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Witch Girl 2.01 Download

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Фестиваль Девушки Поют собрал представителей новой волны современной российской музыки в разных жанрах. Во всех представленных коллективах фронтменами и вокалистами являются девушки, а состав некоторых групп будет полностью женский. Показать полностью.. Цель фестиваля не в культивировании феминистски настроенных групп и не в противопоставлении их традиционным мужским коллективам, а в том, чтобы обратить внимание на феномен резкого прорыва женщин на российской независимой сцене.

В программе третьей ночи представлен почти весь цвет актуальной российской электронной музыки в разных жанрах: KEDR LIVANSKIY. NV. IC3PEAK. ROSEMARY?BLACKBERRY

Crystal castles - исполненные животной энергетики и доводящие до асфиксии глитчи, вырвавшиеся прямиком из двухмерного пространства старого Gameboy'a. Эти мелодии размозжат твою голову своими ударными и басами, этот вокал продырявит твою черепушку, а любимые песни зароются у тебя в мыслях до конца твоих дней. Показать полностью.. Ни на что не похожее звучание, дарящее чувство эйфории, стоит очень дорогого, именно из-за такой музыки ценишь современные веяния, понимая, что, собственно, не так страшен черт, как его малюют.

Crystal castles - это коктейль эмоций, поражающий своей глубиной и бесконечно берущий тебя на слабо, проверяя, какие же чувства возобладают в твоем слабом теле. Слушая их, ты не сразу заметишь, что это необъяснимое действо уже затянуло твой разум, начав с ним игру по своим правилам, ведь круг замкнулся. Когда ты все-таки поймешь, как сильно на тебя влияет услышанное, будет не то чтобы поздно, как любят говорить в таких случаях, нет, будет еще совсем рано, лишать себя столь великого чувства счастья. Ты поймешь, что чувствуешь все и сразу, что мысль стала важнее, что тебе по силам исполнить любое свое желание, но в одно мгновение это "все" превращается в "ничто", это и называется состоянием измененного сознания, эйфорией, которая возникает от осмысления вещей, находясь в опьянении разной степени тяжести.

Crystal castles - это освобождение от рамок, дарящее ощущение свободы в животном танце, хаотичные движения, связанные, при этом, в определенный набор, отточенные и систематические, дарят ощущение волшебного транса, в котором тебе абсолютно не важно что-либо, кроме самого детства и музыки, естественно. Только в таком состоянии можно познать себя, открыв настоящую личину себе и окружающим, недаром, состояния транса или гипноза используются для познания себя внутреннего, закрытого за семью печатями, где-то в глубине подсознания, за дверями комплексов, обид, рамок, страхов и запретов. Раскройся и освободись - так я описываю это состояние.

Crystal castles - это стиль, отточенное годами работы бок-о-бок с музыкой видение творчества и неповторимый стиль Итана Кэта, смесь синти жанров и витч-хауса, причем именно западного, более холодного и мелодичного, по сравнению с жестким, перегруженным и считай демоническим звучанием восточной вичухи. Касание таких мелодий, вкупе с разрывающим сердце своей эмоциональностью, красотой, надрывом и тоской, вокалом Элис Глэсс, привносит в звучание группы больше истерии и эмоциональности, придавая музыке еще большей агоничности.

Crystal castles - это, как ты мог уже заменить, в первую очередь многосторонность, с какой стороны не посмотришь - всегда бросается в глаза многогранность, отличное качество исполнения любой потребности слушателя, что бы он не искал для себя в музыке. Посыл, эмоциональность, желание уйти в танец, качество написания музыки и инструментала: все будет на самом высшем уроне, виды замков из хрупкого хрусталя вызовут у тебя сильную привязанность, а это - дорого стоит.

2:48 Crystal Castles – Frail [вечно XVII] (2:48)

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Скачать Total Commander LE -x32-x64 бесплатно

Total Commander LE 2.01 [8.52a-x32-x64]

Представляю вашему вниманию портативную сборку Total Commander Lite Edition, далее просто TC LE, которая позволит вам просматривать/воспроизводить аудио, видео, графические, pdf, DjVu, rar, zip, 7z и т.п файлы, а так же работать с ними даже на свежеустановленной Windows. Всех программ в сборку не добавить, поэтому здесь вы найдете всеядный аудио/видео плеер и то, что вам действительно потребуется

Дополнительная информация

- сборка TC и все ее компоненты портабельны, поэтому вы можете выполнять запуск с "Флешки" и переносить папку со сборкой в новое место без необходимости каких-либо правок

- при открытии моей сборки TC не запускаются сторонние утилиты, все, что будет запущено, определит сам пользователь, открывая, например, видео файлы

- в меню перенесены некоторые возможности кнопок, что увеличит свободное месте на "Панели инструментов"

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- сборка обернута в простой и удобный инсталлятор, который автоматически распакует 32-х или 64-х битную версию, в зависимости от Вашей системы

- обновления ("Обновляторы") автоматически "бекапят" ваши личные данные, настройки самого Total Commander

а, его плагинов и включенных в сборку программ только к вам на диск

- Total Commander LE единственная сборка в которой предотвращена случайная потеря пользовательских данных в результате работы инсталлятора

В сборке Total Commander LE доработаны некоторые моменты базовой программы:

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- добавлен плагин для работы с файлами, имеющими расширение 7z

- расширено колличество поддерживаемых и открываемых файлов за счет внутренних ассоциаций

- добавлены адаптации под системы Win 7 и выше

- увеличено количество панелей, добавлена специальная "Пользовательская панель", которая не изменится при переходе на новую версию сборки

- встроенные bat-ники автоматизируют выполнение часто выполняемых задач

- цветом выделяются недавно измененные файлы

- настроены несколько фильтров поиска

- облегчен доступ к системным папкам

- расширены горячие клавиши

Категория: Файловые менеджеры и архиваторы

Mods Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 Rise of the Witch-King - RJ mod

[Mods] Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 Rise of the Witch-King - RJ mod

Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 Rise of the Witch-King - RJ mod - Год выпуска. 2009

Разработчик. Robert J. - Описание. Мод практически полностью изменяющий игру.

- сотни новых юнитов, героев и строений

- новые Силы

- новые текстуры для старых юнитов

- 10 фракций

- атмосфера BFME1

- разнообразные варианты расположия камеры

- множество новых и переработаных карт.На картах с пометкой RJ есть замки из BFME1

и многое другое. - Установка. мод ставится на RotWK версии 2.01. Патч и фикс для него присутствует в этой раздаче.

2. Среди распакованных файлов будет присутствовать ярлык. Нужно открыть его свойста и изменить строку "Объект" в зависимости от расположения игры и того, куда вы распаковали архив, например "D:\games\Electronic Arts\Под знаменем Короля-чародея\lotrbfme2ep1.exe" -mod "D:\ds\RJ_RotWK_1_06"; изменить строку "Рабочая Папка" в зависимости от расположения игры, например "D:\Games\Electronic Arts\Под знаменем Короля-чародея".

The Lord Of The Rings: Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch King (2006) Ru WineSkin torrent

The Lord Of The Rings: Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch King 2.01 (2006) [Ru] [WineSkin]

The Lord Of The Rings: Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch King 2.01 (2006) [Ru] [WineSkin] Название игры: The Lord Of The Rings: Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch King

Релиз состоялся: 2006

Тип издания: WineSkin

Поддерживаемая ОС: OS X 10.8.4 + (версии ниже указанной не проверялись)

Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)

Системные требования:

OS X 10.8.4

Делалось и запускалось на:

Hacintosh - Intel Core i5 3.43Ghz, 8 Gb ОЗУ, GeForce 660Ti 2Gb, OS X 10.8.4

Откройте для себя историю Средиземья, окунитесь в его грозное прошлое. "Битва за Средиземье 2. Под знаменем Короля-чародея" отбрасывает повествование на тысячу лет назад, когда Фродо еще не родился, а Саурон не мечтал о Кольце. Однако уже тогда Средиземью были чужды мир и спокойствие: война cледовала за войной, и одна из них чуть не стала последней. Разрушительный хаос оставил неизгладимый отпечаток на теле Средиземья. Из покрытых ядовитым туманом пустошей появились несокрушимые вражеские орды. Несметные полчища заполонили землю до самого горизонта. Войска возглавил сам Король-чародей, и вот уже не за горами еще одна смертоносная битва. Может статься, она положит начало новой эре в истории Средиземья.

Настройка расширения в игре не возможна, меняется вручную в файле конфигурации:

файл открываем программой TextEdit или любым другим текстовым редактором. Там вручную прописываем ваше разрешение экрана в строке: Resolution = 1920 1080 (тут указано расширение 1920х1080) просто меняя цифры и сохраняем. Остальное настраиваем в игре.

Game Patches: LOTR - The Rise of the Witch King Retail Patch

The Battle for Middle-Earth 2: The Rise of the Witch King - v2.01 Retail Patch has been released.

General - Unit

a€? All Lumbermills now cost 350 and spawn 5 workers instead of 4.

a€? Structure and Technology armor more resistant to Pierce (2% from 20%).

a€? Factory Armor more resistant to Pierce (2% from 10%).

a€? Resource Armor more resistant to Pierce (5% from 10%).

a€? All units that use siege armor are more resistant to Pierce (5% from 20%).

a€? HeroMini Foot more resistant to Slash (45% from 60%); more resistant to Pierce (45% from 60%); more vulnerable to Structural (80% from 50%)

a€? HeroMiniMounted more resistant to Slash (25% from 60%); more resistant to Pierce (35% from 60%); more vulnerable to Structural (80% from 50%); more vulnerable to Specialist (130% from 100%).

a€? Hero Armor more vulnerable to Slash (40% from 25%); more resistant to Pierce (20% from 25%); more vulnerable to Specialist (30% from 25%); more vulnerable to Crush (50% from 10%); more resistant to magic (35% from 75%); more resistant to Poison (50% from 75%).

a€? Tough Hero Armor more vulnerable to Specialist (30% from 15%); more vulnerable to Crush (35% from 10%); more resistant to Flame (20% from 25%); more resistant to Magic (25% from 50%); more vulnerable to Hero (65% from 50%); more resistant to Structural (40% from 50%).

a€? HeroLight Armor more vulnerable to Crush (50% from 15%); more resistant to Flame (25% from 35%)

a€? HeroArmorMounted more resistant to Slash (25% from 50%); more resistant to Pierce (15% from 50%); more vulnerable to Flame (40% from 25%); more resistant to Magic (50% from 100%); more resistant to Poison (50% from 75%); more vulnerable to Structural (80% from 50%).

General - Creeps & Powers

a€? The a€?Heala€ power radius has been increased to 200 (originally 150) and no longer works on machines or monsters; it restores up to 60% health (originally 100%).

a€? The Structure Rebuild power timer has been reduced to 4m (originally 6m); further its area of effect has been reduced to 150 (originally 300)

a€? Both Darkness and Freezing Raina€™s recharge time have been reduced to 6m (originally 9m).

a€? Freezing Raina€™s duration now lasts for 2m30sec.

a€? Cloud Breaka€™s recharge time has been reduced to 7m30s (originally 8m20s).

a€? The following powers have been rearranged:

a€? Dwarves - Dwarven riches switched with Summon Hobbit Allies;

a€? Dwarves - Undermine switched with Cloud Break;

a€? Mordor - Awaken Wyrm switched with Barrage; Barricade switched with Industry;

a€? Isengard a€" Summon Wildmen Allies switched with Devastation; Watcher switched by Fuel the fires.

a€? Goblins a€" Summon Spiderling Allies switched with Summon Wildmen Allies

a€? The Barricade archera€™s range has been increased to 320 (originally 275).

General - Angmar

a€? Thrall masters now cost 200 (originally 100); Gundabad Warriors and Rhudaur Axe Throwers are now free (originally 50); Summoned Wolfriders have been reduced to 350 (originally 400).

a€? Angmara€™s Resource building hitpoints have been reduced to 2100.

a€? Summon Wights ability (15pp) now summons 5 wights instead of 4.

a€? Sorcerera€™s Well of Souls heal radius has been reduced to 320 (originally 400).

a€? Sorcerera€™s Corpse Rain recharge has been reduced to 3m20sec (originally 4m).

a€? Rhudaur Axe Thrower damage has been reduced to 45 (originally 75).

a€? Rogasha€™s Leap ability recharge has been increased to 1m30sec (originally 1m); Battle Ragea€™s duration has been reduced to 1m (originally 1m30sec).

a€? Sorcerera€™s speed has been increased to 40 (originally 35).

a€? The Dark Rangera€™s Longshot ability now requires the unit to be Level 2; more vulnerable to Crush damage (200% from 100%).

a€? Rhudaur Spearmen more resistant to Pierce (75% from 100%).

a€? Karsha€™s cost has been increased to 2000.

a€? Snow Trolls more vulnerable to specialist (175% damage from 125%).

a€? Hill Troll more resistant to Pierce (80% from 100%).

General - MotW

a€? Increased the movement of Gondor Soldiers, Archers and Rohan spearmen to 50 (originally 45); member speed has been increased to 55 (originally 50).

a€? Tower guard more resistant to Pierce (75%/40% from 90%/50%).

a€? Rohan Spearmen more resistant to Pierce (75% from 100%).

a€? Gondor Soldier more resistant to Pierce (70%/35% from 85%/40%)

a€? Knights more resistant to Pierce (45% from 55%).

a€? Rohirrim more resistant to Pierce (50% from 60%)

a€? The Rangera€™s Longshot ability now requires the unit to be Level 2; more resistant to Pierce (75% from 90%).

a€? The Level 3 Archery upgrade cost has been decreased to 500 (originally 1000).

a€? The Fire arrow upgrade now requires a Level 3 Archery Range.

General - Dwarven

a€? Dwarven Axethrower damage has been reduced to 45 (originally 75);

a€? Dwarven Guardian more resistant to Pierce (50%/25% from 60%/30%).

a€? Dwarven Phalanxes more resistant to Pierce (45% from 70%).

a€? Battle wagon more resistant to Slash (30%/15% from 50%/25%); more resistant to Pierce (20%/10% from 30%/15%); Battle Wagona€™s Oil decay now 2 with a reload of 1m20sec (originally 1m).

General - Elven

a€? Haldir now costs 1200.

a€? Mirkwood archers now require a Level 2 Barracks.

a€? The Level 2 Barrack upgrade cost has been increased to 1000.

a€? The Giant Eaglea€™s health has been increased to 3000 (originally 2000); more vulnerable to slash (25% from 0%); more resistant to Flame (30% from 50%); more resistant to Magic (30% from 50%); suffers a 70% damage penalty vs. heroes; speed increased (120 from 88 ).

a€? Lorien warrior more resistant to Pierce (75%/40% from 100%/50%).

a€? Lindon Horse Archers more vulnerable to Crush (100%/100% from 1%/1%).

a€? Rivendell Lancer more resistant to Pierce (45%/25% from 60%/30%).

General - Goblins

a€? Increased the movement rate of the Half Troll Swordsmen to 55 (originally 50); member speed has been increased to 60 (originally 55); more resistant to Pierce (80%/40% from 100%/50%).

a€? Half-Troll Marauders more resistant to Pierce (80%/40% from 100%/60%).

a€? Drogoth more resistant to Pierce (40% from 55%).

a€? Increased the movement of Goblin Fighter to 65 (originally 63); member speed increased to 70 (originally 67%); more resistant to Pierce (90%/45% from 110%/65%).

a€? Increased Azoga€™s Great Battle Rage recharge to 2m (originally 1m).

a€? Spiderlings more resistant to Pierce (65% from 75%)

a€? Spider Riders more resistant to Pierce (40%/20% from 45%/25%)

General - Isengard

a€? Increased the movement rate for Uruk-Hai swordsmen to 55 (originally 50); member speed increased to 60 (originally 55); more resistant to Pierce (60%/30% from 70%/35%).

a€? Increased the movement rate for Uruk Crossbowmen to 55 (originally 50); member speed increased to 60 (originally 55);

a€? Increased the movement rate for Uruk Pikemen to 55 (originally 50); member speed increased to 60 (originally 55); more resistant to Pierce (100%/60% from 125%/90%).

a€? Increased the movement rate for Uruk Deathbringers to 55 (originally 50); member speed increased to 60 (originally 55).

a€? Increased Sharkua€™s health to 2500 (originally 2400).

a€? Lurtza€™s Carnage duration has been reduced to 20s (originally 30s); recharge timer has been increased to 2m (1m); movement rate increased to 55.

a€? Reduced the Wildmen Axe Throwers damage to 45 (originally 75).

a€? Grima Wormtongue movement increased to 55 (originally 50); increased damage to 130 (originally 100).

General - Mordor

a€? The catapulta€™s minimum range has been increased to 150 from 100.

a€? Gothmoga€™s Fury (Lvl 4 ability) recharge time has been increased to 2 minutes from 1 minute.

a€? Both Khamul and Morgomir now suffer a 30% damage penalty to structures.

a€? Increased the movement rate for Corsairs to 55 (originally 50); Member speed increased to 60 (originally 55); more resistant to Pierce (75% from 90%).

a€? Orc Warriors more resistant to Pierce (85%/40% from 100%/50%).

a€? Black Orc Warriors more resistant to Pierce (60%/30% from 80%/40%).

a€? Orc Archers more vulnerable to Crush (200% from 100%).

a€? Easterlings more resistant to Pierce (110%/55% from 115%/75%).

a€? Haradrim Lancers more resistant to Pierce (75%/35% from (110%/40%)

General - BUG FIXES

a€? Fell Strength can no longer target buildings.

a€? The Dark Iron Forge now shoots arrows at Level 3.

a€? Ice Arrows now do damage to all fortress expansions.

a€? Gundabad Orcs now take poison damage from enemies.

a€? The Balrog and Shade of the Wolf no longer take poison damage when near anything that has an AOE poison effect.

a€? Improved the ability to see the Dark Iron Blades upgrade for Hill Troll units.

a€? Karsh no longer stands in place and takes damage after auto casting Whisper of Death.

a€? The exploit of manually attacking with the Troll Stone Thrower has been removed. Manual attacking is equivalent to the auto attack speed.

a€? The Troll Stone Thrower upgraded with Ice shot has an equal splash damage radius as the other siege units.

a€? The 2nd damage state for the Wall Troll Stone Thrower is now different from the 1st damage state.

a€? The Wall Troll Stone Thrower now casts a shadow on a€?mediuma€ level of detail.

a€? The 2nd damage state for the Fortress Troll Stone Thrower is now different from the 1st damage state.

a€? The Angmar Milla€™s 2nd damage stage is now visibly different from the 1st stage.

a€? The Wall and Wall Tower now show a visual difference between the 1st and 2nd stages.

a€? Reduced the damage that the a€?Call of the Packa€ does to structures.

a€? Sorcerera€™s Well of Souls no longer works on Tainted land, Frozen land and Elven wood. Further it can no longer be cast on the Olog CAHa€™s oil spill ability, the Ring and the Dwarven Catapulta€™s oil barrels.

a€? Rogash, Karsh, Witch-King, Morgomir and Hwaldar now will use their special abilities in normal gameplay.

a€? The Hall of Kinga€™s Men no longer has a floating shadow associated with its 2nd damage state.

a€? The pickbox now displays properly for these situations:

a€? 2nd damage stage for all levels of following structures - Den, Hall of Kinga€™s Men and Mill.

a€? 2nd damage stage for all Dark Iron Forge.

a€? 1st damage stage for Level 2 & 3 Dark Iron Forge.

a€? Level 2 & 3 of the Mill.

a€? 2nd damage stage for Fortress, Troll Stone Thrower tower, Wall tower and Fortress tower.

a€? Temple of Twilight now has lights on night maps for High and Medium Level of Detail settings.

a€? Karsh no longer continues to capture a flag after hea€™s teleported to a new location.

a€? Saruman can no longer gain permanent control of an enemya€™s Thrall master.

a€? The AI will now build the Knights of Dol Amroth.

a€? Rohirrim horses no longer change color after switching weapons.

a€? Lone Tower summon structure no longer keeps the player in the game.

a€? The hobbit toggle weapon shortcuts now work when sticks are currently selected.

a€? Summon Dunedain Allies (spell) no longer takes command points from the usera€™s pool.

a€? Gorkil will no longer use Poisoned Stinger on structures when set to auto cast.

a€? The totem generated by Gorkila€™s skull totem ability is no longer treated as a structure thereby removing it from keeping player in the game.

a€? Azog now casts a shadow on Medium and Low level of detail settings.

a€? The AI will now use Azoga€™s and the Fire Drakea€™s special abilities.

a€? The Fire Drake no longer breathes fire at the player after Untamed allegiance is cast.

a€? Goblin AI will now use their poison more effectively.

a€? Haradrim Lancers now gain bonus damage from the Forged blades upgrade.

a€? Removed the shortcut key from Gothmoga€™s Iron Hand helptext since ita€™s a passive ability.

a€? Gothmog no longer runs in place after moving if the user gives him a move order in the opposite direction.

War of the Ring

a€? Modified the AIa€™s retreat algorithm; reduced its retreat chances prior to actually fighting the battle.

a€? Shelob now occupies the Dead Marshes.


a€? New Elf Archer body texture is now available.

a€? Increase the Elfa€™s auto-acquire range to be comparable to the other heroes.

a€? Olog Hai Great Troll now has body armor and upgrades available.

a€? Olog Haia€™s Meta-impact splash damage now has a FX.

a€? Olog Hai chest option is now available.

a€? A Servant of Sauron CAH poison ability now affects mountain giants and half trolls.

General Bug Fixes

a€? GameSpya€™s copyright notice has been corrected.

a€? The additional a€?toa€ has been removed from the Settings button in the Palantir in a MP game.

a€? The Signal fire located with the fortress territory is now claimed by the player in the fortress position.

a€? The textures on very low detail on the Gundabad tournament map have been fixed.

a€? When joining a multiplayer WOTR game the map image is no longer blank.

a€? CAH reinforcements can no longer be garrisoned onto transport ships.

a€? The flag capturing process now stops when the user teleports the capturing units to another location.

a€? Darkness powers can no longer buff mini-hero hordes.

a€? A CAH now earns the a€?War Veterana€ award after fighting 20 online battles for winning or losing.

a€? The Corrupted Man CAH coerce ability no longer affects mini-hero hordes or large summoned non-hero units (Watcher, Dragonstrike, etc.).

a€? The Collector Editiona€™s artwork now appears in the game.

Скачать The Lord Of The Rings: Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch King - v2

Скачать The Lord Of The Rings: Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch King - v2.0.1 (2006) [WineSkin] [ENG] торрент без регистрации

The Lord Of The Rings: Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch King [WineSkin]

Год выпуска. 2006

Версия. 2.01 (0.7245)

Разработчик. EA Los Angeles

Платформа. Intel only

Язык интерфейса. русский

Таблетка. Программа пролечена (не требует введения данных/вводим любые данные)

Системные требования. Операционная система OS X

Делалось на: Hacintosh - Intel Core i5 3.43Ghz, 8 Gb ОЗУ, GeForce 660Ti 2Gb, OS X 10.8.4

Описание. Откройте для себя историю Средиземья, окунитесь в его грозное прошлое. "Битва за Средиземье 2. Под знаменем Короля-чародея" отбрасывает повествование на тысячу лет назад, когда Фродо еще не родился, а Саурон не мечтал о Кольце. Однако уже тогда Средиземью были чужды мир и спокойствие: война cледовала за войной, и одна из них чуть не стала последней. Разрушительный хаос оставил неизгладимый отпечаток на теле Средиземья. Из покрытых ядовитым туманом пустошей появились несокрушимые вражеские орды. Несметные полчища заполонили землю до самого горизонта. Войска возглавил сам Король-чародей, и вот уже не за горами еще одна смертоносная битва. Может статься, она положит начало новой эре в истории Средиземья.

Смонтировать образ, скопировать игру на жеский диск.

Настройка расширения в игре не возможна, меняется вручную в файле конфигурации:

правой кнопкой на игре (LOTR-BFME2-TRTWK.app), выбираем "показать содержимое пакета" и идём по пути /Contents/Resources/drive_c/users/Wineskin/Application Data/Властелин Колец, Под знаменем Короля-чародея - Мои файлы/Options.ini

файл открываем программой TextEdit или любым другим текстовым редактором. Там вручную прописываем ваше разрешение экрана в строке: Resolution = 1920 1080 (тут указано расширение 1920х1080) просто меняя цифры и сохраняем. Остальное настраиваем в игре.

Качество шейдоров НЕ повышать, должны быть на минимуме, иначе будут проблемы с тектурами.

Отличается от тем что работает на 10.8.4

The Lord Of The Rings: Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch King - v2

The Lord Of The Rings: Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of The Witch King - v2.0.1 (2006) [WineSkin]

Год выпуска: 2006

Версия: 2.01 (0.7245)

Разработчик: EA Los Angeles

Сайт разработчика: http://www.ea.com/uk/lotr-bfme-the-rise-of-the-witch-king

Платформа: Intel only

Язык интерфейса: русский

Таблетка: Программа пролечена (не требует введения данных/вводим любые данные)

Системные требования:

Операционная система OS X

Делалось на: Hacintosh - Intel Core i5 3.43Ghz, 8 Gb ОЗУ, GeForce 660Ti 2Gb, OS X 10.8.4

Описание: Откройте для себя историю Средиземья, окунитесь в его грозное прошлое. "Битва за Средиземье 2. Под знаменем Короля-чародея" отбрасывает повествование на тысячу лет назад, когда Фродо еще не родился, а Саурон не мечтал о Кольце. Однако уже тогда Средиземью были чужды мир и спокойствие: война cледовала за войной, и одна из них чуть не стала последней. Разрушительный хаос оставил неизгладимый отпечаток на теле Средиземья. Из покрытых ядовитым туманом пустошей появились несокрушимые вражеские орды. Несметные полчища бестгеймер нет заполонили землю до самого горизонта. Войска возглавил сам Король-чародей, и вот уже не за горами еще одна смертоносная битва. Может статься, она положит начало новой эре в истории Средиземья.

Установка и доп. информация

Смонтировать образ, скопировать игру на жеский диск.

Настройка расширения в игре не возможна, меняется вручную в файле конфигурации:

правой кнопкой на игре (LOTR-BFME2-TRTWK.app), выбираем "показать содержимое пакета" и идём по пути /Contents/Resources/drive_c/users/Wineskin/Application Data/Властелин Колец, Под знаменем Короля-чародея - Мои файлы/Options.ini

файл открываем программой TextEdit или любым другим текстовым редактором. Там вручную прописываем ваше разрешение экрана в строке: Resolution = 1920 1080 (тут указано расширение 1920х1080) просто меняя цифры и сохраняем. Остальное настраиваем в игре.

Качество шейдоров НЕ повышать, должны быть на минимуме, иначе будут проблемы с тектурами.

Отличается от тем что работает на 10.8.4

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II – The Rise of the Witch-King GAME PATCH ENG

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II – The Rise of the Witch-King GAME PATCH v.2.01 ENG - Download

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file name: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II – The Rise of the Witch-King GAME PATCH v.2.01 ENG

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The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II – The Rise of the Witch-King GAME PATCH v.2.01 ENG - Download

version: v.2.01 ENG

General - Unit

• All Lumbermills now cost 350 and spawn 5 workers instead of 4.

• Structure and Technology armor more resistant to Pierce (2% from 20%).

• Factory Armor more resistant to Pierce (2% from 10%).

• Resource Armor more resistant to Pierce (5% from 10%).

• All units that use siege armor are more resistant to Pierce (5% from 20%).

• HeroMini Foot more resistant to Slash (45% from 60%); more resistant to Pierce (45% from 60%); more vulnerable to Structural (80% from 50%)

• HeroMiniMounted more resistant to Slash (25% from 60%); more resistant to Pierce (35% from 60%); more vulnerable to Structural (80% from 50%); more vulnerable to Specialist (130% from 100%).

• Hero Armor more vulnerable to Slash (40% from 25%); more resistant to Pierce (20% from 25%); more vulnerable to Specialist (30% from 25%); more vulnerable to Crush (50% from 10%); more resistant to magic (35% from 75%); more resistant to Poison (50% from 75%).

• Tough Hero Armor more vulnerable to Specialist (30% from 15%); more vulnerable to Crush (35% from 10%); more resistant to Flame (20% from 25%); more resistant to Magic (25% from 50%); more vulnerable to Hero (65% from 50%); more resistant to Structural (40% from 50%).

• HeroLight Armor more vulnerable to Crush (50% from 15%); more resistant to Flame (25% from 35%)

• HeroArmorMounted more resistant to Slash (25% from 50%); more resistant to Pierce (15% from 50%); more vulnerable to Flame (40% from 25%); more resistant to Magic (50% from 100%); more resistant to Poison (50% from 75%); more vulnerable to Structural (80% from 50%).

General - Creeps & Powers

• The “Heal” power radius has been increased to 200 (originally 150) and no longer works on machines or monsters; it restores up to 60% health (originally 100%).

• The Structure Rebuild power timer has been reduced to 4m (originally 6m); further its area of effect has been reduced to 150 (originally 300)

• Both Darkness and Freezing Rain’s recharge time have been reduced to 6m (originally 9m).

• Freezing Rain’s duration now lasts for 2m30sec.

• Cloud Break’s recharge time has been reduced to 7m30s (originally 8m20s).

• The following powers have been rearranged:

• Dwarves - Dwarven riches switched with Summon Hobbit Allies;

• Dwarves - Undermine switched with Cloud Break;

• Mordor - Awaken Wyrm switched with Barrage; Barricade switched with Industry;

• Isengard – Summon Wildmen Allies switched with Devastation; Watcher switched by Fuel the fires.

• Goblins – Summon Spiderling Allies switched with Summon Wildmen Allies

• The Barricade archer’s range has been increased to 320 (originally 275).

General - Angmar

• Thrall masters now cost 200 (originally 100); Gundabad Warriors and Rhudaur Axe Throwers are now free (originally 50); Summoned Wolfriders have been reduced to 350 (originally 400).

• Angmar’s Resource building hitpoints have been reduced to 2100.

• Summon Wights ability (15pp) now summons 5 wights instead of 4.

• Sorcerer’s Well of Souls heal radius has been reduced to 320 (originally 400).

• Sorcerer’s Corpse Rain recharge has been reduced to 3m20sec (originally 4m).

• Rhudaur Axe Thrower damage has been reduced to 45 (originally 75).

• Rogash’s Leap ability recharge has been increased to 1m30sec (originally 1m); Battle Rage’s duration has been reduced to 1m (originally 1m30sec).

• Sorcerer’s speed has been increased to 40 (originally 35).

• The Dark Ranger’s Longshot ability now requires the unit to be Level 2; more vulnerable to Crush damage (200% from 100%).

• Rhudaur Spearmen more resistant to Pierce (75% from 100%).

• Karsh’s cost has been increased to 2000.

• Snow Trolls more vulnerable to specialist (175% damage from 125%).

• Hill Troll more resistant to Pierce (80% from 100%).

General - MotW

• Increased the movement of Gondor Soldiers, Archers and Rohan spearmen to 50 (originally 45); member speed has been increased to 55 (originally 50).

• Tower guard more resistant to Pierce (75%/40% from 90%/50%).

• Rohan Spearmen more resistant to Pierce (75% from 100%).

• Gondor Soldier more resistant to Pierce (70%/35% from 85%/40%)

• Knights more resistant to Pierce (45% from 55%).

• Rohirrim more resistant to Pierce (50% from 60%)

• The Ranger’s Longshot ability now requires the unit to be Level 2; more resistant to Pierce (75% from 90%).

• The Level 3 Archery upgrade cost has been decreased to 500 (originally 1000).

• The Fire arrow upgrade now requires a Level 3 Archery Range.

General - Dwarven

• Dwarven Axethrower damage has been reduced to 45 (originally 75);

• Dwarven Guardian more resistant to Pierce (50%/25% from 60%/30%).

• Dwarven Phalanxes more resistant to Pierce (45% from 70%).

• Battle wagon more resistant to Slash (30%/15% from 50%/25%); more resistant to Pierce (20%/10% from 30%/15%); Battle Wagon’s Oil decay now 2 with a reload of 1m20sec (originally 1m).

General - Elven

• Haldir now costs 1200.

• Mirkwood archers now require a Level 2 Barracks.

• The Level 2 Barrack upgrade cost has been increased to 1000.

• The Giant Eagle’s health has been increased to 3000 (originally 2000); more vulnerable to slash (25% from 0%); more resistant to Flame (30% from 50%); more resistant to Magic (30% from 50%); suffers a 70% damage penalty vs. heroes; speed increased (120 from 88 ).

• Lorien warrior more resistant to Pierce (75%/40% from 100%/50%).

• Lindon Horse Archers more vulnerable to Crush (100%/100% from 1%/1%).

• Rivendell Lancer more resistant to Pierce (45%/25% from 60%/30%).

General - Goblins

• Increased the movement rate of the Half Troll Swordsmen to 55 (originally 50); member speed has been increased to 60 (originally 55); more resistant to Pierce (80%/40% from 100%/50%).

• Half-Troll Marauders more resistant to Pierce (80%/40% from 100%/60%).

• Drogoth more resistant to Pierce (40% from 55%).

• Increased the movement of Goblin Fighter to 65 (originally 63); member speed increased to 70 (originally 67%); more resistant to Pierce (90%/45% from 110%/65%).

• Increased Azog’s Great Battle Rage recharge to 2m (originally 1m).

• Spiderlings more resistant to Pierce (65% from 75%)

• Spider Riders more resistant to Pierce (40%/20% from 45%/25%)

General - Isengard

• Increased the movement rate for Uruk-Hai swordsmen to 55 (originally 50); member speed increased to 60 (originally 55); more resistant to Pierce (60%/30% from 70%/35%).

• Increased the movement rate for Uruk Crossbowmen to 55 (originally 50); member speed increased to 60 (originally 55);

• Increased the movement rate for Uruk Pikemen to 55 (originally 50); member speed increased to 60 (originally 55); more resistant to Pierce (100%/60% from 125%/90%).

• Increased the movement rate for Uruk Deathbringers to 55 (originally 50); member speed increased to 60 (originally 55).

• Increased Sharku’s health to 2500 (originally 2400).

• Lurtz’s Carnage duration has been reduced to 20s (originally 30s); recharge timer has been increased to 2m (1m); movement rate increased to 55.

• Reduced the Wildmen Axe Throwers damage to 45 (originally 75).

• Grima Wormtongue movement increased to 55 (originally 50); increased damage to 130 (originally 100).

General - Mordor

• The catapult’s minimum range has been increased to 150 from 100.

• Gothmog’s Fury (Lvl 4 ability) recharge time has been increased to 2 minutes from 1 minute.

• Both Khamul and Morgomir now suffer a 30% damage penalty to structures.

• Increased the movement rate for Corsairs to 55 (originally 50); Member speed increased to 60 (originally 55); more resistant to Pierce (75% from 90%).

• Orc Warriors more resistant to Pierce (85%/40% from 100%/50%).

• Black Orc Warriors more resistant to Pierce (60%/30% from 80%/40%).

• Orc Archers more vulnerable to Crush (200% from 100%).

• Easterlings more resistant to Pierce (110%/55% from 115%/75%).

• Haradrim Lancers more resistant to Pierce (75%/35% from (110%/40%)

General - BUG FIXES

• Fell Strength can no longer target buildings.

• The Dark Iron Forge now shoots arrows at Level 3.

• Ice Arrows now do damage to all fortress expansions.

• Gundabad Orcs now take poison damage from enemies.

• The Balrog and Shade of the Wolf no longer take poison damage when near anything that has an AOE poison effect.

• Improved the ability to see the Dark Iron Blades upgrade for Hill Troll units.

• Karsh no longer stands in place and takes damage after auto casting Whisper of Death.

• The exploit of manually attacking with the Troll Stone Thrower has been removed. Manual attacking is equivalent to the auto attack speed.

• The Troll Stone Thrower upgraded with Ice shot has an equal splash damage radius as the other siege units.

• The 2nd damage state for the Wall Troll Stone Thrower is now different from the 1st damage state.

• The Wall Troll Stone Thrower now casts a shadow on “medium” level of detail.

• The 2nd damage state for the Fortress Troll Stone Thrower is now different from the 1st damage state.

• The Angmar Mill’s 2nd damage stage is now visibly different from the 1st stage.

• The Wall and Wall Tower now show a visual difference between the 1st and 2nd stages.

• Reduced the damage that the “Call of the Pack” does to structures.

• Sorcerer’s Well of Souls no longer works on Tainted land, Frozen land and Elven wood. Further it can no longer be cast on the Olog CAH’s oil spill ability, the Ring and the Dwarven Catapult’s oil barrels.

• Rogash, Karsh, Witch-King, Morgomir and Hwaldar now will use their special abilities in normal gameplay.

• The Hall of King’s Men no longer has a floating shadow associated with its 2nd damage state.

• The pickbox now displays properly for these situations:

• 2nd damage stage for all levels of following structures - Den, Hall of King’s Men and Mill.

• 2nd damage stage for all Dark Iron Forge.

• 1st damage stage for Level 2 & 3 Dark Iron Forge.

• Level 2 & 3 of the Mill.

• 2nd damage stage for Fortress, Troll Stone Thrower tower, Wall tower and Fortress tower.

• Temple of Twilight now has lights on night maps for High and Medium Level of Detail settings.

• Karsh no longer continues to capture a flag after he’s teleported to a new location.

• Demolishing the Ent Moot now gives 50% of the original cost.

• Demolishing the Heroic Statue now gives +150 instead +75.

• Farsight’s duration has been reduced. It no longer lasts longer than its recharge time.

• Reduced Silverthorn arrow magic damage by 10 to 50 and removed their RoF penalty; rate of fire equal to non-silverthorn.

• Saruman can no longer gain permanent control of an enemy’s Thrall master.

• The AI will now build the Knights of Dol Amroth.

• Rohirrim horses no longer change color after switching weapons.

• Lone Tower summon structure no longer keeps the player in the game.

• The hobbit toggle weapon shortcuts now work when sticks are currently selected.

• Summon Dunedain Allies (spell) no longer takes command points from the user’s pool.

• Gorkil will no longer use Poisoned Stinger on structures when set to auto cast.

• The totem generated by Gorkil’s skull totem ability is no longer treated as a structure thereby removing it from keeping player in the game.

• Azog now casts a shadow on Medium and Low level of detail settings.

• The AI will now use Azog’s and the Fire Drake’s special abilities.

• The Fire Drake no longer breathes fire at the player after Untamed allegiance is cast.

• Goblin AI will now use their poison more effectively.

• Haradrim Lancers now gain bonus damage from the Forged blades upgrade.

• Removed the shortcut key from Gothmog’s Iron Hand helptext since it’s a passive ability.

• Gothmog no longer runs in place after moving if the user gives him a move order in the opposite direction.

War of the Ring

• Modified the AI’s retreat algorithm; reduced its retreat chances prior to actually fighting the battle.

• Shelob now occupies the Dead Marshes.

• The AI will no longer spawn next to the player in Lostriand when playing a 1 human versus 5 AI opponents.


• New Elf Archer body texture is now available.

• Increase the Elf’s auto-acquire range to be comparable to the other heroes.

• Olog Hai Great Troll now has body armor and upgrades available.

• Olog Hai’s Meta-impact splash damage now has a FX.

• Olog Hai chest option is now available.

• A Servant of Sauron CAH poison ability now affects mountain giants and half trolls.

General Bug Fixes

• GameSpy’s copyright notice has been corrected.

• The additional “to” has been removed from the Settings button in the Palantir in a MP game.

• The Signal fire located with the fortress territory is now claimed by the player in the fortress position.

• The textures on very low detail on the Gundabad tournament map have been fixed.

• When joining a multiplayer WOTR game the map image is no longer blank.

• CAH reinforcements can no longer be garrisoned onto transport ships.

• The flag capturing process now stops when the user teleports the capturing units to another location.

• Darkness powers can no longer buff mini-hero hordes.

• A CAH now earns the “War Veteran” award after fighting 20 online battles for winning or losing.

• The Corrupted Man CAH coerce ability no longer affects mini-hero hordes or large summoned non-hero units (Watcher, Dragonstrike, etc.).

• The Collector Edition’s artwork now appears in the game.