
Home Library img-1

Home Library

Рейтинг: 4.9/5.0 (1885 проголосовавших)

Категория: Android: Литература


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Наибольшая русскоязычная база с чит кодами, трейнерами и прохождениями для компьютерных игр. Все чит коды переведены и проверены лично нами. Количество игр представленных в текущей версии - 11161.

  • ОС: Windows
  • CheMax Team | 2016-01-04

Эта программа представляет собой бесплатный аналог Adobe Photoshop. Она точно также включает в себя множество инструментов для работы с растровой графикой, и даже имеет ряд инструментов для векторной графики. GIMP это полноценная замена Photoshop.

  • ОС: Windows
  • The GIMP Team | 2016-01-04

Мощная и бесплатная антивирусная программа, которая защитить ваш компьютер от всяческих угроз, включая вирусы, трояны, и т.д. AVG Anti-Virus Free также защитить вас в Интернете от потенциально опасных веб-сайтов и других видов угроз.

  • ОС: Windows
  • AVG | 2016-01-04

Другие статьи, обзоры программ, новости

Home Library - скачать бесплатно Home Library null для Android

Home Library null для Android

Home Library - удобное приложение для Android для чтения книг. Это настоящая библиотека, которая содержит более 2400 классических произведений английской литературы на английском языке и охватывает практически все жанры: художественная литература, философские трактаты, журналистика, мемуары, детские книги и др.

Теперь вам не придется искать книгу в Интернете - собственная библиотека всегда будет у вас под рукой. Сборник лучших английских писателей: Чарльз Диккенс, Артур Конан Дойль, О. Генри, Джек Лондон, Эдгар По, Роберт Льюис Стивенсон, Марк Твен и многие другие.

Интерфейс программы обладает целым рядом удобных функций и настроек, делающих чтение текста максимально комфортным.

Возможности Home Library :

  • Более 2400 классических произведений английской литературы на английском языке
  • 370 авторов
  • Гибкие настройки отображения текста (выбор шрифта, изменения цвета и фактуры фона "бумаги")
  • Поиск произведения по автору и по названию
  • Поиск фрагмента в тексте произведения
  • Возможность добавлять любое количество закладок
  • Режимы горизонтального и вертикального прокручивания текста
  • Оглавления для больших по объему произведений
  • Автоматическая закладка (произведение откроется там, где оно было "закрыто" в последний раз)
  • Режим день / ночь
  • Портреты писателей со ссылками на биографические материалы в Википедии

Скриншоты Home Library :

PSD Home Library 5

PSD Home Library

PSD Home Library поможет содержать индивидуальную цифровую библиотеку в упорядоченном виде, а также вести регистрационный учет взятых/отданных книг.

Тенденции, завязанные на цифровых технологиях, диктуют свою моду и дают широкие возможности. Наверное, поэтому электронные ридеры и прочие подобные гаджеты все больше вытесняют физические бумажные носители, хотя и «аналоговые» произведения тоже пользуются явным спросом. Как бы там ни было, в обоих случаях заядлому книголюбу довольно непросто содержать свои ненаглядные коллекции в строгом упорядоченном виде. Однако на помощь к ценителям печатного искусства приходят программы-каталогизаторы, главная задача которых — навести порядок в книжной библиотеке, и не важно, в бумажной или цифровой. Из такого рода утилит можно выделить PSD Home Library, как успешно справляющийся с кругом своих обязанностей, софт.

Долго разбираться с устройством программного продукта не придется, поскольку утилита имеет совершенно логичный, простой интерфейс. Тем не менее, возможности PSD Home Library от Петрозаводского программиста-разработчика Алексея Кошубы могут впечатлить. Исходя из названия, приложение работает по большей мере с домашними мини-библиотеками, но исходя из объективных его ресурсов, можно судить об успешном применении данного продукта даже в небольших публичных книгохранилищах. Как стоит догадаться, первым делом пользователю следует «залить» свою коллекцию произведений в хранилище (базу данных) программы. Следующее действие — создание индивидуальной карточки для каждой книжки. У PSD Home Library достаточно широкий выбор предполагаемых носителей (журналы, электронные файлы и т.д.), если этого оказывается мало, то пригодится закладка «Прочие», через которую можно добавлять самые экзотические форматы, даже папирусы и глиняные таблички.

В настройках дополнительных параметров присутствуют графы для заполнения года выпуска, автора, наименования издательства, аннотации, жанра, номера тома, количества страниц и многих других выходных данных для каждого произведения. Внешне книжный список представляется в виде сводной таблицы, к которой применимы различные параметры фильтрации, чтобы перечень содержал только нужные издания, попадающие под предопределенные критерии (например, из конкретного шкафа или папки). Помимо этого, утилита ведет учет выданных на руки и взятых пользователем книжек, чтобы исключить возможность задержек или не возвратов произведений. Таким образом, как каталогизатор PSD Home Library имеет широкий функционал при таком простеньком интерфейсе.

PSD Home Library для Windows - скачать бесплатно

Обратите внимание

Наибольшая русскоязычная база с чит кодами, трейнерами и прохождениями для компьютерных игр. Все чит коды переведены и проверены лично нами. Количество игр представленных в текущей версии - 11161.

  • ОС: Windows
  • CheMax Team | 2016-01-04

Эта программа представляет собой бесплатный аналог Adobe Photoshop. Она точно также включает в себя множество инструментов для работы с растровой графикой, и даже имеет ряд инструментов для векторной графики. GIMP это полноценная замена Photoshop.

  • ОС: Windows
  • The GIMP Team | 2016-01-04

Мощная и бесплатная антивирусная программа, которая защитить ваш компьютер от всяческих угроз, включая вирусы, трояны, и т.д. AVG Anti-Virus Free также защитить вас в Интернете от потенциально опасных веб-сайтов и других видов угроз.

  • ОС: Windows
  • AVG | 2016-01-04

10 Tips to Create a Relaxing Home Library

10 Tips to Create a Relaxing Home Library

1.) Choose where it will be located: Depending on your home layout, and how much space you have, choose an area that isn’t loud and heavily trafficked. A room is ideal that has doors, although a corner of a quiet den or guest bedroom will work well too!

2.) Determine how many books you have: For some, the library should be able to hold all the books they own, while others want a library for the peaceful setting. Assess your storage needs and decide if bookshelves from floor to ceiling are necessary.  If you have a smaller collection, consider using open shelving for a modern decor touch.

3.) Choose colors: Libraries in the past were filled with dark browns, rich burgundy and hunter greens. In today’s home libraries the home owner can have a light and bright library or a deep colored traditional style decor. Choose colors that represent you, and help you and your family relax in the space.

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4.) Layout a furniture plan: All libraries require a great place to sit.  Based on your space, determine how many chairs, sofa, table and lamps can fit comfortably.  If the library is only for a few people, a few oversized chairs could be perfect. Ensure a small side table and lighting can sit adjacent to your seating.

6.) Sharing a space with a home office: If you plan on sharing your home library, assess what needs are necessary from the both functions.  Will multiple people use this space at a time? Will the home office require computer, printer, fax and other large equipment? Will there be enough room to share?  Ask yourselves these questions to ensure you will get the most out 4of the office and library.

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7.) Install proper lighting: Lighting is crucial in a library.  In the daytime, natural light may be sufficient for reading.  In the evening, side table lamps, over head lighting and accent lighting may be required for artwork displayed on the walls. Consider adding a dimmer to overhead lighting to make the room versatile for playing board games to snuggling up with a book and hot chocolate.

9.) Go vertical for optimum space saving: If space is limited, use the full height of the wall for storage and display of books. Don’t forget to use over doorways as a bonus area for storage too!

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Your Home Library Organizer

Your Home Library Organizer Library Organizer

Why do you need a home library organizer You love books. It's obvious by the many tomes on your shelves. And on your end tables. And by your bed. In your car. And that paperback peeking out of the pocket of your purse. You can't get enough of them and probably have accumulated a great number. The chain bookstores call your name, but that little family-owned bookshop around the corner always has something new and interesting, too. Library sales, garage and yard sales, anywhere books are available, you feel at home.

You've spent a lot of money on books, and it was money very well spent because you've gained so much enjoyment from them. So why wouldn't you want a library organizer to help you keep track of them?

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Collections Large and Small

Many people don't really think of books as collections. Maybe because the word 'collection' often seems to mean things we collect mostly for display or nostalgia, like sports memorabilia or cat figurines. But whether you consider all your books as a collection or not, that's really what it is. You've collected your favorite characters, places, stories and information in the form of the books they inhabit. A library organizer can help you keep track of all of them.

If you don't own many books right now, you're likely to own more in the future, and library organizer software makes it easy for you to catalog them. You have a jumpstart on those with vast collections because you don't have to add 300 books-maybe just 30. Get the right library organizer software and you can be done in no time at all. But chances are you'll spend much more time looking through your collection.

Adding the books is as simple as typing a word or two and making a few clicks. But once you've added your books to the software, you'll want to browse. You'll see the covers and detailed information about each book. You can label the books however you want, and sort them by any criteria you want. You can even add ebooks to your library, to keep all of your print and digital materials cataloged in the same place.

Part of a Home Inventory

Books, though we love them, can be costly. Paperbacks that used to cost $1.25 now regularly cost $7 and $8 each. And hardback books can easily cost $30. Once you use great library organizer software. just a quick flip through your library multiplied by those numbers gives an idea of how much money you've spent over the years. If you should ever have to make an insurance claim on the contents of your property, having that database makes it easy to provide. Your books represent a sizable investment that should be included in a claim.

Who has What?

And a great perk of good library organizer software is the ability to track loans. You're so busy reading new books, it's easy to forget where you loaned an old one. Library organizer software keeps track for you.

Try our All My Books program as you home library software. We hope you'll enjoy it! Download Free Trial Now. Or read more about book management.

50 Super ideas for your home library

50 Super ideas for your home library

Books are our never failing friends. Our worldly friends desert us but they never desert us. They are our best friends, philosophers and guides. Friends are plenty when the purse is full but fair-weather friends fall off in adversity. Books, like a true friend stand by us through thick and thin. They uphold and encourage us when we feel sad and despondent.

This days we see so much books around. There have never been so many lovely, different books around, both new and second-hand, and everyone needs books. The more you read, the richer you are inside. More and more, people are building or adding an extra room where they can put and save their books.

These days, we see that because of the problem of lack of space, designers are thinking how to create “smart place” and improve storaging. For those book lovers,we are bringing great 50 ideas of home libraries. How to create it,design it and what is the most important how to use the space the best way, and storage the more it can.

Home Library Decorating

Having a library in your home can lend it a certain sense of sophistication. It is a sign of refinement, intelligence, and prosperity. Unfortunately, building a library is too expensive, and too difficult; its way beyond the means of any normal family home, right?

Wrong. In reality adding a library to your home is easier then you may think, and can be less expensive then you might guess. While there are inherent limitations to some living spaces, even these obstacles can be overcome if you are willing to think in new and creative ways about the organization of your space.


The basic necessary components for creating a home library are very simple. You need books, you need shelves to place the books in, and you need space for the shelves. There are many other components which can finish the space, intellectual items, comfortable furniture, esoteric displays, but these are all secondary to the primary components of the library. Finding ways to organize these basic elements in your home is going to give your library its definition, and begin the process of creating the space.

Before you begin designing your library you need to figure out where it is going to go. The best thing you can do is choose a room which you can totally dedicate to the library. It doesn't have to be a large space, it just needs to be tidy, and have ample wall space for storing books. Rooms with a large number of windows, or other natural units in the walls, will be difficult to use as you will have to add shelving that fits around these structures.

A space with a high ceiling is ideal, as you can stack books all the way to the top, creating an impressive display of knowledge. That way you also are able to use a ladder to reach the highest books, which greatly increases the perceived prestige of the room.

If you don't have a whole room to dedicate to your library, it is possible to create a hybrid which will serve some of the same purposes, while sharing the space with other utilities. Some ideas include sharing library space with a computer room, where media such as CD's, DVD's, and movies will be categorized alongside books and maps. Other ideas are library / game room hybrids, music room, libraries, and lounge, libraries.

Any space can really be a library hybrid. All you need is to decorate the walls in shelves and books, rather then in paint and wall paper. This has the advantage of not only creating a living décor which will change every time someone takes out a book, but will also give the room a sense of intelligence and sophistication that cannot be achieved in any other way. This is the reason many professionals decorate their offices with large shelves of books.

There are three major kinds of shelves you can have in your library. These are recessed, free standing, and hanging shelf units. Each style has qualities that lend themselves to use, however arguably the most attractive and utilitarian of these choices are recessed shelves. These will take up the least space, require the least amount of preparation, and they will usually look the most professional. They alsoi don't suffer from the corner conundrum, where dimensional shelf units meeting at a rooms corner, will be forced to either block one another, or leave an empty square of space behind them. However few homes will already have a space with recessed shelves set up in such a way that they can create a library and many won't want to go to the expense of having them installed. In this situation there are a number of alternative shelving strategies one can use.

Free standing shelves are blocks of storage which rise to a predetermined height, and have a set width and depth. Some units will allow you to choose the position and space between the shelves within the unit, while others will not. These pieces can look very professional, and can usually be purchased in matching sets. In a library many will want a traditional style shelf, made from classic materials like old oak or maple. Metal and plastic shelves are considerably less expensive, but will also somewhat detract from the style you are trying to evoke in the space. These units can also be used to create partitions in your library. If the room is large enough, a free standing shelf can be placed in the center, to increase book storage, and give the room the feel of a serious research center.

The problem with free standing shelves is that as predetermined blocks, they don't give you a lot of flexibility as far as the arrangement of the space. For more freedom, wall shelves are a good alternative. Installed by you or your contractor these units can go anywhere you want, going all of the way up to the ceiling and reaching all of the way down to the floor. They can fit into inconvenient nooks, and corner units can be installed in the joint where two walls meet.

The drawback to hanging shelves is that if they are not installed in a very precise manner, they will look amateurish. The inherent freedom they offer can easily degenerate into chaos, if they are not added to the room in straight lines, with neat linear rows. They should also be of uniform material, style, and if possible size.

Without books you won't have a library. Luckily, you can choose to populate the room with any kinds of books you want. Depending on your choices, your home may become a reading hotspot amongst your friends, with people constantly browsing and borrowing from your vast collection of literature for their next great read.

Books can be very expensive, especially when you buy new or rare editions. This is why many people will want to populate the bulk of their library with used books, saving their best and most expensive copies for special displays about the space. The best place to buy used books is to visit your local used book store. This way you will be able to physically browse through another's collection of used books and periodicals, and purchase them at a greatly discounted price. You will also be able to get some ideas about how to organize your own library. Further, these stores will often have clearance sales, or bulk sales, where large numbers of books can be purchased for very little, to quickly populate your library. Other places to explore when searching for books include used book websites, libraries where they will often sell off old books, and yard sales.

Library Accessories

There are a lot of accents you can add to your library that will take the bare bones components of books and shelves, and add a personal style to the room. These extras will finish the definition of the space, allowing you to create a no nonsense research depository, a quiet reading lounge, or a personal museum.

Utilitarian accessories will make your library a more useful and comfortable space. Items such as chairs, lounges, or even a small couch, can provide a comfortable spot to sit and read. A plush carpet is a novel way to achieve the same effect, while increasing the posh elegance of the space. A fireplace can also make the room warm and cozy, but is rather dangerous in an area that is so full of flammable materials.

Display items are often used in libraries to enhance the effect one is trying to achieve with the room. Some of these items include rare and out of print books, old maps, globes, or works of art. Usually display items are expensive or rare, with some sort of educational or historical value.

Unlike other rooms where the walls are usually free for decorating, in the library the walls are full of books, and decorations usually need to be concentrated in shelves and on tables. This is the reason that sculpture, plants, and items such as dictionaries of chess boards are so common in the Library. They can provide a focus to the room, without detracting from its real purpose as a library.

A home library is not out of your reach. Depending on the way your home's interior is designed, and the amount of free space you have, you may need to get creative about the application and location of the library; however in most cases it should be possible. The only real consideration is how you want to evoke it, and what you want it to accomplish. These are decisions which are personal to you, and which will give your library a personal touch.

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