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Minesweeper Online

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Play Minesweeper Online - Free Classic Minesweeper Game

Play Minesweeper Online - Free Brain Game

If you're searching for a site where you can play Minesweeper online, look no further! The classic Minesweeper game on this page is free to play.

To begin, click the Small, Medium, or Large link under the picture at left. This opens the game in a pop-up window.

The object of Minesweeper is to clear all hidden mines from the board. This puzzle game trains concentration and logical reasoning skills.

Minesweeper is a classic logic video game that has been around for years. It became widely popular when Microsoft starting bundling it with the Windows operating system. I remember playing this game for the first time years ago on my old Windows PC.

Even though it's an older game, Minesweeper really does train your reasoning skills. Given a grid of blank squares, your task is to deduce where all the mines are located - without setting any of them off!

Clicking a mine-free square reveals a number or opens a blank area. A number indicates how many mines are adjacent to that square (eight possible locations, including the four diagonal spaces).

Using these numbers and logical reasoning, narrow down each mine's location and mark it with a flag. To win the game, mark the location of all the mines on the board. See below for more instructions.

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Play Minesweeper Online - Instructions

HOW TO PLAY. After the game loads, choose the level of difficulty by click the Easy, Medium, or Tough radio button. The greater the difficulty, the larger the minefield. Then type your name in the "Enter your name" box if you wish (it's not required), and click the Start button.

The number of mines remaining displays in the lower left of the screen. The amount of time you've been playing shows in the lower right. The timer starts when you first click a square.

To begin to play Minesweeper online, click any square on the grid. This will either reveal a mine (game over), or a number or blank space will display.

Hitting a blank space is helpful, because it usually opens up large areas of the board for you. The numbers are where the brain training comes in, though.

From what I can determine, the best numbers to get are the 1's. As you can see in the screen image at right, I've uncovered an L-shaped pattern of 1's on the board.

Since a "1" indicates that there is exactly one mine adjacent to that square, the "1" you see in the corner of the L tells me that the only place the mine can be located is where I've set the flag.

The other numbers near the flag confirm my deductive reasoning. The two 1's nearby also imply the existence of a mine at or very close to that location.

Follow a similar strategy to reveal the remaining mines on the board. Whenever you identify the location of a mine, hover the mouse over that square and press the SPACEBAR. This plants a flag on that spot, indicating there is a mine underneath.

If at any point you click on a square where a hidden mine is located, all the mines on the board explode (see image at left). This means the game is over!

No worries if this happens. Just click the Restart button and try again.

If at any time you want to return to the main menu and change the Minesweeper difficulty level, click the Splash button.

Minesweeper is a relatively simple game design wise. But I think it's fun to play Minesweeper online for brain training purposes, because it forces you to focus on one thing - logical problem solving.

Game distributed by ClassicGamesArcade.com. Used with Permission.

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Minesweeper Game in Javascript

Custom real pumpkin carvings for events (weddings, parties, corporate events). Check out the pics on Facebook and Twitter.


A free, online minesweeper game written in Javascript for gamers and programmers

How to play: Its just like regular minesweeper!

You must have javascript and cookies enabled.

If you are running an ad popup program, disable it first or permit requested popups from this site.

If you are using a Mac or a one-button mouse, use the space bar to mark bombs.

Use the game's menus for options, instructions, technical notes, and high scores.

The best way to bookmark a page is to +1 it. Google gives you great tools to search your +1's, better than a browser's built-in bookmarks.

I wrote this in 1997 as a way of learning Javascript, originally for Netscape and IE 4.x. The standards have moved on since then but with only a few tweaks the game continues to work well in modern browsers.

Recent changes and news:

    January 19, 2014: Each year I look back at the stats. This year for the first time I've included the hot linking, and wow there is quite a bit. In 2013 there were 20 million games played. Put another way - if a productive work year is 2,000 hours then this site was responsible for 177 man-years in 2013. March 24, 2013: You can now zoom in and out from the options menu, and the world records page shows the total number of games played on this site. March 23, 2013: Thanks to Dustin Yoste for the suggestion and sample code to make the space bar also open surrounding cells for satisfied number cells. Space can also be used as the opening click. Especially useful for one button Mac users. March 11, 2013: New features! You can now press "P" to pause the game, point and press "H" to get a hint, and the new "Disarm" option works like an undo. If you win using either Hints or Disarm it won't count towards your high scores, but you will get a pirate face. March 5, 2013: I wrote a tool to determine how frequently a beginner board can be solved with a single click. Janury 29, 2013: We are now up to 7.5 million games each year on this site, up 5 million over just three years ago. Also I'm ditching the ad network junk, the Interstitials were just too painful. July 15, 2012: I'm starting the process of cutting over this app to the minesweeper.me domain. For now it is just redirecting, eventially it will be hosting. I also plan on making a bunch of launch points to support more modern devices, not just desktops. June 9, 2009: Thanks to Carl Zulauf for putting together a Palm Pre version. It has a nice solution for switching into "Flags On" mode for devices that don't have a right click or space bar. January 1, 2009: We're serving up 2.5 million games of MineSweeper each year, just from this site. I don't know how many games are played via various dashboard widgets, PSP versions, mirrors, and mobile phone versions, but based on community feedback it dwarfs this site's traffic. Wow. Thanks everyone. December 19, 2008: Thanks to Josh Morris for fixing several display problems with running Patrick Conant's OSX Widget in Leopard. You can get it here . October 15, 2007: Thanks to iMineSweeper for using Javascript Minesweeper for a Apple iPhone and iPod Touch version. October 2, 2007: Apple has removed the OSX Dashboard Widget by Patrick Conant but you can still get it here . February 19, 2007: Thanks to Ryan Oksenhorn for a sleek skin update to the (old link ) OSX Dashboard Widget . September 1, 2006: We've moved! Finally, moved from comcast.net to a host with a bit more reliability and speed. December 22, 2005: Javascript Minesweeper was dugg [digg.com]. (Actually it was dugg a while ago, but I just found out) July 30, 2005: Thanks to makarman who has included Javascript Minesweeper in the ( old link ) PSP JavaScript Homebrew Portal June 8, 2005: Thanks to Patrick Conant who transformed Javascript Minesweeper into an OSX Dashboard Widget

If you want to use/redistribute Javascript Minesweeper, that's great, just add a link back to my site. You can download the source code here. Contact me to get the latest-and-greatest and so I fix with issues on new platforms. My email is on the About page within the game.

The Wikipedia Minesweeper page does a better job than I of maintaining links to other minesweeper resources.

collegehumor.com made an awesome Minesweeper movie. A must see for all serious and bored Minesweeper players.

Written by D. Shep Poor 1997-2013

Flash minesweeper игра Flash minesweeper прикольная игра

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«Paul Minesweeper» 292 песни

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Игра Сапер

Подробно О «Сапер»

“Сапер” – это известная компьютерная игра в жанре головоломки, уходящая своими корнями в далекое прошлое. Прародительницей современной версии “Сапер” была игра RLogic. Формирование “Сапер” как цельного проекта произошло в 1985 году, после чего игра долгие годы подавалась аудитории практически в неизменном виде.

По своей популярности “Сапер” превосходит многие современные проекты, и все потому, что игра имеется на каждом компьютере, где установлен Windows. “Сапер” – настоящая отдушина для каждого офисного служащего, и даже огромная масса всяких браузерных игрушек не может скинуть “Сапер” с почетного первого места. С каждой новой операционной системой “Сапер” несколько видоизменялся, но после появления Windows 8 игра претерпела существенную модернизацию как в визуальном плане, так и в плане геймплея. В “Сапер” была добавлена система достижений, появился новый игровой режим “Приключения” вкупе с другими малозначительными изменениями. Нельзя сказать, что подобное перекраивание основ пришлось по душе всем поклонникам этой замечательной игры, но после выхода Windows 8 все поняли, что привычный всем “Сапер” уже никогда не будет прежним. Дальнейшие версии проекта лишь подтвердили эти догадки, хотя базовая механика игры как была каноничной, так ею и осталась.

Итак, что такое “Сапер” в привычном понимании? Это настраиваемое в плане размера и уровня сложности игровое поле, поделенное на клетки. В клетках, в свою очередь, сокрыто некоторое количество мин, нажимать на которые не рекомендуется по причине скорого проигрыша. Главной же целью является открытие всех пустых клеток. Определить, где находится мина, можно благодаря числовым подсказкам на уже открытых клетках. Цифры говорят о том, где располагаются мины и сколько их всего находится поблизости. Определить на глазок наличие мины в той или иной клетке достаточно трудно, поэтому игрокам приходится включать логическое мышление и вспоминать азы математики.

Чисто теоретически можно достичь победы после первого же клика, но подобные случаи происходят крайне редко. Если же чудо и случается, то только в режиме для новичков. “Любитель” и “Профессионал” – гораздо более трудные режимы, и фокус с победой в первую же секунду здесь уже не пройдет. Игра может продолжаться и 10, и 20, и 40 минут, хотя существуют народные умельцы, которые умудряются завершить раунд меньше чем за минуту. Любительский уровень за 7 секунд и профессиональный уровень за 30 секунд? Да, это вполне возможно, но секрет успеха кроется не только в опыте игрока – здесь еще и определенная доля везения необходима.

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  • Описание разработчика:

    Сапер - это обманчиво простая игра для развития памяти и логики которая стала одной из самых популярных игр ОС Windows. Цель игры: найти пустые ячейки, но не трогать ячейки, содержащие мины.

    Казалось бы, все очень просто.

  • Play online game Minesweeper - Free online games at

    Play free Minesweeper online game

    Manage to open the cells without blowing up bombs. Find all the bombs, marking them with flags - one click of the left button of the mouse. To open the cells - use double click of the right button of the mouse.

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