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Chess 3d

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Chess 3D 2015 скачать бесплатно на русском языке для windows 7

Chess 3D – это шикарная яркая шахматная 3D-игра. Великолепное графическое оформление заставляет забыть о том, что игроки лишь передвигают фигуры – перед вашими глазами разыгрывается настоящая баталия, где войска двух непримиримых соперников сошлись в битве не на жизнь, а на смерть.

Окружающая среда, доска, фигуры – все великолепно детализировано. Можно масштабировать поле, вращать его, делать снимки особенно удачных ракурсов. В игре большой выбор доступных фонов и разновидностей фигур. Вы можете повести в бой средневековую армию, а можете возглавить орду демонов или мужественный отряд из сказочных жителей волшебного леса.

Играть можно как с компьютером (доступны четыре уровня сложности), так и с живым противником по локальной сети или через интернет. Многие фигурки анимированы, поэтому их передвижение или убийство противника выглядят особенно красочно и зрелищно. Кроме того, можно записать игру полностью, сохранить ее для дальнейшего продолжения, вести лог для изучения, отменить ход, выбрать характер поведения соперника и многое другое.

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Flash Chess - Play Free Online

3D Flash Chess - Free Brain Game

This beautiful Flash Chess game boosts concentration, memory, and logical reasoning. Unlike many online chess games, this game displays the chess board in three dimensions (3D) rather than as a two-dimensional flat board.

To begin, click the Small, Medium, or Large link under the picture at left. This opens the game in a pop-up window.

This online chess game includes all standard chess rules, including castling and en-passant. It also follows "draw" conditions on three repetitions or 50 pawn-less moves.

The games on this site require Javascript. To play these games, you must first enable Javascript in your browser. After doing so, refresh the page.

Instructions for 3D Flash Chess

HOW TO PLAY. To begin playing Flash Chess, click the "Click to Start" button. Then choose the Advanced, Casual, or Novice option depending on your skill level.

Novice Mode. In novice mode, the computer plays chess at its lowest level. Use this setting if you're still learning chess or if you want to beat the Flash Chess computer quickly.

Casual Mode. In casual mode, the Flash Chess computer thinks for about one second. This is a good setting for quick matches when you have only a short amount of time to play.

Advanced Mode. In advanced mode, the computer plays chess at its normal level. The chess computer will think for about 5 seconds. This level can be challenging for normal players.

MOVING THE PIECES. To move a chess piece, first click the piece. This highlights possible moves in green. Then click the square where you want the piece to go.

If you decide you don't want to move the highlighted chess piece, click it again to deselect it. Then you'll be able to choose another piece to move. (If you don't deselect the currently highlighted chess piece, you can't select a different piece.)

For example, suppose I decide to move King's Knight from its starting position to King's Bishop 3, so I click the knight. Then I decide to move the Queen's Pawn instead. Before I can select the Queen's Pawn, I need to deselect the King's Knight by clicking on it to remove the green highlighted squares.

Additional Flash Chess Features

Chess Board Overview section

CHESS BOARD OVERVIEW. In the right hand pane is a useful chess board overview image. This shows the current state of the chess board, much as you might find it in a book of chess moves.

To allow for a short-hand method of referring to chess piece positions, the sides of the chess board overview are labeled with letters and numbers. This is the same algebraic notation used in popular how-to-play-chess books like Logical Chess, Move By Move: Every Move Explained by Russian-American chess master and prolific chess author Irving Chernev.

In algebraic chess notation, the letters A-H appear along the bottom and top edge, while numbers 1-8 appear along the sides. The A1 square is located in the lower left, with your pieces positioned along the lower side of the chess board.

SAVE GAME. If you wish, you can save the current location of the chess pieces. Saving the match makes a backup of the current progress of the chess game. If the match goes badly, you may choose to revert to the point you saved the game.

To save the current Flash Chess board configuration, click the Save button under the chess board overview. As soon as the next move is made, the Load button becomes available. At any point, you can click the Load button to revert to the saved chess board. You get one "save slot" per chess match. Any subsequent save overwrites the previous one.

Game Moves Listing section

GAME MOVES LISTING. As play progresses, each chess move is recorded in the Game Moves Listing section. Algebraic chess notation labels indicate where the pieces were moved. The labels are made of a letter plus a number.

Moves for pawns include the lower-case letter of the pawn's row position plus the numbers of its starting and ending squares. For example, if White's first move is the King's Pawn two squares forward, the Game Moves Listing shows "e2-e4".

For higher ranking pieces including the knight, bishop, rook, queen, and king, an uppercase letter is included as well (K for king, Q for queen, B for bishop, N for knight, and R for rook). For instance if White moves its king from its starting position one square forward, the Game Moves Listing shows "Ke1-e2".

This record helps you keep track of the progress of the chess match. If you can't remember how the current configuration of chess pieces on the Flash Chess board quite came about, refer to the listing as a step-by-step record of the moves.

CHESS TIMER. There's a handy chess timer at the top of the Flash Chess game screen in case you want to track how long your moves are taking.

The timer pauses automatically when it's the computer's turn. The clock restarts automatically on your turn.

UNDO. Another way to revert to a previous state of the chess board is clicking the Undo button. This steps you back one move at a time.

RESIGN GAME. If on reaching the end game you realize the Flash Chess computer is certain to win the match, or at least that you cannot win, you have the option to resign (quit) as in a real chess match. To resign the match, click the Resign Game button in the right pane.

For practice choosing the best chess moves, try solving the daily chess puzzle. If you can't remember how to play chess, or if you want to learn, open the Easy Chess game, then click the Rules button for a chess tutorial.

Game distributed by OwensWorld.com. Used with permission.

Chess3D - Маленькие - игры, шахматы

Chess3D v4.22

Chess 3D - анимированные 3D шахматы с прекрасной графикой. Играть можно как с компьютером, так и с партнером через локальную сеть или Интернет. Классическая шахматная игра, содержащая плоскость шахматного поля 8х8, на котором на противоположных горизонталях установлены две, различного цвета, группы по 16 шахматных фигур, развивалась на протяжении нескольких столетий. Правила хода шахматных фигур в настоящее время едины во всем мире. Данные правила являются незыблемой основой предлагаемых шахмат трехмерного пространства. Приятных Вам ощущений от самой гуманной в мире игры, приносящей радость общения в битве на шахматном пространстве!

Особенности игры:

  • 3D графика с анимированными шахматными фигурами и звуковыми эффектами
  • Компьютерный противник с различным уровнем сложности
  • Возможность игры через LAN или Интернет
  • Большой выбор шахматных досок, фигур и окружающей обстановки
  • 3D graphics with animated chess pieces and sound effects
  • Many strong chess engines with various levels of strength as computer opponent chooseable
  • Easy installation of further free or commercial UCI chess engines
  • 2 player mode via LAN or Internet
  • Numerous chessboards, pieces, materials and environments
  • Buildt in physics engine

Онлайн игры шахматы бесплатно

Играть в бесплатные игры шахматы онлайн, скачать флеш игры шахматы бесплатно

Игры «Шахматы» — это несколько десятков вариаций культовой логической игры, история которой насчитывает уже свыше полутора тысяч лет. Играть в них можно совершенно бесплатно, да притом в двух режимах: онлайновом (браузерном) и оффлайновом (без интернета). В последнем случае от вас потребуется зарегистрироваться на сайте и скачать понравившуюся игру.

Действие шахмат разворачивается на доске, имеющей равное количество разноцветных клеток. Каждый из игроков обладает одинаковым набором фигур, к которым следует отнести две ладьи, двух коней, двух слонов, восемь пешек, а также короля и ферзя. Отличительной особенностью шахмат является пошаговый геймплей. Прежде чем совершить ход, игрок должен заранее предугадать дальнейшее развитие событий. Поэтому залог успешной игры в шахматы — это ваша дальновидность и хитрость, подразумевающая под собой умение запутать своего оппонента.

Каждая из фигур может ходить по строго определенной траектории, и если в нее попадает клетка, занятая чужой фигурой, то вы можете переместиться на ее место и, тем самым, убрать с поля. В ситуации, когда под потенциальный удар попадает клетка, занятая королем, оппоненту выдвигается так называемый шах. В этом случае можно сделать лишь одно — переместиться на безопасную клетку, закрытую от вражеских атак. Если же таковых не имеется, то игроку объявляется мат, после чего партия в шахматы считается завершенной.

Шахматы 3D играть онлайн бесплатно

Шахматы 3D Также рекомендуем: Простые шахматы
  • Футбольная игра
  • Шахматы: обучение
  • Королевские шахматы
  • Метаем копьё
  • Картинг-гонки
  • Симулятор бокса
  • Кукольный Футбол
  • Симулятор тенниса
  • Крутая бита
  • Бейсбол
  • Ваш танк
  • Бильярд 3D
  • Враги Марио
  • Хороший бильярд
  • Футбол 2015

  • Конфетки в ряд
  • Игра большой теннис
  • Супер шахматы
  • Робо-Шахматы
  • Симулятор про рыбалку
  • Китайские шахматы
  • Симулятор шашек
  • Повелитель мира
  • Семь свиданий
  • Симулятор: больница
  • Симулятор стрельбы
  • Симулятор жизни 3
  • Шахматы мини
  • Мини шахматы
  • Шахматы
  • Симулятор: теннис

  • Злой бой
  • Картинг трасса
  • Шахматы-3d
  • Классная гонка
  • Древний спорт
  • Быстрый бильярд
  • Гонка на лодке
  • 3D ралли
  • Одевалка коньков
  • Трюки мотоцикла
  • Турнир по боксу
  • Битва мутантов
  • Клубничный тортик
  • Гонки дрифт
  • Марсианские шахматы
  • Битва Шахмат 3D на телефон

    Битва Шахмат 3D / 3D Battle Chess

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    Three-dimensional chess

    Three-dimensional chess

    Three-dimensional chess

    :"Not to be confused with chess software with a 3D rendering"Raumschach diagram|=

    =5 |rd|nd|kd|nd|rd|=4 |pd|pd|pd|pd|pd|=3 | | | | | |=2 | | | | | |=1 | | | | | |= Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee

    5 |bd|sd|qd|bd|sd|=4 |pd|pd|pd|pd|pd|=3 | | | | | |=2 | | | | | |=1 | | | | | |= Da Db Dc Dd De

    5 | | | | | |=4 | | | | | |=3 | | | |xx| |=2 | | |xx|xo|xx|=1 | | | | | |= Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce

    5 | | | | | |=4 | | | | | |=3 | | |xx|xo|xx|=2 |pl|pl|pl|pl|pl|=1 |bl|sl|ql|bl|sl|= Ba Bb Bc Bd Be

    5 | | | | | |=4 | | | | | |=3 | | | | | |=2 |pl|pl|pl|pl|pl|=1 |rl|nl|kl|nl|rl|= Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae

    Raumschach starting position

    The up-side-down knight is used to represent the unicorn. The Bd2 pawn's move is marked; it may move to the squares marked with a circle and capture in the squares marked with an X. Raumschach diagram|=

    =5 | | | | | |=4 | | | | | |=3 | | | | | |=2 | | | | | |=1 | | | | | |= Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee

    5 | | | | | |=4 | | | | | |=3 | | | | | |=2 |rl| | | | |=1 | | | | | |= Da Db Dc Dd De

    5 | | | | | |=4 | | | | | |=3 | | | | | |=2 | | | | | |=1 |kd| | | | |= Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce

    5 | | | | | |=4 | | | | | |=3 | | |kl| | |=2 | | | | | |=1 | |sl| | | |= Ba Bb Bc Bd Be

    5 | | | | | |=4 | | | | | |=3 | | | | | |=2 | | | |bl| |=1 | | | | | |= Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae

    By Udo Marks. Solution [http://www.chess-problem.com/room_special2.htm here ] .

    Three-dimensional chess. or 3D chess. are examples of chess variant s. Three-dimensional variants have existed since the late 19th century. One of the oldest versions is Raumschach (German for "Space chess"), invented in 1907 by Ferdinand Maack and played on a 5x5x5 board. Maack founded a Raumschach club in Hamburg in 1919, which remained active until the Second World War.

    The 3D board is actually a cube sliced into 5 equal spaces across each of its three major coordinal planes. This sectioning yields a 125-cell playing volume.

    Each "floor" is marked with a capital letter, A, B, C, D or E. Ranks and files are as in chess. So, the kings start on Ac1 and Ec5. White starts on the A level (the ground floor) and black starts on the roof.

    Rooks, bishops, and knights move as they do in Chess in any given plane. Rooks, for example, move through the walls of the cubes in any rank, file, or column. Bishops move along the edges of the cubes, and knights make a (0,1,2) leaping move. Unicorns move through the vertices of the cube, each of the two can only reach 30 cubes. The queen combines the moves of rooks, bishops, and unicorns. The king moves just like a queen but one step at a time. Pawns move in two directions, forward like a Chess pawn, and may move one step upward (if white) or downward (if black) and capture diagonally upward (or downward). Promotion occurs where pawns can't move any more, that is the rank E5 for white pawns and A1 for black pawns. There is no double move, en passant nor castling .

    Tri-Dimensional Chess

    Probably the most familiar 3D chess variant to the general public in the early 21st century is the game of Tri-Dimensional Chess (Tri-D Chess ), which can be seen in many " Star Trek " TV episodes and movies, starting with the original series and proceeding in updated forms throughout the subsequent movies and spinoff series.

    The original "Star Trek" prop was assembled using boards from "3-D Checkers" and "3-D Tic Tac Toe" games available in stores at the time (also visible being played in the original series episodes) and adding futuristic chess pieces. Rules for the game were never invented within the series; in fact, the boards are sometimes not even aligned consistently from one shot to the next within a single episode. The Tri-D chessboard set was made popular by its inclusion in " The Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual " by Franz Joseph. who invented starting positions for the playing pieces and short additional rules. The complete Standard Rules of this game were originally developed in 1976 by Andrew Bartmess (with approval from Joseph), and he has subsequently expanded and fine-tuned them.

    There also is a Creative Commons -licensed manual written in Italian by Marco Bresciani, which presents a complete and faithful translation of the latest version of Bartmess' Standard Rules, with instructions on how to build a chessboard and many other things. This manual is available through the "Star Trek Italian Club" (for members only, see external links, below). Marco Bresciani also made a software project as an Information Technology Laurea Degree final thesis, that allows playing Tri-D Chess with Bartmess' Standard Rules full support. There are various computer applications for playing Tri-D Chess.

    A set of tournament rules for Tri-Dimensional Chess written by Jens Meder is available on his website, However, Meder's rules are based on FIDE 's Rules more than Andrew Bartmess's Standard Rules, with some deviations too.

    Asimovian Hyperchess

    Isaac Asimov 's science fiction short story "A Perfect Fit" refers to a 3D chess game which is effectively eight chessboards stacked upon each other, making the playing area cubic (see also Cubic chess ) rather than square (that is, exactly one dimension more than ordinary 2D chess). The same variant is also mentioned in " Pebble in the Sky ", during the early Galactic Imperial period on Earth.

    Asimovian Hyperchess has two lineal variants :

    *Roseate Formation. The King is surrounded by a 'ring' of Queens, and the Bishops etc, ending in a ring of Rooks. Both sides possess a 'wall' of pawns in the 2nd rank.

    *Cruciformation. The King is central, with a ring of Queens, and then a ring of Bishops interspersed with Knights, a tertiary ring interspersed with bishops on diagonals, and ultimately Rooks interspersed with Knights at their tertiary move points (assuming a central quadrant L-movement)

    Asimovian Hyperchess is not easily played. Asimov himself imagined a chess set being quite compact, but even with standard boards and pieces it is highly unlikely that tracking pieces and their movements is easy.

    Mobility of pieces is the same as other three-dimensional chess forms, in that a pawn may move forward, and take a piece in the third dimension. The same rules apply to other pieces, and in Asimovian Hyperchess, Knights possess a remarkable ability, when acting in concert to permit a player to achieve a checkmate in less than 20 moves.

    For effective playing of the game, it is theorised that a chess display computer program would be of the most use, but that it is highly unlikely that a computer would be able to play Hyperchess efficiently, as move prediction more than 8 moves ahead is likely to tax even an IBM Bluegene Mainframe beyond its standard abilities.

    To date, Asimovian hyperchess has only had sporadic application, and there are few recorded instances of it being played.

    Other variants

    Another variant of 3D chess is that simulated by the 3dchess program for GNU/Linux. This variant is played on three standard 8×8 boards, stacked vertically. The middle board features the standard pieces, while the following new pieces populate the other two boards:

    *Prince (King)

    *Princess (Queen)

    *Abbey (Bishop)

    *Cannon (Knight)

    *Galley (Rook)

    The movements of various pieces have been modified to allow them to move across boards (for example the Cannon must move three spaces in one direction, two in a perpendicular direction and one in the remaining perpendicular).

    This version was developed and produced in a plastic board game format by Mind Games Manufacturing Limited, a company incorporated in Ireland in 1992. Although about 2,000 copies were manufactured, the company closed after a year and a half.

    A variant possibly similar to "Star Trek" 's Tri-Dimensional Chess is seen in " Legend of the Galactic Heroes ", a Japanese science fiction novel. Another SF 3D chess game is Cheops or Pyramid chess, mentioned in the "Dune " novels of Frank Herbert. which has the object of simultaneously placing one's opponent in checkmate and one's own Queen at the apex of the pyramid al board.

    A highly specialized three-dimensional chess variant is Gary Gygax 's dragon chess .

    [http://www.geocities.com/william_dagostino Millennium 3D Chess ] is a similar 3D chess variant which is also played on three standard 8 by 8 chess boards (3x8x8). Millennium 3D Chess rules were written with the objective of extending the traditional chess game into a multilevel environment without distorting the basic game. To this end, Millennium 3D Chess has not "created" new chess rules, but instead extended the traditional rules to allow for multiboard play. Other than the concept of moving between chess boards (levels), all traditional two (2D) chess rules apply. A free PDF copy of the rules can be downloaded from [http://www.geocities.com/william_dagostino/millennium_3d_chess.pdf Millennium 3D Chess Rules ] .

    Popular Culture

    * Spock and James T. Kirk can be seen playing 3-D chess on Star Trek. The game is later seen on other Star Trek series.

    *Leonard and Sheldon can be seen playing 3-D chess in the beginning of Episode 11 in Season 1 of The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon points out to Leonard that he is good at losing "on so many different levels."

    *A three-dimensional chess variant may be seen in the " Blakes 7 " fourth season episode, Games.

    *Four-dimensional chess is played in " Arkady and Boris Strugatsky s 1961 science fiction collection '.

    *The game is repeatedly parodied in episodes of Futurama. including a three-dimensional Scrabble game in Fry and the Slurm Factory and, in The Beast with a Billion Backs. a version of three-dimensional Pac-Man

    *In the computer game Unreal 2. Aida, one of the main heroes, is called a 3D chess champion. A board is present in her quarters, seemingly identical to a Star Trek board.

    External links

    * [http://www.3dchessfederation.com/ 3-D Chess Federation ]

    * [http://www.chessvariants.org/3d.dir/3d5.html Raumschach ] by Bruce Balden and Hans L. Bodlaender.

    * [http://www.chessvariants.org/3d.dir/555.html 3D Chess FAQ File, by David Moeser ]

    Star Trek three-dimensional chess

    * [http://my.ohio.voyager.net/

    abartmes/tactical.htm Tri-Dimensional Chess Rules ] – Standard Rules by Andrew Bartmess

    * [http://home.arcor.de/jens.meder/3dschach/indexe.html 3-D Chess Site of Jens Meder ] – in English; Tri-D Chess rules, boards and more

    * [http://www.startrekitalia.com/Siti/Manuale/ Scacchi Tridimensionali ] – The primary reference for the Italian Tri-D Chess manual; the website also includes game software?

    * [http://www.parmen.com Parmen ] – Free Tri-D Chess for Windows. from [http://www.hemptrek.com HempTrek ] (supports standard and tournament rulesets according to posted sample games)

    * [http://www.fzort.org/mpr/projects/vulcan/ Vulcan ] Open source Tri-D chess game (inspired by a certain well-known science fiction TV series)

    ?The manual is written in Italian and fully based on Bartmess' Standard Rules. It is Creative Commons -licensed but available to Star Trek Italian Club members only: see above links.

    ?This Tri-D Chess game has been completed but available for testing and debugging purposes to Java programming language programmers only.

    Other variants of three-dimensional chess

    * [http://www.geocities.com/william_dagostino Millennium 3D Chess ] – A 3x8x8 variant of 3D chess by William L. D'Agostino

    * [http://thehinge.net/3dchess 3D Chess Board ] – by Dan Beyer

    * [http://www.chessvariants.org/index/mainquery.php?type=Any&category=3d&orderby=LinkText&displayauthor=1&displayinventor=1&usethisheading=Three+Dimensional 3-D Chess Games | Chess Variant Pages ] – By Peter Aronson, Hans Bodlaender, and David Howe (eds.) et al.

    * [http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/games/strategy/3Dc-0.8.1.tar.gz 3dchess ] – open-source 3D chess for X11. with [http://packages.debian.org/stable/games/3dchess Debian package ]

    * [http://www.dimensionalized.com/game/rules4_3d_chess/index.php Chess - The Next Generation ] – By Paul Glover; rules, diagrams and pictures. The game is played on two boards of 8x8 one on top of the other. Chess rules apply, except that each piece moves dimensionally from one board to the next board in a specified manner. It's possible to make a board at home by putting a piece of glass above the regular board, as seen in the picture or support the glass with books on each side. (see also [http://www.dimensionalized.com/game/chessfuture.php Chess - The Future Generation ©1990 ] )

    * [http://www.chessboss.com/3dchess.php 3D Chess Concept, Info and Features ]

    * [http://www.hixoxih.com/games/chess/3D8L.htm 3D Eight Level chess ] – by Ray Edward Bornert II

    * Cubic chess by Vladimir Pribylinec

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    Flying chess — is a chess variant, based around a three dimensional board. It was invented by Dr David Eltis in 1984. Rules The board used for Flying chess is 8 * 8 * 2, giving a 128 cell board. There can either be markers on flying pieces or a second board can … Wikipedia

    Colossus Chess — Developer(s) Martin Bryant Publisher(s) CDS Micro Systems English Software Pla … Wikipedia

    Chess 3D Скачать Бесплатно Русскую Версию Для Windows 7

    Chess 3D - очень красивая трехмерная игра, которая позволяет пользователям играть красиво анимированными фигурами в популярную. игру - шахматы.

    Игра Chess 3D позволяет пользователям играть, как с противником - компьютером, так и с другом через локальную сеть или интернет. Особенно стоит отметить графическую составляющую игры, так как оно реализовано с наилучшей стороны. Конечно, речь идет о графике уровня мини-игр и небольших приложений, но выглядит все достаточно красиво и реалистично. Играть можно как на 2D-поле, так и полноценном 3D-поле. Выбор полностью ложится на плечи пользователя - от него зависит зависит выбор игрового поля.

    Игровое поле можно вращать, масштабировать. Более того, игра Chess 3D предлагает пользователям выбрать оформление и самому его настроить. Также на выбор пользователям предлагаются различные фигурки. Некоторые из этих фигурок анимированные, а некоторые статичные.

    Во время хода, "битва" фигурок сопровождается не менее красивой анимацией. В целом, игра м оставляет одни положительные эмоции.

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    Shareware; Windows Vista/XP/2000