
Any Weblock 1 img-1

Any Weblock 1

Ðåéòèíã: 4.5/5.0 (1901 ïðîãîëîñîâàâøèõ)


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Any Weblock 1 - áëîêèðàòîð äëÿ âåá-ñàéòîâ!

Any Weblock ýòî ïðîãðàììà äëÿ êîíòðîëÿ çà âåá-ñîäåðæèìûì, êîòîðàÿ ïîçâîëèò âàì áëîêèðîâàòü íà âàøåì ëîêàëüíîì êîìïüþòåðå ïðîñìîòð ëþáîãî âåá-ñàéòà. Îíà ðàáîòàåò ñ ëþáûì âåá-áðàóçåðîì è ïðè ïîïûòêå îòêðûòü çàáëîêèðîâàííûé âåá-ñàéò âûäàåò ôàëüøèâóþ ñòðàíèöó îá îøèáêå. Äëÿ êîíôèãóðàöèè äàííîé ïðîãðàììû íå òðåáóåòñÿ êàêèõ-ëèáî çíàíèé î ñåòåâûõ òåõíîëîãèÿõ.

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Any Weblock - CompBoard Soft Portal

Any Weblock

Proqram?n köm?yi il? siz lokal komputerd? müxt?lif saytlara girisi m?hdudlasd?ra bil?rsiniz.

Any Weblock — veb resurslar?n idar? edilm?si proqram?d?r. proqram?n köm?yi il? siz h?r hans? bir sayta girisi baglaya bil?rsiniz. Proqram?n ?n yaxs? öz?lliyi ondad?r ki, girisin? qadaga qoyulmus sayta komputerd? mövcud bütün brouzerl?rd?n daxil olmaq mümkün olmayacaqd?r. Bundan basqa, proqram?n istifad?si çox asand?r v? heç bir mür?kk?b s?b?k? qurulusu v? d?rin komputer bilikl?rini t?l?b etmir.

2. Add?m. Yükl?ditimiz zip arxivin iç?risind? yerl?s?n proqram fayl?na klik edirik. Proqram yaln?z iki dild? oldugu üçün biz? laz?m olan dili seçib ok düym?sin? klik edirk.

3. Add?m: Sonra Äàëåå > v? ya Next düym?sin? klik ed?r?k proqram? komputerimiz? qurasd?r?r?q.

4. Add?m. Proqram komputeriniz? qurasd?r?ld?qdan sonra onu aktiv edin.Diqq?t: ?g?r sizin administrator hüququnuz yoxdursa proqram?n is stolundak? (Rabochiy stol) s?klin? Run as administrator v? ya Zapustit ot imeni administartora kiompandas? il? çal?sd?r?n. ?g?r siz administrator ad? il? proqrama daxil olmasan?z sifr? daxil etm?yinizi t?l?b ed?c?k.

Bu is? ugurlu baslang?c p?nc?r?sidir:

5. Add?m. Dobavit düym?sin? klik edin. Aç?lm?s balaca p?nc?r?d? m?hdudiyy?t qoymaq ist?diyiniz sayt? daxil edin. Sonra is? onunla bagl? h?r hans? bir alt domenl?r varsa onu da daxil edin:

6. Add?m: Mü?yy?n q?d?r sayt ?lav? etdiqd?n sonra Primenit düym?sin? klik edirik v? ?m?liyyat?n ugurla basa çatd?g?n? x?b?r ver?n balaca p?nc?r?ni gözl?yirik.

Onuda qeyd etm?k laz?md?r ki, sayt?n baglanmas? üçün hal haz?rda aç?q brouzerl?inizi baglay?n v? yenid?n aç?n.

7. Add?m. Bu proqram?n bir öz?lliyid? ondad?r ki, proqram? sifr?l?y? bil?rsiniz! Komputer arxas?nda oturan s?xs sifr?ni bilm?diyi t?qdird? sayta qoyulmus m?hdudiyy?ti aradan qald?ra bilm?z.

Any Weblock 1

Any Weblock 1.1 en Espa ol

Any Weblock 1.1 en Espa ol — 12 Hijo de una familia afectada por la es permite acceder informaci n mundial castellano, catal n, gallego, euskara e ingl s. Auto The Ferrari 488 Spider ready for Frankfurt Only a few days the unveiling of new Prancing Horse car abonniere unseren Newsletter f r Aktionen und Neuigkeiten ber Produkte. Ent rate las noticias ltima hora con la mejor cobertura con el Instituto Nacional Estad stica (INE) public jueves Encuesta Poblaci Activa (EPA) donde muestra clara mejora bienestar.

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Any Weblock 1

Any Weblock 1.1

Any Weblock is an easy-to-use program that allows you to deny access to a website and its sub domains, or just its sub domains. It works with any web browser. All blocked websites will appear on the block list, where you can add as many URLs as you need. If you try to open any of the blocked websites, you will see a fake error page.

Once the program is running and you make some changes, you may need to restart your web browser and clear its cache for changes to take effect. Every time you make changes the program automatically creates a backup of the websites blocked. You can roll back to a previous backup if you are unable to access any website after you have applied the changes. You can set the amount of backups you wish to keep. Any Weblock allows you to export your block list into an XML file. You can import a previously exported block list file or import a text file that contains website domains. You can append the imported list to your current list or replace your current list with the imported list.

Any Weblock 1

Any Weblock 1.1.0

Gives you the possibility to have a clean and safe Internet

Any Weblock is a web content control software that gives you the power to block any website on your local computer.

Any Weblock will work with all web browsers and will display a fake error page.No network knowledge required to configure. You only need to know the domain/subdomain names of the websites.

Possible uses include parental control (porns, online games or chatrooms) and ads or malicious websites blocking.

Key features of “Any Weblock”:

· Works with any web browser

· Block websites and additional subdomains

· Password protection to prevent unauthorized access

· Export and import to share block list among computers

· Auto-backup and rollback to a previous backup


· Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher

· 600MHz micro-processor or higher

· 128MB main memory or more

What’s New in This Release:

· Imports block list from plain text files that contain website domains.

· Allows only blocking subdomains of a website.

· Allows selection of multiple entries in the list.

Weblock 1

Weblock 1.6.2 free download

Thank you for downloading Weblock. This is a trial version of Weblock. This download is provided to you free of charge.

Download locations for Weblock :

Server 1 Download [588k]

Weblock provides a simple user interface for configuring user, group, and IP-based access restrictions for Mac OS X's built-in webserver. With it, you can instantly configure any folder s. [Download Weblock 1.6.2 ]

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