
Mdial img-1


Рейтинг: 4.5/5.0 (1914 проголосовавших)


Dialer One – правильный номеронабиратель

Конкурсные работы

Не знаю как вас, а меня стандартная программа для работы со звонками и контактами разочаровала в первый же день моего знакомства с Android. «Ну да ладно» — подумал я, «привыкну». Прошло некоторое время и журнал звонков вырос просто катастрофически, ведь в стандартной звонилке нет никакой группировки. А найти дату и время какого-то конкретного звонка стало практически невозможным. Именно в тот момент я озадачился поиском альтернативы.

Тем оформления в комплекте 4: светлая, тёмная, серая, прозрачная (рабочий стол).

Дополнительных тем, насколько мне известно, нет.

Итак, что мы получаем, установив программу размером 894 Кб. Самое главное её достоинство – это полная группировка всех звонков от одного контакта с указанием их суммарного количества, при этом настраивается нажатие по имени: либо открывается информация о контакте, либо список всех звонков от него. В этом списке можно отображать точные дату и время звонка, вплоть до секунд, и продолжительность вызовов. Имеется возможность сохранить всю историю в формате CSV на карту памяти.

Но только на группировке приятные возможности программы не заканчиваются. Давайте заглянем в настройки программы, коих там не мало. Можно настроить стартовый экран при запуске программы. На выбор будет открываться: история звонков, контакты, избранные, часто вызываемые.

Присутствует удобный режим поиска Т9, вы начинаете набирать нужное вам имя обычными цифровыми клавишами, а программа сама выводит подходящие результаты – очень удобно, ведь один экран умещает сразу ТРИ экрана стандартной звонилки: номеронабиратель, историю звонков и поиск контактов.

Присутствуют настройки внешнего вида: показ фотографий, включение/отключение панели инструментов, цветовые настройки, ярлык в статус-баре. По умолчанию при звонке от неизвестного абонента, программа предлагает добавить его в список контактов. Можно звонить одним нажатием по имени абонента, не открывая информации о нём или истории звонков, при этом, если у вас есть аппаратная клавиша вызова, то нажатие на неё из программы инициирует звонок на последний принятый (или набранный, или пропущенный) номер.

Из дополнительных настроек кому-то интересными покажутся функции добавления события в календарь, добавления префикса перед номером и сортировка контактов по фамилиям. Иногда важно после разговора с человеком сразу же, парой нажатий, запланировать встречу с ним на какое-то время. С Dialer One сделать это легко. Или ленимся набрать +7 при звонке, пожалуйста, набирайте номер без префикса и после долгого нажатия на кнопку звонка он добавится сам.

Довольно большой список возможностей появляется при длительном нажатии на имени. Можно открыть звонки, открыть контакт, отправить его по bluetooth, e-mail или sms, скопировать номер в буфер обмена, изменить номер и вызвать, удалить звонок, удалить все звонки контакта, добавить в быстрый набор. Кстати, быстрый набор тоже приятная опция, имеющаяся в программе, причем, записать можно до 99 номеров.

После того как вы настроили все параметры, хорошо бы сохранить их навсегда, такая функция также присутствует. Теперь не страшны никакие смены прошивок или сбросы пользовательских данных, ведь Dialer One настроится под вас всего одним нажатием из резервной копии.

Из конкурентов хочется отметить GO Contacts. У этой программы схожий функционал и, возможно, чем-то она превосходит Dialer One, но группировка истории звонков оставляет желать лучшего. Они группируются по какой-то странной, понятной только разработчику, логике. Зато в ней присутствует весьма полезная опция — сохранение списка контактов на карту памяти. В остальном программы схожи.

К сожалению, есть опасения, что автор программы забросил этот проект, последнее обновление датируется 31 марта 2011 года, но он успел сделать немало, и я считаю его продукт на данный момент одним из лучших номеронабирателей для Android.

Другие статьи, обзоры программ, новости

SP Dialer - скачать бесплатно SP Dialer

SP Dialer 1.10.2

SP Dialer - SP Dialer - совсем не новая, но от этого не ставшая менее хорошей звонилка, которая до сегодняшнего дня была незаслуженно "обижена" своим отсутствием на Софтодроме - маленькая, надежная, потребляющая мало ресурсов и обладающая большинством необходимых такого рода программам функций при отсутствии всяческих излишеств и украшательств, чем частенько грешат программы из "новеньких". Что любопытно, несмотря на то, что программа уже давно не обновлялась, ее основные возможности остались до сих пор на уровне лучших (причем не бесплатных) программ подобного рода:

Дозвон по нескольким телефонным номерам;

Возможность задания номера обратного телефона;

Переопределение имени и пароля пользователя;

Интеграция в систему в качестве стандартной программы дозвона в Windows 95/98/NT;

Ведение статистики соединения по времени и стоимости на основе тарифной системы, задаваемой пользователем;

Периодическое сохранение данных статистики во время соединения;

Запись информации о сеансах связи в файл журнала;

Добавление/изменение/удаление соединений прямо из программы;

Задание пользовательского наименования валюты;

Запуск программ после установки соединения;

Подача звукового сигнала при соединении/разъединении;

Вывод запроса на ввод пароля при первом звонке, если пароль не был сохранен;

Импортирование логина, пароля и телефона при первом запуске;

Возможность отмены проверки наличия пароля;


A dialer (American English ) or dialler (British English ) is an electronic device that is connected to a telephone line to monitor the dialed numbers and alter them to seamlessly provide services that otherwise require lengthy access codes to be dialed. A dialer automatically inserts and modifies the numbers depending on the time of day, country or area code dialed, allowing the user to subscribe to the service providers who offer the best rates. For example, a dialer could be programmed to use one service provider for international calls and another for cellular calls. This process is known as prefix insertion or least cost routing. A line powered dialer does not need any external power but instead takes the power it needs from the telephone line.

Many internet service providers offer installation CDs to simplify the process of setting up a proper Internet connection. They either create an entry in the OS's dialer or install a separate dialer (as the AOL software does).

In recent years, the term "dialer" often refers specifically to dialers that connect without the user's full knowledge as to cost, with the creator of the dialer intending to commit fraud .

The Best Speed Dialer for Android

The Best Speed Dialer for Android Where It Excels

Dialer One is not, by any means, the only dialer available for Android. We'll get to alternatives in a minute—but before that, the biggest reason that Dialer One is our pick, in addition to the fact that we've mentioned it before. is that it's simple, elegant, free, and combines the best features of other speed dialers together into a single application that covers all the bases without being over the top. People familiar with the way you used to be able to dial—you know, before everyone had smartphones—where you could just long-press on a number on the keypad and speed-dial the person in your contact list in that slot will appreciate the fact that Dialer One allows you to do just that. Organizational fans will love its ability to organize your contacts, and the fact that it automatically arranges your contacts by category and by organization as soon as you download and install the app.

Where It Falls Short The Competition

If you're looking for a smarter, more organized, and just all-around better way to manage your … Read more Read more

For those folks who really need multi-language support, or really like MIUI's dialer, try exDialer (Free), which also supports T9 and partial-contact search. The app installs its own contact manager as well, which you can use if you prefer, but the dialer itself is lean, fast, and if all you need is T9 and partial search, it's all you need. You don't get the organizational tools or the speed-dial features, but it's a good option. Similarly, TouchPal Dialer takes a different approach, and offers the dialpad speed-dial feature that Dailer One offers and some of the partial contact search, but skimps out on T9 (or at least, we couldn't get it working well.) Still, for international callers and people who need multiple languages, it's worth a look.

If all you need is the dialpad speed-dial features, try Speed Dial classic (Free). It's simple, free, and all it does is give you a list that you can assign contacts to, 0-9, and when you long-press that contact's number, it'll dial them.

That does it for all of the free apps. There are some inventive dialers on the market that cost money though, albeit not much—if you're willing to drop a buck and do most of your talking in the car, take a look at Tap Dialer ($1), which lets you set your commonly dialed contacts to numbers that you physically tap out on the screen to dial. For example, if I'm number 4 in your list, all you have to do is launch the app, and then tap the screen four times to automatically dial my number. Even though you still have to look at the screen to launch the app, it's a good step in the right direction for hands-free callers. The same applies to Sign ($4, $2 for a limited time), which replaces the taps with drawn patterns on the screen. Launch the app, draw a pattern, and the dialer will launch and call your contact.

Finally, don't overlook the built-in stock dialer. It's not great, and it definitely varies from phone to phone, but none of the apps above do some of the basics that all stock dialers do, like giving you the option to create home screen widgets of your favorite contacts and press them to call or text. Some dialers even roll in the features above, so make sure you take a look at what your built-in dialer offers before you go installing one of these.

Lifehacker's App Directory is a new and growing directory of recommendations for the best applications and tools in a number of given categories.

Predictive dialer

What Is A Predictive Dialer?
  • "A predictive dialer is a computerized system that automatically dials batches of telephone numbers for connection to agents assigned to sales or other campaigns. Predictive dialers are widely used in call centers." - Wikipedia

"Definitions of Predictive dialer on the Web:

  • A predictive dialer is an outbound call processing system designed to maintain a high level of utilization and cost efficiency in the contact center. The dialer automatically calls a list of telephone numbers, screens the unnecessary calls such as answering machines and busy signals, and then connects a waiting representative with the customer.

note: above text may be copyrighted by it's respective owners)

A VOIP Predictive Dialer. a.k.a. soft predictive dialer, is a software product capable of predictive dialing using VOIP service directly. Besides computer and internet connection, there is no equipment needed in order to use VOIP predictive dialer.

Software Only Predictive Dialer

New predictive dialing technology, together with faster computers and bigger broadband bandwidth, enables software only predictive dialers to work as good as or even better than hardware based dialers. Software based solution avoids expensive telephony board and associated hardware maintenance cost. It is easy to install and configure. For example, it is very easy to setup remote agent (at home agent).


  • Vocalcom's Predictive Dialer increase contact ratios and give agents more time with live customers - Whether youre setting appointments, making sales calls, or collecting past due payments, Vocalcom's dialing software delivers productivity gains of up to 300%. Our dialer features the only no-pause dialing system in the industry, which results in significantly less hangups from your customers. Vocalcom Predictive dialer solution includes agent scripting, auto CRM-sync, one-click dialing or text messaging, advanced list prioritization, multi-line dialing, pre-recorded voice messaging, time zone protection, local caller ID, inbound call routing, call recording and more. Vocalcom Agent Console provides agents with the tools and information they need to excel by offering an intuitive interface that links customer context and pushes dynamic guidance to agents. Using this technology, call centers can improve agent productivity, while driving up agents performance. More than a dialer. More than an app. An integrated platform to contact, connect and close more deals. No contracts or infrastructure costs. Pay as you go & scale easily. Reach us on www.vocalcom.com
  • Unique Call center Suite Predictive/ Progressive/Auto Dialer and Web CRM Solution. For more details contact: avil@uniqueperform.com
  • Ameyo Predictive Dialer Ameyo Proactive Outbound is equipped with capabilities that power multi-channel campaigns and proactive outbound communications across multiple channels (voice, SMS, social, and web). Ameyo dialer is the heart of proactive outbound communications, that offers outbound capabilities that ensures communications compliance with legal regulations and harbours loyal and long-term relationship with customers.
  • AmeyoEngage auto dialer is an Agile Customer Interaction hub on cloud, enabling you to build Personalized engagements across the customer journey. AmeyoEngage empowers users to quickly innovate with minimal technical Intervention, thereby challenging the status quo of traditional inbound, outbound, or blended contact centers. Contact AmeyoEngage for the best voip predictive dialer. The AmeyoEngage auto dialer has been trusted by leading outbound sales teams worldwide, checkout AmeyoEngage predictive dialer reviews for more.

Aavyukta Intel e Call Dialer and VoIP Solutions to Call Centers: Predictive Dialer (Unlimited Seats) + VoIP (US/UKLL/Canada) + Hosted/Cloud Server @ 1 US cent/Min, Reach us on www.dialerphilippines.com or catch us on skype on id avyukaindia +91-9549999916

  • 3CLogic Cloud-Based Contact Center Solutions - No hardware is required. Agents can be working from home or multiple locations. Automatically initiate contact with the next prospect before a rep finalizes a call, reducing call center queue times and operational costs. With 3CLogic, you will have complete visibility into call center operations including advanced scripting and reporting.
  • Astral Predective Dialer Solutions from Astrizon Technology Solutions. Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution, Provider With Operations in India, Europe, United State, United KIngdom, Singapore, Middle East etc Tel: +91 9447995111
  • BrightPattern - Increase productivity, utilization, live answer probability, manage lists easily, and stay in compliance with Bright Pattern's predictive dialer software !
  • Call Tools Predictive Dialer No Downloads, Software or Phones Required. Minimize Downtime and Higher Level Productivity with our Smart Dialer and Real Time Analytics. Give us a call toll free at 1800-679-1637
  • Innitel Atomic Predictive Dialer Dedicated Server with Unlimited Agents for flat rate! Manager Screen/ Agent Screen & wallboard. Predictive dial with ease. 1000 simultaneous channels permitted. Knock out your leads! You've never seen a dialer like this.
  • Genesis Communications predictive dialer - from 1 seats upwards. http://www.genesiscommunications.biz Provides Predictive dialing for at home agents as well as agents at single or multiple locations. Outbound, Inbound and Blended modes. Call Today for a demo or trial account! (949)276-4184 Also see our page on Voip-Info.org for more details: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Genesis+Communications,+Inc.
  • MDLsolutions,Inc. - VoIP Dialer and Predictive Dialer. Windows based comprehensive and dynamic SIP/VoIP dialer with a robust SQL database that can meet the needs of a call center, or act as a stand alone automated dialer processing dialing scripts. You can start off with as little as 1 channel and scale up to 500 simultaneous channels. You can also request unique processing scripts that we call "Actions", that will meet your exact dialing needs, or just combine the ones we already provide to meet your dialing needs. Try it out for free. Limited free support is available.
  • Award winning predictive dialer from Magnetic North - from 5 seats upwards. Advanced algorithms and guaranteed compliance. Inbound, outbound or fully blended. Preview, progressive and predictive dialing modes to suit your campaigns. Work from anywhere and pay as you go. Leading hosted dialer from Magnetic North.
  • VoiceGuide Dialer software for fast deployment of systems. Answering machine detection. Agent popups with all call details. Extensive features and integration options. Outbound, Inbound and Blended modes supported. Scalable system proven to work handling hundreds of channels per server, while per line pricing makes it still affordable for smaller deployments.
  • Voicent AgentDialer - a software only, and windows based predictive dialer
  • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration, IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.
Predictive Dialer Equipment

Predictive dialers are usually desktop computers equiped with either special telephony voice boards or off-the-shelf voice modems. Traditionally, voice modems lack many of the features telephony boards offer. For example, call progress detection, call transfer, etc. However, with the ever improvement in today's computer speed, many of the telephony board features are implemented in software, which drastically reduces the cost and improves flexibility.

Another advantage of using a voice modem based system is that it can turn a laptop computer to an autodialing system. There are good quality USB based voice modems, such as those from Creative Lab and Zoom.


  • 3CLogic - Cloud based Predictive Dialer with soft client on Windows PC. No upfront costs. Pay per use. Free trial and training. Built-in lead management and CRM integration.
  • EVS Phone Dialer Software - Stand alone dialer with soft client on Windows PC. License fee + monthly cost for unlimited usage. Free trial and training. Built-in lead management and CRM features including call monitoring and recording.
  • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration, IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.


  • AACC - Asterisk Advanced Call Center is an underway project which aims to create a full CTI solution for the Asterisk PBX. It will include such features as multi-customer and multicampaign predictive dialing, with IVR-only, agent-only, and IVR+Agent type campaigns. First official released planned for Q1-2009. View site .
  • GnuDialer - GPL'd Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution. Visit GnuDialer.org
  • The above is the original gnudialer site that has not seen an update in ages. Visit dynx.net/gnudialer for current information.
  • OSDial - OSDial is a full featured, flexible and highly customized GPL dialer created by Call Center Service Group which does Manual, Power and Predictive dialing out of the box. It is easily downloaded and installed with .iso images from the OSDial Project Site. Friendly commercial and community support is readily available. For more information visit the project site or dial (800) 221-0251 now.
  • VICIDIAL Dialer - GPL'd Predictive dialer and Inbound/Outbound call center solution. Project site .
  • VicidialNOW - Automated installation Call Center Suite which is base on VICIDIAL Project site .
  • WarmConnect Hourly Hosted Predictive Dialer is based on unmodified Vicidial. It scales from 2 to 850 agents, has no setup fee, is provisioned in a minute and can be freely taken inhouse.
  • Blue Telecoms - UK based hosted VICIdial and predictive dialer provider, with low rates to UK Mobiles and Landlines. UK Hosted VICIdial
  • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration,ViCiDial, GoAutoDial, OSDial,FreePBX IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.


  • Predictive CATI Dialer. from Sevana is a NIPO CATI dialer that can be easily adapted to other CATI systems. The system can use standard Asterisk reporting GUI or other agents, e.g. AsternicCC, QueueMetrics, fop2
  • Predective Dialer Solutions from Astrizon Technology Solutions. Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution, Provider With Operations in India,US, Middle East, Europe etc Tel: +91 9447995111
  • Foehn - We are the experts in IP Communications, with over 12 years of successful deployment of Asterisk and Open source solutions. We offer predictive dialers that serve outbound campaigns that optimise the penetration of your data set. For more information contact us on 0844 846 2323
  • asterCC Commercial from asterCC. hosted IP PBX, provides many different application in a callcenter, include outbound Campaign, Predictive Dialer.
  • DixitCall Center - Hosted Predictive Dialer. No upfront cost required and based on Software as a Service model (SaaS). Offers inbound and blended services too along with outbound predictive dialer for call centers anywhere in the world.
  • alphapro predictive dialer Hosted predictive and power dialer. Fixed rates. Choose and configure your own voip provider. Multilingual. +4947130693340.
  • Autodialer from DSC - phone system that automatically calls numbers from a computer maintained list.
  • Answer Machine Detection from DSC
  • asterCRM Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution, provides both open source and commercial version
  • BA Tech Ltd Cost-efficient predictive dialer which is not licensed or restricted in the number of agents or lines that you can use. Inbound/Blended, IVR, ACD, Call Recording, Agent Scripting and full reporting capabilities - compatible with ISDN30’s, SIP Trunks and any SIP enabled PBX for making and receiving calls
CallForwarding - Be present anywhere in the world with toll free forwarding services from CallForwarding.com.
  • CCI-PBX. PBX Manager and Call Center Edition, English and Spanish. Call Center Features: Inbound, Preview Dialer, Progressive Dialer, Predictive Dialer, Automatic Dialer Commercial
  • Convox. Predictive Dialer from Deepija Telecom Pvt. Ltd. Feature-Auto Dialing, IVRS,CTI Integration, Vtiger Integration, Voice Broadcasting, Lead management..
  • Vcare call center - Call Center A call center provider which offers Predictive Dialer and IVR solutions, uses the product in its call centers in India at over 200 stations.
  • Dialers Web based predictive dialer. Features a full suite of APIs, Easy to use and competitive prices.
  • Predilux from Attractel - more than a regular Predictive dialer - 5 modes; 4 types of login
  • Adiance Bizcom Call Center Solution VOIP call center solution for the contact center industry based on an open source, standard-based IP PBX, Asterisk.
  • Aheeva Contact Center Solution -Predictive Dialer and CTI from Aheeva
  • CallFire - A predictive Auto dialer / Voice Broadcasting featuring Virtual Call Center with Popup. J2EE Core / JMS Messaging = Scalability & Reliability.
  • DACX Predictive Dialer
  • DialCloud - Full Feature Call Center Solution for Asterisk with Predictive, Progressive, Broadcast Dialer, Modular IVR, Advanced Queuing, Agent Management, Real-Time Statistics, Many Off-Line Reports, Fully Documented API in .NET, Large Scalability.
  • DialOne* - Predictive Dialer Asterisk based dialer. 5 Modes of Operation: Predictive, Power, Click to Dial, IVR and SMS. Windows user interface, works with Windows 7. Currently +450 positions in Argentina already using it. Phone Number Normalizer, Data Segmentation Control and much more.
  • Dialapplet - A Predictive dialer, progressive dialer, Power dialer and Androdialer.
  • DragonSUITE Real Predictive Dialer Call Center Solution with J2EE Core, jBPM IVR Engine, JMS Support. DragonINFO Complete reporting solution. DragonTECH DragonTECH Latinoamerica
  • E-Horizons Predictive dialer 'GALAXY 3.4', 5 types of login multi campaign http://www.ehorizons.in/PredictiveDialer.htm
  • Enterprise Communications is specialised in predictive dialer & call center software on-demand solutions
  • Genesis Communications, Inc. www.genesiscommunications.biz. ) Completely hosted call center applications, customizable to any industry, Outbound modes include, Preview, Predictive and Power, Inbound and blended modes available. Live transfer feature allows agents to transfer a call to a closer or route calls based on skillset or language. US based support, high touch customer training. Flat fee per agent, no additional per min. costs for outbound dialing. The best voice quality of any hosted service. Your agents dont need extensive training, they simply logon and begin taking calls. Call today for a Live Demonstration and see for yourself.
  • HelloHunter Website Hello Hunter Sales Dialer The only Flash based hosted predictive dialer. SaaS. Free trial. Unique commercial software, highly scalable.
  • ICTBroadcast from ICT Innovations -Is an predictive autodialler software solution supported Voice. Sms. Fax and Email broadcasting.This software solution supported SMB,Enterprenuers and ITSP!
  • Indosoft Predictive Dialer provides compliant, automatic, self-pacing predictive dialing. It is an integral part of Indosoft's call center software Q-Suite which comes with a sophisticated Scripting tool, CRM, Live Dashboard and detailed Reports.
  • Innitel Telecom Is proud to offer a predictive Dialer that is built by call centers for centers. Full solution includes Agent Screen, Manager Screen, Wall Screen, and reporting Empower your callcenter for only 250$ per month unlimited agents. Demo Video
  • MarketDialer by SafeSoft Solutions presents a Hosted Predictive Dialer solution combined with a full suite of tools that empower call centers to expand, together with fast, low-cost deployment a?? with complete set up taking as little as 45 minutes; making it the perfect predictive dialing software for virtual and/or distributed call centers.
  • Predilux
  • Presence CRM Optimizer - Predictive Dialer and CTI Solution set
  • SafeSoft Solutions
  • ShadyDial
  • SineDialer - The World's Most Advanced Predictive Dialer from SineApps, the producers of the Daily Asterisk News
  • Skyy Consulting Predictive Dialer - Predictive Dialers with J2EE Core and JMS Queueing for high reliability and scaling Skyy Consulting
  • OmegaDial - Auto-dialer for high-volume call campaigns from Asteria Solutions Group
  • TeleRep Performance Optimizer - The World's Most Cheapest Predictive Dialer with free US DNC Scrubbing
  • Tpad - The Global VoIP Network Predictive Diallers for Call / Contact Centres - Fully customised inbound and outbound predictive, blended SIP dialler with an asterisk built native telephony engine. Supports live real-time statistics, call reporting, DIDs, call recording, softphone, power dialling coupled with the ultra low rates due to SIP trunking and VoIP Media Gateways.
  • IPDialBOX - http://www.microsyslabs.com/ipdialbox.html Predictive Dialer, Call Center Solution, Complete reporting solution Microsyslabs.com
  • APoD - Aster Power Dialer - http://www.apod.co.in Robust. Feature rich. Light weight. complete outbound contact center suite which work with any asterisk based pbx system. even with embedded asterisk pbx.
  • Microbase CTI - The Pure Asterisk Based CTI. Microbase CTI includes Predictive Dialer, Progressive, Preview, Power and Direct to IVR. Microbase CTI is based on Microsoft .Net framework and supports SQL Server and Oracle Databases. It also includes, Agent Management, Queuing, Skill based routing, Inbound and Outbound handling, Modular IVR, Analytical Reports and Statistics, Agent Monitor Console, Real-Time Monitoring, Agent Toolbar, Call Recording and fully documented API for 3rd party software integration.
  • ZONE Limited offers cloud-based predictive dialer solution. Our platform can self-adjust dialing speed to maximize agent utilization and work with SIP or PSTN agent phones. Auto customer profile pop-up according to dialed number. Supervisor can monitor and record agent conversation. We also provision China, Hong Kong and Singapore access numbers.
  • WombatDialer is a telecasting solution that works as an add-on to your existing Asterisk system.
  • Voicent BroadcastByPhone
Incredibly affordable, flexible and easy-to-use, Voicent's BroadcastByPhone is an auto-dialer that uses your computer to deliver personal calls or leave answering machine messages in your own voice or a computer-generated voice. Its features include live-call transfer, automated messages, touch-tone opt-out options and an easy-to-use, Excel-like interface.
  • Altitude predictive dialer - from 10 seats upwards. http://www.altitude.com/en/products/automation/dialer.html Provides powerful predictive dialing solutions The solution intelligently automates the call to be done, the best time, number and agent according to priorities, skills, availability and contact strategy.
  • All pacing modes are available including preview, power and an accurate predictive dialer. Outbound contacts can be blended with inbound activities.

    Contact us today and schedule a demo! info@altitude.com - 905-479-2655

    • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration,ViCiDial, GoAutoDial, OSDial,FreePBX IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.
    • Newfies-Dialer - Voice Broadcasting Highly scalable, multi-tenant, free and open source voice broadcasting and auto-dialling system based on Freeswitch. Commercial installation, training, support and development available from Star2billing S.L.
    • ICTDialer - is multi-tenant with Voice, SMS & Fax broadcasting capabilities developed over re-known open source Content Management System Drupal and Freeswitch and powerful ICTCore Communication Framework .
    • Neurotelcal - Broadcasting and auto-dialling system based on Freeswitch, Commercial edition by Neurotec Tecnologia S.A.S.
    • Hello Hunter Sales Dialer Hosted Predictive Dialer 100% SaaS hosted predictive dialer. Only commercial predictive/auto dialer based on Freeswitch. Web-based Phone--no hassle installs. Unique GUI. Highly scalable.
    • YTEL Hosted Predictive Dialer Easy to use Hosted Predictive Dialer with Unlimited minutes to US/Canada (including US Territories like Puerto Rico). Use any compatible SIP hard or softphone. Also works with Google Talk or use our built in softphone. 24x7 Support. Instant Signup for this Hosted Predictive Dialer .
    • VoIP Panda VoIP Panda Predictive Dialer Hosted, web based, all dial modes, SIP based multi provider friendly, call recording, list management features, scalable, easy to use interface, affordable single flat rate.


    • SipCLI (KaplanSoft) SipCLI is a command line SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) user agent runs under Windows (XP, Vista, 7/8, 2003/2008/2012 Server).
    • Sipob (KaplanSoft) SIPob is a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) outbound dialer that provides User Agent (SIP-UA) functions (Based on RFC 3261) for Windows (XP, Vista, 7/8, 2003/2008/2012 Server).
    • Predective Dialer Solutions from Astrizon Technology Solutions. Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution, Provider With Operations in India,US, Middle East, Europe etc Tel: +91 9447995111
    • 3CLogic Predictive Dialer VOIP-based predictive dialer, part of 3CLogic cloud call center suite with lead management and CRM integration.
    • Advants IVR Technology from Stauffer Technologies, Inc. - Speech enabled VOIP Predictive Dialer solutions on site or hosted. High Quality solutions at reasonable rates!
    CallForwarding - Be present anywhere in the world with toll free forwarding services from CallForwarding.com.
    • Predictive Dialer Digital T1 and VOIP plus Automated Voice Response plus IVR software and ACD software .
    • Database Systems Corp. - Analog predictive dialer with voice broadcasting. IVR. and Voice broadcasting features.
    • Predictive Dialer Hosted predictive dialer system by InsideSales.com
    • Predictive Dialer VOIP-based predictive dialer, part of the Five9 Virtual Call Center Suite.
    • Centcom Predictive Dialer / Centcom Virtual Call Center CCDS' Centcom non-VOIP dialers are the best in class.
    • Dialers from InsideSales.com
    • Hosted Predictive Dialer Hosted Predictive Dialing from hostedpredictivedialer.net
    • Hosted Predictive Dialer Hosted VOiP Call Center Solution from Magnalogix.com
    • Predictive Dialer Integrated Hosted Predictive Dialer, IVR, and ACD from LiveVox.com
    • Tpad - The Global VoIP Network Blended Dialers for Contact Centres - Bespoke inbound and outbound predictive dialer with an asterisk built native telephony engine that supports protocols such as SIP. Supports live real-time statistics, call reporting, DIDs, AMD, DNC, call recording, softphone, power dialing coupled with the ultra low international call rates due to benefits of SIP trunking and VoIP Media Gateways.
    • Promero Hosted Dialer Solutions Leading Reseller of Predictive Dialing Solutions from Oracle, Aspect, Interactive Intelligence, Vocalcom, Five9
    • RoboDialer VoIP Dialer Robo Dialer IVR Dialer is design to handle very complicated surveys campaigns and is perfect for fortune 500 businesses but simple enough for a small business RoboDialer.net
    • Vioteck Predictive Dialer - A hosted dialer system that provides call center predictive dialer technology for reasonable rates. No setup or startup fees like those associated with software or hardware predictive dialers.
    • http://www.voiceguide.com/vgDialer.htm|VoiceGuide] software for fast deployment of Dialer systems. Answering machine detection. Agent popups with all call details. Extensive features and integration options. Example scripts provided. Scalable system proven to work handling hundreds of channels per server, while per line pricing makes it still affordable for smaller deployments.
    • Voicent AgentDialer - Voicent's easy-to-use Agent Dialer predictive dialer software dramatically increases productivity and improves campaign bottom-line by automatically dialing, skipping busy, no-answer and disconnected lines, optionally leaving a voice message on answering machines and--most importantly--never involving you or your agent on a call until a live person answers. When a live person answers, the software pops up a convenient window on your computer, detailing the person's name and number.
    • Voicent Live Predictive Dialer - Includes a VoIP based predictive dialer as part of its call center package.
    • http://gravismarketing.com/services/virtual-predictive-dialer/ Gravis easy phone, award winning virtual dialer, used by political campaigns and businesses worldwide.
    • Star Communication's voice platform was built by a team of telecommunications experts and has effectively dialed billions of calls for its customers during their critical communication times. An efficient and flexible platform enables you to prioritize more meaningful calls, such as emergency notifications, above others.
    • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration,ViCiDial, GoAutoDial, OSDial,FreePBX IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.


    • Quvu - Fully hosted contact centre service: including a predictive dialler, real time analytics and call recording. Manage and analyse your contact centre using only your browser.
    • 3CLogic - Extensive reporting, management and analytics for measuring campaign performance.
    • QueueMetrics can be used to measure an outbound campaign using a dialer.
    • Predictive Dialer Simulation Model - measures performance of predictive dialing campaigns including cost and profit model.
    • Tpad - The Global VoIP Network Realtime Call Reporting Suite for Call Centres - Custom designed inbound / outbound predictive dialer with an asterisk telephony engine built in which supports protocols such as SIP and VoIP. Supports live real-time statistics, agent logging, daily agent statistics, data effciency, call reporting, DIDs, AMD, DNC, call recording, softphone, power dialing coupled with the ultra low international call rates due to benefits of SIP trunking and VoIP Media Gateways.
    • Voicent Call Center Manager software - automated monitoring and management of regulatory compliance for dropped-call rate; real-time and historical reporting of agent availability and resource usage; agent training aids including
    • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration,ViCiDial, GoAutoDial, OSDial,FreePBX IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.
    What Is A Predictive Dialer?
    • "A predictive dialer is a computerized system that automatically dials batches of telephone numbers for connection to agents assigned to sales or other campaigns. Predictive dialers are widely used in call centers." - Wikipedia

    "Definitions of Predictive dialer on the Web:

    • A predictive dialer is an outbound call processing system designed to maintain a high level of utilization and cost efficiency in the contact center. The dialer automatically calls a list of telephone numbers, screens the unnecessary calls such as answering machines and busy signals, and then connects a waiting representative with the customer.

    note: above text may be copyrighted by it's respective owners)

    A VOIP Predictive Dialer. a.k.a. soft predictive dialer, is a software product capable of predictive dialing using VOIP service directly. Besides computer and internet connection, there is no equipment needed in order to use VOIP predictive dialer.

    Software Only Predictive Dialer

    New predictive dialing technology, together with faster computers and bigger broadband bandwidth, enables software only predictive dialers to work as good as or even better than hardware based dialers. Software based solution avoids expensive telephony board and associated hardware maintenance cost. It is easy to install and configure. For example, it is very easy to setup remote agent (at home agent).


    • Vocalcom's Predictive Dialer increase contact ratios and give agents more time with live customers - Whether youre setting appointments, making sales calls, or collecting past due payments, Vocalcom's dialing software delivers productivity gains of up to 300%. Our dialer features the only no-pause dialing system in the industry, which results in significantly less hangups from your customers. Vocalcom Predictive dialer solution includes agent scripting, auto CRM-sync, one-click dialing or text messaging, advanced list prioritization, multi-line dialing, pre-recorded voice messaging, time zone protection, local caller ID, inbound call routing, call recording and more. Vocalcom Agent Console provides agents with the tools and information they need to excel by offering an intuitive interface that links customer context and pushes dynamic guidance to agents. Using this technology, call centers can improve agent productivity, while driving up agents performance. More than a dialer. More than an app. An integrated platform to contact, connect and close more deals. No contracts or infrastructure costs. Pay as you go & scale easily. Reach us on www.vocalcom.com
    • Unique Call center Suite Predictive/ Progressive/Auto Dialer and Web CRM Solution. For more details contact: avil@uniqueperform.com
    • Ameyo Predictive Dialer Ameyo Proactive Outbound is equipped with capabilities that power multi-channel campaigns and proactive outbound communications across multiple channels (voice, SMS, social, and web). Ameyo dialer is the heart of proactive outbound communications, that offers outbound capabilities that ensures communications compliance with legal regulations and harbours loyal and long-term relationship with customers.
    • AmeyoEngage auto dialer is an Agile Customer Interaction hub on cloud, enabling you to build Personalized engagements across the customer journey. AmeyoEngage empowers users to quickly innovate with minimal technical Intervention, thereby challenging the status quo of traditional inbound, outbound, or blended contact centers. Contact AmeyoEngage for the best voip predictive dialer. The AmeyoEngage auto dialer has been trusted by leading outbound sales teams worldwide, checkout AmeyoEngage predictive dialer reviews for more.

    Aavyukta Intel e Call Dialer and VoIP Solutions to Call Centers: Predictive Dialer (Unlimited Seats) + VoIP (US/UKLL/Canada) + Hosted/Cloud Server @ 1 US cent/Min, Reach us on www.dialerphilippines.com or catch us on skype on id avyukaindia +91-9549999916

    • 3CLogic Cloud-Based Contact Center Solutions - No hardware is required. Agents can be working from home or multiple locations. Automatically initiate contact with the next prospect before a rep finalizes a call, reducing call center queue times and operational costs. With 3CLogic, you will have complete visibility into call center operations including advanced scripting and reporting.
    • Astral Predective Dialer Solutions from Astrizon Technology Solutions. Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution, Provider With Operations in India, Europe, United State, United KIngdom, Singapore, Middle East etc Tel: +91 9447995111
    • BrightPattern - Increase productivity, utilization, live answer probability, manage lists easily, and stay in compliance with Bright Pattern's predictive dialer software !
    • Call Tools Predictive Dialer No Downloads, Software or Phones Required. Minimize Downtime and Higher Level Productivity with our Smart Dialer and Real Time Analytics. Give us a call toll free at 1800-679-1637
    • Innitel Atomic Predictive Dialer Dedicated Server with Unlimited Agents for flat rate! Manager Screen/ Agent Screen & wallboard. Predictive dial with ease. 1000 simultaneous channels permitted. Knock out your leads! You've never seen a dialer like this.
    • Genesis Communications predictive dialer - from 1 seats upwards. http://www.genesiscommunications.biz Provides Predictive dialing for at home agents as well as agents at single or multiple locations. Outbound, Inbound and Blended modes. Call Today for a demo or trial account! (949)276-4184 Also see our page on Voip-Info.org for more details: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Genesis+Communications,+Inc.
    • MDLsolutions,Inc. - VoIP Dialer and Predictive Dialer. Windows based comprehensive and dynamic SIP/VoIP dialer with a robust SQL database that can meet the needs of a call center, or act as a stand alone automated dialer processing dialing scripts. You can start off with as little as 1 channel and scale up to 500 simultaneous channels. You can also request unique processing scripts that we call "Actions", that will meet your exact dialing needs, or just combine the ones we already provide to meet your dialing needs. Try it out for free. Limited free support is available.
    • Award winning predictive dialer from Magnetic North - from 5 seats upwards. Advanced algorithms and guaranteed compliance. Inbound, outbound or fully blended. Preview, progressive and predictive dialing modes to suit your campaigns. Work from anywhere and pay as you go. Leading hosted dialer from Magnetic North.
    • VoiceGuide Dialer software for fast deployment of systems. Answering machine detection. Agent popups with all call details. Extensive features and integration options. Outbound, Inbound and Blended modes supported. Scalable system proven to work handling hundreds of channels per server, while per line pricing makes it still affordable for smaller deployments.
    • Voicent AgentDialer - a software only, and windows based predictive dialer
    • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration, IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.
    Predictive Dialer Equipment

    Predictive dialers are usually desktop computers equiped with either special telephony voice boards or off-the-shelf voice modems. Traditionally, voice modems lack many of the features telephony boards offer. For example, call progress detection, call transfer, etc. However, with the ever improvement in today's computer speed, many of the telephony board features are implemented in software, which drastically reduces the cost and improves flexibility.

    Another advantage of using a voice modem based system is that it can turn a laptop computer to an autodialing system. There are good quality USB based voice modems, such as those from Creative Lab and Zoom.


    • 3CLogic - Cloud based Predictive Dialer with soft client on Windows PC. No upfront costs. Pay per use. Free trial and training. Built-in lead management and CRM integration.
    • EVS Phone Dialer Software - Stand alone dialer with soft client on Windows PC. License fee + monthly cost for unlimited usage. Free trial and training. Built-in lead management and CRM features including call monitoring and recording.
    • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration, IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.


    • AACC - Asterisk Advanced Call Center is an underway project which aims to create a full CTI solution for the Asterisk PBX. It will include such features as multi-customer and multicampaign predictive dialing, with IVR-only, agent-only, and IVR+Agent type campaigns. First official released planned for Q1-2009. View site .
    • GnuDialer - GPL'd Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution. Visit GnuDialer.org
    • The above is the original gnudialer site that has not seen an update in ages. Visit dynx.net/gnudialer for current information.
    • OSDial - OSDial is a full featured, flexible and highly customized GPL dialer created by Call Center Service Group which does Manual, Power and Predictive dialing out of the box. It is easily downloaded and installed with .iso images from the OSDial Project Site. Friendly commercial and community support is readily available. For more information visit the project site or dial (800) 221-0251 now.
    • VICIDIAL Dialer - GPL'd Predictive dialer and Inbound/Outbound call center solution. Project site .
    • VicidialNOW - Automated installation Call Center Suite which is base on VICIDIAL Project site .
    • WarmConnect Hourly Hosted Predictive Dialer is based on unmodified Vicidial. It scales from 2 to 850 agents, has no setup fee, is provisioned in a minute and can be freely taken inhouse.
    • Blue Telecoms - UK based hosted VICIdial and predictive dialer provider, with low rates to UK Mobiles and Landlines. UK Hosted VICIdial
    • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration,ViCiDial, GoAutoDial, OSDial,FreePBX IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.


    • Predictive CATI Dialer. from Sevana is a NIPO CATI dialer that can be easily adapted to other CATI systems. The system can use standard Asterisk reporting GUI or other agents, e.g. AsternicCC, QueueMetrics, fop2
    • Predective Dialer Solutions from Astrizon Technology Solutions. Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution, Provider With Operations in India,US, Middle East, Europe etc Tel: +91 9447995111
    • Foehn - We are the experts in IP Communications, with over 12 years of successful deployment of Asterisk and Open source solutions. We offer predictive dialers that serve outbound campaigns that optimise the penetration of your data set. For more information contact us on 0844 846 2323
    • asterCC Commercial from asterCC. hosted IP PBX, provides many different application in a callcenter, include outbound Campaign, Predictive Dialer.
    • DixitCall Center - Hosted Predictive Dialer. No upfront cost required and based on Software as a Service model (SaaS). Offers inbound and blended services too along with outbound predictive dialer for call centers anywhere in the world.
    • alphapro predictive dialer Hosted predictive and power dialer. Fixed rates. Choose and configure your own voip provider. Multilingual. +4947130693340.
    • Autodialer from DSC - phone system that automatically calls numbers from a computer maintained list.
    • Answer Machine Detection from DSC
    • asterCRM Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution, provides both open source and commercial version
    • BA Tech Ltd Cost-efficient predictive dialer which is not licensed or restricted in the number of agents or lines that you can use. Inbound/Blended, IVR, ACD, Call Recording, Agent Scripting and full reporting capabilities - compatible with ISDN30’s, SIP Trunks and any SIP enabled PBX for making and receiving calls
    CallForwarding - Be present anywhere in the world with toll free forwarding services from CallForwarding.com.
    • CCI-PBX. PBX Manager and Call Center Edition, English and Spanish. Call Center Features: Inbound, Preview Dialer, Progressive Dialer, Predictive Dialer, Automatic Dialer Commercial
    • Convox. Predictive Dialer from Deepija Telecom Pvt. Ltd. Feature-Auto Dialing, IVRS,CTI Integration, Vtiger Integration, Voice Broadcasting, Lead management..
    • Vcare call center - Call Center A call center provider which offers Predictive Dialer and IVR solutions, uses the product in its call centers in India at over 200 stations.
    • Dialers Web based predictive dialer. Features a full suite of APIs, Easy to use and competitive prices.
    • Predilux from Attractel - more than a regular Predictive dialer - 5 modes; 4 types of login
    • Adiance Bizcom Call Center Solution VOIP call center solution for the contact center industry based on an open source, standard-based IP PBX, Asterisk.
    • Aheeva Contact Center Solution -Predictive Dialer and CTI from Aheeva
    • CallFire - A predictive Auto dialer / Voice Broadcasting featuring Virtual Call Center with Popup. J2EE Core / JMS Messaging = Scalability & Reliability.
    • DACX Predictive Dialer
    • DialCloud - Full Feature Call Center Solution for Asterisk with Predictive, Progressive, Broadcast Dialer, Modular IVR, Advanced Queuing, Agent Management, Real-Time Statistics, Many Off-Line Reports, Fully Documented API in .NET, Large Scalability.
    • DialOne* - Predictive Dialer Asterisk based dialer. 5 Modes of Operation: Predictive, Power, Click to Dial, IVR and SMS. Windows user interface, works with Windows 7. Currently +450 positions in Argentina already using it. Phone Number Normalizer, Data Segmentation Control and much more.
    • Dialapplet - A Predictive dialer, progressive dialer, Power dialer and Androdialer.
    • DragonSUITE Real Predictive Dialer Call Center Solution with J2EE Core, jBPM IVR Engine, JMS Support. DragonINFO Complete reporting solution. DragonTECH DragonTECH Latinoamerica
    • E-Horizons Predictive dialer 'GALAXY 3.4', 5 types of login multi campaign http://www.ehorizons.in/PredictiveDialer.htm
    • Enterprise Communications is specialised in predictive dialer & call center software on-demand solutions
    • Genesis Communications, Inc. www.genesiscommunications.biz. ) Completely hosted call center applications, customizable to any industry, Outbound modes include, Preview, Predictive and Power, Inbound and blended modes available. Live transfer feature allows agents to transfer a call to a closer or route calls based on skillset or language. US based support, high touch customer training. Flat fee per agent, no additional per min. costs for outbound dialing. The best voice quality of any hosted service. Your agents dont need extensive training, they simply logon and begin taking calls. Call today for a Live Demonstration and see for yourself.
    • HelloHunter Website Hello Hunter Sales Dialer The only Flash based hosted predictive dialer. SaaS. Free trial. Unique commercial software, highly scalable.
    • ICTBroadcast from ICT Innovations -Is an predictive autodialler software solution supported Voice. Sms. Fax and Email broadcasting.This software solution supported SMB,Enterprenuers and ITSP!
    • Indosoft Predictive Dialer provides compliant, automatic, self-pacing predictive dialing. It is an integral part of Indosoft's call center software Q-Suite which comes with a sophisticated Scripting tool, CRM, Live Dashboard and detailed Reports.
    • Innitel Telecom Is proud to offer a predictive Dialer that is built by call centers for centers. Full solution includes Agent Screen, Manager Screen, Wall Screen, and reporting Empower your callcenter for only 250$ per month unlimited agents. Demo Video
    • MarketDialer by SafeSoft Solutions presents a Hosted Predictive Dialer solution combined with a full suite of tools that empower call centers to expand, together with fast, low-cost deployment a?? with complete set up taking as little as 45 minutes; making it the perfect predictive dialing software for virtual and/or distributed call centers.
    • Predilux
    • Presence CRM Optimizer - Predictive Dialer and CTI Solution set
    • SafeSoft Solutions
    • ShadyDial
    • SineDialer - The World's Most Advanced Predictive Dialer from SineApps, the producers of the Daily Asterisk News
    • Skyy Consulting Predictive Dialer - Predictive Dialers with J2EE Core and JMS Queueing for high reliability and scaling Skyy Consulting
    • OmegaDial - Auto-dialer for high-volume call campaigns from Asteria Solutions Group
    • TeleRep Performance Optimizer - The World's Most Cheapest Predictive Dialer with free US DNC Scrubbing
    • Tpad - The Global VoIP Network Predictive Diallers for Call / Contact Centres - Fully customised inbound and outbound predictive, blended SIP dialler with an asterisk built native telephony engine. Supports live real-time statistics, call reporting, DIDs, call recording, softphone, power dialling coupled with the ultra low rates due to SIP trunking and VoIP Media Gateways.
    • IPDialBOX - http://www.microsyslabs.com/ipdialbox.html Predictive Dialer, Call Center Solution, Complete reporting solution Microsyslabs.com
    • APoD - Aster Power Dialer - http://www.apod.co.in Robust. Feature rich. Light weight. complete outbound contact center suite which work with any asterisk based pbx system. even with embedded asterisk pbx.
    • Microbase CTI - The Pure Asterisk Based CTI. Microbase CTI includes Predictive Dialer, Progressive, Preview, Power and Direct to IVR. Microbase CTI is based on Microsoft .Net framework and supports SQL Server and Oracle Databases. It also includes, Agent Management, Queuing, Skill based routing, Inbound and Outbound handling, Modular IVR, Analytical Reports and Statistics, Agent Monitor Console, Real-Time Monitoring, Agent Toolbar, Call Recording and fully documented API for 3rd party software integration.
    • ZONE Limited offers cloud-based predictive dialer solution. Our platform can self-adjust dialing speed to maximize agent utilization and work with SIP or PSTN agent phones. Auto customer profile pop-up according to dialed number. Supervisor can monitor and record agent conversation. We also provision China, Hong Kong and Singapore access numbers.
    • WombatDialer is a telecasting solution that works as an add-on to your existing Asterisk system.
    • Voicent BroadcastByPhone
    Incredibly affordable, flexible and easy-to-use, Voicent's BroadcastByPhone is an auto-dialer that uses your computer to deliver personal calls or leave answering machine messages in your own voice or a computer-generated voice. Its features include live-call transfer, automated messages, touch-tone opt-out options and an easy-to-use, Excel-like interface.
  • Altitude predictive dialer - from 10 seats upwards. http://www.altitude.com/en/products/automation/dialer.html Provides powerful predictive dialing solutions The solution intelligently automates the call to be done, the best time, number and agent according to priorities, skills, availability and contact strategy.
  • All pacing modes are available including preview, power and an accurate predictive dialer. Outbound contacts can be blended with inbound activities.

    Contact us today and schedule a demo! info@altitude.com - 905-479-2655

    • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration,ViCiDial, GoAutoDial, OSDial,FreePBX IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.
    • Newfies-Dialer - Voice Broadcasting Highly scalable, multi-tenant, free and open source voice broadcasting and auto-dialling system based on Freeswitch. Commercial installation, training, support and development available from Star2billing S.L.
    • ICTDialer - is multi-tenant with Voice, SMS & Fax broadcasting capabilities developed over re-known open source Content Management System Drupal and Freeswitch and powerful ICTCore Communication Framework .
    • Neurotelcal - Broadcasting and auto-dialling system based on Freeswitch, Commercial edition by Neurotec Tecnologia S.A.S.
    • Hello Hunter Sales Dialer Hosted Predictive Dialer 100% SaaS hosted predictive dialer. Only commercial predictive/auto dialer based on Freeswitch. Web-based Phone--no hassle installs. Unique GUI. Highly scalable.
    • YTEL Hosted Predictive Dialer Easy to use Hosted Predictive Dialer with Unlimited minutes to US/Canada (including US Territories like Puerto Rico). Use any compatible SIP hard or softphone. Also works with Google Talk or use our built in softphone. 24x7 Support. Instant Signup for this Hosted Predictive Dialer .
    • VoIP Panda VoIP Panda Predictive Dialer Hosted, web based, all dial modes, SIP based multi provider friendly, call recording, list management features, scalable, easy to use interface, affordable single flat rate.


    • SipCLI (KaplanSoft) SipCLI is a command line SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) user agent runs under Windows (XP, Vista, 7/8, 2003/2008/2012 Server).
    • Sipob (KaplanSoft) SIPob is a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) outbound dialer that provides User Agent (SIP-UA) functions (Based on RFC 3261) for Windows (XP, Vista, 7/8, 2003/2008/2012 Server).
    • Predective Dialer Solutions from Astrizon Technology Solutions. Predictive Dialer and Web CRM Solution, Provider With Operations in India,US, Middle East, Europe etc Tel: +91 9447995111
    • 3CLogic Predictive Dialer VOIP-based predictive dialer, part of 3CLogic cloud call center suite with lead management and CRM integration.
    • Advants IVR Technology from Stauffer Technologies, Inc. - Speech enabled VOIP Predictive Dialer solutions on site or hosted. High Quality solutions at reasonable rates!
    CallForwarding - Be present anywhere in the world with toll free forwarding services from CallForwarding.com.
    • Predictive Dialer Digital T1 and VOIP plus Automated Voice Response plus IVR software and ACD software .
    • Database Systems Corp. - Analog predictive dialer with voice broadcasting. IVR. and Voice broadcasting features.
    • Predictive Dialer Hosted predictive dialer system by InsideSales.com
    • Predictive Dialer VOIP-based predictive dialer, part of the Five9 Virtual Call Center Suite.
    • Centcom Predictive Dialer / Centcom Virtual Call Center CCDS' Centcom non-VOIP dialers are the best in class.
    • Dialers from InsideSales.com
    • Hosted Predictive Dialer Hosted Predictive Dialing from hostedpredictivedialer.net
    • Hosted Predictive Dialer Hosted VOiP Call Center Solution from Magnalogix.com
    • Predictive Dialer Integrated Hosted Predictive Dialer, IVR, and ACD from LiveVox.com
    • Tpad - The Global VoIP Network Blended Dialers for Contact Centres - Bespoke inbound and outbound predictive dialer with an asterisk built native telephony engine that supports protocols such as SIP. Supports live real-time statistics, call reporting, DIDs, AMD, DNC, call recording, softphone, power dialing coupled with the ultra low international call rates due to benefits of SIP trunking and VoIP Media Gateways.
    • Promero Hosted Dialer Solutions Leading Reseller of Predictive Dialing Solutions from Oracle, Aspect, Interactive Intelligence, Vocalcom, Five9
    • RoboDialer VoIP Dialer Robo Dialer IVR Dialer is design to handle very complicated surveys campaigns and is perfect for fortune 500 businesses but simple enough for a small business RoboDialer.net
    • Vioteck Predictive Dialer - A hosted dialer system that provides call center predictive dialer technology for reasonable rates. No setup or startup fees like those associated with software or hardware predictive dialers.
    • http://www.voiceguide.com/vgDialer.htm|VoiceGuide] software for fast deployment of Dialer systems. Answering machine detection. Agent popups with all call details. Extensive features and integration options. Example scripts provided. Scalable system proven to work handling hundreds of channels per server, while per line pricing makes it still affordable for smaller deployments.
    • Voicent AgentDialer - Voicent's easy-to-use Agent Dialer predictive dialer software dramatically increases productivity and improves campaign bottom-line by automatically dialing, skipping busy, no-answer and disconnected lines, optionally leaving a voice message on answering machines and--most importantly--never involving you or your agent on a call until a live person answers. When a live person answers, the software pops up a convenient window on your computer, detailing the person's name and number.
    • Voicent Live Predictive Dialer - Includes a VoIP based predictive dialer as part of its call center package.
    • http://gravismarketing.com/services/virtual-predictive-dialer/ Gravis easy phone, award winning virtual dialer, used by political campaigns and businesses worldwide.
    • Star Communication's voice platform was built by a team of telecommunications experts and has effectively dialed billions of calls for its customers during their critical communication times. An efficient and flexible platform enables you to prioritize more meaningful calls, such as emergency notifications, above others.
    • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration,ViCiDial, GoAutoDial, OSDial,FreePBX IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.


    • Quvu - Fully hosted contact centre service: including a predictive dialler, real time analytics and call recording. Manage and analyse your contact centre using only your browser.
    • 3CLogic - Extensive reporting, management and analytics for measuring campaign performance.
    • QueueMetrics can be used to measure an outbound campaign using a dialer.
    • Predictive Dialer Simulation Model - measures performance of predictive dialing campaigns including cost and profit model.
    • Tpad - The Global VoIP Network Realtime Call Reporting Suite for Call Centres - Custom designed inbound / outbound predictive dialer with an asterisk telephony engine built in which supports protocols such as SIP and VoIP. Supports live real-time statistics, agent logging, daily agent statistics, data effciency, call reporting, DIDs, AMD, DNC, call recording, softphone, power dialing coupled with the ultra low international call rates due to benefits of SIP trunking and VoIP Media Gateways.
    • Voicent Call Center Manager software - automated monitoring and management of regulatory compliance for dropped-call rate; real-time and historical reporting of agent availability and resource usage; agent training aids including
    • Prologix Systems - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes - Predictive Dialer + VoIP Minutes.Cloud Based Dialer Solutions, CRM Solutions, SMS EMAIL Integration,ViCiDial, GoAutoDial, OSDial,FreePBX IVR Systems, Domestic PRI Based Center, Domestic Call Center Solutions,IP-PBX Solutions, Asterisk Based Solutions, Bulk VoIP Termination. Various models for Dialer and VoIP as per your requirement. Contact: - Neelam Jain,Prologix Systems, sales@prologixsystems.com Message Me: - prologix.sales @ Gtalk, Skype. +91-7073214443.