
Code Color img-1

Code Color

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Категория: Windows: Физика


HTML Color

HTML Color

In HTML, color is defined using CSS properties. The property you use for a particular situation will depend on what it is you're applying color to. For example, two popular CSS properties for defining color are the color property (for applying foreground color to the text) and background-color property (for applying color to an element's background).

When it comes to specifying an actual color, that's where things get a little interesting. There are many ways of specifying color in HTML. Most web developers choose their preferred method and stick with that. Having said that, you should be aware of the various methods for specifying a color value, because, you may find that you prefer to use a combination of methods.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's look at a couple of simple examples first.

HTML Color Examples Div and Text

The surrounding 'div' element has got the following properties applied against it: background-color:yellow; color:blue; border:1px solid black;

This text has got different styles applied. But you can also over-ride these styles by using a 'span' element, like this and this .

Specifying a Color Value

As you can see by the above HTML & CSS code, you specify a color by using the relevant CSS color property (eg, background-color ), followed by a colon (. ), followed by the color value (eg, green ). For example, to make something yellow, you type background-color:green;. Color values can be one of the following:

  • Color name. For example, color:blue
  • RGB value determined by hexadecimal notation. Example, color:#0000ff results in a color of red.
  • Hexadecimal shorthand. For example, color:#00f is the same as color:#0000ff
  • RGB functional notation. For example, color:rgb(0,0,255) results in red.
  • RGB percentage value. For example, color:rgb(0,0,100%) results in red.

It might be tempting to just stick to color names when specifying your HTML colors. After all, color names are easy to remember. However, I recommend getting familiar with hexadecimal and RGB color values. This is because, hexadecimal and RGB colors provide you with a far greater range of colors than color names. If you get stuck while trying to come up with a color scheme for your website, color names can be quite limiting. Hexadecimal and RGB will open your options right up. Especially if you use a color picker like the one below.

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Таблица - безопасных - цветов

Таблица «безопасных» цветов Все цвета интернета

Вашему вниманию предлагается палитра цветов, рекомендуемых для экранного дизайна.

При создании изображения для публикации в сети главной проблемой является правильная передача цветов на разных типах компьютеров, мониторов и браузеров. Когда браузер не в состоянии правильным образом передать тот или иной цвет, он подбирает похожий или смешивает несколько соседних цветов (dithering). Иногда первоначальный цвет может быть заменен на что-то совершенно неподходящее.

Цвета из нашей палитры везде будут отображаться правильным образом и без искажений. Любой из 216 цветов «безопасной» палитры может быть использован для графики, текста и фонов.

Как пользоваться палитрой

Палитра состоит из 36 сочетаний 6 оттенков красного, зеленого и синего. Эти градации — 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, 255.

Над каждым цветом указаны два значения — RGB (для создания цвета в графическом редакторе) и HEX (для обозначения цвета в HTML).

Finding Your Color Code

Color Code Example

(The sample above is taken when you choose a 2000 Acura Integra. There are actually more colors to choose from then just these for this model.)

The link shown, "Locate Color Identification Plate " will have a diagram of where to find the color code for your vehicle. You will notice on this page that for models past 1995, the page is divided into Domestic and Foreign. Just locate your car in the appropriate table and look at where the color code should be on your car. Some cars have always put the color code in one location. Other car manufacturers place the code in odd places and you may have to check several locations. You are looking for a plate, sticker, decal or stamped into the body somewhere. Just look at the diagrams closely and you will find it! Consider finding your color code like an Easter Egg Hunt!

On most vehicles, locating the color code is easy. However, some cars, (like the Audi A4 where it is hidden underneath the trunk carpet in the spare tire compartment on the right side!) will be challenging. Take the time to locate your color code, it's absolutely critical. Please read the section on Choosing colors for more information.

Where to Locate Your Color Code

If you wish to see where your color code is, select your year below and click the Find Code button below.

Notes on color codes for different vehicle makes:

Hyundai - Usually on the drivers door jamb. More information on: Hyundai Paint Codes Infiniti - Always on the drivers door jamb. Easy to match up with our colors. More information on: Infiniti Paint Codes Jaguar - Usually on the drivers door jamb, but in older models, it can be under the hood, trunk, etc. More information on: Jaguar Paint Codes Kia - Usually on the drivers door jamb, but in older models, it can be under the hood, trunk, etc. More information on: Kia Paint Codes Land Rover - Usually on the drivers door jamb or under the hood. More information on: Land Rover Paint Codes Lexus - Has the color code on the drivers door jamb in the format i.e. CTR:1C8/FB13 which is color code 1C8. The CTR stands for Color and Trim. Next is the color code 1C8. At the end is the trim code, in this case FB13 which is not part of the color code. Our site lists many of the two tone combinations so take a look at your year, make and model. More information on: Lexus Paint Codes Mazda - On the drivers door jamb, but in older models, it can be under the hood, trunk, etc. More information on: Mazda Paint Codes Mercedes - Located by the radiator. Right in the middle of a bunch of numbers. We get more emails from Mercedes owners due to the confusing color code markings. First look at the colors shown on our site and write down the the most probable color codes. Now, try to find this grouping of numbers on your vehicle. Some Mercedes have DB in front of the color code, but most do not. More information on: Mercedes Paint Codes Mini - Usually underneath the hood by the strut towers or by the driver door hinge. More information on Mini Paint Codes Mitsubishi - Under the hood or on the drivers door jamb. More information on: Mitsubishi Paint Codes Nissan - Always on the drivers door jamb. Easy to match up with our colors. More information on: Nissan/Datsun Paint Codes Porsche - Usually around the spare tire, but it can also be on the drivers door jamb, under the hood, trunk, etc. The only place they don't put the color code is inside the transmission but maybe next year! Again, determine the most likely code by looking at the colors on our site and then try to locate this code on your vehicle. More information on: Porsche Paint Codes Subaru - Usually underneath the hood by the strut towers. More information on: Subaru Paint Codes Suzuki - Puts their color codes all over the place so check the diagrams we have on our site. More information on: Suzuki Paint Codes Saab - Usually on the drivers door jamb. More information on: Saab Paint Codes Scion - Usually on the drivers door jamb. More information on: Scion Paint Codes Toyota - Has the color code on the drivers door jamb in the format i.e. CTR:1C8/FB13 which is color code 1C8. The CTR stands for Color and Trim. Next is the color code 1C8. At the end is the trim code, in this case FB13 which is not part of the color code. Our site lists many of the two tone combinations so take a look at your year, make and model. More information on: Toyota Paint Codes Volkswagen - Hidden around the spare tire on a paper tag and can often be loose or folded over. More information on: Volkswagen Paint Codes Volvo - Usually underneath the hood towards either side. More information on: Volvo Paint Codes winnebago - Check out this link as it lists colors of Winnebago, Itasca, Rialta and ERA motorhomes

Other Vehicles Makes

For Austin, Fiat, MGB, Peugeot, Rover, Triumph, etc. you should look in all the usual places: Door jambs, underneath the hood, trunk lid around the spare tire and occasionally in some very unlikely places!

We ask for the VIN to help us match your paint. However, the VIN does not give us your color code! It only gives us any paint formula variance in an existing color code. Make sure you have found the color code on your vehicle.

For more information on paint colors, visit Choosing Paint Colors.

CSS Color Chart

CSS Color Chart

This page contains a neutral colors chart and a general-purpose color chart. You can use the colors in the palettes with either HTML or CSS. Click on the color code to select it, then you can copy and paste it. Click on the Toggle button to convert from Hex to RGB and back. The charts are printed in tabular fashion so you can narrow your browser window with the palette and compare the colors to your design side-by-side.

The neutral colors are taken from a ( http://www.behr.com/behrx/workbook - outdated link) Behr Premium Plus Interior/Exterior paint color swatch found at a hardware store. The paper was scanned into Paint Shop Pro. where the swatch color was averaged and extracted. Colors with a blue or green tint are termed cool. while colors with a red or yellow tint are warm. Grays and white are totally neutral. Neutral colors can be used as background colors for tables and pages.

Do not use the color names in your code, because they are non-standard. Use either the HEX or RGB values.
  • Dynamic Color Chart - organized by hue and saturation
  • http://www2.evansville.edu/studiochalkboard/c-wheel.html - Color Basics - things you should know about colors, from the Art Studio Chalkboard

Color Schemes and Color Palettes - Combo Library

Color Schemes and Color Palettes Color Combinations Advertisements

The Combo Library contains pages of color combinations (a.k.a, color schemes and color palettes) for you to choose from. Each color scheme contains the html color codes you will need when coding your website template. The hex codes can be found underneath each of the color swatches.

Click on a color combinations name to test it out. This link will take you to the Combo Tester, where you can view a larger version of each color palette.

The Combo Library provides a convenient way to search color schemes. If you are looking for colour schemes with particular color codes, simply enter those html colors into the search box. For example, entering #FFFFFF will narrow down the list to only combinations containing the color white.

You can click on individual hex color codes to view them full screen through the Combo Tester. On the Combo Tester page you can use the 'Get the Image' dropdown option in order to grab the color swatch.

Color and Code 10 Rus (Разное) - скачать бесплатно

Color and Code 10 Rus

Программа обладает собственной базой данной по характеристикам, и после определения типа элемента (транзистор, диод. ) выводится его характеристика.


Если же Вы знаете тип элемента, то можете вызывать справочник и переключаясь по базе элементов (транзистор, диод. ) найти интересующий Вас элемент и просмотреть его характеристики. В дополнение справочник может работать и в режиме вывода габаритных размеров корпусов (например ТО-220. ) и в режиме вывода функциональных схем (база микросхем).

Справочная система:

Программа снабжена собственной справочной системой, которая содержит описание программы, радиоэлементов, обучающие примеры и т.д.

Визуальный набор:

Для облегчения определения типа/номинала элемента реализован визуальный набор, т.е. на образце рисуется/закрашивается необходимый знак/цвет.

Дополнительн ые возможности:

- Программа снабжена сменными панелями инструментов (для каждого типа элемента остаются только его метки, что не загромождает интерфейс и позволяет быстро ориентироваться в программе);

- Имеется модуль "Калькулятор" содержащий серию электротехнических расчетов;

- Если вы разработчик воспользуйтесь модулем "Объединить базы".

Что нового в программе?



•Новые типы: BZX85Cxx, BZX85Bxx, BZG03Cxx, 1SMA59xx.


•Для микроконтроллера AT90mega103, исправлено назначение 63-го вывода;

•Новые типы: AN5436N, CXA1314, CXA1414, LA7910, LA7913, MC33079P.

•Новые корпуса внешнего вида: AN5436N, CXA1314, CXA1414, LA7910, LA7913, MC33079P.

Color and Code 10

Color and Code

Версия: 10.6

Категория: Физика

Язык: Русский

ОС: Windows 7, Vista, XP

Разработчик: IntechnoSoft

Дата: 2013-04-30 09:53:24

Просмотров: 515

Скачиваний: 138

Внимание. Для пользователей устаревшего веб-браузера Opera версий 12 – 12.16 ссылка на скачивание не работоспособна. Поэтому Мы рекомендуем Вам скачать свежую версию браузера Opera на новом движке.

Color and Code - позволяет определить номинал или тип радиоэлементов по цветовой или кодовой маркировке, в дополнение содержит справочник по пассивным и активным радиокомпонентам.

Resistor Color Codes - Component Identification

Resistor Color Code Bands

& Other Component Identification Resistor Color Code Identification

While these codes are most often associated with resistors, then can also apply to capacitors and other components.

The standard color coding method for resistors uses a different color to represent each number 0 to 9: black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, white. On a 4 band resistor, the first two bands represent the significant digits. On a 5 and 6 band, the first three bands are the significant digits. The next band represents the multiplier or "decade". As in the above 4 band example, the first two bands are red and purple, representing 2 and 7. The third band is orange, representing 3 meaning 10 3 or 1000. This gives a value of 27 * 1000, or 27000 Ohms. The gold and silver decade bands divide by a power of 10, allowing for values below 10 Ohms. The 5 and 6 band resistors work exactly the same as the 4 band resistor. They just add one more significant digit. The band after the decade is the tolerance. This tells how accurate the resistance compared to its specification. The 4 band resistor has a gold tolerance, or 5%, meaning that the true value of the resistor could be 5% more or less than 27000 Ohms, allowing values between 25650 to 28350 Ohms. The last band on a 6 band resistor is the temperature coefficient of the resistor, measured in PPM/C or parts per million per degree Centigrade. Brown (100 PPM/C) are the most popular, and will work for most reasonable temperature conditions. The others are specially designed for temperature critical applications.

Alpha-Numeric Code Identification

With the sizes of resistors and other components shrinking or changing in shape, it is getting difficult to fit all of the color bands on a resistor. Therefore, a simpler alphanumeric coding system is used. This method uses three numbers, sometimes followed by a single letter. The numbers represent the same as the first three bands on a 4 band resistor. On the above SIL network, the 4 and 7 are the significant digits and the 3 is the decade, giving 47 x 1000 or 47000 Ohms. The letter after the numbers is the tolerance. The different representations are: M=±20%, K=±10%, J=±5%, G=±2%, F=±1%.

Naming Convention

To simplify the writing of large resistor values, the abbreviations K and M are used for one thousand and one million. To keep the convention standard, R is used to represent 0. Because of problems in seeing the decimal point in some printed texts, the 3 letters: K M or R are used in place of the decimal point. Thus, a 2,700 Ohm resistor is written 2K7 and a 6.8 Ohm resistor is written 6R8.

The E12 Range

These identify a range of resistors that are know as "preferred values". In the E12 range there are 12 "preferred" or "basic" resistor values, and all of the others are simply decades of these values:

The table below lists every resistor value of the E12 range of preferred values. You will notice that there are 12 rows containing the basic resistor values, and the columns list the decade values thereof. This range most commonly covers standard carbon film resistors, which are not readily available in values above 10 Megohms - 10M (10 Million Ohms)