sudoku 1.4.3 APK for Android

    Downloads: 6620 Updated: October 22, 2015

    You are about to download the Sudoku 1.4.3 apk file (Latest Version) for Android 4.0 and up. Sudoku is a free and fun Puzzle game. Download APK & Install It (2.87 MB) > or Choose Another Mirror >

    Choose one of the server location above to start to get the apk file for Sudoku (File Name: sudoku.apk, Package Name: com.jdamcd.sudoku), move the file to your Android phone's SD card and then use one file manager you prefer to browse & install it.

    Please be aware that APK4Fun only share the original and free apk installer for Sudoku v1.4.3 WITHOUT ANY cheat, crack, unlimited gold patch or any other modifications.

    All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright, please contact us. Sudoku is the property and trademark from the developer Jamie McDonald, all rights reserved.

    Featured: Top 5 Best Sudoku Games for Android

    1.) Sudoku Duel

    All things point to Sudoku Duel being the ultimate Sudoku app, and you really can’t argue with such a feature list.  Taking a key from popular multiplayer games like Draw Something and Words With Friends, Sudoku Duel features a robust turn-based multiplayer mode and over 100,000 game boards with 5 difficulty levels.  While it doesn’t have as many hints or Sudoku types as the previous Sudoku title, the number of puzzles combined with the multiplayer experience trumps all at this point.  In-game chat makes conversing with your opponent easy, and the account system is a fairly standard sign-up when you first log in.  Google Play Games integration would likely shoot this game into the stratosphere, but you can’t have your cake and eat it too sometimes.

    There you have it!  What we consider the best 5 games we’ve played on the Google Play Store.  Have other suggestions?  Let us know in the comments or on Google+, Facebook or Twitter.  Maybe we’ll include your favorite next time!

    I've been into games and technology since before I could spell, and while I've had my share of technology allegiances throughout the years Android is the OS I call home. I started off my Android journey with an HTC G2 (Vision for the International crowd), enjoyed all the Galaxy Note phones up to 3, and now I'm rocking a OnePlus One. I'm a professional IT guy and live with my wife and son in balmy Florida.