
The Package img-1

The Package

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Package: перевод, произношение, транскрипция, примеры использования

Package - перевод, произношение, транскрипция существительное ▼

- тюк; кипа; место (багажа)

- пакет, свёрток

-  упаковочная тара, контейнер, ящик, коробка

milk package — пакет молока

original package — фабричная упаковка

- упаковывание, упаковка

- расходы по упаковке

- пошлина с товарных тюков

- амер. готовая программа (для театра, радио- или телепередачи). приобретённая какой-л. компанией

-  дип. соглашение по нескольким вопросам, заключённое на основе взаимных уступок, комплексная сделка (тж. package deal)

package plan — комплексный план

-  соглашение

wage package — соглашение с профсоюзом по вопросам заработной платы

-  предложение (тж. package offer)

anti-inflation package — предлагаемые меры по борьбе с инфляцией

- воен. прибор автономного действия (автопилот, бомбоприцел и т. п.)

-  комплект, комплекс

a package of three experiments — три опыта, проведённые в комплексе

- вчт. жарг. пакет прикладных программ

- обыкн. амер. укладывать (в ящики, контейнеры и т. п.) ; упаковывать, заворачивать (покупки и т. п.)


to send a package collect  — отправить посылку наложенным платежом.

package deal  — комплексная сделка

to market / package an idea  — продавать идею

attractive package — привлекательная упаковка

cardboard package — картонная упаковка

a package of chewing gum — упаковка жевательной резинки

economic aid package — комплексная программа экономической помощи

word processing package — текстовой программный пакет

package licensing  — пакетное [комплексное] лицензирование, заключение договора на использование нескольких патентов

to upgrade a software package — модернизировать программное обеспечение

Воспользуйтесь поиском, для того, чтобы найти нужное словосочетание или посмотрите все .

The package deal includes some nice extras.

Пакет услуг включает в себя несколько приятных дополнений.

It took several days for the package to arrive.

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Package names - The Go Blog

The Go Blog Package names Introduction

Go code is organized into packages. Within a package, code can refer to any identifier (name) defined within, while clients of the package may only reference the package's exported types, functions, constants, and variables. Such references always include the package name as a prefix: foo.Bar refers to the exported name Bar in the imported package named foo.

Good package names make code better. A package's name provides context for its contents, making it easier for clients to understand what the package is for and how to use it. The name also helps package maintainers determine what does and does not belong in the package as it evolves. Well-named packages make it easier to find the code you need.

Effective Go provides guidelines for naming packages, types, functions, and variables. This article expands on that discussion and surveys names found in the standard library. It also discusses bad package names and how to fix them.

Package names

Good package names are short and clear. They are lower case, with no under_scores or mixedCaps. They are often simple nouns, such as:

  • time (provides functionality for measuring and displaying time)
  • list (implements a doubly linked list)
  • http (provides HTTP client and server implementations)

The style of names typical of another language might not be idiomatic in a Go program. Here are two examples of names that might be good style in other languages but do not fit well in Go:

  • computeServiceClient
  • priority_queue

A Go package may export several types and functions. For example, a compute package could export a Client type with methods for using the service as well as functions for partitioning a compute task across several clients.

Abbreviate judiciously. Package names may be abbreviated when the abbreviation is familiar to the programmer. Widely-used packages often have compressed names:

  • strconv (string conversion)
  • syscall (system call)
  • fmt (formatted I/O)

On the other hand, if abbreviating a package name makes it ambiguous or unclear, don't do it.

Don't steal good names from the user. Avoid giving a package a name that is commonly used in client code. For example, the buffered I/O package is called bufio. not buf. since buf is a good variable name for a buffer.

Naming package contents

A package name and its contents' names are coupled, since client code uses them together. When designing a package, take the client's point of view.

Avoid stutter. Since client code uses the package name as a prefix when referring to the package contents, the names for those contents need not repeat the package name. The HTTP server provided by the http package is called Server. not HTTPServer. Client code refers to this type as http.Server. so there is no ambiguity.

Simplify function names. When a function in package pkg returns a value of type pkg.Pkg (or *pkg.Pkg ), the function name can often omit the type name without confusion:

A function named New in package pkg returns a value of type pkg.Pkg. This is a standard entry point for client code using that type:

When a function returns a value of type pkg.T. where T is not Pkg. the function name may include T to make client code easier to understand. A common situation is a package with multiple New-like functions:

Types in different packages can have the same name, because from the client's point of view such names are discriminated by the package name. For example, the standard library includes several types named Reader. including jpeg.Reader. bufio.Reader. and csv.Reader. Each package name fits with Reader to yield a good type name.

If you cannot come up with a package name that's a meaningful prefix for the package's contents, the package abstraction boundary may be wrong. Write code that uses your package as a client would, and restructure your packages if the result seems poor. This approach will yield packages that are easier for clients to understand and for the package developers to maintain.

Package paths

A Go package has both a name and a path. The package name is specified in the package statement of its source files; client code uses it as the prefix for the package's exported names. Client code uses the package path when importing the package. By convention, the last element of the package path is the package name:

Build tools map package paths onto directories. The go tool uses the GOPATH environment variable to find the source files for path "github.com/user/hello" in directory $GOPATH/src/github.com/user/hello. (This situation should be familiar, of course, but it's important to be clear about the terminology and structure of packages.)

Directories. The standard library uses like directories crypto. container. encoding. and image to group packages for related protocols and algorithms. There is no actual relationship among the packages in one of these directories; a directory just provides a way to arrange the files. Any package can import any other package provided the import does not create a cycle.

Just as types in different packages can have the same name without ambiguity, packages in different directories can have the same name. For example, runtime/pprof provides profiling data in the format expected by the pprof profiling tool, while net/http/pprof provides HTTP endpoints to present profiling data in this format. Client code uses the package path to import the package, so there is no confusion. If a source file needs to import both pprof packages, it can rename one or both locally. When renaming an imported package, the local name should follow the same guidelines as package names (lower case, no under_scores or mixedCaps ).

Bad package names

Bad package names make code harder to navigate and maintain. Here are some guidelines for recognizing and fixing bad names.

Avoid meaningless package names. Packages named util. common. or misc provide clients with no sense of what the package contains. This makes it harder for clients to use the package and makes it harder for maintainers to keep the package focused. Over time, they accumulate dependencies that can make compilation significantly and unnecessarily slower, especially in large programs. And since such package names are generic, they are more likely to collide with other packages imported by client code, forcing clients to invent names to distinguish them.

Break up generic packages. To fix such packages, look for types and functions with common name elements and pull them into their own package. For example, if you have

then client code looks like

Установка файлов package и sim

Установка файлов package и sim.

1. Файлы с расширением .package

Установка вручную:

Разместите файл Resource.cfg в корневой папке игры The Sims 3 (По умолчанию: C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3). Там же создайте папку Mods, в ней создайте папку Packages.

Должно получиться так: The Sims 3/Mods/Packages

Файлы .package размещайте в папке Packages.

Автоматическая установка:

1) Вам потребуется программа TS3 Install Helper Monkey. Эта программа будет автоматически сохранять файлы .package в нужную директорию, а так же сама при первом запуске создаст свой файл Resource.cfg и все необходимые папки.

2)Перед установкой выйдите из игры и закройте лаунчер. После установки программа запустится автоматически.

У вас должно появиться следующее окно:

Закрывайте его. Теперь вы сможете легко устанавливать файлы .package.

3)Чтобы установить файлы .package, достаточно два раза кликнуть по нужному файлу.

Если вы хотите отсортировать дополнительные материалы по категориям:

- Hacks (Хаки),

- Patterns (Текстуры),

- Misc (Разное),

кликните на файлах правой кнопкой мыши (вызовите контекстное меню), и выберете нужную категорию.

Папки Hacks. Patterns, Scins. Misc создавать не нужно - они появятся автоматически.

Примечание: Устанавливать файлы package можно так же с помощью программы TSR Merlin.

The package

What Is a PL/SQL Package?

A package is a schema object that groups logically related PL/SQL types, items, and subprograms. Packages usually have two parts, a specification and a body, although sometimes the body is unnecessary. The specification (spec for short) is the interface to your applications; it declares the types, variables, constants, exceptions, cursors, and subprograms available for use. The body fully defines cursors and subprograms, and so implements the spec.

As Figure 9-1 shows, you can think of the spec as an operational interface and of the body as a "black box." You can debug, enhance, or replace a package body without changing the interface (package spec) to the package.

Figure 9-1 Package Interface

Text description of the illustration pls81013_package_interface.gif

To create packages, use the CREATE PACKAGE statement, which you can execute interactively from SQL*Plus. Here is the syntax:

The spec holds public declarations. which are visible to your application. You must declare subprograms at the end of the spec after all other items (except pragmas that name a specific function; such pragmas must follow the function spec).

The body holds implementation details and private declarations. which are hidden from your application. Following the declarative part of the package body is the optional initialization part, which typically holds statements that initialize package variables.

The AUTHID clause determines whether all the packaged subprograms execute with the privileges of their definer (the default) or invoker, and whether their unqualified references to schema objects are resolved in the schema of the definer or invoker. For more information, see "Invoker Rights Versus Definer Rights" .

A call spec lets you publish a Java method or external C function in the Oracle data dictionary. The call spec publishes the routine by mapping its name, parameter types, and return type to their SQL counterparts. To learn how to write Java call specs, see Oracle9i Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide . To learn how to write C call specs, see Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals .

Example of a PL/SQL Package

In the example below, you package a record type, a cursor, and two employment procedures. Notice that the procedure hire_employee uses the database sequence empno_seq and the function SYSDATE to insert a new employee number and hire date, respectively.

Only the declarations in the package spec are visible and accessible to applications. Implementation details in the package body are hidden and inaccessible. So, you can change the body (implementation) without having to recompile calling programs.

Advantages of PL/SQL Packages

Packages offer several advantages: modularity, easier application design, information hiding, added functionality, and better performance.


Packages let you encapsulate logically related types, items, and subprograms in a named PL/SQL module. Each package is easy to understand, and the interfaces between packages are simple, clear, and well defined. This aids application development.

When designing an application, all you need initially is the interface information in the package specs. You can code and compile a spec without its body. Then, stored subprograms that reference the package can be compiled as well. You need not define the package bodies fully until you are ready to complete the application.

With packages, you can specify which types, items, and subprograms are public (visible and accessible) or private (hidden and inaccessible). For example, if a package contains four subprograms, three might be public and one private. The package hides the implementation of the private subprogram so that only the package (not your application) is affected if the implementation changes. This simplifies maintenance and enhancement. Also, by hiding implementation details from users, you protect the integrity of the package.

Added Functionality

Packaged public variables and cursors persist for the duration of a session. So, they can be shared by all subprograms that execute in the environment. Also, they allow you to maintain data across transactions without having to store it in the database.

Better Performance

When you call a packaged subprogram for the first time, the whole package is loaded into memory. So, later calls to related subprograms in the package require no disk I/O. Also, packages stop cascading dependencies and thereby avoid unnecessary recompiling. For example, if you change the implementation of a packaged function, Oracle need not recompile the calling subprograms because they do not depend on the package body.

Understanding The Package Spec

The package spec contains public declarations. The scope of these declarations is local to your database schema and global to the package. So, the declared items are accessible from your application and from anywhere in the package. Figure 9-2 illustrates the scoping.

Figure 9-2 Package Scope

Text description of the illustration pls81014_package_scope.gif

The spec lists the package resources available to applications. All the information your application needs to use the resources is in the spec. For example, the following declaration shows that the function named fac takes one argument of type INTEGER and returns a value of type INTEGER :

That is all the information you need to call the function. You need not consider its underlying implementation (whether it is iterative or recursive for example).

Only subprograms and cursors have an underlying implementation. So, if a spec declares only types, constants, variables, exceptions, and call specs, the package body is unnecessary. Consider the following bodiless package:

The package trans_data needs no body because types, constants, variables, and exceptions do not have an underlying implementation. Such packages let you define global variables--usable by subprograms and database triggers--that persist throughout a session.

Referencing Package Contents

To reference the types, items, subprograms, and call specs declared within a package spec, use dot notation, as follows:

You can reference package contents from database triggers, stored subprograms, 3GL application programs, and various Oracle tools. For example, you might call the packaged procedure hire_employee from SQL*Plus, as follows:

In the example below, you call the same procedure from an anonymous PL/SQL block embedded in a Pro*C program. The actual parameters emp_name and job_title are host variables (that is, variables declared in a host environment).


You cannot reference remote packaged variables directly or indirectly. For example, you cannot call the following procedure remotely because it references a packaged variable in a parameter initialization clause:

Also, inside a package, you cannot reference host variables.

Understanding The Package Body

The package body implements the package spec. That is, the package body contains the implementation of every cursor and subprogram declared in the package spec. Keep in mind that subprograms defined in a package body are accessible outside the package only if their specs also appear in the package spec.

To match subprogram specs and bodies, PL/SQL does a token-by-token comparison of their headers. So, except for white space, the headers must match word for word. Otherwise, PL/SQL raises an exception, as the following example shows:

The package body can also contain private declarations, which define types and items necessary for the internal workings of the package. The scope of these declarations is local to the package body. Therefore, the declared types and items are inaccessible except from within the package body. Unlike a package spec, the declarative part of a package body can contain subprogram bodies.

Following the declarative part of a package body is the optional initialization part, which typically holds statements that initialize some of the variables previously declared in the package.

The initialization part of a package plays a minor role because, unlike subprograms, a package cannot be called or passed parameters. As a result, the initialization part of a package is run only once, the first time you reference the package.

Remember, if a package spec declares only types, constants, variables, exceptions, and call specs, the package body is unnecessary. However, the body can still be used to initialize items declared in the package spec.

Some Examples of Package Features

Consider the package below named emp_actions. The package spec declares the following types, items, and subprograms:

    Types EmpRecTyp and DeptRecTyp Cursor desc_salary Exception invalid_salary Functions hire_employee and nth_highest_salary Procedures fire_employee and raise_salary

After writing the package, you can develop applications that reference its types, call its subprograms, use its cursor, and raise its exception. When you create the package, it is stored in an Oracle database for general use.

Remember, the initialization part of a package is run just once, the first time you reference the package. So, in the last example, only one row is inserted into the database table emp_audit. Likewise, the variable number_hired is initialized only once.

Every time the procedure hire_employee is called, the variable number_hired is updated. However, the count kept by number_hired is session specific. That is, the count reflects the number of new employees processed by one user, not the number processed by all users.

In the next example, you package some typical bank transactions. Assume that debit and credit transactions are entered after business hours through automatic teller machines, then applied to accounts the next morning.

In this package, the initialization part is not used.

Private Versus Public Items in Packages

Look again at the package emp_actions. The package body declares a variable named number_hired. which is initialized to zero. Unlike items declared in the spec of emp_actions. items declared in the body are restricted to use within the package. Therefore, PL/SQL code outside the package cannot reference the variable number_hired. Such items are called private .

However, items declared in the spec of emp_actions. such as the exception invalid_salary. are visible outside the package. Therefore, any PL/SQL code can reference the exception invalid_salary. Such items are called public .

When you must maintain items throughout a session or across transactions, place them in the declarative part of the package body. For example, the value of number_hired is kept between calls to hire_employee within the same session. The value is lost when the session ends.

If you must also make the items public, place them in the package spec. For example, the constant minimum_balance declared in the spec of the package bank_transactions is available for general use.

Overloading Packaged Subprograms

PL/SQL allows two or more packaged subprograms to have the same name. This option is useful when you want a subprogram to accept similar sets of parameters that have different datatypes. For example, the following package defines two procedures named journalize :

The first procedure accepts trans_date as a character string, while the second procedure accepts it as a number (the Julian day). Each procedure handles the data appropriately. For the rules that apply to overloaded subprograms, see "Overloading Subprogram Names" .

How Package STANDARD Defines the PL/SQL Environment

A package named STANDARD defines the PL/SQL environment. The package spec globally declares types, exceptions, and subprograms, which are available automatically to PL/SQL programs. For example, package STANDARD declares function ABS. which returns the absolute value of its argument, as follows:

The contents of package STANDARD are directly visible to applications. You do not need to qualify references to its contents by prefixing the package name. For example, you might call ABS from a database trigger, stored subprogram, Oracle tool, or 3GL application, as follows:

If you redeclare ABS in a PL/SQL program, your local declaration overrides the global declaration. However, you can still call the built-in function by qualifying the reference to ABS. as follows:

Most built-in functions are overloaded. For example, package STANDARD contains the following declarations:

PL/SQL resolves a call to TO_CHAR by matching the number and datatypes of the formal and actual parameters.

Overview of Product-Specific Packages

Oracle and various Oracle tools are supplied with product-specific packages that help you build PL/SQL-based applications. For example, Oracle is supplied with many utility packages, a few of which are highlighted below. For more information, see Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference .

About the DBMS_ALERT Package

Package DBMS_ALERT lets you use database triggers to alert an application when specific database values change. The alerts are transaction based and asynchronous (that is, they operate independently of any timing mechanism). For example, a company might use this package to update the value of its investment portfolio as new stock and bond quotes arrive.

About the DBMS_OUTPUT Package

Package DBMS_OUTPUT enables you to display output from PL/SQL blocks and subprograms, which makes it easier to test and debug them. The procedure put_line outputs information to a buffer in the SGA. You display the information by calling the procedure get_line or by setting SERVEROUTPUT ON in SQL*Plus. For example, suppose you create the following stored procedure:

When you issue the following commands, SQL*Plus displays the value assigned by the procedure to parameter payroll :

About the DBMS_PIPE Package

Package DBMS_PIPE allows different sessions to communicate over named pipes. (A pipe is an area of memory used by one process to pass information to another.) You can use the procedures pack_message and send_message to pack a message into a pipe, then send it to another session in the same instance.

At the other end of the pipe, you can use the procedures receive_message and unpack_message to receive and unpack (read) the message. Named pipes are useful in many ways. For example, you can write routines in C that allow external programs to collect information, then send it through pipes to procedures stored in an Oracle database.

About the UTL_FILE Package

Package UTL_FILE allows your PL/SQL programs to read and write operating system (OS) text files. It provides a restricted version of standard OS stream file I/O, including open, put, get, and close operations.

When you want to read or write a text file, you call the function fopen. which returns a file handle for use in subsequent procedure calls. For example, the procedure put_line writes a text string and line terminator to an open file, and the procedure get_line reads a line of text from an open file into an output buffer.

About the UTL_HTTP Package

Package UTL_HTTP allows your PL/SQL programs to make hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) callouts. It can retrieve data from the Internet or call Oracle Web Server cartridges. The package has two entry points, each of which accepts a URL (uniform resource locator) string, contacts the specified site, and returns the requested data, which is usually in hypertext markup language (HTML) format.

Guidelines for Writing Packages

When writing packages, keep them as general as possible so they can be reused in future applications. Avoid writing packages that duplicate some feature already provided by Oracle.

Package specs reflect the design of your application. So, define them before the package bodies. Place in a spec only the types, items, and subprograms that must be visible to users of the package. That way, other developers cannot misuse the package by basing their code on irrelevant implementation details.

To reduce the need for recompiling when code is changed, place as few items as possible in a package spec. Changes to a package body do not require Oracle to recompile dependent procedures. However, changes to a package spec require Oracle to recompile every stored subprogram that references the package.

The Package - это


На пляже Илана ждёт возвращения Ричарда. Сун грустит о том, что никак не может найти Джина. Она приходит на то место, в котором она занималась садоводством до возвращения с Острова. Там к ней подходит Человек в чёрном и предлагает пойти с ним, чтобы найти Джина. Но Сун не доверяет ему и бежит от ЛжеЛокка. На бегу она спотыкается и падает, ударяясь головой. Позже Бен находит её, и вскоре выясняется, что от удара головой Сун не может говорить по-английски, хотя понимает его.

После того как Хёрли уговаривает Ричарда не помогать Человеку в чёрном. они возвращаются на пляж. Ричард хочет уничтожить самолёт на малом острове, потому что это единственный способ Человека в чёрном покинуть остров. Но Сун против уничтожения самолёта, она заявляет, что вернулась на остров для того, чтобы забрать Джина и вернуться домой. Джек говорит, что они найдут Джина и все вместе вернутся домой.

В это время Человек в чёрном рассказывает Клер, что ему нужно собрать всех оставшихся кандидатов, а иначе он не сможет покинуть Остров. Когда ЛжеЛокк уходит за Сун, на лагерь нападают люди Уидмора. Они усыпляют всех, кто там был, а затем забирают Джина на малый остров. Джин приходит в себя на станции Гидра. Зная, что он когда-то был работником DHARMA Initiative. его просят о помощи, показывая карту, по которой определялись карманы электромагнитической энергии. Но Джин требует увидеть Уидмора.

Саид и ЛжеЛокк плывут на лодке к малому острову, на котором уже успели установить ультразвуковой барьер. Уидмор отрицает факт похищения Джина людьми Уидмора. Человек в чёрном говорит, что на Острове началась война и уходит. А Саид остаётся шпионить за людьми Уидмора. Тем временем Уидмор приказывает доставить «груз» из подводной лодки в лазарет, а затем пытается убедить Джина в том, что Человеку в чёрном нельзя дать покинуть Остров. Затем Уидмор говорит, что Джину нужно увидеть «груз». На вопрос Джина о том, что это за «груз», Уидмор отвечает: «Это не «что», а «кто»».

В конце эпизода Саид, прячась в воде, следит за людьми Уидмора, которые несут «груз» из подводной лодки. «Грузом» оказывается Десмонд Хьюм. которому дали снотворного и привезли на Остров.

Альтернативная реальность

В аэропорту Джину отдают часы, но не возвращают 25 тысяч долларов, которые он не задекларировал. Из-за этого инцидента Джин пропустил встречу в ресторане, и они с Сун поехали в отель. В этой реальности Джин и Сун не женаты, но встречаются втайне от всех.

На следующий день Мартин Кими. Омар и Михаил (в этой реальности он работает с Кими и выполняет роль переводчика, а также оба его глаза на месте) приезжают в отель чтобы забрать часы и деньги. Так как деньги остались в аэропорту, Сун предлагает Кими деньги, которые она может снять со своего счёта в банке. Михаил везёт Сун в банк, где они узнают, что отец Сун заблокировал её счёт.

Тем временем Кими отвозит Джина в ресторан, где связывает его и говорит, что отец Сун хотел отправить деньги для Кими в качестве платы за убийство Джина, потому что он узнал об отношениях Сун и Джина. После событий серии «Закат» Джин освобождается, и когда Михаил приезжает в ресторан вместе с Сун, Джин убивает его. Но одна пуля задевает Сун и Джин уносит её в больницу. Сун сообщает, что беремена.

The Package Fare System > Frequently Asked Questions > Pegasus Airlines

The Package Fare System

The package purchase system allows you as our valuable customer to personalise your travel according to your wishes and needs and with four package options, it also enables you to benefit from additional services such as seat options, additional baggage, onboard food and drink service and right for refund and cancellation without penalties, offered by Pegasus.

After searching for flights at www.flypgs.com. you can then choose a package fare flight package on the page where the flight results are shown.

We offer 4 types of packages:

Basic Package is only valid on international flights and it can only be purchased via flypgs.com at the moment. Basic Package only allows 8 kg of hand baggage and you can personalise your flight with additional services to match your requirements.

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The Package - Lostpedia

On the Island

Night-vision goggles observe the Man in Black 's camp. Sawyer offers Kate a drink which he refers to as "cocoa", but Kate questions this, and Sawyer admits it is not cocoa and she should pretend it is. Claire and the Man in Black are shown. Jin bandages his leg as the Man in Black joins him. The Man in Black suggests that Jin should leave the bandages off and let the wound air out. The Man in Black asks Jin whether Sawyer had told Jin about the names written in the cave. The Man in Black explains that only a few names remain which haven't been crossed off and that "Kwon" is one of them. The Man in Black says he is not sure whether it refers to Sun or Jin. The Man in Black says that the only way that they can leave the Island is if all the names that are not crossed off leave together. When Jin points out that Sun is not with them, the Man in Black says that he is "working on it."

The Man in Black tells Sayid that he is leaving and that he will be back in the morning. He tells Sayid to keep an eye on the camp. Sayid tells the Man in Black that he doesn't feel anything – anger, happiness, pain. The Man in Black says that that may be best to get through what is coming. The Man in Black leaves. Jin and Sawyer see him leave and Jin immediately packs his kit. Sawyer asks him what he is doing and Jin says he's getting out before "that thing" comes back. He castigates Sawyer for just listening to whatever the Man in Black tells him, but Sawyer says he isn't and reminds Jin that he has a deal with Charles Widmore. Jin says it doesn't matter because he is going to find Sun. As Jin tries to leave he, Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Sayid and the rest of the group are struck by darts and all pass out. Widmore's team step amongst the bodies until they find Jin and Zoe says to take him. d

The Man in Black finds his camp routed and revives Sayid.

The Man in Black returns to his camp and finds everyone unconscious. He leans over Sayid and finds a dart in his shoulder. He revives him and asks what happened. Sayid responds that he doesn't know who attacked them. The Man in Black then becomes concerned about Jin's disappearance.

The Man in Black and Sayid start to leave. Sawyer asks the Man in Black what they are doing. The Man in Black says they are taking a boat to the other island. The Man in Black implies that the smoke monster can't go over the water when questioned by Sawyer about his method of travel. The Man in Black then explains that Widmore took one of his people so he is going to get that person back. d

The package


LaTeX has several packages for typesetting algorithms in form of "pseudocode ". They provide stylistic enhancements over a uniform style (i.e. all in typewriter font) so that constructs such as loops or conditionals are visually separated from other text. For typesetting real code, written in a real programming language, consider the listings package described in Source Code Listings .

Typesetting using the algorithmic package Edit

The algorithmic package uses a different set of commands than the algorithmicx package. This is not compatible with revtex4-1. Basic commands are:

Complete documentation is listed at [2]. Most commands are similar to the algorithmicx equivalents, but with different capitalization. The package algorithms bundle at the ctan repository. dated 2009-08-24, describes both the algorithmic environment (for typesetting algorithms) and the algorithm floating wrapper (see below ) which is designed to wrap around the algorithmic environment.

The algorithmic package is suggested for IEEE journals as it is a part of their default style sheet. [1]

Typesetting using the algorithm2e package Edit

The algorithm2e package (first released 1995, latest updated January 2013 according to the v5.0 manual ) allows typesetting algorithms with a lot of customization. Like algorithmic. this package is also not compatible with Revtex-4.1. [2]

Unlike algorithmic. algorithm2e provides a relatively huge number of customization options to the algorithm suiting to the needs of various users. The CTAN-manual provides a comprehensible list of examples and full set of controls.

Typically, the usage between \begin and \end would be

1. Declaring a set of keywords(to typeset as functions/operators), layout controls, caption, title, header text (which appears before the algorithm's main steps e.g. Input,Output)

2. Writing the main steps of the algorithm, with each step ending with a \;

This may be taken in analogy with writing a latex-preamble before we start the actual document.

The package is loaded like

and a simple example, taken from the v4.01 manual, is