
Spellcheck img-1


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spellcheck Look at other dictionaries:

spellcheck — spell?check [ spelt?ek] also spell check noun [countable] COMPUTING 1. the act of checking that the spelling in a computer document is correct, using a special computer program: • A simple spellcheck after a page edit can be useful … Financial and business terms

spellcheck — [[t]spe?lt?ek[/t]] spellchecks, spellchecking, spellchecked also spell check 1) VERB If you spellcheck something you have written on a computer, you use a special program to check whether you have made any spelling mistakes. [V n] This model… … English dictionary

spellcheck — spellchecker (also spelling checker) > NOUN ? a computer program which checks the spelling of words in files of text by comparing them with a stored list of words. DERIVATIVES spellcheck verb & noun … English terms dictionary

Spellcheck — Monitoranzeige (zur manuellen Korrektur) Rechtschreibprufung bezeichnet softwaregestutzte Verfahren zur Fehlerkorrektur in elektronisch vorliegenden Texten. Einsatzzwecke sind die klassischen Officeprogramme, die bereits zuvor verwendeten… … Deutsch Wikipedia

spellcheck — See spell checker. * * * … Universalium

spellcheck — 1. verb a) To check that words in written text are properly spelled. b) To run a spellchecker. 2. noun a) The act of spellchecking b) A spellchecker … Wiktionary

spellcheck — spell? check v. t. to process (a document) with a spell checker; check the spelling of • Etymology: 1980–85 … From formal English to slang

spellcheck — /?sp?lt??k/ (say spelchek) verb (t) 1. to check the spelling of (a document) by means of a spellchecker. –verb (i) 2. to run a spellchecker on a text file. … Australian English dictionary

death by spellcheck — noun The problems caused by spellcheckers being incapable of correcting most homophone confusions … Wiktionary

spell check — spellcheck spell?check [ spelt?ek] also spell check noun [countable] COMPUTING 1. the act of checking that the spelling in a computer document is correct, using a special computer program: • A simple spellcheck after a page edit can be useful … Financial and business terms

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Grammar and spellchecker – English – Reverso

Intelligent speller and grammar checker

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About the spelling and grammar checker

This tool enables you to correct the most cumbersome mistakes, with a high degree of accuracy and speed, and to improve your written English.

When several corrections are possible, you are prompted to choose one of them. There are cases when mistakes are skipped in order to limit the display of warnings or when the suggested corrections are not perfectly adapted to the context. Therefore, we advise you not to rely exclusively on the results delivered by our tool and to review the text yourself after the correction. To improve your English spelling, you can also consult our online grammar module and our conjugator.

Do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the results of the spelling and grammar check. This way, you will enable us to improve our service.

Contact us if you want to implement a spell-checking tool adapted to your company (for French, English or other languages). If you are looking for a PC product, we recommend Ginger.

The concept of an automatic and interactive online spell-checker was created and developed by Reverso-Softissimo in addition to the online translation service. It makes use of the best technologies developed by Ginger Software with an interface, settings and complementary processings specifically devised by Reverso-Softissimo for the Reverso website and the Reverso Intranet products.

Here are the types of possible corrections:

Open Source Suggester Spellcheck - Spell Checking Java library

Open Source Suggester Spellcheck - Spell Checking Java library

4. Requirements

5. Basic, Advanced and Enterprise versions of Suggester software

6. Documentation

7. Java Code Samples

8. Examples

9. Dictionaries

10. Release Notes

11. Licensing and Legal Issues

1. What is it?

The Suggester Spell Check is a 100% pure Java library to provide local spell checking service. Free to use with already pre-compiled dictionaries. Suggester Spell Check uses Basic Suggester as a spellchecker.

What is the Suggester software?

The Suggester is a Java program, providing recommendations for unknown words in user query for local search systems. System administrator can create a list of preferred words and assign higher weight to such words. As a basic implementation Suggester can serve as a spellchecker.

2. Advantages

Smart suggestions:

The Suggester uses shortest Edit-distance measure combined with Metaphone algorithm and private Fuzzy-matching algorithm to select the suggestion. You can adjust the influence from each algorithm using a configuration file. Try Java Applet based Spelling Suggestions Test to see how it works.

Local service:

Unlike Google's Spelling API, the Suggester library and a dictionary file is all you need to have local spellchecking service fully under your control. No need to worry about exposure on Internet, connectivity problems and availability of external service. No hidden fees as well.


See below which dictionaries / languages are available for download.

Custom dictionaries:

The Index Builder allows user creating custom dictionaries. It also can be used to extract all words from the dictionary and modify existing dictionaries. The Index Builder is included in free Basic Suggester download package.

High dictionary compression:

The word dictionary is compressed on a hard drive as well in computer memory. A basic UK English dictionary contains about 57000 words and has a size about 90K. The English dictionary contains about 200,000 words (including names, abbreviations, geographic places, etc.) and it takes 236Kb file on a hard drive and about 2Mb space in memory. Other languages are compressed even better. For example full Russian dictionary contains more than 1,300,000 words (including variants) and it takes 315Kb file on a hard drive and again about 2Mb space in memory. Comparing with more than 30Mb file size of original word list (in UTF-8 format), the compressed file size is close to 1% of original size.

High dictionary search and suggestion selection speed:

Dictionary case dependent / independent look-up takes about 0.002 / 0.005 ms per word, which comes to speed about 500,000 / 200,000 words per second. Suggestions search speed averages about 40 ms per set of suggestions for each unknown word on Pentium M 1.4Gz (with high quality of suggestions).


The Suggester software entirely written in Java 1.2. Runs on any Java® platform: Windows®, Mac OS®, Unix, Linux. Tested on JRE 1.2 and up.

Comparison table of Suggester and other popular spellchecking software. Apache Java library "Jazzy", web site Dictionary.com, Microsoft Word 2000 and Google search engine (the comparison was done in 2007).

Please note Important limitation: Basic suggester is not context sensitive.

3. Where to get it?

The home page for the Suggester Spell Check project can be found on the SoftCorporation LLC. web site http://www.softcorporation.com/products/spellcheck. There you also can find the information on how to download the latest release as well as all other information you might need regarding this project.

To download go to Basic Suggester project.

4. Requirements

o A Java 1.2 compatible or newer JVM for your operating system.

o There are no other requirements to run Suggester as a Spellchecker.

o To run the Index Builder you may need up to 1Gb of virtual memory.

5. Basic, Advanced and Enterprise versions of Suggester software

There are 3 different versions of Suggester software:

o Basic Suggester - (free open source) uses one dictionary, where all words have the same weight. The Suggester Spell Check uses Basic Suggester.

o Advanced Suggester - (commercial) can use multiple dictionaries with different weights assigned to each dictionary and each word. It also supports multiple languages.

o Enterprise Suggester - (not ready for distribution) uses all features from Advanced Suggester plus has an ability to compress information at much higher rate than the Advanced Suggester. It is achieved by removing repeated segments of a trie, which stores dictionary information. As a result each trie segment of the Enterprise Suggester dictionary is unique.

6. Documentation

See The Basic Suggester Project for documentation.

7. Java Code Samples

Java code samples are included in the download package. Click on a link for more information on How to use Basic Suggester Spell Check.

8. Web Examples

Advanced and Enterprise verions of Suggester software allow creating context sensitive spell-checker, which you can test here:

9. Dictionaries

Click here to see and download Suggester dictionaries, including English medical dictionary. Full English/American dictionary contains about 200,000 words, including geographical places and often used names. Full Russian dictionary contains more than 1,300,000 words (including variants).

10. Release Notes
  • 10 Jun, 2006. Initial release 1.0.0.
  • 21 Oct, 2007. Release 1.1.2.
  • 01 Feb, 2008. Release 1.1.3. Language configuration files update.
  • 17 Aug, 2013. Open Source 1.1.2 Release.

11. Licensing and Legal Issues

For legal and licensing issues, please read the LICENSE.TXT file.

Атрибут spellcheck


Указывает браузеру проверять или нет правописание и грамматику в тексте. Хотя атрибут можно устанавливать практически для всех элементов, результат будет заметен только для полей форм ( <input>. <textarea> ), а также редактируемых элементов (у них установлен атрибут contenteditable ).

Браузер может не поддерживать проверку орфографии или она может быть отключена. Например, для Chrome проверка настраивается следующим образом.

  1. Откройте меню Chrome   на панели инструментов браузера.
  2. Выберите пункт «Настройки».
  3. Нажмите «Показать дополнительные настройки».
  4. В разделе «Языки» выберите «Настройка языков и способов ввода».
  5. В открывшемся диалоговом окне «Языки» установите или снимите флажок «Включить проверку правописания».

true Включает режим проверки правописания. false Отключает проверку.

Вместо true допустимо указывать пустое значение ( spellcheck="" ) или вообще его не писать ( spellcheck ).

Spell Check- Free Online Tool

Самые популярные Без орфографических ошибок:

Проверка правописания с Ginger

Средство проверки правописания Ginger исправляет даже самые сложные орфографические ошибки с непревзойденной точностью. Ginger исправляет опечатки, сложные орфографические ошибки, неправильно написанные и употребленные слова с учетом контекста предложения. Проверка правописания еще никогда не была такой простой и быстрой. Одним щелчком можно исправить множество ошибок. Средство проверки правописания Ginger с помощью революционной, патентуемой технологии исправляет все виды ошибок, в том числе и пропускаемые другими средствами проверки правописания.

Проверка правописания с Ginger Software

Нужно правильно писать слова!

Английское правописание полно подвохов. Многие слова пишутся совершенно не так, как произносятся. Поэтому люди нередко допускают орфографические ошибки, в том числе и носители английского языка. К сожалению, плохое правописание может многое рассказать о вас, в основном о вашей невнимательности. Почему так важно писать слова правильно? Штош, патамушта слава с ашипками трудна четать. Потому что вы пишете не только для себя, но и для читателя. Потому что орфографические ошибки плохо отражаются на вас.

Проверьте правописание на своем пути к успеху: пишите лучше и быстрее

Проверка правописания Ginger позволяет писать быстрее и легче. Вам больше не придется просить других проверить ваш текст. Проверяйте свои тексты в Интернете с помощью средства проверки правописания Ginger, либо загрузите полное приложение, позволяющее проверять грамматику, исправлять неправильное употребление слов, а также прослушивать свои тексты, учиться на своих ошибках и больше их не делать. Не дайте правописанию стать на своем пути. Начните пользоваться проверкой правописания Ginger Software уже сегодня!

Английское правописание полно подвохов. Благодаря % Ginger вы исправите даже самые сложные % с непревзойденной точностью. С помощью Ginger вы сможете исправлять опечатки, сложные орфографические ошибки, неправильно написанные и употребленные слова с учетом контекста предложения. Ginger также исправляет грамматические и пунктуационные ошибки любого типа.

Средство проверки правописания и грамматики Ginger с помощью революционной, патентуемой технологии исправляет все виды ошибок, в том числе и пропускаемые другими средствами проверки правописания, например употребление правильно написанных слов в неверном контексте. Ginger отмечено многочисленными наградами, например «За выдающиеся успехи» Tech & Learning 2010. Блогеры хвалят эту программу, называя ее «уникальной», «феноменальной» и способной «творить чудеса».

Средство проверки орфографии Ginger проверяет правописание и исправляет ошибки с учетом контекста всего предложения. Вместе со средством проверки грамматики Ginger вы получаете программу, позволяющую исправлять целые предложения одним щелчком мыши.

Средство проверки правописания Ginger исправляет ВСЕ виды ошибок

Ikuli > Equally

Фонетические орфографические ошибки

Why are you djadjing me? > Why are you judging me?

Castal > Castle

Ошибки спряжения глаголов

She flyed to New York. > She flew to New York.

С помощью средств исправления грамматики и правописания с учетом контекста Ginger выявляет случаи неправильного употребления слов в любом предложении и заменяет неправильные слова правильными. К таким случаям относятся:

Ошибки, связанные с неверным употреблением слов с похожим звучанием, исправляются на основе контекста

Were have you been? > Where have you been?

Такие ошибки исправляются на основе контекста:

Spellcheck - это

spellcheck это: Смотреть что такое "spellcheck" в других словарях:

spellcheck — spell?check [ spelt?ek] also spell check noun [countable] COMPUTING 1. the act of checking that the spelling in a computer document is correct, using a special computer program: • A simple spellcheck after a page edit can be useful … Financial and business terms

spellcheck — [[t]spe?lt?ek[/t]] spellchecks, spellchecking, spellchecked also spell check 1) VERB If you spellcheck something you have written on a computer, you use a special program to check whether you have made any spelling mistakes. [V n] This model… … English dictionary

spellcheck — spellchecker (also spelling checker) > NOUN ? a computer program which checks the spelling of words in files of text by comparing them with a stored list of words. DERIVATIVES spellcheck verb & noun … English terms dictionary

Spellcheck — Monitoranzeige (zur manuellen Korrektur) Rechtschreibprufung bezeichnet softwaregestutzte Verfahren zur Fehlerkorrektur in elektronisch vorliegenden Texten. Einsatzzwecke sind die klassischen Officeprogramme, die bereits zuvor verwendeten… … Deutsch Wikipedia

spellcheck — See spell checker. * * * … Universalium

spellcheck — 1. verb a) To check that words in written text are properly spelled. b) To run a spellchecker. 2. noun a) The act of spellchecking b) A spellchecker … Wiktionary

spellcheck — spell? check v. t. to process (a document) with a spell checker; check the spelling of • Etymology: 1980–85 … From formal English to slang

spellcheck — /?sp?lt??k/ (say spelchek) verb (t) 1. to check the spelling of (a document) by means of a spellchecker. –verb (i) 2. to run a spellchecker on a text file. … Australian English dictionary

spellcheck — spell?check or spell?checker noun A program in a word processor that checks the accuracy of the operator s spelling (also adjective) • • • Main Entry: ^spell … Useful english dictionary

death by spellcheck — noun The problems caused by spellcheckers being incapable of correcting most homophone confusions … Wiktionary

spell check — spellcheck spell?check [ spelt?ek] also spell check noun [countable] COMPUTING 1. the act of checking that the spelling in a computer document is correct, using a special computer program: • A simple spellcheck after a page edit can be useful … Financial and business terms

SpellCheckComponent - Solr Wiki


The first step to configure the SpellCheckComponent is to specify the source of words which should be used for suggestions in solrconfig.xml. The words can be loaded from a field in Solr, text files or even from fields in arbitary Lucene indices. A sample configuration for loading words from a field in Solr looks like the following:

When adding <str name="field">FieldName</str> be aware all fieldType processing is done prior to the dictionary creation. It is best to avoid a heavily processed field (ie synonyms and stemming) to get more accurate results. If the field has many word variations from processing then the dictionary will be created with those in addition to more valid spell checking data.

Multiple "spellchecker" instances can be configured in the same way. The currently available spellchecker implementations are:
org.apache.solr.spelling.IndexBasedSpellChecker -- Create and use a spelling dictionary that is based on the Solr index or an existing Lucene index
  • org.apache.solr.spelling.FileBasedSpellChecker -- Create and use a spelling dictionary based off a flat file. This can be useful for using Solr as a spelling server or in other instances when spelling suggestions do not need to be based on the content of an actual index.
  • org.apache.solr.spelling.DirectSolrSpellChecker Solr4.0 -- Experimental spellchecker that only uses your main Solr index directly (build/rebuild is a no-op). See LUCENE-2507 for more information.
  • org.apache.solr.spelling.WordBreakSolrSpellChecker Solr4.0 -- Generates suggestions by Combining adjacent words and/or breaking words into multiples. This spellchecker can be configured with a traditional checker (ie: DirectSolrSpellChecker ). The results are combined and collations can contain a mix of corrections from both spellcheckers. See SOLR-2993 for more information.

  • Custom Comparators and the Lucene Spell Checkers (IndexBasedSpellChecker, FileBasedSpellChecker, DirectSolrSpellChecker)

    Solr3.1 Solr4.0

    By default, the Lucene Spell checkers sort suggestions first by the score from the string distance calculation and second by the frequency (if available) of the suggestion in the index. Applications may wish to change this to better fit their scoring needs. This can be done when configuring the Lucene spell checker by adding the comparatorClass option to the configuration. This is a string value which may be one of the following:
    • Empty -- in which case the default is used.
    • score -- explicitly choose the default case
    • freq -- Sort by frequency first, then score.

    A fully qualified class name -- Provide a custom comparator that implements Comparator<SuggestWord >.

    See SuggestWordScoreComparator in the contrib/spellchecker code base of Lucene for an example.

    An example configuration might look like:

    Building on Commits

    SpellCheckComponent can be configured to automatically (re)build indices based on fields in Solr index when a commit is done. In order to do so you must enable this feature by adding the following line in your SpellCheckComponent configuration for each spellchecker where you wish it to apply:

    For example:

    NOTE. Building on commit is very expensive and is discouraged for most production systems. For large indexes, one commit may take minutes since the building of spellcheck dictionary is single threaded. Use buildOnOptimize or explicit build instead.

    Building on Optimize

    SpellCheckComponent can be configured to automatically (re)build indices based on fields in Solr index when an optimize command is done. In order to do so you must enable this feature by adding the following line in your SpellCheckComponent configuration


    For use with IndexBasedSpellChecker or DirectSolrSpellChecker. This specifies the percentage of documents in which a term must occur in order to be included in any spelling suggestions. (In the case of IndexBasedSpellChecker. only terms that meet this requirement will be indexed in the spelling dictionary.) For example, the following configuration line limits the dictionary to terms that occur in at least 1% of the documents:

    Note that this does not affect whether or not a user's query is considered to be correctly spelled as these spell checkers never offer suggestions for terms included in the full original documents. However, specifying thresholdTokenFrequency will prevent low-instance terms from being offered as spelling suggestions.

    Spell Checking Analysis

    SpellCheckingAnalysis - Provides details on how Analysis and Spell Checking work together

    Request Parameters spellcheck

    Turn on or off spellcheck suggestions for this request. If true, then spelling suggestions will be generated.

    q OR spellcheck.q

    The query to spellcheck. If spellcheck.q is defined, then it is used, otherwise the original input query is used. The spellcheck.q parameter is intended to be the original query, minus any extra markup like field names, boosts, etc. If the q parameter is specified, then the SpellingQueryConverter class is used to parse it into tokens, otherwise the WhitesepaceTokenizer is used. The choice of which one to use is up to the application. Essentially, if you have a spelling "ready" version in your application, then it is probably better to send spellcheck.q, otherwise, if you just want Solr to do the job, use the q parameter

    Note: The SpellingQueryConverter class does not deal properly with non-ASCII characters. In this case, you have either to use spellcheck.q, or to implement your own QueryConverter.


    Create the dictionary for use by the SolrSpellChecker. In typical applications, one needs to build the dictionary before using it. However, it may not always be necessary as it is possible to setup the spellchecker with a dictionary that already exists.


    Reload the spell checker. Depends on the implementation of SolrSpellChecker .reload() but usually means reloading the dictionary


    The name of the spellchecker to use. This defaults to "default". Can be used to invoke a specific spellchecker on a per request basis.


    The maximum number of suggestions to return. Note that this value also limits the number of candidates considered as suggestions. You might need to increase this value to make sure you always get the best suggestion, even if you plan to only use the first item in the list.


    The maximum number of suggestions to return for terms that exist in the index (Document Frequency > 0). Specifying this instructs the spellchecker to try and make suggestions for every term in the query. This differs from the "spellcheck.onlyMorePopular" option in that suggested terms need not be "more popular". Also, if used with "spellcheck.collate" collations may be built using the user's original query terms (whereas "spellcheck.onlyMorePopular" will try to correct every term when building collations). Solr4.0 See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2585


    Only return suggestions that result in more hits for the query than the existing query. Note that even if the given query term is correct (i.e. present in the index), a more popular suggestion will be returned (if one exists).


    The maximum number of results the query can return while still triggering spelling suggestions (and collations, if using "spellcheck.collate"). Suggestions will not be generated if the query returns more results than this value. When using "spellcheck.extendedResults", this value is also the threshold for determining if the "correctlySpelled" flag is false. (If "spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest" is not specified, the default behavior is to generate suggestions and to report "correctlySpelled" as "false" if at least 1 term is not in the index (Document Frequency == 0) regardless of the number of results returned.) This parameter is especially useful in conjunction with "spellcheck.alternativeTermCount" to generate "Did You mean?"-style suggestions for low hit-count queries. Solr4.0 See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2585


    Provide additional information about the suggestion, such as the frequency in the index.


    A collation is the original query string with the best suggestions for each term replaced in it. If spellcheck.collate is true, Solr will take the best suggestion for each token (if it exists) and construct a new query from the suggestions. For example, if the input query was "jawa class lording" and the best suggestion for "jawa" was "java" and "lording" was "loading", then the resulting collation would be "java class loading". The top suggestions are used, but no attempt is made to ensure the collation, if re-run by the client, will return any results.

    spellcheck.collate can guarantee that collations will return results if re-run by the client (applying original fq params also). This is especially helpful when there is more than one correction per query. There is also an option to get multiple collation suggestions and an expanded response format. The following three parameters enable this functionality:


    The maximum number of collations to return. Default=1. Ignored if "spellcheck.collate" is false. Solr4.0 Solr3.1


    The maximum # of collation possibilities to try before giving up. Lower values ensure better performance. Higher values may be necessary to find a collation that can return results. Default is 0 (do not check collations). Ignored if "spellcheck.collate" is false. Solr4.0 Solr3.1


    The maximum number of word correction combinations to rank and evaluate prior to deciding which collation candidates to test against the index. This is a performance safety-net in cases a user enters a query with many misspelled words. The default is 10,000 combinations which should work well in most situations. Ignored if "spellcheck.collate" is false. Solr4.0 Solr3.3


    For use with "spellcheck.maxCollationTries". Override the named parameter (substitute XX). For instance, if user's query uses dismax/edismax and a low "mm" value was specified (such as 1), it might be desired to requre 100% of the query terms to match when testing collations. In this case, specify "spellcheck.collateParam.mm=100%". Solr4.0 See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3211


    If true, returns an expanded response format detailing collations found. default is false. Ignored if "spellcheck.collate" is false. Following is an example of the extended output for the misspelled query Title:(hopq AND faill) Solr4.0 Solr3.1


    Specify the maximum number of documents SpellCheckComponent should collect when testing potential Collations against the index. The default (0) indicates that all documents should be collected, resulting in exact hit-counts. Otherwise an estimation is provided as a performance optimization in cases where exact hit-counts are unnecessary. Also, when "spellcheck.collateExtendedResults" is false, this optimization is always made (as if 1 had been specified here). Solr4.4 Solr5.0


    Pass in an accuracy value to be used by the spell checking implementation to decide whether a result is worthwhile or not. Defaults to Float.MIN_VALUE.


    Pass in a key/value pair to the implementation. This key/value pair is passed through to the implementation in a SolrParams class. The value that is passed through is just key=value (in other words, spellcheck.<DICT_NAME>. is stripped off)

    Example: Given a dictionary called foo, spellcheck.foo.myKey=myValue would result in myKey=myValue being passed through to the implementation handling the dictionary foo.

    Use in the Solr Example

    The Solr example (in solr/example) comes with a preconfigured SearchComponent and an associated RequestHandler for demonstration purposes. See the example solrconfig.xml (solr/example/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml) for setup parameters.

    Example Requests

    A simple result using the spellcheck.q parameter. Note the spellcheck.build=true which is needed only once to build the index. It should not be specified with for each request.

    Extended Results

    The spellcheck.extendedResults=true parameter provides frequency of each original term in the index (origFreq) as well as the frequency of each suggestion in the index (frequency).

    NOTE. This result format differs from the non-extended one as the returned suggestion for a word is actually an array of lists, where each list holds the suggested term and its frequency. Solr1.4

    Collate Results

    Adding the spellcheck.collate=true parameter returns a query with the misspelled terms replaced by the top suggestions. Note that the non-spellcheckable terms such as those for range queries, prefix queries etc. are detected and excluded for spellchecking. Such non-spellcheckable terms are preserved in the collated output so that the original query can be run again, as is.

    Implementing a new java SolrSpellChecker

    :TODO: HOOK in links to Javadocs.

    The SolrSpellChecker class provides an abstract base class for defining common spelling constructs for use in the SpellCheckComponent. Implementing classes need to define the following methods:
    1. reload - How to reload the dictionary/spell checker. This method is called when the application knows there are changes to the dictionary and that they should be loaded.
    build - Create the appropriate spelling resources. Also called when the resources needs to be rebuilt. Not all implementations may need to implement this. For instance, an implementation may always use the same underlying resources and they are immutable. The Lucene IndexBasedSpellChecker. on the other hand, actually creates the appropriate underlying dictionary from the specified index.
  • getSuggestions(Collection<Token> tokens, IndexReader reader, int count, boolean onlyMorePopular, boolean extendedResults) - The main method called for returning suggestions. See the javadocs for more explanation.

  • Implementing a QueryConverter

    The QueryConverter is an abstract base class defining a method for converting input "raw" queries into a set of tokens for spell checking. It is used to "parse" the CommonParams .Q (the input query) and convert it to tokens. It is only invoked for the CommonParams .Q parameter, and not the "spellcheck.q" parameter. Systems that use their own query parser or those that find issues with the basic implementation will want to implement their own QueryConverter. Instead of using the provided implementation (SpellingQueryConverter ), they should override the appropriate methods on the SpellingQueryConverter in their custom QueryConverter and register it in the solrconfig.xml via:

    The existing converter uses a relatively simple Regex to extract out the basic query terms from a query and create tokens from them.

    Distributed Search Support SpellCheckComponent now supports distributed setups. If you are using SpellCheckComponent on a request handler other than "/select", then you need to provide the following two parameters:
    "shards" - See DistributedSearch
  • "shards.qt" - Signals Solr that requests to shards should be sent to a request handler given by this parameter. Use shards.qt=/spell when making the request if your request handler is "/spell".
  • For example:

    If SpellCheckComponent is added to the /select request handler, then the "shards.qt" parameter is not required.

    In case of a distributed request to SpellCheckComponent, the shards are requested for at least five suggestions even if "spellcheck.count" is less than five. Once the suggestions are collected, they are ranked by the configured distance measure (default is Levenstein Distance) and then by aggregate frequency.

    For discussion of the development of this feature, see SOLR-572.

    SpellCheckComponent (last edited 2013-07-11 14:58:49 by JoshLincoln )

    Spell checking parsing using C#

    SpellCheck.net spell checking parsing using C#

    Online spell checking using C# and regular expressions.


    SpellCheck.NET is free online spell checking site. Whenever I need to check my spelling I visit this site, so I decided to write a parser for this site. I wrote this parser with C# and wrapped it up in a DLL file and called it Word.dll. In this article I will show you how to parse a HTML page using regular expressions. I will not explain all the source code since it is available for download. My main purpose of this project is to demonstrate how to parse a HTML page using regular expressions.

    Before this project I have never worked with regular expressions seriously, so I decided to use regular expressions. In this project I have learned a lot about C# regular expressions and .NET framework. The difficult part was in this project writing regular expressions pattern. So I referred to different sites and books to get the right pattern.

    About Word.dll

    Word.dll has one public class and two public methods

    1. Public Class SpellCheck