
Diesel Power Log Viewer img-1

Diesel Power Log Viewer

Рейтинг: 4.7/5.0 (1871 проголосовавших)

Категория: Windows: другое


Снятие логов

Volkswagen Passat Фольцквакен ? › Бортжурнал › Снятие логов

Москва, Россия

Снять логи — означает процедуру по записи показателей определённых групп измерений в файл для последующего анализа этих данных.

Логи снимают в одном из двух режимов:

В рабочем режиме. Например, для анализа работы датчиков, работы системы климата или блока комфорта.

Под нагрузкой. Применяется для анализа работы двигателя. Для достижения нагрузки требуется применить активный разгон на пониженной передаче.

Если для снятия логов в рабочем режиме ничего специфического не требуется, то для снятия лога под нагрузкой есть ряд условий:

• ASR/ESP должен быть выключен

• Окна закрыты

• Кондиционер и музыка выключены

• Дорога должна быть прямая (сухая, ровная, без уклонов и поворотов)

• Длина дороги около 1-2 километров

Если коробка автоматическая, то включаем режим "3" и не спеша разгоняемся чтобы коробка переключилась на 3-ю передачу (и сработала блокировка гидротрансформатора). Далее жмём педаль газа примерно на 80% хода педали (чтобы не сработал кик-даун). И крутим двигатель до 6000 оборотов в минуту (дизельные двигатели раскручивают до 3000 оборотов). Автомобиль при этом разгонится почти до 150 км/ч. Поэтому важно выбрать ровную дорогу, без машин, без людей и животных, а также без камер ГИБДД :)

Если коробка механическая, то также не спеша разгоняемся до момента включения 3-ей передачи и дальше жмём педаль газа в пол с раскруткой двигателя до 6000 оборотов в минуту (дизельные двигатели раскручивают до 3000 оборотов).

Для того чтобы записать (снять) лог потребуется:

Подключить адаптер VCDS/VAG-COM к машине и запустить программу.

Другие статьи, обзоры программ, новости

Инструментарий для просмотра логов

Сообщества › Логи и их Анализ на Автомобилях VAG › Блог › Инструментарий для просмотра логов

Зеленоград, Россия

Итак, все подготовили, логи сняли, записали в компьютер в формате CSV.

Вопрос что делать с этим добром дальше?

Я рекомендую одну из самых удобных утилит для просмотра логов — DieselPower Log Viewer. которая позволяет просматривать логи как в виде таблиц, так и в виде графиков. Сам я использую графики, так как динамика изменения параметров, на мой взгляд более наглядна.

или в виде таблицы:

Стоит отметить, что DieselPower Log Viewer не всегда может корректно прочитать логи. Бывает не читает логи с русскоязычных версий VCDS. Также DieselPower не читает логи, которые снимаются параметрами, а не группами.

Очень неплохая и бесплатная программа Libreoffice (ru.libreoffice.org/download/ ) или OpenOffice (www.openoffice.org/ru/about-downloads.html ). Это аналог MS Office, но в отличие от Excel сама преобразует лог в удобочитаемую таблицу, очень рекомендую — спасибо Colapse

Расшифровка Лог-файлов

Расшифровка Лог-файлов.

Расшифровка Лог-файлов.

Выкладываем логи сюда. Знающие помогите начинающим "диагностам" с расшифровкой. Ко всем с уважением !

Что такое лог файл. Лог файл это файл с записью измерения той или иной группы данных (температура,обороты,давление ,напряжение и т.д. и т.п.)

Зачем нужен. Например надо посмотерь на каких оборотах в двигателе максимальное давление наддува. Можно посадить человека с ВАГкомом на пассажирское сидение ,а самому втопить газ до отсечки .Возможно человек этот успеет засечь сколько вдула турба в реальном времени. А можно записать лог с группой по давлению ,а потом в спокойной обстановке посмотреть его попивая пивко.

Мало того. Лог можно записать на Камчатке ,а потом показать диагносту из Калининграда (например в этом форуме). Вот как то так .

Ошибки в теме не выкладываем для этого есть другая.


Внимание. Образцы неплохих логов для сравнения со своими :

Skype Logs Reader


SkypeLogView reads the log files created by Skype application, and displays the details of incoming/outgoing calls, chat messages, and file transfers made by the specified Skype account. You can select one or more items from the logs list, and then copy them to the clipboard, or export them into text/html/csv/xml file.

System Requirements

This utility works on any version of Windows starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 8. You don't have to install Skype in order to use this utility. You only need the original log files created by skype, even if they are on an external drive.

Versions History
  • Version 1.55:
    • Fixed to find the correct item when typing the string you want to search into the main List View.
    • Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key.
  • Version 1.52:
    • Fixed SkypeLogView to work while Skype is running.
  • Version 1.51:
    • Added 'End Time' column. (Available only for records with duration value)
  • Version 1.50:
    • Added new actions: Voicemails and chats.
    • Added 'Copy Selected Messages' option (Ctrl+M) - Copy only the messages of all selected items.
    • Fixed to display date/time properly according to daylight saving time settings.
  • Version 1.42:
    • Fixed bug: SkypeLogView crashed when exporting long chat message to html file.
    • Fixed issue: The properties and the other windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.
  • Version 1.41:
    • You can now specify directly the main.db filename, instead of the skype folder where main.db is located. (This feature works from the user interface and with the /logsfolder command-line option)
  • Version 1.40:
    • Added Duration Display Format option: HH:MM:SS, Seconds, Minutes, or Hours.
  • Version 1.36:
    • Fixed a problem with /SaveDirect command-line option.
  • Version 1.35:
    • Added 'Stop' menu item which allows you to stop the loading process of the Skype logs.
    • SkypeLogView now loads the log items much faster and with less memory usage, especially if you have a large amount of items in the log.
    • Added support for SMS messages.
  • Version 1.30:
    • Added 'Show Select Folder On Start' option. When it's turned on, the 'Select Skype Logs Folder' window appears on the screen before loading the logs of Skype, so you can choose the correct folder and/or choose a specific date/time range.
    • Fixed bug: SkypeLogView failed to load the log file if the path contained non-English characters.
    • Added /SaveDirect command line option, for using with the other save command-line options (/scomma, /stab, /sxml, and so on. )

      If Skype is installed on your system, SkypeLogView automatically detect the last used account, and loads the logs from it. You can select to view the logs of another account by using the "Select Logs Folder" option.

      After you loaded the right logs, you can select one or more items from the list, and then save them to text/csv/html/xml file.

Guide to Download and Use the 3CX Log Viewer

Filtering Options

The Filtering Options section allows you to select which logs are displayed in the Log Window.

Filter by Date. Select to filter the logging by date / time range. 3CX Phone System timestamps the logs using the time of the local machine.

Filter by Tags. Most log lines have been assigned a tag. For example, all the logs for a particular call are tagged with their Call ID (e.g. CallID 10). There are many tags which you can use. We’ll look at some important tags at the end of this guide.

When you want to filter by a particular tag, you double click on the tag and the Tag formula window and the formula text will be updated with your selection. Click the “Apply ” button to filter using the selected tags.

You’ll come across situations where you want to use operators in your filter. For example, if you select SiPMsg.method(INVITE), and need only the Invites for extension 100, you can click the “AND ” button and then select “DN(100) ” from the tag list.

You can also build nested Queries. For example, you might want to filter for the INVITE requests for calls with ID 12 and 13. This is shown in the screenshot below:

The Formula text gets updated as you add and remove tags. Copy and and save formulas that you use often. This will save you time trying to find the tag needed.

Important Note  – The tags shown are the ones which are found in the binary log. So if, for example, you are trying to filter the log for extension 116, and you are not finding DN 116, it means that the log does not contain any entries from extension 116.

Highlight Matching Logs. When this checkbox is checked, all the log entries are displayed, and the logging that matches the filtering criteria will be highlighted in red. Press “Apply ” to refresh the logging using your selected filtering criteria.

Log Window

The log window is where the log entries are shown. You can right click on an entry and “Select All ” the log entries or “Copy ” the selected logs to the clipboard. You can select multiple entries by holing down the Shift or Control key. The above screenshot shows log entries for Extension 100 being highlighted.

Tags Window

The tags window will show all the tags that have been assigned to the selected log entry. You can double-click on any of the tags in order to filter using that tag. If using Operators, you first need to select the operator before double clicking on the tag in the tags window. The tags window is very useful when you want to learn about new tags. For example, in the selected log entry the CallId tag is 12 and the DestAddr.Host is an IP address.

Detail Window

When you select a log line, the detail window will show it.

Some log entries consist of multiple lines which are not shown in the main log window. These are shown in the detail window. An example is the SIP messages that are shown in the screenshot below.

Other Features

Records / Page. The 3CX Log Viewer uses paging – it doesn’t show the binary log in one go, otherwise it might use too many resources and too much time for a large binary log file. It will log an X amount of records per page. By default, it loads 10,000 lines per page. This number is configurable from the Preferences section.

Use the arrow buttons at the top to move from one page to the next or to go to the beginning or the end of the log file.

Searching the Log s:  You can also search the log by inserting the search term in the Find: entry field and pressing “Enter “. This will search from the current position to the end. Alternatively, use the down button to search downwards and hit the up button to search upwards. The search will always be performed starting from the current position. Note that searches are done across all the pages until the search reaches the beginning or the end of the log file.

Opening Logs. When you open the 3CX Log Viewer, it will automatically load the logs from the last location. You can open another set of 3CX logs from File > Open. You can also view a set of logs that you recently opened from File > Recent Logs

Preferences.  From View > Preferences, you can configure how many records are shown per page. You can also select the Severity mask and Log Level that will be used when showing the logs. The screenshot below shows the default values, which should be valid in most troubleshooting situations. These setting are retained when you close the 3CX Log Viewer.

Associate Log Files. From Settings > Associate log files, you can associate blrec and bldef files with the 3CX Log Viewer.

Export to Text :  From Tools > Export to text, you can export the filtered log entries to a text file. All log entries from all pages will be exported. Remove any filters if you want all the log entries to be exported. You might need to adjust your default filtering preferences from Settings > Preferences.

Command Line. The 3CX Log Viewer can also be executed from the command line, in which case it will accept the following parameters:

3cxBinLogViewer.exe < Input Path to log files> <Export Path to text file>

If you run 3cxBinLogViewer.exe <Input Path to log files>. 3CX Log Viewer will load the log files found in the path specified. For example – 3cxBinLogViewer.exe c:\3cxlogs .

If you run 3cxBinLogViewer.exe <Input Path to log files> <Path to export text file>. 3CX Log Viewer will export the binary logs in the Input Path to the text file specified in the Export Path. For example – 3cxBinLogViewer.exe c:\3cxlogs c:\3cxlogs\txtlog.txt .

Information on the 3CX Server Logs

The 3CX Server Logs are made up of one bldef file and one or more blrec files. The bldef file is the file that contains information about the tags, and other index data. The blrec files are the files that hold the logs. Both files are required in order to read 3CX Logs. Note that one bldef file can be used to read multiple blrec files.

The 3CX logs rotate when they reach 50MB. If the Keep Backup option (in 3CX Management Console > Settings > Advanced > Logging level) is disabled, two blrec log files are kept – the current one and the previous one. If the Keep Backup setting is enabled, the older files will be  moved to the backup folder. There is an option to keep backup of log files for X number of days. This affects the how many 3CX Logs are kept in the backup.

Note that the 3CX Server Logs are the logs which are written by the 3CX Phone System Service. Other processes, such as the 3CX PhoneSystem Media Server, write logs in .log format, and can be viewed with a text editor.

Useful Tags

This list will help you understand and start using log tags (not all tags are listed):

  • CallId. Each call is assigned a Call ID by the PBX. The CallId tag allows you to filter by the logging that matches the selected CallId.
  • Cause.Code. The Cause.Code shows all the SIP cause codes found in the log. Therefore, if for example you are troubleshooting a situation whereby a call is returning a busy tone, you can filter for Cause.Code = 486
  • Contact.Host. The Contact.Host allows you filter for a specific IP address as listed in the SIP header.
  • DestAddr.Host and SrcAddr.Host. Useful when filtering on the destination/source address. Note that this is the network address, not the one specified in the SIP header.
  • DN. This is the extension number of the phone or device (virtual extension number). Use this tag to filter the logging from a particular extension or port on a device.
  • InboundDID. This might come in useful when you want to filter the logging for a specific DID number.
  • SipMsg.Method. This is useful to filter the logging and show a specific SIP message. For example, you might want to show only the REGISTER SIP methods in the log file. This is useful to get you started – maybe you want to find when a registration took place so you can then filter the logging by date. Remember to check the other SipMsg.X tags

Diesel power log viewer

Diesel power log viewer

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