
Gbs img-1


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Gbs - это

Смотреть что такое "Gbs" в других словарях:

GBS — steht fur: Game Boy Sound, das Tonformat des Nintendo Game Boy Generic Bus Services, Grundfunktionsumfang eines BITBUS Slaves (Bezeichnung aus der IEEE1118) Georg Buchner Schule (Darmstadt) Georg Buchner Schule (Rodgau) Gesamtbanksteuerung… … Deutsch Wikipedia

GBS — may refer to: *Game Boy Sound System *Gastric bypass surgery *Gay Bowel Syndrome [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cgi bin/omd?gay+bowel+syndrome]. a series of colon and anorectal diseases *Group B Streptococcus, a type of bacteria *George Bernard… … Wikipedia

GBS — Cette page d’homonymie repertorie les differents sujets et articles partageant un meme nom. GBS, sigle compose des trois lettres G, B et S, peut faire reference a : Guinee Bissau, selon la liste des codes pays du CIO, Global Business… … Wikipedia en Francais

GBS — Global Broadcast Service; Global Broadcast System … Military dictionary

GBS — noun a) Guillain Barre syndrome b) Infection by group ? streptococci … Wiktionary

GBS — Guillain Barre Syndrome (Medical » Physiology) **** Group B Streptococcus (Medical » Physiology) * Great Big Sea (Academic & Science » Ocean Science) * Gravity Base Structure (Academic & Science » Ocean Science) * Glowing Black Stone… … Abbreviations dictionary

GBS — gallbladder series; gastric bypass surgery; glycerine buffered saline [solution]; general biopsychosocial screening; group B Streptococcus, group B streptococci; Guillain Barre syndrome * * * Guillain Barr?? syndrome … Medical dictionary

GBS — • Group Bridging Service • Ground Bases Software NASA … Acronyms

GBS — Group B streptococcal (Estreptococo del grupo B) … Diccionario de siglas medicas y otras abreviaturas

gbs — ISO 639 3 Code of Language ISO 639 2/B Code. ISO 639 2/T Code. ISO 639 1 Code. Scope. Individual Language Type. Living Language Name. Gbesi Gbe … Names of Languages ISO 639-3

GBS — [1] Group Bridging Service [2] Ground Bases Software ( > NASA Acronym List ) … Acronyms von A bis Z

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  • Весы электронные GBS-947-P. Цвет: розовый. Материал: пластик, стекло закаленное 6 мм. Размер монитора: 6,1 х 2,8 см. Максимальный вес пользователя: 150 кг. Тип монитора: ЖК. Подсветка экрана. Индикаторнизкого заряда… Подробнее Купить за 1425 руб
  • Весы электронные GBS-947-P. Цвет: фиолетовый. Материал: пластик, стекло закаленное 6 мм. Размер монитора: 6,1 х 2,8 см. Максимальный вес пользователя: 150 кг. Тип монитора: ЖК. Подсветка экрана. Индикатор низкого заряда… Подробнее Купить за 1425 руб
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ЛШМ Bosch GBS 75 AE

Как в какой-то американской комедии, герой галстук в шредер случайно уронил. и понеслось.

А вот еще был случай. году в 67-68 отец работал фотографом на одном заводике. Как обычно, дали поручение снять передовиков на доску почёта. Он решил снимать на рабочих местах, чтобы было поживописнее, а не так как обычно - на белой простыне, лом проглотившими.

И, вот, снимая очередного фрезеровщика-ударника, пытаясь поймать в кадр не только лицо но и станок, прицеливаясь своей лейкой, начал медленно отступать назад. Сзади крутился некий шпиндель, токарного или еще какого станка. Край рукава отцовского свитера был захвачен в это движение, и. Дело было зимой, на нём был свитер, рубашка и майка. В долю секунды с него всё это было сдёрнуто, вместе с большинством - как это называется поверхностный слой кожи? - эпидермиса торса. Хорошо хоть только этим эпидермисом обошлось. Он каким-то образом успел принять позу, какую используют для снятия свитеров - наклон и руки вперед, так что самого во вращение не затянуло.

Домой привезли человека, казалось, вообще без кожи верхней части туловища. Правда, всё зажило за месяц, слава Богу.

Фотография, особенно та область, в которой работал - съёмка промышленных объектов - довольно опасная профессия.

Так что же мне делать с редуктором машинки?

GBS Girl

" Life Isn't About Waiting for the Storm to Pass; it's About Learning to Dance in the Rain"

During my 38th year of life I changed- a great change- a change that I guess looking back was forced on to me. I thought that I had a great life and I was growing as a person every day. It was August 17th, 2010 when everything changed.

My name is Stacey Jewett and I started this page as I have Guillian-Barre Syndrome.

I wanted to do this in order to raise awareness, this is my story. I may have forgotten parts (which might come to me later), things might not follow in exact order or sequence but I have written it as I remember it and as it comes to me. I have added lots of detail as I feel it is important and I have written how I felt. Everything written is from my perspective.

GBS is different but similar for everyone who is affected, it is a syndrome that needs more research to determine what causes it to occur, in my case the doctors were unable to determine what caused my GBS.

This has been a life changing journey for me- I am grateful for all that I have and that I am doing as well as I am, I truly believe that I am a walking miracle and things could have turned out so differently.

Much awareness, support and research is needed when it comes to GBS.

I have attached a video below discussing GBS. In the link they discuss that the myelin sheath of the nerves are damaged, in my case the axons inside in the nerves were extremely damaged, something my neurologist indicated was very rare from what he has seen and extremely serious.

Guillain-Barr - Syndrome

Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare medical condition that affects the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. Although it can be frightening because it often causes people to have some type of paralysis, Guillain-Barré (pronounced: GHEE-yan bah-RAY) syndrome is very rare: It only affects 1 or 2 people in every 100,000. Most of the people who do get Guillain-Barré syndrome recover and return to their normal lives and activities.

What Is Guillain-Barré Syndrome?

Experts believe that GBS is an autoimmune disorder. These happen when the immune system. which usually protects us by attacking any invading organisms that may harm the body, mistakes the body's own cells for foreign material and begins to attack them. Guillain-Barré can affect people of any age, but it becomes more common with increasing age.

The nerves outside the brain and spinal cord are called the peripheral nerves. They transmit signals from our brain to our muscles telling them to move. They also transmit sensory signals (such as touch, pressure, temperature and pain) from our body to our brain. When GBS causes these nerves to be temporarily damaged, the signals are interrupted. As a result, someone with GBS may have weakness or problems moving, or may feel numbness and tingling in the arms or legs.

GBS is rare, but can get serious: If the muscles in the chest are affected, for example, it may interfere with the ability to breathe and require the person to use a ventilator for a while. The good news is that the paralysis that goes with GBS is usually temporary.

What Causes It?

No one knows yet what causes GBS or why it affects some people and not others. GBS is called a syndrome because, like irritable bowel syndrome or other syndromes, doctors diagnose it based on a collection of symptoms.

Although no one knows what causes GBS, scientists do have some theories about the syndrome and why it surfaces in the body. For example, doctors report that more than half of all GBS cases seem to occur after a viral or bacterial infection like those that cause sore throats or diarrhea. Occasionally, minor surgery or something else might trigger the GBS symptoms.

There's no reason to worry that a typical sore throat or a minor surgery is going to trigger an autoimmune response and lead to GBS, though. Colds, sore throats, and the occasional bout of diarrhea are fairly predictable parts of everyone's lives; getting GBS, thankfully, is not.

Gbs Instagram photos

Nurses across America are standing up to mandatory flu vaccines, choosing to wear a mask instead, or sometimes losing their jobs altogether.

Visit Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines www.namv.org for more info.

Sarah Behie’s symptoms started nearly three weeks after she got the flu shot. The nurse’s aide at Lehigh Valley Hospital in Pennsylvania noticed that her knees and arms hurt and that her limbs felt weak.

As the pain and weakness grew worse, the 20-year-old was admitted to the hospital and later diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological condition that would leave her partially paralyzed and living in hospitals and nursing homes for nearly four years.

The cause of Behie’s illness, her lawyers alleged, was the flu vaccine that she received at work in October 2010.

On Tuesday, attorneys Lawrence Cohan & David Carney of Philadelphia announced they had negotiated a settlement that will provide up to $11.6 million over Behie’s lifetime to pay for her ongoing medical care. The settlement, to be paid by the tax-funded National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, will also provide Behie more than $1 million for her lost wages, pain and suffering and other medical expenses.

Based on settled cases in the special vaccine court, the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in the United States. Most of the awards paid out for damages due to the flu vaccine are for cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Much like the symptoms of polio, GBS sufferers can become totally paralyzed. Medical authorities know that this is a side effect of the flu vaccine, but the official claim is that it is only one out of one million. A quick list of settled claims each quarter will show that it is obviously much higher than this, however.