
Call Graph Toolbar img-1

Call Graph Toolbar

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Запись разговора в скайпе

Как записать аудио— и видеовызов в Skype?

Некоторым пользователям рано или поздно может понадобиться записать разговор в Skype. Как же это сделать?

Сразу стоит оговориться, средствами самой программы это сделать нельзя, но можно использовать сторонний софт. К слову, выбирать есть из чего. Остановимся на самых простых по интерфейсу.

Программа Call Graph

Эта простая и бесплатная программа записывает только аудиофайлы в формате .mp3. Запись начинается вместе со звонком (входящим/исходящим) и прекращается с его завершением.

Перед установкой Call Graph закройте Skype во избежание возможных конфликтов.

Установка программы очень простая, а при последующем запуске Skype она запросит соответствующее разрешение на запись. Вам необходимо будет подтвердить просьбу, после чего уже следующий звонок будет записываться.

Также вы можете протестировать запись разговора, позвонив в Sound Test Service.

Управлять программой можно с помощью Toolbar.

Программа iFree Skype Recorder

И хотя эта программа имеет английский интерфейс, она легка в управлении. Принцип установки аналогичен Call Graph — сначала запускаем установщик, а затем установленную программу. Она отправит разрешение Skype на авторизацию. Необходимо подтвердить доступ.

Звонки в программе также записываются автоматически, а также ей можно управлять вот таким окошком.

Кнопки тут интуитивно понятные, поэтому каждый пользователь сможет разобраться без труда.

iFree Skype Recorder записывает разговор в формате .mp3. Настройки программы предусматривают настройку качества записи.

Программа MP3 Skype Recorder

Наверное, наиболее удобная для пользователей программа, поскольку имеет все необходимое для записи в окне управления.

Устанавливается точно так же, как предыдущие две программы.

Главное окно позволяет в пару кликов изменить разные настройки: качество записи, место сохранения, параметры запуска.

Нажав на красную кнопку  вы включаете автоматическую запись всех звонков.

Программа Video Call Recorder for Skype

А эта бесплатная программа умеет записывать и видеозвонки. Приятно и то, что программа имеет русский интерфейс.

Перед установкой необходимо закрыть Skype, в противном случае установка будет невозможна.

Во время установки вам будет предлагаться также установить дополнительное программное обеспечение. Будьте внимательны.

Главное окно программы очень простое по функционалу, собственно, в ней даже и разбираться не требуется. Но если есть какие-либо вопросы, то подробная инструкция о функционале главного окна есть на официальном сайте программы.

В отличие от остальных программ, эта работает в ручном режиме, но можно включить и автоматическую запись. Для этого в главном окне программы выберите Инструменты, параметр Опции. вкладка Video Input. Поставьте галочку, как показано на скриншоте.

Обратите внимание, что записывать программа может не только видеовызов, но и аудиовызов.

Другие статьи, обзоры программ, новости

Call Graph Download

This simple and intuitive application lets you record, manage and organize all of your Skype conversations, saving them to MP3 or WAV format

Call Graph is a lightweight and user-friendly software solution aimed to offer you the means of recording your Skype conversations, allowing you to automatically or manually start the capture and letting you store the files to your computer.

Skype authorization process

Bear in mind that in order to work with this application, not only do you need to have Skype installed on your system, but you also need to authorize Call Graph on it. This can be done from the ‘Tools’ menu of the chat client, by selecting ‘Options’.

Next, in the ‘Advanced’ section, you will need to click on ‘Manage Other Program’s Access To Skype’, choosing ‘CallGraph.exe’ and pressing the ‘Change’ button, then saving the modification, thus enabling you to start using the recorder.

A non-intrusive system tray tool

Call Graph runs automatically in the notification area, allowing you to access it by right clicking on its icon, but otherwise not interfering with your activities.

The corresponding ‘Toolbar’ window enables you to start, pause or stop recording Skype phone conversations, each change being displayed as a popup balloon from the system tray, informing you of the status modification; this however, can easily be disabled.

Record Skype phone calls and save them to audio format

For starters, you first need to make the call you wish to capture, then select the ‘Start Recording’ option from the notification area menu, or click on the equivalent button in the ‘Call Graph Toolbar’. The same actions can be used to pause or completely stop a recording.

Call Graph allows you to configure the destination folder for all the captured files, begin able to choose between WAV and MP3 as target formats, the latter allowing you to select the ‘Channels’, ‘Sampling Rate’ and ‘Bit Rate’. Optionally, you can insert a timestamp into the name of the exported audio.

Basic Skype recorder

To sum it up, Call Graph is a handy and easy to use utility designed to assist you in capturing audio files of all your Skype phone calls, enabling you to save them to MP3 or WAV and listen to them later.

PyCharm 5

PyCharm allows running the current run/debug configuration while attaching a Python profiler to it.

If you have a yappi profiler installed on your interpreter, PyCharm starts the profiling session with it by default, otherwise it uses the standard cProfile profiler.

Note that profiler runs on both local and remote interpreters.

Starting the profiling session

To start the profiling session, do one of the following:

    Click on the main toolbar. Choose Run | Profile <current run.debug configuration name> on the main menu.

The profiler starts in the dedicate tab of the Run tool window :

Working with the profiling results

On the toolbar of the profiler tab, click . This action results in the following:

    The snapshot is saved to the default location under .PyCharmXX/system/snapshots directory under the user's home, as <project name>.pstat file: The profiling results open in the <project name>.pstat tab in the editor, which consists of two tabs: Statistics and Call Graph.
Jumping to the source code

To navigate to the source code of a certain function, right-click the corresponding entry on the Statistics tab, and choose Navigate to Source on the context menu:

The source code of the function in question opens in the editor.

Viewing Call Graph

To navigate to the call graph of a certain function, right-click the corresponding entry on the Statistics tab, and choose Show on Call Graph on the context menu.

The Call Graph tab opens with the function un question highlighted:

To increase the graph scale, click ; to show actual size of the graph, click .

Use the toolbar button to fit contents into the current diagram size.

To decrease the graph scale, use .

Note the color codes on the Call Graph. The functions marked red consume more time; the fastest functions are green.

Reviewing the existing snapshot To open the existing snapshot, follow these steps:
    On the main menu, choose Tools | Open CProfile snapshot . In the Select PStat file dialog, choose the desired file with the extension pstat.

The profiling results open in the <project name>.pstat tab in the editor.

Обзор лучших рекордеров (записывающих программ) для Скайп

Обзор рекордеров для Skype Skype Call Recorder

Бесплатно скачать Skype Recorder можно на этом сайте:

Данный софт предназначен для того, чтобы сохранять беседы и конференции. Skype Call Recorder настроена на запись как входящих, так и исходящих вызовов. Запись включается сама, вам даже не придется нажимать на какую-либо кнопку.

Приложение может сохранить даже два и более звонка одновременно. Причем они окажутся в разных файлах, а найти их можно будет очень легко и быстро. Торопитесь скачать Скайп Рекордер. эту незамысловатую и удобную программу. Даже если вы пока не собираетесь ею пользоваться, такая программа никогда не будет лишней. Free Skype Recorder. кстати, не требует настройки. После скачивания можно сразу же приступать к эксплуатации. Free Skype Call Recorder обязательно поможет вам сохранить наиболее важную информацию, которую нельзя забыть. Чаще всего пользователи записывают, конечно, рабочие разговоры.

Evaer Video Recorder for Skype

The call graph - ANTS Performance Profiler 9 - Product Documentation

The call graph

The call graph shows the calling relationships between methods during the execution of your application, and is focused on a method of your choice (the chosen  method; shown in black in the example below). If a given method is called in several contexts, it is shown once for each context in the call graph. The chosen method is shown only once in the call graph, unless it is called recursively.

Selecting a chosen method makes it easy for you to visualize all the callers and callees for that method.

The percentage value shown in each method is calculated with respect to the chosen method as follows:

    For a method called by the chosen method, this is the percentage of the chosen method's execution time that the method accounts for, relative to the chosen method's total execution time. For a method that calls the chosen method, this is the percentage of the chosen method's total execution time that is due to the calling method.

Calculations in the call graph are always made with respect to the selected region of the timeline, or the whole profiling period if you have not selected a region.

For information on how async code is shown in the call graph, see Async in the call graph .

Creating a new call graph

Every instance of a call graph is based on a particular method. To create a call graph, first select a method in the call tree, methods grid, or source code, then click  

The call graph is displayed in the results pane.

Changing the call graph display options

You can change the way data is displayed in the call graph, using the display options on the results toolbar:

    Display options  controls the way that methods are drawn on the call graph.
      Equal weighting to all methods  is useful when you need to see how methods without source code (for example .NET framework library methods) affect the execution times in your application. Emphasize methods with source  draws the call graph with much smaller boxes for those methods that do not have source code available:
    This allows you to concentrate on the timings for methods with source code.
    Timing Options  controls the way in which method timings are calculated.
      The timing mode dropdown menu controls the way in which method timings are calculated.

    If you want to include blocking such as waiting for I/O, choose from  Wall-clock time.  If you don't want to include blocking, choose CPU time . The timing units dropdown menu alters the timing units.

    You can choose whether to display time in Percentages , TicksMilliseconds. or Seconds .

    Choosing  Percentages  displays the time the method took as a percentage of the period currently selected on the timeline.

    When time is shown as a percentage, the time for each method shows the proportion of the total execution time that the method contributed during the selected period. The total percentage for all methods can sum to over 100 on machines using multiple CPU cores.

Navigating the call graph

You can resize the call graph by rotating the mouse wheel, or by using the zoom controls to the left of the call graph. You can pan the call graph by dragging on a blank part of the graph.

To expand a method on the call graph (that is, to show the method's immediate children or parents), click the method.

To expand the most expensive path from a particular method, hold down Ctrl and click the method. Alternatively, right-click and select Expand most expensive stack trace .

To expand the most expensive path for all children from a particular method, hold down Shift and click the method. Alternatively, right-click and select Expand most expensive stack trace for all callees .

To expand the most expensive path for all parents of a particular method, hold down Shift and click the method. Alternatively, right-click and select Expand most expensive stack trace through all callers .

To collapse a method on the call graph, double-click the method.

More about call graphs

Methods are drawn in several different styles in a call graph:

Call graphs always include methods for which no source code is available (for example, methods from the .NET Framework class library) and methods for all threads running in your application during profiling.

How To Easily Record a Skype Call With CallGraph

How To Easily Record a Skype Call With CallGraph

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Skype. as we know, is great for making calls, video conferencing and saving money on long distance telephone bills.

While Skype is a feature-rich tool, it doesn’t have the ability to record voice calls. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. There are third-party tools, add-ons and  plenty of other methods to record a Skype conversation .

Today we’ll talk about one of the best free tools to record a Skype conversation. Known as CallGraph. it is a conversation recording plugin for Skype. You can use this tool to record calls of any duration.

The tool stores the recordings on your computer, so there are no privacy worries either.

Here are the instructions to authorize and use this plugin to record Skype calls.

Step 1. Before you use this plugin you need to connect it with Skype by authorizing it (CallGraph redirects audio data to and from Skype to record the call). You cannot record both the sides of call without authorization.

A warning will flash on the Skype dashboard “Another application (CallGraph.exe) is attempting to access Skype, but we are unable to respond. Please try to restart the application ”.

Step 2. Restart Skype. Now Go to Skype > Tools > Options

Step 3. On the left navigation bar click on ‘Advanced ’ tab. Click on the link “Manage other programs access to Skype ”.

Step 4. You will find Callgraph there. Click on change button. If you don’t see the application then you have to restart Skype and try again.

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Step 5. In the next step check the option “Allow this program to use Skype”. Click OK button.

Step 6. On the task bar, look at the Call Graph icon. If a green tick mark  appears on it then it means the plugin is authorized and you can record any call now. If you don’t find it then you need to restart your PC.

Note: You can also record a conversation without green tick mark (sign of authorization) on the icon but it may not deliver accurate results.

Step 7. Click on the CallGraph icon. It will show the toolbar. While making a call on Skype, press the record button. The recording will start immediately. You can also stop recording at any time during your conversation.

Right click on the icon and select configuration option. You can check settings according to your preference. You may select automatically record Skype call option (you don’t need to press record button manually). On Recording tab you can select the format of recording (mp3 or wav), sampling rate and bit rate.

All the conversations are saved in your My Documents folder. You can also go to CallGraph browser by right clicking on the icon on toolbar and selecting “Browser ” option. You can modify files by clicking on “File action ” link. You could also add tags to the conversation so that you can search for any important file easily in the future. Rename and add notes to the conversation too.

After testing this plugin I found it to be very efficient. The sound quality is good and the recording was done smoothly without any errors.

Do you know of other ways to record Skype calls? Got any Skype tricks you’d like to share? The cooments section is open for you.

Call Graph

Call Graph

The call graph shows a statically calculated thread resolved call graph for selected nodes. The nodes are methods, classes, packages, or Java EE components, depending on the selected aggregation level.

To calculate a call graph, click Generate graph in the tool bar or select View->Generate Graph from JProfiler's main menu. If a graph has been calculated, the context menu also provides access to this action.

The call graph has the following properties:
  • Nodes are painted as rectangles. The rectangle includes information about
    • The node name (method name, class name, package name or or Java EE component name). For methods, no parameters are displayed. In order to see the parameters of a method, switch on signature tooltips in the call graph view settings or select the corresponding check item in the context menu.

    Package names are shortened by default with only the last package name shown in full. For example, com.mycorp.myapp.mypackage becomes c.m.m.mypackage. You can disable package shortening in the view settings.

  • The total time (including outgoing calls)
  • The self time (excluding outgoing calls)
  • The number of calls into this node
  • The node rectangles have a background coloring which - depending on the call graph view settings is taken from a gray to red scale for increasing
    • self time
    • or total time

    The percentage base is

    • the time spent in the displayed nodes only
    • or the time spent in all nodes
  • Calls are painted as arrows, the arrowhead points from the caller toward the callee. If you move the mouse over the call arrow, a tooltip window will be displayed that shows details for the particular call.
  • Call arrows have a color which is taken from a black to red scale for an increasing percentage in execution time. In this way you can spot the most important calls of a node without checking their tooltips one by one.
  • By default, the call graph only shows the direct incoming and outgoing calls of the initially selected nodes. You can expand the graph by double clicking on any node. This will expand the direct incoming and outgoing calls for that node. Selective actions for expanding the graph are available in the toolbar, the View menu and the context menu:
    • Show calling nodes
    • Show called nodes
    • Add nodes to graph, to add other unrelated nodes to the graph. The node selection dialog will then be displayed.

    If applicable, an node has plus signs at the left and the right side to show or hide calling and called nodes. The controls at the left side are for calling, the controls at the right side for called nodes. The plus signs have the same effect as the Show calling nodes and the Show called nodes actions. Additionally, the plus signs give you the indication that there might be nodes to display and that you have not yet tried to expand them.

    The first time the outgoing calls of a node are expanded, only calls above the threshold that is configured in the view settings are displayed. If there still are outgoing calls below below the threshold, a shaded icon is shown on the right side. If you expand again, all outgoing calls are displayed.

    You can hide nodes by selecting them and pressing the delete key. You can select multiple nodes and delete them together. Alternatively, you can select the remove nodes from graph action from the graph toolbar or the context menu.

    If you delete methods, the call graph may contain a number of unconnected branches. To clean up the graph, select a method on the branch that should be retained and select the cleanup unconnected methods action from the graph toolbar or the context menu. The "remove all but selected nodes" action in the context method allows you to trim the graph to a few selected nodes.

    Any modification to the call graph can be reverted with the undo action. If you open a large number of calls and want to track back to a previous state of the graph, hit this button repeatedly. If you hit undo too may times, a redo action is also available. Consecutive undo/redo is useful for replaying what happens to the graph when expanding a node.

    The call graph offers a number of navigation and zoom options.

    Call Graph - Developer Help

    Working with Call Graphs in MPLAB X

    Call Graph functionality is supported by MPLAB X. To view its functionality, go to the toolbar click on Window-> Output-> Call Graph.

    An empty (Call Graph) window should appear below your code.

    To populate the Call Graph window, we must first highlight a function in your code, do a right-click and select "Show Call Graph". At this point you should see the Call Graph Window populated with a graphical image showing the relationship between the selected Parent function and its Children functions.

    The Call Graph in MPLAB X allows you to perform certain functionalities such as:

    • Viewing the function declaration
    • View the child of the parent function
    • View the parents of the child function
    • Exporting the Call Graph
    Figure 1.1-Show Call Graph Viewing Function Declaration

    MPLAB X allows the user to view the declaration of the selected function using Call Graphs. The Call Graph window is divided into two sections. The left hand side of the call graph window shows a Collapsing/Expanding tree menu of the Parent and Children function. The right hand side of the Call Graph window shows a graphical representation of the Parent/Children functions. To view the declaration of the function, hover over the desired function, right click on it and select "Go to Declaration". MPLAB X will then open the .c file where the function was declared.

    Figure 1.2-Function Declaration Viewing "The children of the parent function" (Expanding Callee)

    There are two ways to view what functions are being called from the selected function. These two methods are explained below:

    Select a function whom you wish to know its children functions. Click on the (+) sign to expand the menu tree. A list of children functions should appear in the menu tree as well as in the Graphical representation of the call graph.

    Viewing "The children of the parent function" using the graphical representation

    Select a function whom you wish to know its children functions. Right click on the function and select "Expand Callee". A list of children functions should appear in the menu tree as well as in the Graphical representation of the call graph.

    Viewing "The Parents of the child function" (Expanding Caller)

    In the graphical representation of the Call Graph, select a function whom you wish to know its parent function. Right click on the function and select "Expand Callers". A graphical representation of all the parents functions calling the selected function should appear in the Call Graph window.

    Figure 1.4-Expand Caller Exporting the Call Graph

    MPLAB X allows you to export the Call Graph in a .png file. To export the Call Graph, right click anywhere in the Call Graph window and select "Export". A "Export Graph As" window will appear, type a file name for your graph and click Save.

    Viewing Recursive Functions in Call Graphs