
Ms-dos 6.22 Img img-1

Ms-dos 6.22 Img

Рейтинг: 4.2/5.0 (1500 проголосовавших)

Категория: Windows: Эмуляторы


Microsoft MS-DOS

Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22

Язык интерфейса. Английский

Таблэтка. Не требуется

Системные требования. IBM PC-совместимый компьютер

Описание. MS-DOS (англ. MicroSoft Disk Operating System — дисковая операционная система от Microsoft) — коммерческая операционная система фирмы Microsoft для IBM PC-совместимых персональных компьютеров. MS-DOS — самая известная ОС из семейства DOS, ранее устанавливавшаяся на большинство IBM PC-совместимых компьютеров. Со временем она была вытеснена ОС семейства Windows 9x и Windows NT.

Контрольные хеш-суммы :

MD5:3EC31654439334382BDB09874FA9186A SHA-1:E4C3DE49157ADBAB3EFFF1F61B1A389F97F23DC1 CRC32:557E6D55

MD5:103D3105F21EFFB547D79D7D3BB08BFD SHA-1:7E96702DED5F4D997A168E2945891840F1B951D7 CRC32:1393A101

MD5:D5DB0B0E24ED6072827FDAADD54AFC03 SHA-1:14D391E1F5195B75C2856B30BD8350DFEF1A6FD5 CRC32:03C661F6

MD5:C41DCA1EC654B231C97C576E05035B4B SHA-1:06DE13364E906C4ED69F19627AE0E682EB419078 CRC32:808B208D

Доп. информация. Все образы - образы дискет в формате .IMA

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Создание образа жесткого диска с установленным MS DOS в Ubuntu - Ubuntu: Записная книжка - Каталог статей - Установка игр в Ubuntu

Создание образа жесткого диска с установленным MS DOS 6.22 в Ubuntu

флоппи дисковода нет, имеются три образа дискет с установочным дистрибутивом ОС MS-DOS 6.22

Что понадобиться?

1 Во первых DOSBox. установим его через « Центр приложений Ubuntu »

Через него будем устанавливать операционную систему MS-DOS 6.22 на наш образ жесткого диска.

2 Сам образ диска будем создавать при помощи утилиты bximage из бинарного дистрибутива Bochs. Проблема состоит в том, что бинарники свежих версий для linux существую только в .rpm пакетах (почему то?!), и для Ubuntu они не годятся, можно поставить IA-32 PC emulator (bochs) из «Центра приложений Ubuntu », но он не самой первой свежести, или как вариант скомпилировать самим взяв сырцы на http://sourceforge.net/projects/bochs/ Я предлагаю не заморачиваться, нам ведь нужна только bximage. а скачать deb пакет bochs с http://packages.ubuntu.com/ набрав в поиске 'bximage ' и выдрать из него нужную утилиту.

3 Естественно нам понадобятся образы дискет с дистрибутивом MS-DOS 6.22. обычно в количестве трех штук (бывают версии из четырех дискет, как правило четвертая с дополнительным софтом не нужна). Допустим это образы DOS622_1.IMG, DOS622_2.IMG, DOS622_3.IMG.

Если все выше описанное «на руках», приступим:

A) Создаем в домашней директории папку MSDOS (к примеру) и кидаем в нее образы дискет DOS622_1.IMG, DOS622_2.IMG, DOS622_3.IMG. утилиту bximage и конфигурационный файл DOSBox - dosbox-0.74.conf. который образуется в скрытой папке ./dosbox домашней директории после первого запуска DOSBox (поясн. после установки DOSBox запустите его один раз, и образованный файл ./dosbox/dosbox-0.74.conf скопируйте в папку MSDOS ) Файл dosbox-0.74.conf переименуем в dosbox.conf

Вот что должно получиться

B) Создаем образ жесткого диска

Открываем терминал (Ctrl+Alt+T) и делаем переход в нашу папку ( все описанные ниже команды выполняются из этой директории )

Запускаем утилиту bximage

$ ./bximage

Откроется меню, выберите первый 'Create new floppy or hard disk image '

Задается вопрос, что будем создавать — образ дискеты или жесткого диска? Вводим hd и жмем ENTER.

Создаем flat образ (Важно!), вводим flat и жмем Enter.

Installing MS-DOS in DOSBox

Transmission Zero Installing MS-DOS in DOSBox Introduction

This article explains how to install a DOS operating system and run it using DOSBox. I’m using MS-DOS 6.22 in this article, but it should work for other versions of DOS, and for DOSes from vendors other than Microsoft. You might be wondering why you would want to do this. It’s a fair question, because DOSBox has its own DOS-like environment, and supports the DOS API which allows many applications such as classic games to be run without the user needing to own a copy of DOS. But maybe there is something which is not currently supported by the DOSBox environment, or perhaps you just want to create a more authentic DOS experience. In my experience, DOSBox does run DOS much better than various virtualization products on the market, plus it emulates hardware such as an OPL3. But whatever your reasons may be, the fact that you’re reading this article suggests that this is something you want to do, so let’s get started.

There are some details in this article which are specific to DOSBox running under Microsoft Windows, for example the paths in the screenshots and configuration files. However, the instructions should be easily adaptable for those who are using other operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS. Additionally, some of the commands and configuration files contain paths specific to my Windows installation, for example the user profile directory varies between versions of Windows—you’ll need to adjust these paths to suit your PC setup.

What You’ll Need

There are a few things you’ll need in order to install a DOS OS in DOSBox. All of these can be freely downloaded from the internet, except for MS-DOS, which you’ll need to have your floppy disk images handy for. You’ll need:

  • A copy of DOSBox
  • A copy of bximage from Bochs .
  • Floppy disk images of your DOS installation diskettes.

If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to create the floppy disk images using a disk imaging tool and your original DOS installation disks.

Creating A Hard Disk Image

Installing DOS in DOSBox requires that DOS be installed on a hard disk image. You will then use DOSBox’s internal boot command to boot from this image. The disk image can be created using bximage from the Bochs binary distribution (see the the “Advanced Topics” section for alternative methods):

The above command line tells bximage to use quiet mode (don’t prompt the user to confirm the details already provided), to create a hard disk image, to use a flat image file format, to give it a size of 250 MB, and to create the image at “u:\mpayne\DOSBox\Images\Hard Disks\MS-DOS 6.22.img ”. Using a flat image is very important. as this is the only format supported by DOSBox—growing images are not. Although a flat image results in the image taking up disk space equal to the size of the image, you can use NTFS compression if your disk is formatted using the NTFS filesystem. In fact, bximage will use NTFS compression by default if it’s supported, and it’s a great space saver.

You should also avoid creating a disk image larger than 504 MB. as this results in the number of cylinders being greater than 1024—above the limit which is supported by the disk access methods used by MS-DOS. If you try to do this then certain nastiness will happen, such as the disk appearing to be much smaller than it actually is. There is a workaround for this which is mentioned in the “Advanced Topics” section.

Setting Up DOSBox

I would recommend creating a new DOSBox configuration file for your MS-DOS installation, so that you can easily switch between configurations. It’s probably also a good idea to use your existing DOSBox configuration as a starting point for the new one. On my computer running Windows 7 Home Premium (x64 version), the default user configuration file is located under “C:\Users\mpayne\AppData\Local\DOSBox ”, but the exact location may depend on factors such as your operating system version and language. You should also remove everything under the “ [autoexec] ” section of your new configuration file (or comment it out if you haven’t created a new config file). We will be specifying our own configuration there later.

Once you’ve created the new configuration file, you’ll probably want to create a copy of the DOSBox shortcut and modify the target so that it uses your new configuration file:

The “-userconf” option from the original shortcut has been replaced with “-conf "U:\mpayne\DOSBox\conf\MS-DOS 6.22.conf"”, and should point to the location of your configuration file. I also specified the “-noconsole” switch to hide the console window, but this is just a personal preference of mine and is not essential here.

From this point onwards in the article, all configuration changes are made to this new configuration file.

Installing MS-DOS

In order to install MS-DOS, we need to tell DOSBox to mount our disk image. You can do this by putting something similar to the following under the “ [autoexec] ” section of your configuration file:

The imgmount command tells DOSBox to mount your disk image, and specifies the type of disk and its geometry. You will need to change the size parameter so that the number of cylinders matches that of the output of the bximage command—notice that the “507” in “-size 512,63,16,507” from the above matches the “cylinders=507” in the bximage command output, and this value depends on the size of the image you created.

The boot command tells DOSBox to boot from the floppy image “U:\mpayne\DOSBox\Images\Floppy Disks\MS-DOS 6.22 - 1.img ”, which is an image of the first of the three MS-DOS setup disks. DOSBox will boot from the first disk specified here, but you will need to specify the paths of all of the setup disks in order to switch disks once DOSBox is up and running.

Now the configuration is ready, you can start DOSBox up using the shortcut we created earlier. The MS-DOS setup should start:

If your disk hasn’t been already partitioned or formatted (as is the case if you created the image using bximage), the MS-DOS setup will perform this task for you. Alternatively, you can shell out to DOS, run fdisk. reboot, run format. and then resume with the setup. Once the disk is formatted, the setup will run, and after a short while you’ll be requested to insert the second floppy disk:

You can switch disks by hitting Ctrl + F4. Each time you switch disks, it will mount the next image you passed to the boot DOSBox command, until you cycle around to the first disk again. The setup will now complete itself, prompting only when it requires the next floppy disk to be mounted.

Booting MS-DOS

Now that MS-DOS has been installed on your disk image, all that remains is to boot from the disk image rather than the floppy images. You can remove (or comment out) the existing boot command from the “ [autoexec] ” section of the configuration file, and add a new boot command telling DOSBox to boot from the first hard disk. It should now look something like this:

You can start DOSBox up again, and MS-DOS will now boot on its own. You are now free to perform tasks such as installing the MS-DOS supplementals, tune your autoexec.bat and config.sys to load additional drivers and optimise the memory usage, or install applications.

Things To Be Aware Of

By running MS-DOS from a disk image, you will lose some of the niceties of the DOS environment which DOSBox provides. Some such examples are the ability to mount and unmount drives whenever you like, and the ability to run DOSBox’s internal commands. Also, if you need to use the mouse in MS-DOS you will need to load a suitable mouse driver.

DOSBox does not emulate CD-ROM hardware, so you won’t be able to load CD-ROM drivers and access a CD-ROM drive or ISO image. An alternative could be to use a hard disk image and attach an additional IDE drive to DOSBox. You will still be unable to switch between disk images while DOSBox is running, however.

One thing to be very careful of is to avoid having multiple DOSBox instances mounting the same disk image. Writing to a disk image simultaneously from different DOSBox instances can cause the disk image to become corrupted. I would also recommend always specifying the disk geometry when mounting disk images. Failing to do this can result in DOSBox being unable to determine the disk geometry under certain circumstances, for example in the case that the number of heads is not 16.

Advanced Topics

These are some topics which I didn’t mention in this article because they are more advanced than I intend to cover here. You might want to investigate these further:

  • The hard disk images created by bximage are just empty files of a certain size, with all bytes set to zero. You could alternatively calculate the required disk size and geometry, and then create it using a tool such as the Unix dd command.
  • You can use various Unix tools to create a partition table on the disk image, format it, and mount it in order to transfer files to and from the image.
  • It’s possible to create a hard disk larger than 504 MB. Just set the number of heads to 255, and then calculate the number of cylinders based on the disk size. When doing this, you must always pass the geometry to the imgmount command using the “-size” option. Of course, this will only work for new disks which have not yet been partitioned.

I hope that this article has helped you get MS-DOS up and running under DOSBox. If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to get in contact .

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Ms Dos Img

CLA Meeting Minutes – August 21st, 2011

Call to Order: 11:00am

Review of Meeting Minutes for July 17 th. 2011

Vice Presidents Report:

Steve Hill, Vice President

-          Water has been tested and received the same results as past years: water is not safe to drink but is safe to swim in. Results will be posted on sign board for all to read.

Motion to accept report by Brian, 2 nd by Heather

Road Report:

Brent Beck, Road Manager

-          2 new culverts were put in plus extensions we added to 2 other culverts already in place

-          Ditching was done, pot hole work and grading to maintain condition of the road

Motion to accept by Eric, 2 nd by Steve

Finance Report:

Heather Boutilier, Treasurer

-          Closing balance: $987.77

-          4 lot rebates

-          $698.45 for road work and grading            

Motion to accept by Cathy, 2 nd by Terry

DOSbox и MS-DOS - Filimonov Dm Try

filimonovdmtry Чт, 28 мар, 2013, 11:30

DOSbox и MS-DOS 6.22

Когда вы включаете обычный DOSbox, то на экране вы видите синее окно хэлпа и командную строку представляющую собой урезанный командный процессор непонятного происхождения.

Я пытался работать с ним. Оказалось что он не имеет команду CALL. он еще много чего не имеет. А еще внешние ДОСовские команды из под него не запускаются, так как они привязаны к конкретной версии DOS, и командой SETVER тут не отбрехаешся так как она тоже привязана к конкретной версии DOS. Получается замкнутый круг.

Я пробовал использовать в качестве командного процессора 4DOS, но при достаточно продолжительной работе он убивал эмулятор. Я даже не знаю по чему, и он ли виноват в этом. -((

Пару дней назад я хотел перейти на другой эмулятор, но там свои тараканы. Пришлось возвращаться в родные пенаты, под крыло "DOSbox SVN". Но тут была разруха. Мне просто необходим был нормальный командный процессор и среда.

И вот тут у меня закралась мысль "А НЕЛЬЗЯ ЛИ, ЗАПУСТИТЬ НАСТОЯЩИЙ MS-DOS ВНУТРИ DOSBOX. ". Сначала я думал заменить содержимое диска Z, но потом просто так ради прикола запустил голый дос бокс подставив в качестве "аргумента" имя образа дискеты:

C:\>BOX\DosBox.EXE MSDOS622.img

и каково было мое удивление когда после синей заставки хэлпа я увидел как дос-бокс автоматом подцепил образ дискеты и стал выполнять загрузку с нее. На экране появилась надпись "Starting MS-DOS. ", стала загружаться HIMEM.SYS, EMM386.EXE, драйвер сидирума, какието непонятные драйвера для работы в сети зачем-то прописанные в autoexec.bat.

Наконец на экране появились синие окна Volcov Commander.

Меня это раззадорило и я стал копать в сторону образов дисков и запуска MS-DOS в рамках DOSbox. Оказалось что этим заморачивается не слишком много народу, но информацию в сети нарыть мне всетаки удалось.

Оказалось, что диски в системе монтируются с помощью команды IMGMOUNT. Загрузиться с этих дисков можно при помощи команды BOOT. Тоесть, имея образ диска (такой у меня уже был) можно сделать следующее:

в секции [autoexec] прописать диски:

imgmount A MSDOS622.IMG -t floppy

imgmount C Main2.IMG -t hdd -fs fat

и после всего этого, в туже секцию ввести команду загрузки:

Система загрузиться с диска "С:\>" (файла "Main2.IMG").

Если образов дисков нету, их можно сделать с помощью того же самого PCem и загрузочной дискеты примонтированной к нему. С помощью DOSbox делать такие вещи геморно (по крайней мере для меня). Загружаемый диск естественно должен быть загрузочным и иметь в корне соответствующие файлы: io.sys, msdos.sys, command.com.

Сразу про замеченные глюки: система не любит нажатия на кнопки CTRL+ALT+DEL. Она не перезагружается, а "уходит в DOWN", и перезапускать ее приходится перезапуском DOSbox.

Да! Из хорошего: заработала CTRL+C/CTRL+Break. Копирование файла на порт принтера не приводит к зависанию эмулятора.

Однако у положительной стороны есть и отрицательная. Загрузившись с MS-DOS мы теперь не можем видеть обычные примонтированные папки. Дос видит только образы дисков отформатированные в FAT16, виртуальные дискеты и CD-ROM.

Вот разгребусь с делами, и попробую поднять MS-DOS 6.22 в рамках DOSbox.

Ms-dos 6.22 img

MS-DOS & Software

This page contains download links for a very old Microsoft operating system so that it can be preserved -- on this corner of the Internet, anyway -- for anyone who is curious to tinker with the first versions of Windows or who just wants to take a trip down Nostalgia Avenue.

The operating systems here are distributed as floppy disk image files (with an .img extension). If you actually have a floppy drive, you'll have to flash these images onto floppy disks. If you just want to use VirtualBox. it can make use of the floppy image files directly.

MS-DOS 6.22

The last version of MS-DOS from the Windows 3.1 era, before Windows 95.

Windows for Workgroups 3.11

Posted on Friday, July 20 2012 @ 01:47:45 PM by resuni.

Having a problem trying to put this on an old Dell Latitude. Doesn't matter if I'm trying to install Windows 3.1 or MS-DOS, if I try to boot from one of the floppies I get this message: Remove disks and other media. \ Press any key to restart.

Is there something I need to do to make these floppies bootable or something before I copy the image over to them?



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I followed a guide online to install my copy of Dos 6.22 to a new hd image file I used magiciso to create an iso image with the games files,

I can examine the resulting (MS-DOS 6.22 + new files) CD-ROM from EXE is loaded (if iso-level is 4 you will need SHSUCDX instead).

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Trying to install MS-DOS 6.22 on a flash drive, then from this flash drive use it to install MS-DOS 6.22 on to HDD connected through USB ports.

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26 Aug 2009 A. The easiest way I've found is to download the MS-DOS 6.22 boot ISO and boot the VM from it. If you're using Hyper-V, you could also use

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You can run MS-DOS 6.22 from USB flash drive that boots to the DOS Click the "DOS6.22_bootdisk.iso" link to download the file and save it to your computer.

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11 Feb 2012 After much research, I found the general steps to install MS-DOS. However, I ran into an issue with MS-DOS not booting from my iso file so that I

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9 Jan 2012 - 5 min - Uploaded by McKay Humpherys Note** This method does not work with VMware Workistaion 10 as of April of 2014. Use this link

Descargar gratis imagen iso ms dos 6.22 - AnyToISO Converter 3.2: Convierte varios formatos de imagen de disco a ISO, y mas programas.

30 Sep 2010 We need VirtualBox (aptitude install virtualbox-ose), MS-DOS 6.22 (there is a torrent) and another bootable MS-DOS disk (from bootdisk.com).

Hi. Thanks for posting in Microsoft TechNet forums. Please check if the following requirement is ready: 1. Download an MS-DOS 6.22 ISO.

3 Aug 2009 Download MSDOS 6.22 installer, as an ISO file, from here: http://www.allbootdisks.com/download/iso.html. This is the trick, because trying to

I have DOS 6.22 but it seems my disks are dead. together called DOS 7.10, which was distributed as an ISO for a bootable install CD. and is under active development (unlike MS-DOS that was abandoned years ago).

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27. Juni 2006 Kann mir jemand sagen wo ich DOS 6.22 beziehen kann? Am liebsten ware http://www.allbootdisks.com/download/iso.html. Viel Erfolg und

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Edit: Does an OEM DOS 6.22 CD exist? You need to copy all the contenue of the 3 MSDos 6 setup flops on the CD (whitout using folders)

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You can run MS-DOS 6.22 from USB flash drive that boots to the DOS Click the "DOS6.22_bootdisk.iso" link to download the file and save it to your computer.

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30 Sep 2010 We need VirtualBox (aptitude install virtualbox-ose), MS-DOS 6.22 (there is a torrent) and another bootable MS-DOS disk (from bootdisk.com).

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9 Jan 2012 - 5 min - Uploaded by McKay Humpherys Note** This method does not work with VMware Workistaion 10 as of April of 2014. Use this link

1?. De aqui la imagen 2?. La entrada al menu.lst es asi en mi caso: #Entrada 12 title MS-DOS 6.22 map (hd0,0)/DOS6.22_bootdisk.iso (hd32)

MS-DOS also includes new country settings in COUNTRY.SYS. (In addition, MS-DOS 6.22 includes ISO-compliant versions of certain character sets; for more

4 apr 2013 Nel link sotto troverete anche MS-DOS 6.22 IN ITALIANO, che permettera di utilizzare il sistema in una macchina virtuale, mentre per copiare i

RuTracker.org (ex torrents.ru) » Настольные ОС от Microsoft (выпущенные до Windows XP) » Скачать торрент Образы дискет MS-DOS 6.22 для Microsoft

27 Apr 2012 How to install MS-DOS 6.22 under VMWare ESX part 3 Click on this link and download the iso file containing the drivers you are going to

24 Nov 2012 How To Install MS-DOS 6.22.ISO Image file on VMWare Workstation http://fb.me/2u95BGQGS. Reply; Retweet Retweeted; Favorite Favorited.

Download Ms Dos 6.22 Iso Full Version Free. 58 leeches however no one is downloading it? What the, anyone said it ended up being an specialist Please

Hello there, finally I can't believe that I got a ms-dos 6.22 system but the only thing I could do is formatting the drive and making a C directory

DOS 6.22 SETUP ISO. Bootable 20, boot Four Mappoint the development file MS-DOS You 22 Download. Installation Dr4xx3n89 Installation a driver 6. 9, 6.

15 Jun 2012 MS-DOS 6.22 – Ultima version distribuida por separado. de tu iso de msdos…el sistema se instala…apagas la maquina virtual, la enciendes

21 Gru 2012 Windows 3.1 PL 1992 + MS-Dos 6.22 • Windowsy • pliki uzytkownika mati1525 przechowywane w serwisie Chomikuj.pl • MS Dos 6.22 Install.iso.

I followed a guide online to install my copy of Dos 6.22 to a new hd image file I used magiciso to create an iso image with the games files,

Puedes ejecutar MS-DOS 6.22 desde una unidad flash USB que arranque dicho Haz clic en el enlace "DOS6.22_bootdisk.iso" para descargar el archivo y

In order to create a DOS 6.22 machine, you will need a floppy drive MS Virtual PC only "officially" supports XP, Vista and Win 7 as guest OSes running in the VM. Did you have to burn the ISO to a CD to install on the vhd?

10 - Boot BITDEFENDER Rescue CD from USB as an ISO file · 11 - Make a. For a book on using DOS 6.22 (Using MS-DOS 6.22 by Jim Cooper) see here.

Telechargement d'OS gratuits et en francais. Les Ms-DoS et Pc-dos: Ms-DoS 6.22. francais. 4,8 Mo. TELECHARGER. Ms-DoS 6.22. allemand. 5,37 Mo.

Disks 2 & 3: MS-DOS 6.22 operating system. MS-DOS 6.22 [OSCollect.nm.ru] (по описанию русская, но такой не ISO, MS-DOS 6.22. Скачать 646

These are the ISO boot disk images available from AllBootDisks. I managed to get my hands on ever BETA operating system of Microsoft's at the time. I even

I have DOS 6.22 but it seems my disks are dead. together called DOS 7.10, which was distributed as an ISO for a bootable install CD. and is under active development (unlike MS-DOS that was abandoned years ago).

MS-DOS 6.22.iso. iso Soubor. 6.47 MB. + - 1. Kopirovat do Oblibenych Sdilej Obsah archivu Nahlasit. Pro hlasovani se musis nejprve prihlasit. Pokud nemas

FREE MS DOS 6.22 ISO. FreeDOS MS Visual MS-DOS installed Mb microsoft image 22 6. 17, 3 Microsoft here doesnt here much ISO driver For but PAC-MAN 3.

You can run MS-DOS 6.22 from USB flash drive that boots to the DOS Click the "DOS6.22_bootdisk.iso" link to download the file and save it to your computer.

Sie konnen MS-DOS 6.22 vom USB-Stick aus ausfuhren, das in der DOS-Umgebung Gehen Sie dorthin, wo Sie die DOS 6.22 ISO-Datei gespeichert haben.