
Upload2flickr img-1


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Upload2Flickr is an android app used to upload photos and videos to flickr.com

Features of Upload2Flickr

- Support multi flickr accounts.

- Support to upload photos and videos.

- Works fine together with android internal app Gallery.

- There are 3 modes to do uploading:

1. Expert mode. In this mode, you can do very detail setting for the uploading file, e.g. Select an account from the multi flickr accounts; Distribute the photo/video to several photo sets, even create new photo sets; Type the title, description of the file, and assign some tags; Post to blog, as well as you can post it to twitter.

2. 1-Click mode. This mode is for quickly uploading a file to flickr, just 1-click then the photo/video will be uploaded to the flickr account which you have assigned.

3. Batch mode. If you want to select and upload a large number of files, you will like this mode, multi select the files then add them to the uploading queue in one time.

- Save the uploading tasks in database, never be lost even the handset is power off.

- Features to manage the tasks, e.g. Pause/resume the uploading tasks; Cancel the uploading tasks, you know it's very useful when you find a video is too large and want to cancel it; Delete the pending tasks.

- Start to work as soon as detecting the active network.

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Free THL V9 HD Upload2Flickr App Download

Free THL V9 HD Upload2Flickr App Download

Upload2Flickr is an Android application used to upload photos and videos to flickr.com.

· Support multi flickr accounts.

· Support to upload photos and videos.

· Works fine together with android internal app Gallery.

· Save the uploading tasks in database, never be lost even the handset is power off.

· Features to manage the tasks, e.g. Pause/resume the uploading tasks; Cancel the uploading tasks, you know it's very useful when you find a video is too large and want to cancel it; Delete the pending tasks.

· Start to work as soon as detecting the active network.

There are 3 modes to do uploading:

· 1. Expert mode. In this mode, you can do very detail setting for the uploading file, e.g. Select an account from the multi flickr accounts; Distribute the photo/video to several photo sets, even create new photo sets; Type the title, description of the file, and assign some tags; Post to blog, as well as you can post it to twitter.

· 2. 1-Click mode. This mode is for quickly uploading a file to flickr, just 1-click then the photo/video will be uploaded to the flickr account which you have assigned.

· 3. Batch mode. If you want to select and upload a large number of files, you will like this mode, multi select the files then add them to the uploading queue in one time

Instructions - folders2flickr - Installation instructions - Flickr upload power tool - Google Project Hosting

How to install and run Windows standalone executable

1) Unzip into some folder (e.g. c:\folders2flickr)

2) edit uploadr.ini (change the folder where all your pictures are located and their visibility in flickr)

3) Run: c:\folders2flickr\uploadr.exe

4) First time you run the tool it will open a web browser and ask for your permission to authorize Folders2Flicks. Accept permissions answer Y in the console window.

5) Check the logs and your flickr account if it works as expected.

6) Use Windows Task Scheduler to schedule running c:\folders2flickr\uploadr.exe in some regular intervals e.g. every other night.

For Linux/MAC - running it as Python script

If you are not using the standalone windows executable of this tool and you prefer to run it as a Python script, here is how:

0) Make sure you have Python 2.5 or later version installed (not version 3 and up though)

1) Unrar/Unzip into some folder (e.g. c:\folders2flickr)

2) edit uploadr.ini

3) first run from cmd line (or later as a cron job). python uploadr.py

NOTE: If running for the first time the tool will look for .token file - if it does not find it, it will open default web browser and will ask you for authorization and permission (Delete level) on Flickr web site.

4) After running please look at logs and see if there is problems or whats it doing

Download Upload2Flickr, Upload2Flickr 0

Upload2Flickr 0.9.8 beta Description of Upload2Flickr 0.9.8 beta

Sponsored Links Upload2Flickr is an android app used to upload Photo and Video to Flickr com

Features of Upload2Flickr

- Support multi flickr accounts.

- Support to upload photos and videos.

- Works fine together with android internal app Gallery.

- There are 3 modes to do uploading:

1. Expert mode. In this mode, you can do very detail setting for the uploading file, e.g. Select an account from the multi flickr accounts; Distribute the photo/video to several photo sets, even CREATE new photo sets; Type the title, description of the file, and assign some tags; Post to blog, as well as you can post it to Twitter

2. 1-Click mode. This mode is for quickly uploading a file to flickr, just 1-click then the photo/video will be uploaded to the flickr account which you have assigned.

3. Batch mode. If you want to select and upload a large number of files, you will like this mode, multi select the files then add them to the uploading queue in one time.

- Save the uploading tasks in database, never be lost even the handset is power off.

- Features to manage the tasks, e.g. Pause/resume the uploading tasks; Cancel the uploading tasks, you know it's very useful when you find a video is too large and want to cancel it; Delete the pending tasks.

- Start to work as soon as detecting the active network.

Compatible devices:


richq / folders2flickr

This is a fork of the seemingly defunct http://code.google.com/p/folders2flickr/ project.

When looking for a good way to upload photos and videos to flickr from the command line, I found the following free software options:

  • flickrfs - doesn't support video, freezes all the time
  • imguploadr - has too many dependencies and after fixing the Solaris-based Makefile it still didn't work
  • flickr_upload - doesn't support sets, is in "write-only" Perl
  • uploadr - really basic, hardcoded paths and just too untested

After diving into each, folders2flickr seemed the best. It is based on uploadr, but fixes the problems I had. However it still had some bugs:

  • sets didn't quite work
  • slow, as it did pointless things multiple times

Fortunately it is written in Python and the code wasn't too bad. I've cleaned it up and it runs great on GNU/Linux - specifically tested on Ubuntu 12.04.

To fix the slow initial run, it will upload all photos and videos it doesn't know about. So keep the database it creates in a safe place!


The easiest way is to use pip .

This will create

/.local/bin/folders2flickr and install the library to the right place in .local. The sample configuration file can be created like this:

If you want to use a local clone of the repository then please be aware that folders2flickr depends on the python-exif package. Once you have installed that package, create a clone of folders2flickr using git:

Then you will need to configure the directories to use:

I try to keep the master branch usable, but there are point releases if you prefer a stable fixed version. To install a release, download the zip file, unpack it and away you go. The python-exif dependency will be included in these zips.


The photos and videos in the directory given in the uploadr.ini file are eventually uploaded to flickr and placed into sets. Only files with the extensions jpg, gif, png, avi and mov are uploaded, and flickr may reject them if they are not in the correct format.

If you add the file .f2fignore to a directory then it can be used to ignore files and subdirectories. Ignored files will not be uploaded, and the script will not descend into ignored subdirectories. The ignore pattern is cumulative over the directory tree, so you can specify a general pattern at a top level directory and it will apply to sub-directories too.

The contents of the .f2fignore file is a series of glob patterns, one pattern or filename per line. Subdirectories are also ignored if they match the pattern. For example, to ignore the file MVI_3847.AVI you can either specify the file exactly:

or you could add a pattern to the ignore file:

The pattern is case sensitive and uses Python's fnmatch .


Two files are created during execution:

  • .flickrToken. which has the token to authenticate to flickr
  • the history file, which contains the photos uploaded so far

By default both of these are created in the current working directory, so next time you run folders2flickr you should do so from the same place.

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Flickr Uploader To Bulk Upload Photos and Videos To Flickr

Flickr Uploader To Bulk Upload Photos and Videos To Flickr

Upload2Flickr  is a free bulk Flickr uploader  for Windows which allows you to bulk upload photos and videos to your Flickr account  right from your desktop. You don’t need to open your browser and Flickr account to upload photos & videos. You can add a whole folder containing your photos or videos which can be uploaded directly to your account.

Flickr  is one of the popular photos and video sharing website. Recently Yahoo announced that everyone will get 1TB of space free on Flickr, so it makes even more sense to upload and store your photos on Flickr. It can become quite cumbersome to upload your photos to Flickr. But thankfully, now you can bulk upload photos to Flickr with this free Flickr Uploader.

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You need to authenticate this application with your Flickr account only once and then you can upload photos. By default your uploads will remain private to you. But you can make them Public with the available option before uploading process.

Once you will upload photos it will empty original folder of your PC and show you successfully uploaded photos in ‘Folder name_success ’ in same location. And likewise, if there will be an error to upload photos and videos, then it will show failed uploads in ‘Folder name_failed’. It is a very simple Flickr uploader and is very lightweight application also.

How To Use Flickr Uploader To Bulk Upload Photos to Flickr?

Once you will download this Flickr Uploader, you can extract its zip file and double-click its application file to open it. Its download link is present at the end of this article. As it is portable application, so installation is not needed here. On its interface, you first need to login with your Flickr account (if not logged in already). After that, you need to give authorization to this application with your Flickr account. It consists of two steps:

  • Step 1: Hit the authentication button  (in Authentication Form window) as visible in below screenshot. It will open a webpage of your Flickr account where you can confirm the authorization.
  • Step 2: Once after providing the authorization, it will give you a unique 9 digit code which you need to enter in the Authentication Form window just like the below screenshot.

That’s all you need to do. Once you will complete the verification form, you can open the main window of Upload2Flickr. After this, provide the source path of folder containing your images or videos and hit the GO button to start the uploading process.

Upload may take time in case for adding videos (also depends on your Internet connection).

Key Features Present In Upload2Flickr:

How to upload photos to Flickr on Linux

How to upload photos to Flickr on Linux

If you are a Linuxer who is also a passionate photographer, you will probably have a Flickr account, and want to know about how to manage your photos in your Flickr account on your Linux computer. While any web browser can be used to access your Flicker account on the web, it probably cannot beat a dedicated Flickr client software with streamlined user interface and pre-configured authentication. Here I will focus on how to upload photos to Flickr using dedicated Flickr client for Linux .

One of several available Flickr clients for Linux is flickrfs. Flickrfs is essentially a pseudo filesystem for Flickr which allows you to access your photos in your Flickr account as if you were accessing files in a regular Linux file system. To achieve that, flickrfs uses FUSE (short for "Filesystem in Userspace") which enables one to build a fully functional filesystem in userspace. Using FUSE, flickrfs "mounts" your Flickr account on your Linux machine, and then downloads/uploads/updates your Flickr photos as if you were reading/writing/updating your files in a filesystem.

In order to install flickrfs on Debian/Ubuntu :

$ sudo apt-get install flickrfs

While flickrfs is installed, FUSE python bindings (for accessing Flickr in userspace) and Imagemagick (for image manipulations such as resizing, rotating, etc.) will be automatically installed as well.

Once flickrfs is installed, relax the permission of /dev/fuse, and add you to the "fuse" group, so that you (and flickrfs) can access /dev/fuse as non-root user.

$ sudo chmod 666 /dev/fuse

$ sudo usermod -a -G fuse alice

Finally, create a Flickr mount point, and run flickrfs pointing to the mount point. When launching flickrfs for the first time, make sure to close all web browser windows before launching flickrfs, so that flickrfs can direct you to Flickr for OAuth authorization properly.

Launching flickrfs for the first time will pop up a new web browser window saying "flickrfs wants to link to your Flickr account" and asking for your permission. Go ahead logging in to your Flickr account, and authorize flickrfs to access your account. You can close the browser window afterward.

If flickrfs dies with the following error:

Can't retrieve token from browser:/usr/bin/x-www-browser

Once you have successfully mounted your Flickr account, you will see "sets" and "tags" folders under your mount point. You can use ls command to browse a list of sets, tags, and photos in your Flickr account.