
Skype Video Recorder Ios img-1

Skype Video Recorder Ios

Рейтинг: 4.4/5.0 (1841 проголосовавших)


Call Recorder (2015) For iPhone: Record Calls, Skype, FaceTime, to 8

Call Recorder (2015) For iPhone. Record Calls,Skype,FaceTime,Viber..iOS6 to 8.1.2

Смотрите все видео автора: iappTweak.

Просмотров: 91947

Call Recorder (iOS). First iPhone Call Recorder Ever!

Price. $3.99 ( free in other sources )

Record regular phone calls directly on your iPhone.

Audio Recorder, the so anticipated tweak for iPhone. has come to prove it was possible!

With Audio Recorder, you can record the phone calls you need to listen to later, such as business calls, appointment arrangements, doctor notes etc and you can store them locally on your iPhone.

You can then play them, send them to your email or delete them.

The remote party hears a warning voice message that the call will be recorded at the beginning of your recording. (This cannot be disabled, since the other party's consent is necessary by law in many countries and it will never be removed from this application, so please do not ask for the removal of this feature)

Audio Recorder does not use a remote server to store your calls, like other apps use as a workaround. It records the telephony service voice data directly on the device! There is no need for an internet connection when you record a call.

Although Audio Recorder automatically notifies the other party that the call is being recorded, you should be aware that recording call conversations without the other party's consent is illegal in many countries. Check to comply with your country's laws before buying or using this application. The developer or the seller take no responsibility if you use this application in any way that would result in breaking the law.

Currently, on iPhone4S devices it only works when you switch to Speaker while in a call.

The application currently works only on iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 devices. An update will be posted in a later time to support older devices as well.

The tweak that so many people have been waiting for is finally here! ][ Supports. Phone/Voip Calls, Viber, Skype, FaceTime, Line, Music App, Youtube, Pandora, Radio, almost anything.

Call Recorder App. Play/Delete/Share your recordings and quickly setup activator gestures.

internal web server allows to easily access all your recordings from your personal computer and directly download, delete or play them from the device.

skype & callBar support. Adds a quick record button directly into the call view.

Google Drive. Every recording will be automatically uploaded to your Google Drive account when finish recording.

Activator Support. Toggle recording by triple clicking the home button ( or set other activator gesture from the inside the application settings ).

Notice. * This tweak only works on iPhone 4S/5/5C/5S/6/6+ with iOS 6 and up. on iPhone 4S it only works while playing through the external speaker.

=== Sources =======================

insanelyi. https://repo.insanelyi.com/

Xarold. https://repo.xarold.com/

Bite Your Apple. https://repo.biteyourapple.net/


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Call Recorder: Record iPhone Calls - iOS 8

Call Recorder. Record iPhone Calls - iOS 8.4 - 8.3 (Skype,FaceTime,Whatsupp,Viber. )

Все видео пользователя: iappTweak.

Просмотров: 24298

Call Recorder (iOS). Record iPhone Calls,Skype,FaceTime,Whatsupp,Viber..iOS 8.4 - 8.3 / 8 / 7

Recording a call may be legal or illegal in your part of the world but if you’re even feebly interested in call recorders on your iPhone, the doors might be just opening up in a short time.

Call Recorder (iOS) is an impressive jailbreak tweak that allows you to record phone calls / Skype calls / FaceTime calls / Whatsup calls. from a variety of sources and also lets you record system audio.

Every phone user may have faced the need to record calls at some time or other. Apple iPhone users who have a jailbroken device can now record phone calls with the use of the Call Recorder (iOS) Cydia tweak. Though call Recorder (iOS) may face privacy issues, for a person like me, it was very useful. I work in a different city from where my wife and children live. So, sometimes when I talk to my wife, my 2 year old kid likes to talk to me on the phone and I record my conversation with him. So, the Cydia tweak Call Recorder (iOS) could be beneficial to people like me.

Call Recorder (iOS) is one of the best Cydia tweak till date. The tweak is supported by all devices from iPhone 4S to latest 6 Plus running latest iOS 8 uncluding iOS8.3 and iOS8.4. The only restriction with the tweak is that if you are using an iPhone 4s then you might need to switch on the speaker on your device to record calls. We have tried the call recorder (iOS) Cydia tweak and it is pretty amazing. The tweak is a paid one and it costs only $3.99 which is a reasonable price for the features provided by the application.

You can open the recorded call in a program and import it to music.app. You will also be able to SMS the record and even email it.

You can follow below details to add Call recorder (iOS) Cydia tweak on your device.

Since this is a paid tweaks iappTweak will tell you how to get it for FREE.

= http://goo.gl/ZMxi3H

What do you think about Call Recorder (iOS). Sound off down below in the comments with your thoughts.


inTro. Club Thump (Free Music )

Music. Crimson Fly (Free Music )

Theme. toyO theme


Ecamm Call Recorder for Skype

Ecamm Call Recorder for Skype — лучший инструмент для записи звонков в Skype
    Роман Дубровин 24-03-2015, 08:00 1881

В наше время трудно найти человека, который не слышал бы о сервисе Skype. Его используют профессионалы, работающие по разные стороны света, для организации онлайн-конференций; бабушки с дедушками, чтобы увидеться со своими детьми и внуками. И у многих пользователей Skype периодически возникает желание (а порой и необходимость!) пересмотреть “тот звонок, когда. ”. А посмотреть его заново по умолчанию в Skype нельзя. Если не воспользоваться приложением от Ecamm Network.

Ecamm Call Recorder for Skype — это набор утилит, предназначенных для записи и обработки видеозвонков в Skype. Главное, что умеет приложение - записывать, а затем обрабатывать видеосообщения и делает это просто и качественно. Полюбопытствуем.

Во-первых, можно с ходу выставить качество для записываемых видео и аудио: компрессия звука, размер видеокадра, качество картинки. Можно настроить автоматический запуск окна Skype Recorder при запуске клиента для видеозвонков, отображение кнопок записи во время разговора и т.д.

Продвинутые пользователи MacOS X подумают: зачем приобретать программу, если она “тупо пишет экран”? Можно воспользоваться встренными функциями видеозахвата экрана или сторонними приложениями-монстрами вроде ScreenFlow. Можно - не поспоришь, но разработчики ecamm Call Recorder for Skype не зря едят свой хлеб и ниже мы расскажем целый набор крутых особенностей утилиты, которыми не может (и не сможет никогда!) похвастаться ни одно приложение для видеозахвата.

Автоматическая запись звонков и (внимание!) звуковой почты

В настройках Skype можно установить галочку напротив автоматической записи звонков; более того, звонки длительностью меньше определенной пользователем длительности, будут автоматически удаляться. Функция просто отличная - вам не надо заморачиваться подготовкой к записи, как это было бы с экранописными приложениями. Звонок поступил неожиданно — и он также неожиданно (для другой стороны) записывается на ваш жесткий диск, без дополнительных манипуляций.

Шесть режимов записи звонков

Это не просто цифра. Это реально 6 различных режимов, у каждого из которых есть свои преимущества.

  • Только аудио

Запись только звука, если картинка не важна или если (внимание!) вы звонили кому-то через скайп-телефонию. Это в прямом смысле запись разговоров, без палева ;) Размер конечного файла - минимальный.

  • Только вы / только собеседник

На конечное видео картинка пойдет только с вашей камеры или только с камеры собеседника. Изображения со второй камеры в исходнике не будет — ни в виде миниатюры, никак вообще. В определённых случаях полезная функция, особенно если нужно записать платный скайп-вебинар ;-)

  • Разделенный экран (Split Screen)

Оба видео записываются в хорошем качестве, а в результате изображения с обеих камер (вашей и собеседника) будут размещены на одном уровне, друг возле друга.

  • Картинка в картинке (Picture-in-picture)

Стандартный режим отображения звонков через скайп. Аналогичную (с допущениями) картинку можно получить при записи программами для захвата видео с экрана.

  • Мультитрэк (Milti-track)

Разработчики предостерегают: только для продвинутых пользователей! Это самый качественный режим записи, пригодится, если вам нужно обработать видеозапись. Все каналы записываются отдельными файлами внутри многопоточного MOV файла: звук с микрофона, звук системы, вебкамера, экран (если вы им делились во время звонка) — и то же самое у собеседника — всё это пишется в отдельные каналы! Такого ни один экранописец не выдаст.

Что дальше делать с таким MOV файлом? Его не откроет QuickTime (разработчики предупреждают, что для работы с выходным файлом понадобится платная Pro-версия QT). Однако и на такой случай есть выход: воспользуйтесь утилитой “Split Movie Tracks” (входит в комплект). Она разрежет созданный файл на составляющие, с которыми затем по отдельности можно работать в видеоредакторе. Использовать эту утилиту невероятно "сложно": перетащите на неё мультипотоковый MOV файл. Всё!

Другие утилиты способны конвертировать файл в аудио форматы MP3, AAC и AIFF, добавлять маркеры оглавления в записанные файлы (Marker Editor), а также разделять видео собеседников в отдельные файлы.

В заключение отметим, что ecamm Call Recorder for Skype удался на славу, чего еще "душа желает". Рекомендуем всем, кто хотел бы просматривать/прослушивать свои разговоры в Skype снова и снова. Оценка однозначная — 10 из 10!

How to record Skype video calls on a Mac, for free - How to - Macworld UK

How to record Skype video and audio calls on a Mac, for free This tutorial shows various apps and methods that will let you record Skype video and audio calls on a Mac for free

Use software like Call Recorder to record Skype video and audio calls on a Mac

Recording Skype video and audio conversations on a Mac can be extremely handy. With Skype video and audio recording, you can replay conversations at a later date and embed Skype interviews into YouTube videos and podcasts.

Skype is the standard method for having video and audio conversations across the internet, and has kept its crown in the face of strong competition from Apple and FaceTime. Skype is huge: at one point it had more than 50 million users online at the same time.

This feature covers how to record a Skype video and audio conversation on a Mac. While recording conversations may sound a little creepy, it is incredibly useful in a whole range of situations. You can record Skype interviews to make sure you are quoting people accurately, and you can record video conversations for use in video podcasts. This Skype recording tutorial shows you how to get started.

Record video and audio calls using Call Recorder for Skype

If you are running Mac OS X 10.8 Mavericks or later then the easiest way to record Skype audio and video calls is to use an app called Call Recorder for Skype. Unfortunately Call Recorder isn't a free app (we get to the various free options in a moment). It costs $29.95 - about £17.61. But if you record calls on a regular basis you will find it's well worth the money.

Caleb Wojcik from DIYVideoGuide.com has a good overview of how Ecamm's Call Recorder software works.

A free trial is available from the Ecamm website that works for seven days (although it watermarks recordings). Here is how to record a call using Call Recorder:

  1. Quit the Skype app.
  2. Download Call Recorder from the Ecamm website (unzip the file and double-click the Install Call Recorder file and follow the installation process).
  3. When the installation process has finished click on Open Skype in the Alert dialogue window to re-open the Skype app.
  4. Skype now has a new Preferences setting called Recording. Here you can choose the QuickTime settings for Call Recorder. It’s best to leave them at the default to start with, but you can access them again by choosing Skype > Preferences > Recording.
  5. Start a video or audio conversation in Skype.
  6. A new window appears in Skype called Call Recorder. Click the Red record button in Call Recorder to start recording.
  7. Click Stop in Call Recorder to finish recording.
  8. Click the Search icon in Call Recorder to open the Finder folder containing the video or audio recording. (The folder is located in

/Movies/Saved Calls by default.)

Call Recorder is the easiest way to record calls in Skype, and it integrates into the Skype app so we prefer using it to some other options. It's a shame you have to pay for it, but if you record Skype calls on a regular basis the £17.61 fee is worth it.

Recording Skype audio calls for free on a Mac

If you just want to record the audio of a Skype call, then there are a few options available to you. Probably the best option to go for is Rogue Amoeba's Piezo. This small app is designed to make it easy to record audio from your chosen app.

Here is how to use Piezo to record Skype audio for free:

  1. Open Skype.
  2. Open Piezo.
  3. In Piezo, click Source and select Skype.
  4. Start a video or audio chat.
  5. Click the red Record button in Piezo. Click OK to the pop-up alert warning that you are in trial mode.
  6. When you've finished the conversation, click Record again to stop recording.

The free version of Piezo has some limitations. It only enables you to record audio, as we said, and after 10 minutes of recording it starts to degrade the quality by adding noise on top of the audio. This time limit minimises its use in professional settings, such as podcasting, but if all you want is an audio record of a conversation, it's ideal.

Record Skype video for free using QuickTime

If you want a free way to record Skype video calls on a Mac then one option is to use QuickTime to record your screen while you are talking. QuickTime Records the whole screen and an option in settings enables you to record from your microphone at the same time. It's a pretty good option for recording from QuickTime, FaceTime or any OS X app.

Here's how to record Skype video using QuickTime:

  1. Open QuickTime Player in Applications.
  2. Choose File > New Screen Recording.
  3. Click the small reveal icon to the right of the Record button and choose Built-in Input: Internal Microphone.
  4. Click the Record button.
  5. Either drag a square marquee around Skype or click to record the whole screen.
  6. Start your Skype conversation.

When you've finished, look for the small Stop icon in the Menu bar. Click this to stop the recording.

Using Skype is completely free, and you can record video and audio for as long as you want. Be warned that it does create large files, and you need to choose File > Save As to save your video file when you've finished.

Is it legal to record voice conversations in the UK?

The law on recording voice conversations in the UK is surprisingly hazy when you start to look into it. Businesses must inform customers that voice calls are being recorded, and often pass it off as being "for training purposes". This practice is known as two-party consent: both you and the other person know about the recording.

In the US and Australia, all parties have to be involved. In the UK, individuals only need one-party consent (which can be yourself) to record a call. We were surprised to learn this, although the law may be evolving over time, and does not apply if you store recordings on a cloud service outside of the EU. It's considered polite to inform a person that you are recording them on a phone call, and we always let the other person know that the call is being recorded.

The Oral History Society says: "It is legal in the UK to record one's own telephone conversations for personal use, and there is no legal obligation to inform the other person or persons that their words are being recorded. UK laws and codes of practice, such as the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000), and the Telecommunications Regulations (2000), are mainly concerned with recordings made for security surveillance ('telephone tapping') or various monitoring and market research activities, where the recordists are not being recorded themselves.

"However, it is unlawful to make telephone interview recordings available to anyone else without the permission of the speakers. If telephone interviews are to be deposited in a public collection or made available for research or any other purpose, all this should be explained in detail by the interviewer before the interview starts. Arrangements should be made for interviewees to sign recording agreements (perhaps by post or email), or at the very least the interviewee should state clearly in the recording that he or she agrees to the uses described by the interviewer."

How To Record Skype Calls On Your Apple iPad 2?

How To Record Skype Calls On Your iPad 2

August 6, 2011 dvdipad iPad Tutorials

You can use the Free QuickVoice Recorder to record Skype calls on your iPad or iPad 2 now. This tutorial shows you how to record Skype calls on your iPad 2 with easy steps.

Quick Voice Recorder App for iPad is one of the best Skype Calls Recorder for it is FREE and with minimal interface that can be used easily to record Skype call audio of unlimited duration.

Things you will need:
  • iPad 1 or iPad 2
  • Quick Voice Recorder from App Store, download here.
  • Skype for iPad which you can download from App Store or from here .
How to Record Skype Calls on iPad 2?
  1. Start your call over Skype.
  2. Go back to Home screen and run the audio recorder apps and click on the record button.
  3. Other thing the user can do is that launches the audio recorder apps and then initiates the Skype calls.

The reason you can initiate a call over Skype first, then switch to an audio recorder is that Skype can work at background, your call won’t disconnect. The other option is to launch audio recording app first and then switch to Skype so the recording happens in the background. Both will work.

Please also note:

1. You may only record voice calls using the above methods and if you are doing a video call on Skype, only the audio portion of the call will get recorded on your iPad.

2.  If you are using headphones during the Skype call, only your side of the conversation will get recorded since the built-in iPad microphone won’t hear the voice coming from the other side.

3. Quick Voice Recorder app doesn’t run in the background and if audio file exceeds 5MB size, user can’t export it out of the iPad.

How to Record iPhone 5 Skype and FaceTime Video Session? Free Screen Recorderareacellphone

How to Record iPhone 5 Skype and FaceTime Video Session? Free Screen Recorder

iPhone owners are well aware of the screenshot taking trick of pressing simultaneously home and power button, and it saves the screen capture into iOS camera roll. However, users willing to record the video or event happening on the screen will have to pay both in terms of money and effort. However, Cydia has just received its first free to record screen app called RecordMyScreen, and it will help you record everything playing on the screen.

The application will help you capture a video of your iPhone 5’s screen, allowing you to create movies of things like video tutorials, games, explaining iOS tricks and even video calls. There are already plethora such videos available on video sharing and social networking sites. But, those millions of videos created by users required both desktop as well as other tweaks to record the screen. RecordMyScreen is created to make the process a smooth and easy as just pressing a button.

The tweak is the result of a extremely, collaborative hard work among a number of iOS developers, and is applauded proudly as the first totally free and screen recorder for iOS. You will find ScreenRecorder for iOS from other developers, but they are not built on open source aspect. The RecordMyScreen is It has the ability to of working on both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices, but the developer has not yet posted the app for approval on the app store. So, you can download and install it via Cydia.

The application offers features like video rotation, which help for recording screen videos in complete full as well as half-size recording, and add to this the power of hardware accelerated h.264 encoding making it the best app in the category that is also free. The app also offers the capability to record OpenGL frames, just as soon as the process is accomplished, it is simple to save the clips to the camera roll.

Note. The app is not compatible with Retina iPad.

You can download this top Cydia app via BigBoss repo absolutely free.

Call Recorder (2015) For iPhone: Record Calls, Skype, FaceTime, to 8

Call Recorder (2015) For iPhone. Record Calls,Skype,FaceTime,Viber..iOS6 to 8.1.2

Смотрите все видео автора: iappTweak.

Просмотров: 91947

Call Recorder (iOS). First iPhone Call Recorder Ever!

Price. $3.99 ( free in other sources )

Record regular phone calls directly on your iPhone.

Audio Recorder, the so anticipated tweak for iPhone. has come to prove it was possible!

With Audio Recorder, you can record the phone calls you need to listen to later, such as business calls, appointment arrangements, doctor notes etc and you can store them locally on your iPhone.

You can then play them, send them to your email or delete them.

The remote party hears a warning voice message that the call will be recorded at the beginning of your recording. (This cannot be disabled, since the other party's consent is necessary by law in many countries and it will never be removed from this application, so please do not ask for the removal of this feature)

Audio Recorder does not use a remote server to store your calls, like other apps use as a workaround. It records the telephony service voice data directly on the device! There is no need for an internet connection when you record a call.

Although Audio Recorder automatically notifies the other party that the call is being recorded, you should be aware that recording call conversations without the other party's consent is illegal in many countries. Check to comply with your country's laws before buying or using this application. The developer or the seller take no responsibility if you use this application in any way that would result in breaking the law.

Currently, on iPhone4S devices it only works when you switch to Speaker while in a call.

The application currently works only on iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 devices. An update will be posted in a later time to support older devices as well.

The tweak that so many people have been waiting for is finally here! ][ Supports. Phone/Voip Calls, Viber, Skype, FaceTime, Line, Music App, Youtube, Pandora, Radio, almost anything.

Call Recorder App. Play/Delete/Share your recordings and quickly setup activator gestures.

internal web server allows to easily access all your recordings from your personal computer and directly download, delete or play them from the device.

skype & callBar support. Adds a quick record button directly into the call view.

Google Drive. Every recording will be automatically uploaded to your Google Drive account when finish recording.

Activator Support. Toggle recording by triple clicking the home button ( or set other activator gesture from the inside the application settings ).

Notice. * This tweak only works on iPhone 4S/5/5C/5S/6/6+ with iOS 6 and up. on iPhone 4S it only works while playing through the external speaker.

=== Sources =======================

insanelyi. https://repo.insanelyi.com/

Xarold. https://repo.xarold.com/

Bite Your Apple. https://repo.biteyourapple.net/


Интересное видео? Напиши свое впечатление ниже!

How to Record Skype Calls on your iPad or iPhone

How to Record Skype Calls on your iPad

This tutorial describes a simple technique that will help you record Skype calls on your iPad or iPhone using free apps. For video calls, the audio (voice) portion is recorded.

Skype, the much loved app for making voice and video calls, is now available for the iPad as well – download a copy from your country’s iTunes store. The iPad app can be used on both Wi-Fi and 3G networks and, like the desktop version of Skype, you can also send text messages and place calls to landline and mobile numbers from the iPad.

The Skype app is compatible with the original iPad and the newer iPad 2 though you would need the latter model for making video calls. One big advantage of using Skype over the built-in FaceTime app is that it lets video chat even with friends who are outside the Apple iMac/iPhone/iPad ecosystem as Skype is available for all popular platforms including Windows, Linux, Android, Symbian and more.

How to Record Skype Calls on iPad (or iPhone)

While there are plenty of software tools around for recording Skype calls on a desktop. the process of recording Skype calls on an iPad or iPhone is a little bit different.

You initiate a call over Skype, switch to an audio recorder app and hit the record button. The technique works because even if you put the Skype app in the background, the call won’t disconnect. The other option is that you launch an audio recording app first and then switch to Skype so the recording happens in the background.

So which app do you use for recording Skype calls on the iPad.

My personal favorite is Quick Voice – this is a free voice recorder with a minimal interface and you can you record audio of unlimited duration. The only limitation is that you cannot run Quick Voice as a background app and second, if the audio file size exceeds 5 MB, you can’t transfer it out of your iPad.

If you want to have the Skype app running in the foreground during the recording – like when you are doing a video call – you may consider getting a copy of Voice Recorder or Audio Memos. These are inexpensive voice recording apps for the iPad that have no limits and support background recording.

Take Notes while Recording Skype Calls

If you would like to jot down notes during a Skype call on an iPad, the recommended apps are Evernote (in the free category), Audio Notes. Sound Note and Notes Plus. With Evernote you can only type notes using the built-in keyboard while the other apps will also let you both type and draw freehand on the screen during the recording.

Finally, one unlikely but great contender in this category of Skype recorders is ScreenChomp. This is a digital whiteboard app that also records audio with drawing and exports everything as one video file.

The workflow is pretty similar. You launch the Skype app, initiate a voice / video call, then switch to ScreenChomp, or any of the other note taking apps, and start recording. Simple but there are obviously certain limitations.

One, you may only record voice calls using the above methods and if you are doing a video call on Skype, only the audio portion of the call will get recorded on your iPad.

Second, if you are using headphones during the Skype call, only your side of the conversation will get recorded since the built-in iPad microphone won’t hear the voice coming from the other side.