
Makemebabies img-1


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Категория: Windows: Фото




Then I will find you

You'll be my rock boy

and I will climb you

But you don't notice me

It's like I'm not even here

I see you in the A

I see you in the bay

I see you everyday

But I don't know what to say

So I'll be at the ball

But I don't know what to say

So I'll be at the ball

Till 12 'o clock ay

I'll be your conderella ella ay

Then maybe you and maybe me

Can maybe we m-m-make a baby

Then maybe you and me and we

Can make a baby let's make a baby

Let's make a baby, l-l-lets make a baby [x4]

When they seen a girl stuntin'

They thought that I was frontin

I'm not Kanye but you can't tell me nothin

I been around the world from London to Japan

I'm on the l-l-lair, L-l-lookin' for my man

'Cause ohh he's so gudda

He m-m-makes me stutter

The french vanilla trucks

The girls wanna see him

The boys wanna be him

Get paid like perdium, from the am till the pm

So where the fucks the flashlight

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How to Make a Baby

How To Make a "How to Make a Baby" some notes on how we did this

We made this video using a technique called "pixilation", which is a fancy term for stop-motion animation done with real people instead of puppets. We shot it, frame by frame, with Raquel's Canon DSLR over a period of nine months. Those of you who stopped by our house might have noticed some mysterious tape marks on the floor in the living room. Those were for the camera tripod and our feet.

Animating over such a long period of time, using an increasingly pregnant woman as one of your puppets, means basically throwing out everything you might normally do in an animated film. For example, early on, we had this idea that we should wear the same clothes every time, for continuity's sake. But as Raquel's pregnancy developed, we soon discovered that the extra effort required to change in and out of our uniforms was going to interfere with the goal of shooting as many frames as possible, and might even prevent us from finishing the project at all. We dialed down the perfectionism, and in the process ended up having a lot more fun with it.

What emerged was a style you might call WYGIWYG: What You Get Is What You Get. Instead of forcing ourselves onto a brutal daily schedule, we simply shot whenever we felt like it, which ended up being about three or four times a month. And instead of planning ahead very carefully, we just improvised each night, based on a loose idea in my head that the breaths would require more and more effort each time. Rather than try to get a single frame exactly right, we'd shoot several frames of "coverage", with both of us in various positions. My hope was that the random uncontrollable variations in posture, clothing, etc. would kind of cancel each other out in the end.

This scattershot approach turned out to have a nice side effect: the 360 or so frames of raw footage had hundreds of possible interpretations, depending on how you shuffled the frames. So "animating" became a matter of choosing which frame would follow which, and for how long. I did this part mostly in After Effects.

The raw footage was really messy. A lot can happen in nine months' time. The tripod got knocked out of place. Plants, lights, books and curtains shifted around. Incandescent bulbs burned out and got replaced with compact fluorescents, with a totally different color spectrum. But I was able to correct for most of that using AE's motion tracking and color stabilization tools. It still ain't perfect, but again, perfection was not the goal here, I just wanted it to be stable enough not to distract from the main action.

All of the images you see were captured in-camera. There were no synthetic elements. But I did "cheat" a little on two things: the curtain in the background is a separate layer, as is the bookshelf on the left. (They were just too distracting in the raw footage, so I animated and stabilized them, respectively.) The "explosion" effect is actually a birth ball, again added as a separate layer, partly to hide some weird shadows left behind when I split the frame in half to get the timing right on both me and Raquel.

For the audio, I played some little ditties in Garage Band, and recorded foley and "dialog" with a little voice recorder and battery powered mike. Our recording booth was the closet in the baby's room. I feel pretty lucky: I don't think there are a lot of voice actors who will stand in a tiny closet and let you tickle them. Although I could be wrong about that. I also got a bunch of terrific Creative Commons licensed audio samples from freesound.org. Here are direct links to the original samples:

To lay the samples down onto the video, I used iMovie, which my friend Lorelei describes pejoratively as "editing with a big crayon". But a big crayon turned out to be exactly the right tool for this project, because when you're using crayons you can't get too persnickety with the details. And so instead of spending aeons in post-production, after a couple of days I could just step back and say "Done."

And that's pretty much the whole story!

Make me babies - узнать внешность своего будущего ребёнка

Make me babies – сервис для определения внешности ребенка
  • Главная
  • ИНТЕРНЕТ Make me babies – сервис для определения внешности ребенка

Всё популярнее становятся онлайн-сервисы, связанные с технологией распознавания лиц. На днях мы рассказывали о сервисе how old are you. который вызвал небывалый ажиотаж в интернете (определитель возраста по внешности). А сегодня речь пойдет о сервисе make me babies. доступном и для белорусов, но пока на английском языке.

Итак, сайт MakeMeBabies.com помогает посмотреть на внешность своего будущего ребёнка. Создатели берутся за, казалось бы, невероятную задачу. Ведь внешность детей даже у одних родителей отличается. В компьютер никак не загрузишь ДНК родителей. И всё-таки общие характеристики внешности родителей влияют на то, как будет выглядеть чадо.

Название сайта переводится двусмысленно: «Сделай мне детей». Оно значит, что можно сделать изображение ребёнка на основании фото родителей. Для этого потребуется всего три шага: загрузить своё фото, затем фото партнёра, после чего выбрать желаемый пол (или оставить «either» - и компьютер возьмет решение в свои «руки») и имя. После этого, всего за несколько секунд, сформируется внешность, максимально учитывающая черты лица будущих родителей. Всё это красиво оформляется в рамочку. Возможно также «скрестить» себя с одной из знаменитостей или же звезд кино, эстрады или, например, футбола между собой.

Сервис MakeMeBabies бесплатный. То есть «полностью бесплатный», без всяких СМС-разводов. Также не требуется регистрация, однако для тех, кто решит создать учетную запись, предусмотрена возможность сохранить фото. В этом случае вы получите постоянную ссылку и сможете отправить ее в качестве шутки или намёка в Фэйсбуке или в Твиттере. А может, она окажется пророческой, ведь должны же хоть иногда результаты совпадать с реальностью.

Автор Владимир Покладов

Luxand - What Will YOUR Baby Look Like?

What Will YOUR Baby Look Like?

Ever wondered what your baby will look like? Bring your and your partner’s photos to MakeMeBabies to find out! Luxand’s new service offers great fun to those seeking an answer to this popular question. By analyzing two given faces, MakeMeBabies can produce a picture of a baby that has a little bit of both. Want more fun? Try making babies with a celebrity of your choice – there are a great many on the list!

Under the Hood

For you, using MakeMeBabies is as simple as posting your picture and your partners (or celeb’s) photo and seeing the result. Under the hood, there are great many things going on the moment you push the button. MakeMeBabies will automatically find faces on the two pictures you submitted, recognize facial features such as the eyes, lips, ears and so on, and apply special biometric morphing algorithms to produce an image of a baby made by the couple. All those things happen quickly and completely automatically, so the result is near instant.

Interested what all the buzz is about? Visit our BabyMaker Page and submit pictures of your and your partner’s faces to see what your baby would look like!

The How To

Connecting to the API is extremely simple. The actual complex mechanics are implemented on our servers. You’ll just need to connect your app with the server by using an online API as detailed in the following manual: http://luxand.com/makemebabies/docs.php

Are you a mobile developer? We have the BabyMaker iOS app to help you see what you can do with the API on a mobile device. Since the API is fully online, you aren’t limited to Apple devices. Develop apps for Android, Windows Phone 8/8.1, or make a Universal app for Windows 10 – imagination is your only limit!

Use It on Your Website

MakeMeBabies is very popular among young families and Facebook users. Luxand encourages Web developers to use MakeMeBabies as well as its other technologies on their own websites. It’s quick and easy to put MakeMeBabies to your website with WEB API, sample code and detailed instructions handily available.

To get more information and request the pricing of the API, please fill in the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible:

Какими будут ваши дети?

Полезные сайты и сервисы MakeMeBabies.com – какими будут ваши дети?

18 Июнь 2012 admin

MakeMeBabies.com - занятный сервис, который "вычислит" для вас внешность вашего будущего ребёнка. Именно такова суть двусмысленного имени сайта - "Сделай мне детей".

Возможно, у вас в голове уже вертится вопрос "Как же я загружу на сайт свою ДНК?" Не беспокойтесь, этого не потребуется. Кроме того, MakeMeBabies не будет домогаться даже номера вашего телефона - сервис полностью бесплатный. Как вы уже догадались, всё, что ему от вас надо - ваше фото и фото второго родителя.

Принцип работы MakeMeBabies. таким образом, зиждется на аксиоме, что дети должны быть похожи на родителей. Исходя из этого принципа передовая технология распознавания лиц, которую использует сервис, "рассчитает", какими будут ваши дети. и сгенерирует изображение возможной внешности вашего будущего ребенка .

Фрагмент главной страницы

Полученное фото оформляется в красивую рамку по вашему выбору, а ещё нужно выбрать пол будущего ребенка из трёх вариантов (мальчик, девочка, любой) и непременно придумать имя (хотя это вряд ли повлияет на результат ).

Кроме того, MakeMeBabies предлагает возможность "сделать ребенка" с одной из знаменитостей, фото которых есть на сайте. Впрочем, свое фото использовать не обязательно - можно поэкспериментировать, "перекрещивая" знаменитостей между собой.

Регистрация на сайте не обязательна. Однако, если результат, то есть внешность будущего ребенка. вам понравится, регистрация даст возможность сохранить изображение, получив постоянную ссылку или отправив его в Facebook или Twitter. Полученную ссылку можно направить своему виртуальному партнёру в качестве шутки (или намёка ).

Требования к фотографиям такие: лицо полностью видно, глаза открыты, нет очков, а взгляд направлен точно в камеру. Фотография может не быть портретной, тогда надо будет выделить область лица.

Возможно, в чем-то определение внешности будущего ребенка на MakeMeBabies напомнит вам такие любопытные фото-развлечения, как Pho.to и Howoldareyou.net .

Итак, заходите на MakeMeBabies.com. узнавайте, какими будут ваши дети. и помните, что в жизни всегда есть место шутке. Хотя, если рассудить логически, то пусть не всегда, но хотя бы иногда сервис должен угадывать результат.

Выбрав фото, надо обозначить на нём область лица

Следующий шаг - загрузить фото второго родителя, выбрать его из знаменитостей или послать ссылку желаемому партнеру для продолжения процесса

После того, как оба фото готовы, надо выбрать рамку, а также пол и имя ребёнка

Далее жмёте кнопку "Proceed"; появляется надпись "подождите. это не должно занять более 9 месяцев "

Текст песни Lets make it baby, исполнитель Bon jovi, архив ДокМузыка

Текст песни Lets make it baby от исполнителя Bon jovi
    Let's make it baby(outtake from new jersey sessions) when I look in your eyes i

Can feel the fire I see through disquise I can see your desire I can read your

Lips I they don't need no translation (no translation) it was more than a kiss

I come to make my donation so turn out the lights I'm going down slowly

(slowly) don`t tell me what's right just tell me you want me tell me you want

Me just don't tell me you love want me tell me you want me let's make it baby

Let's make it baby let's make it baby let's make it baby come a little bit

Closer I want to play doctor it's keep getting harder, harder, harder to keep

You me away I want wanna to taste the sweat it`s rollin' off your body we'll

Get the sheets all wet baby, I'll make you feel naughty let's make it baby

Let's make it baby let's make it baby let's make it babysoloturn out the

Lightsdon`t tell me you love me I'm going down slowly (going down slowly) tell

Me what's right just tell me you want me (I want you) just tell me you want me

(I want you) don't tell

Me you love me well tell me you want me, want me, want me lets make it baby

Lets make it baby lets make it baby lets make it baby solo so turn out the

Lights and baby go down slowly don't you tell me you want me don't you tell me

Текст песни Lets make it baby от исполнителя Bon jovi представлен исключительно в ознакомительных целях для частного использования. Слова песни принадлежать их авторам.

Другие тексты песен исполнителя Bon jovi :

Wanna Make A Baby - тексты песен

Тексты песен по запросу:

Wanna Make A Baby

Тексты песен

R. Kelly. Wanna Make A Baby. R. Kelly. Хотите сделать ребенка.

Тексты песен

R. Kelly. 12 Play: Fourth Quarter. Wanna Make A Baby. R. Kelly. 12 Play: Четвертый квартал. Хотите сделать ребенка.

Тексты песен

R. Kelly. 12 Play: Fourth Quarter. Wanna Make A Baby. R. Kelly. 12 Play: Четвертый квартал. Хотите сделать ребенка.

R. Kelly. Wanna Make A Baby. R. Kelly. Хотите сделать ребенка.

C. C. CATCH. Baby. I Need Your Love. CC CATCH. Baby. I Need Your Love.

you up for an one-night shot Baby. you are so hot Never give you up for an one-night love Meet me in another world, my baby In a world, a world of love

D-12. My Band. D-12. My Band.

single, it's called My Salsa. My salsa, salsa, salsa, salsa, my salsa Makes all the pretty girls wanna dance And take off their underpants My salsa makes all the pretty girls wanna

G-Unit. After My Chedda. G-Unit. После Моя Chedda.

to be the bearer of bad news but no more Prada shoes When I just wanna chill you wanna go out See me parle with some other chick you wanna show out

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make it alone i know that i can't take no more it ain't no lie i wanna see you out that door baby bye bye bye bye bye Don't wanna be a fool for you just

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. Oh we could be down for life Have a couple kids and make you my wife, baby You're beautiful lady Baby let's chill Baby let's chill Baby that's real

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just dial me, baby. baby. baby. And I'm sitting here with this blank expression Don't say a thing, no And the way I feel, I wanna curl up like a child

P. Diddy. Come To Me. P. Diddy. Come To Me.

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Текст песни Bon Jovi: Let s Make It Baby

Let's Make It Baby

Lets make it baby(outtake from new jersey sessions) when I look in your eyes i

Can feel the fire I see through disquise I can see your desire I can read your

Lips I they dont need no translation (no translation) it was more than a kiss

I come to make my donation so turn out the lights Im going down slowly

(slowly) don`t tell me whats right just tell me you want me tell me you want

Me just dont tell me you love want me tell me you want me lets make it baby

Lets make it baby lets make it baby lets make it baby come a little bit

Closer I want to play doctor its keep getting harder, harder, harder to keep

You me away I want wanna to taste the sweat it`s rollin off your body well

Get the sheets all wet baby, Ill make you feel naughty lets make it baby

Lets make it baby lets make it baby lets make it babysoloturn out the

Lightsdon`t tell me you love me Im going down slowly (going down slowly) tell