
Джунгли На Английском img-1

Джунгли На Английском

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Книга джунглей (на английском языке)

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200 || this.height>200) && i Книга из серии "Английский клуб" знакомит читателя с творчеством известного английского писателя Джозефа Редьярда Киплинга. Текст его произведения - "Книга джунглей" - адаптирован с учетом уровня владения языком учащихся 5-6 классов. На страницах книги вы встретитесь со знакомыми персонажами - Маугли, коварным тигром Шер-Ханом, благородным волком Акелой, могучим медведем Балу, Рикки-Тикки-Тави и др. Книга снабжена комментарием и упражнениями, направленными на проверку понимания текста, отработку лексики, грамматических структур, развитие навыков устной речи.

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Редьярд Киплинг

Читаем на английском - Stories from The Jungle Book / Книга Джунглей

Киплинг Джозеф Редьярд

Stories from The Jungle Book / Книга джунглей

Джозеф Редьярд Киплинг родился в Мумбаи (Индия) в 1865 году. Наибольшую известность ему принесли его рассказы и стихи об Индии.

Особенно полюбились читателям произведения Киплинга для детей: «Книга джунглей», «Вторая книга джунглей» и «Сказки просто так».

«Книга джунглей» содержит несколько поучительных историй, главными действующими лицами которых являются животные.

В рассказе «Маугли – человеческий детеныш» повествуется о приключениях индийского ребенка, который, заблудившись в лесу, находит приют у семьи волков. В джунглях он заводит дружбу с медведем Балу и пантерой Багирой, а также вступает в противостояние с коварным тигром Шерханом.

«Рикки-тикки-тави» – история отважного мангуста, ставшего настоящим другом и защитником для семьи англичан.

Mowgli the man-cub

It was late afternoon. Father Wolf awoke from his sleep, yawned and stretched his legs. He pushed out his claws and looked at them. They were sharp and clean. It was time to go hunting for food. Mother Wolf sat watching her four cubs playing and rumbling around her.

Suddenly, her ears stood up and she stretched her neck. She could hear the leaves of a bush rustling.

She asked Father Wolf, “What is there?”

Father Wolf went to the mouth of the cave and looked out. From between the leaves, he could see a naked baby boy crawling towards the cave, laughing and shaking his curly head.

“Why, it’s a man-cub!” he exclaimed.

“A man-cub? Bring him here. I have never seen a man-cub before,” said Mother Wolf.

Father Wolf gently picked up the child by the neck with his teeth. This was the way he carried his own cubs. He put the child in front of her. There were no teeth marks on the child’s neck. The child did not struggle. He allowed Father Wolf to carry him. He was not afraid.

“He has no hair! He is naked!” exclaimed Mother Wolf. “Look at him. He is not afraid! He is pushing my cubs away to get my milk!”

Suddenly they heard Shere Khan’s growl outside the cave.

“What do you want?” asked Father Wolf.

“The man-cub,” Shere Khan answered. “I saw him crawl this way.”

“Go away. He is ours.”

“He is mine. Give him to me.”

Mother Wolf sprang up.

“The man-cub is mine. He will live with us,” she said. “He shall not be killed. One day he will hunt and kill you.”

Shere Khan knew she would not give him the man-cub, and the cave was too small for him to get into and take the cub away.

He turned to go, but growled before he went saying, “He will be mine one day.”

Mother Wolf looked at the child fondly.

“I’ll name him Mowgli. He is such a happy man-cub. Look at him playing with our cubs!”

Mowgli crawled up to her and lay down at her side. Mother Wolf smiled and put her paw over him.

It was the night of the full moon, when the wolf pack met at the Council Rock. Akela, the leader of the pack, sat on the Rock and watched the wolves bring their young cubs for inspection. This was the Law. The older wolves were required to see each new cub, before it became a member of the pack.

Mother Wolf also brought her four cubs and Mowgli for inspection. She was filled with anxiety. What would the pack say when they saw the man-cub? Would they allow him into the pack?

Akela said, “Look at the cubs carefully, O wolves.”

The cubs were brought to the centre. One by one the older wolves came, sniffed each one, looked carefully and then returned to their places.

“Look well, O wolves,” repeated Akela.

Father Wolf pushed Mowgli into the centre. Mother Wolf was very worried as she looked on. Mowgli was laughing and rolling the stones he had found. He was too busy playing to be afraid.

A growl came from behind a rock. It was Shere Khan.

“The cub is mine,” he growled. “You are wolves. What will you do with a man-cub?”

A young wolf asked, “Why do we have a man-cub here? He is not one of us.”

“I know,” said Akela, “but if two of the pack speak for him, he may stay.”

Father and Mother Wolf looked around and waited. They were not allowed to speak for him. No one spoke.

Suddenly they heard a grunt. It was Baloo, the brown bear. He was the teacher of the wolf cubs. He taught them the Laws of the Jungle.

He said, “I speak for the man-cub. Let him be one of the pack. I shall teach him.”

“But we need one more,” said Akela.

A soft voice purred. “I come as a friend, Akela.” It was Bagheera, the black panther. “I speak for the man-cub. Let him stay, and I will give you a fat bull that I have just killed.”

“A fat bull, did you say?” asked the pack. They were always hungry. “Of course the man-cub can stay!”

Shere Khan was very angry. He gave a loud roar and returned to his lair.

Mowgli spent a wonderful time among the wolves for ten whole summers. He loved Father and Mother Wolf. They in turn loved him as one of their cubs. Mother Wolf was very kind to him. She would often say, “I love him more than any son of mine.”

Their cubs were his brothers and they all played together. Mowgli was really very happy.

Father Wolf taught him many things about the jungle, its sounds and dangers.

Mowgli roamed the jungle. He ate when he was hungry, slept when sleepy, and swam in the jungle pool when he felt hot, or when he wanted to wash himself.

Baloo taught him the Laws of the Jungle and the Hunting Verse: “Feet that make no noise, eyes that can see in the dark, ears that can hear the winds, and sharp white teeth, all these are the marks of our brothers.”

Baloo also taught him the Wood and Water Laws: how to tell when a branch was rotten or strong before climbing it, how to speak politely to bees if he came upon a hive, and how to warn the water snakes before he dived into pools and rivers.

Mowgli was also taught the calls of all the creatures living in the jungle. These would be of use to him when he was in danger and had to seek their help.

Mowgli often felt tired of learning so many things. Baloo made him repeat everything. Sometimes, Mowgli would not listen to him. Then Baloo would cuff him.

Bagheera frequently sat on the branch of a tree and watched Baloo and Mowgli. He loved the man-cub and called him Little Brother. So did Baloo.

One day, when Baloo had cuffed him, Mowgli ran off and hid behind a tree. He was very angry. Bagheera said to Baloo, “Why do you cuff him so much? He is very young.”

“Not too young to get killed,” replied Baloo. “A cuff from me is better than that, is it not?”

“A soft cuff, yes, but just now you cuffed him straight over that rock! You will kill him some day.”

“It was a hard cuff, was it?” asked Baloo. He loved Mowgli. Had he really hurt him?

“Mowgli,” he called gently, “come and show Bagheera all the wonderful things you have learnt.”

Mowgli was never angry for long, and he loved to show off. He came out from behind the tree and asked, “What do you want to hear?”

“Say the word for the Hunting People, the Bears.”

“We be of one blood, you and I,” said Mowgli in the correct bear talk.

“And for the Birds?”

“And now for the Snake People.”

The answer was a perfect hiss. Mowgli clapped his hands happily and jumped on Bagheera’s back.

“See how well Mowgli has learnt everything,” Baloo said to Bagheera. “Without my cuffs, he would not have learnt. Now he does not have to fear anybody.”

“Of course, he has to,” replied Bagheera. “He must fear man, his own tribe.”

Mowgli was jumping on Bagheera’s back, pulling and pushing him.

“What is the matter, Little Brother?” Bagheera asked.

“One day I will have a tribe of my own,” Mowgli replied proudly. “I shall be its leader. We will go from branch to branch and have a wonderful time.”

Baloo and Bagheera were shocked.

“What are you talking about?” asked Baloo, very angry.

Mowgli was surprised. He looked at Bagheera and saw that he was angry too.

“Have you been with the Bandar-log, the Monkey People?”

“The Bandar-log are the grey apes, who have no law and eat everything,” added Bagheera.

Mowgli nodded his head.

He said, “One day, when Baloo had cuffed me, I went into the jungle and met the Bandar-log. They were very good to me and gave me nuts and many other things to eat. They carried me from tree to tree. It was wonderful. They said that I was their brother without a tail. They even said that they would make me their leader one day.”

Baloo was furious.

“They are liars,” he said. “They have never had a leader and never will. You are not to meet them again.”

“But why not?” Mowgli wanted to know. “They were kind and good to me, and have invited me to go with them again. They are like me – they stand on their feet and use their hands to pluck nuts and fruit. They really are very kind. I liked playing with them.”

“Listen to me, man-cub,” said Baloo sternly. “I have taught you the laws of the jungle and the calls of all the creatures that live here. The only thing I have not taught you is about the Bandar-log. Why? It is because they have no law and no call. They have no speech. They chatter all the time, living on the branches. We, of the jungle, do not go where they go, or drink water from the same waterhole. You, too, will do the same.”

Mowgli had never seen Baloo so angry. He was always kind. Mowgli knew that he had not done the right thing, so he nodded. Suddenly nuts and sticks hit them on their heads. Mowgli looked up and saw many chattering monkeys swinging from branch to branch.

The Bandar-log were exactly as Baloo had said. They had no leader and no speech. They lived on trees. The animals of the jungle lived on the ground and they did not look up at them. They never met them and kept away from them.

But the Bandar-log had watched Mowgli. They had seen him weaving mats with straw and sticks. They found that wonderful. They thought that they could learn many things from him, and this would make them wise. Then all the creatures of the jungle would take note of them and envy them. They decided to carry him away and make him their leader.

So one day, when Mowgli was sleeping, the Bandar-log swooped down from the trees and carried him off. Mowgli opened his eyes and found that he was being carried away through the trees.

He cried out aloud. Baloo and Bagheera woke up, and were horrified to see the Bandar-log carry their Little Brother away.

Mowgli was very angry with himself. He should have listened to Baloo and kept away from these silly chattering monkeys. He felt dizzy as he was swung from branch to branch and from tree to tree.

Mowgli looked up and saw Chil, the kite, flying over him. He gave the kite a call for help. Chil was surprised to hear the call and looked down. He was even more surprised to hear a man-cub say the Master Word.

Mowgli called out to him, saying, “We are of one blood, you and I. Mark my trail. Tell Baloo and Bagheera. Go quickly.”

“Who are you, brother?” Chil asked.

“I am Mowgli, the man-cub. Mark my trail,” he repeated, “and hurry to Baloo and Bagheera.”

The monkeys carried him to the place the jungle creatures called the Cold Lairs. It was an old, ruined city, with its walls crumbling down. The monkeys lived here because there was a large water tank. No jungle creature ever came here, so they had the water to themselves.

Baloo and Bagheera were filled with grief. They had woken in time to see Mowgli being carried away.

“You should have warned him,” said Bagheera to Baloo. “You have taught him many things, but not all. You did not tell him about the silly, chattering Bandar-log. They could drop him while carrying him over the trees. He will surely die from such a fall.”

Baloo was too full of grief to reply. Chil spotted them as he flew over. He gave them Mowgli’s message.

“He knew the Master Word!” Chil exclaimed.

“What is the use?” wailed Baloo. “He may be dead by now.”

“Do not be so full of grief, Baloo,” comforted Bagheera. “The monkeys will be careful because they want him. Also, the man-cub is wise and well-taught. But as long as he is with them, he is not safe.”

“Oh, I am such a fat, stupid fool,” wailed Baloo again. “But, Bagheera, the Bandar-log fear Kaa, the snake, because he can climb trees, and he steals young monkeys in the night.”

“What can he do? He cannot move fast, as he has no feet.”

“He is a cunning old creature. Better still, he is always hungry,” said Baloo. “Come, we’ll go and seek his help. If he helps, we will promise him many goats.”

Both of them set off to look for Kaa. They found him sunning himself. His new coat was shining in the sun. (A snake sheds its skin when a new skin has formed inside.)

Kaa was a very big snake. Every creature in the jungle was afraid of his strength. Once he caught an animal and got it in his coils, he crushed it to death and then swallowed it.

Kaa was hungry. He said, “Hello, Baloo and Bagheera. What are you doing here? Have you any news of food for me? I am so hungry.”

“We are hunting,” answered Baloo. He did not want Kaa to know that they had come to seek his help. Kaa would never let them forget that.

“I’ll come with you,” Kaa said eagerly. “The last time I climbed a tree, it was dry and rotten and I nearly fell to my death. The Bandar-log were there and they called me such bad names.”

“Oh, the Bandar-log are shameless,” said Bagheera. “I once heard them say that you were old and had lost all your teeth.”

He could see that Kaa was very angry. His long body wriggled in anger.

Baloo decided to speak out. “Actually, it’s the Bandar-log we are following.”

“They have taken away our man-cub.”

“Man-cub? I have heard of him.”

“Yes, Kaa, the man-cub. He is the wisest, the best and the boldest of my pupils,” Baloo boasted. “And we love him very much. We call him our Little Brother.”

“The Bandar-log fear me,” said Kaa. “They are such chattering creatures. I may be of help. Indeed, I am sure I can be of help. Where did you say they had taken the man-cub?”

“To the Cold Lairs. That is the message Chil gave us. I am going as fast as I can,” said Bagheera, and then asked, “Kaa, will you come with us?”

“Of course, I will,” said Kaa, ready to set off. “And though I have no feet, I can go as fast as you can.”

“Baloo, you follow us,” said Bagheera.

Baloo was big and heavy and could not move fast.

They knew the place. It was an old city, lost and buried in the jungle. The roofless palace was on top of a hill. Broken walls of temples and houses were scattered around.

The monkeys liked this place because no jungle creature ever came here, and there was a water tank. This was their drinking hole and their bathing place, too. Hundreds of them lived here in the Cold Lairs.

The Bandar-log brought Mowgli to this place. There was great rejoicing when the other monkeys saw him. Now they could learn many things from him and become wise.

Mowgli was terrified to see so many monkeys, chattering around him. Some of them were trying to snatch him, others were feeling his hairless body.

Mowgli was tired and hungry and wanted to get away from this horrible place. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Bagheera climbing up the broken walls. The monkeys saw him, too. Chattering loudly, hundreds of them jumped on him. Bagheera tried to beat them back. They were trying to tear him to pieces.

Конец бесплатного ознакомительного фрагмента.

ДЖУНГЛИ перевод с русского на английский, translation Russian to English

Русско-английский перевод ДЖУНГЛИ Еще значения слова и перевод ДЖУНГЛИ с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях.

Перевод ДЖУНГЛИ с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for ДЖУНГЛИ in dictionaries. Русско-Американский Английский словарь

  • ДЖУНГЛИ — мн. jungle sg только мн. ч. jungle Русско-Английский словарь общей тематики
  • ДЖУНГЛИ — jungle Новый Русско-Английский биологический словарь
  • ДЖУНГЛИ — Jungle Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • ДЖУНГЛИ — jungle Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • ДЖУНГЛИ — только мн. ч. jungle Русско-Английский краткий словарь по общей лексике
  • ДЖУНГЛИ — Jungle Британский Русско-Английский словарь
  • ДЖУНГЛИ — см. санитары джунглей Англо-Русско-Английский словарь сленга, жаргона, русских имен
  • ДЖУНГЛИ — мн. jungle sg Русско-Английский словарь - QD
  • ДЖУНГЛИ — только мн. jungle мн. jungle sg Большой Русско-Английский словарь
  • ДЖУНГЛИ — джунгли jungle Русско-Английский словарь Сократ
  • ВЛАЖНЫЙ ДЖУНГЛИ — влажный джунгли steamy jungle Русско-Английский словарь Сократ
  • JUNGLE GYM — гимнастический снаряд "джунгли" (обыкн. деревянный; устанавливается в гимнастическом зале, во дворе школы для малышей (infant's school) и т.п.) на снаряд … Англо-Русский словарь Britain
  • BLACKBOARD JUNGLE — школьные джунгли (хулиганство и преступность в школе, тж. сама школа, в кот. царит подобная обстановка) по названию одноимённого романа американского … Англо-Русский словарь Britain
  • SUBDUE — гл. 1) подчинять, покорять, подавлять (тж. о чувствах и т.д.) to subdue the rebels ≈ покорять бунтовщиков to subdue thoughts … Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • STEAMY JUNGLE — влажные джунгли Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • RAINFOREST — сущ. тропический лес; влажные джунгли тропический лес; влажные джунгли; сельва Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • PIERCE — гл. 1) а) прокалывать, пронзать, протыкать The arrow pierced his back. ≈ Его спину пронзила стрела. Syn. penetrate, prick, … Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • JUNGLES — Джунгли Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • JUNGLE GYM — гимнастический снаряд "джунгли" (из стоек и перекладин; преим. для детворы) Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • JUNGLE — сущ. 1) а) джунгли, дебри, густой дикий лес dense jungle ≈ заросли джунглей, густые джунгли tropical jungle ≈ тропические джунгли … Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • CONCRETE JUNGLE — город (о крупных мегаполисах, где жизнь порой тяжела) The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo. … Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • JUNGLE — jungle.ogg ?d???g(?)l n 1. 1> джунгли; густые заросли, дебри 2> чаща, густой лес 2. неразбериха, дебри, путаница the jungle of … Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики - Сборник из лучших словарей
  • JUNGLE — jungle сущ.1) а) джунгли, дебри, густой дикий лес dense jungle — заросли джунглей, густые джунгли tropical jungle — тропические джунгли … Англо-Русский словарь Tiger
  • JUNGLE — n 1. 1) джунгли; густые заросли, дебри 2) чаща, густой лес 2. неразбериха, дебри, путаница the

    of tax [housing] …

    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь - Апресян, Медникова
  • JUNGLE — n 1. 1> джунгли; густые заросли, дебри 2> чаща, густой лес 2. неразбериха, дебри, путаница the jungle of tax housing … Большой новый Англо-Русский словарь
  • JUNGLE — сущ. 1) а) джунгли, дебри, густой дикий лес dense jungle — заросли джунглей, густые джунгли tropical jungle — тропические джунгли … Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике
  • JUNGLE — сущ. 1) а) джунгли, дебри, густой дикий лес dense jungle — заросли джунглей, густые джунгли tropical jungle — тропические джунгли б) обыкн. мн. густые заросли; … Англо-Русский словарь общей лексики
  • RAINFOREST — сущ. тропический лес; влажные джунгли тропический лес; влажные джунгли; сельва Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • JUNGLE — сущ. 1) а) джунгли, дебри, густой дикий лес dense jungle ≈ заросли джунглей, густые джунгли tropical jungle ≈ тропические джунгли … Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • CONCRETE JUNGLE — город (о крупных мегаполисах, где жизнь порой тяжела) The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo. …

    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь

  • Британский Русско-Английский словарь

    Текст песни Jungle на английском языке группы BG

    Текст песни Jungle на английском языке

    Ah, Ah, Woah, Woah

    Im a guerilla, Im a dog, Im a beast, Im a snake

    the type that will walk up and put 10 hollows to your face

    Im a tiger, Im a lion, Im a bear, Im a panther

    if you ballin Ima be the one thats gonna snatch ya

    Im a fool, when Im beefin I give niggaz the blues

    Dont think twice, first mind tell me do what I gotta do

    So I gather up my clique, load up the fucking iron

    gas up the creep mobile, jump in that bitch and ride

    When I catch ya Ima do ya, Ima smoke ya, Ima kill ya

    Ima spank ya, Ima whack ya, Geezy gone deal witcha

    I dont play, I dont asshole B.G. dont lollygag

    I get these pussy niggaz ready for their body bag

    Ima animal in the jungle so you better beware

    it aint nothing but guerillas, lion, tigers, and bears

    Ima game red-nosed pit ready to scratch

    got you running like a bitch tryin to avoid the attack

    I aint no rabbit, I aint no rat

    Ima a soldier that will give you hell

    I aint cat, I aint no turtle get in beef and hide in a shell

    I aint no mutt, I aint no monkie, far from being a duck

    believe me I can swim so come in that water, try your luck

    You gonna drown, guarantee you go under you wont come up

    Im from Uptown and Uptown niggaz dont give a fuck

    My hood is a jungle full of niggaz live that wild life

    picture a untamed guerilla with a K(AK) he nothing nice

    so you know you get in his way, you lose your life

    so reverse that, get in front of me, you lose your life

    Im like a alligator crocodile, quietly I lay

    Then slip, get comfortable, Ill strike and kill a prey

    take the life out em, stand there and watch him stop breathing

    watch him fade into the other world, but one day Ill see him

    but for now FUCK em, see ya when I see ya nigga

    I know at this moment I wouldnt wanna be ya nigga

    Im a lil creeper, quick like a cheetah, so better (. )

    when I tell you freeze, when I was down for my heater

    people say Im dangerous, I need a leash and a collar

    cuz Im like a ROCK (rocwilder) but much more wilder

    if You got it, and I want it, Ill duct tape ya

    gotta a lock like a pit bull, get a hold of you and shake ya

    aint now way You gone stomp at me, I feel you trying to play me

    Im like Mike when I bite, I give ya bitch ass Rabies

    Книга джунглей (The Jungle Book) - читать на английском языке, переводить текст

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    The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling

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    Mowgli's Brothers

    Now Rann the Kite brings home the night

    That Mang the Bat sets free—

    The herds are shut in byre and hut

    For loosed till dawn are we.

    This is the hour of pride and power,

    Talon and tush and claw.

    Oh, hear the call!—Good hunting all

    That keep the Jungle Law!

    Night-Song in the Jungle

    It was seven o'clock of a very warm evening in the Seeonee hills when Father Wolf woke up from his day's rest, scratched himself, yawned, and spread out his paws one after the other to get rid of the sleepy feeling in their tips. Mother Wolf lay with her big gray nose dropped across her four tumbling, squealing cubs, and the moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived. "Augrh!" said Father Wolf. "It is time to hunt again." He was going to spring down hill when a little shadow with a bushy tail crossed the threshold and whined: "Good luck go with you, O Chief of the Wolves. And good luck and strong white teeth go with noble children that they may never forget the hungry in this world."

    It was the jackal—Tabaqui, the Dish-licker—and the wolves of India despise Tabaqui because he runs about making mischief, and telling tales, and eating rags and pieces of leather from the village rubbish-heaps. But they are afraid of him too, because Tabaqui, more than anyone else in the jungle, is apt to go mad, and then he forgets that he was ever afraid of anyone, and runs through the forest biting everything in his way. Even the tiger runs and hides when little Tabaqui goes mad, for madness is the most disgraceful thing that can overtake a wild creature. We call it hydrophobia, but they call it dewanee—the madness—and run.

    "Enter, then, and look," said Father Wolf stiffly, "but there is no food here."

    "For a wolf, no," said Tabaqui, "

    Джунгли на английском

    См. также в других словарях:

    Джунгли — в Южной Америке … Википедия

    ДЖУНГЛИ — Индийские равнины, поросшие травою и прорезанные болотом и лесом. Объяснение 25000 иностранных слов, вошедших в употребление в русский язык, с означением их корней. Михельсон А.Д. 1865. ДЖУНГЛИ Название огромных индийских равнин, поросших травой … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

    ДЖУНГЛИ — (англ. jungle, джангал на яз. хинди заросли), густые, труднопроходимые древесно кустарниковые леса территорий с влажнотропическим климатом. Джунгли распространены главным образом в Индии, вдоль р. Ганг, у подошвы Гималаев, в Индокитае и на… … Экологический словарь

    Джунгли —     Джунгли символизируют запутанность и сложность ситуации. Сон о джунглях передает, насколько непредсказуемы и опасны могут быть наши пути.     Бродить во сне по джунглям – значит, искать какое то сокровище, священное знание. Джунгли таят в… … Большой универсальный сонник

    Джунгли — (Александровка,Россия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 41 км Симферопольское шоссе, Алексан … Каталог отелей

    ДЖУНГЛИ — ДЖУНГЛИ, ей. Густые, труднопроходимые лесные заросли в болотистых местностях тропических стран. Закон джунглей (перен. об открытом произволе и насилии). • Каменные джунгли о кварталах больших городов. | прил. джунглевый, ая, ое. Толковый словарь … Толковый словарь Ожегова

    джунгли — зеленый ад, заросли Словарь русских синонимов. джунгли сущ. кол во синонимов: 5 • витамин (89) • заросли … Словарь синонимов

    ДЖУНГЛИ — (английское jungle, от джангал, на языке хинди заросли), древесно кустарниковые заросли в муссонных областях тропиков. Для джунглей характерно обилие гигантского бамбука и др. высокорослых злаков, акаций, стеркулий, стволы которых переплетены… … Современная энциклопедия

    ДЖУНГЛИ — (англ. jungle от джангал, на языке хинди заросли), древесно кустарниковые заросли тропиков и субтропиков. Для джунглей характерны ротанговая пальма, акации, высокорослые злаки (гигантский бамбук, сахарный тростник, эриантус и т. д.).… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

    ДЖУНГЛИ — ДЖУНГЛИ, джунглей, ед. нет (от санскр. jangala). Непроходимые низкорослые заросли в болотистых местностях Индии. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 … Толковый словарь Ушакова

    ДЖУНГЛИ — (англ. jungle, от джангал, на языке хинди лес, заросли), густые дре весно кустарниковые сообщества с участием высоких грубостебельных злаков. Распространены в муссонных областях тропиков, в осн. в Индии и Юго Вост. Азии (Индокитай, Зондские о ва… … Биологический энциклопедический словарь

    • Джунгли. Джесси Рассел. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!Джу?нгли — тропический или субтропический лес. Этимология слова уходит в санскрит, в котором слово «джангал» означает непроходимые заросли (дебри).… Подробнее Купить за 1764 руб
    • Джунгли. Открой для себя удивительный мир дикой природы. Интересные факты из жизни обитателей тропического леса. Яркие крупные иллюстрации с сюрпризами. Прозрачные страницы помогут тебе рассмотреть… Подробнее Купить за 368 руб
    • Джунгли. Эптон Синклер. Прижизненное издание. Москва, 1956 год. ГОСЛИТИЗДАТ. Издательский переплет. Сохранность хорошая. Роман из жизни чикагских рабочих, создавший писателю мировую славу, -"The Jungle"… Подробнее Купить за 360 руб
    Другие книги по запросу «джунгли» >>

    Материал по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме: Сценарий интерактивной игры - quot; Зов джунглей - quot; на английском языке

    Предварительный просмотр:

    Сценарий игрового конкурса на английском языке  «Джунгли зовут»

    1)   развитие лингвистических способностей учащихся по теме: «Животные»;

    2) развитие навыков монологической речи.

    1) уметь составлять выступление;

    2)тренировать восприятие речи на слух;

    3)развивать образное мышление, воображение, общую информативность учащихся.

    Правила конкурса:

    Игра проводится между тремя командами по 8 человек в каждой.  Каждая команда перед игрой выбирает название «Хищники», «Травоядные» или «Всеядные» и капитана.

    Участники заранее делают маски и костюмы животных. Самостоятельно работают над приветствием и девизом своей команды, разучивают стихи и песни. Конкурс проводится в присутствии гостей и членов жюри.

    Состав участников:

    - игроки трёх команд;

    - члены жюри;

    - ведущие конкурса.


    - картинки        с изображениями животных, маски животных, плакат  «Зов джунглей», таблички «Хищники», «Травоядные», «Всеядные», «кости», «бананы», 3 корзинки.

    Украшение для зала: пальмы из гофрированного картона, лианы из цветной бумаги, возле пальм – мягкие игрушки.

    ТСО: СД – проигрыватель, ноутбук, проектор, экран.

    Ход игры: кинозаставка   к   конкурсу   о   животных ; (звучат   фанфары)

    Ученик 1: Good afternoon! We are glad to greet you at our competition “Jungle Call”. My name is…………

    Ученик 2:  Hello! My name is……… Добрый   день. дорогие   друзья.  Мы рады приветствовать Вас на нашем конкурсе «Зов джунглей»!

    Ученик 1:  First of all let me introduce our teams and our jury.

    Ученик 2: Сначала позвольте мне представить Вам наши команды и  уважаемое жюри.

    (Под спортивный марш или детскую песенку «Чунга – Чанга» появляются   команды).

    Ученик 1: There are 3 teams. The first one is called « The Beasts of Prey» and its captain is…

    Ученик 2: У нас 3 команды. Первая называется «Хищники» и её капитан…

    Ученик 1: The second team is called “The Beasts of Grass» and its captain is….

    Ученик 2: Вторая команда «Травоядные» и её капитан …

    Ученик 1: The third team is “Всеядные” and its captain is…

    Ученик 2: И третья команда  «Всеядные» и её капитан …

    Ученик 1: The members of our jury are…

    Ученик 2: Уважаемые члены нашего жюри….

    Ученик 1:OK, teams say to each other “Hello” and present your team. If, the team “The Beasts of Prey” wins, they will be given a bone; if, the team “The Beasts of Grass” wins, they will be given a banana. If, the team “Всеядные” wins, they will be given a bone or a banana.

    Ученик 2: Конкурс «Визитка».

    (Команды рассказывают о себе и представляют своих капитанов)

    Пример: We are   “The Beasts of Prey”. We are very quick, clever and energetic. In our team we have such animals as a Wolf - …, Fox - …, Croc - …, Tiger - …, Leopard - …, Cheetan - …, Eagle - …. Our captain is a brave and strong Lion - ….

    Пример: We are “The Beasts of Grass”. We are very smart, active and kind. In our team we have such animals as a Kangaroo - …, Lemur - …, Giraffe - …, Hippopotamus - …, Cow - …, Monkey - …, Goat - …. Our captain is a kind and clever Elephant - …

    Пример: We are great friends animals «Всеядные». We can meat and grass at the same time.  We have such beasts as a Bear – our tactful and serious captain, Gorilla - …  and …

    Ученик 1: Well done! The other task is for you is to guess what animal it is?

    Ученик 2: Отлично! Следующее задание: «Угадай животное»

    (Включается видео – ролик “Animals Vocabulary” by Elf Learning.На экране высвечиваются 24 картинки с животными, и дети стараются назвать животных по порядку)

    Ученик 1: Thank you for your work! (Children are given “bones” or “bananas”).

    Ученик 2: Спасибо! Команда получает …. 1, 2, 3 лови!

    Ученик 1:OK! Let’s sing a song about our friendly beasts! It is easy and funny!

    Ученик 2: А теперь давайте все вместе споём вес споём весёлую песенку обо всех замечательных зверюшках, которых мы видим здесь! Песенка очень простая, поэтому нам могут подпевать и все гости нашего праздника!

    Ученик 1. “ Old Macdonald had a farm”.

    (Звучит песенка – караоке  о старом Макдональде).

    Ученик 1: Are you tide?  Let’s have a rest and gymnastics!

    Ученик 2: Устали? Давайте сделаем небольшую паузу и немного отдохнём!

    “Monkey do, Monkey see”.

    (Учащиеся  выполняют зарядку под музыку с движениями).

    Ученик 1: There are many animals on the island. What animals do you know? Name their plural form.

    Ученик 2: Конкурс « Один –   много».  Назови форму множественного числа следующих животных.

    (Учащиеся называют существительные во множественном числе, которые видят на слайдах)

    Ученик 1: Good job! Take your bananas or bones!

    Ученик 2: 1, 2, 3 лови!

    Ученик 1: 1, 2, 3 look with me!

    ( Проводится небольшая гимнастика  для глаз «Полёт бабочки»).

    Ученик 1: It’s a competition for our captains. (Звучит туш. На сцену выходят капитаны команд.) The quiz “The cleverest”.

    Ученик 2:  « Послушайте и запомните, как долго живут животные»

    Ученик 1: Rabbits – 5 years        Cows – 25 years

    Sheep – 12 years        Pigs – 25 years

    Cats – 13 years        Horses – 30 years

    Dogs – 15 years        Camels – 40 years

    Goats – 15 years

    Ученик 1: Fine! You can get your prize!

    Ученик 2: 1, 2. 3 получи!

    Ученик 1: Let’s play!

    Ученик 2: Молодцы, ребята!  А сейчас Вас ждут весёлые игровые конкурсы.

    В круг приглашаются  и участники, и болельщики. Посмотрите, какой чудесный вырос апельсин. Под музыку нужно передавать его по кругу. Тот, у кого окажется апельсин во время остановки музыки, выходит из игры. Используем английские слова “ to the left”, “to the right”.

    (Звучит детская песенка «Шёл по Африке жираф»)

    Ученик 1: “Riddles”

    Ученик 2: «Загадки». Команды по очереди разгадывают загадки. За каждую разгаданную загадку команда получает кость или банан.

    (На экране чередуются слайды. По три представителя от каждой команды с закрытыми глазами слушают и отгадывают загадки. Слайды -  Lesson 8 Adjectives and Animals “ Pumpkin”)

    Ученик 2: Молодцы, ребята! 1, 2, 3 лови!

    Ученик 1: And our last competition “Animation”.

    Ученик 2: Последний конкурс «Анимация». Представители от каждой команды попытаются озвучить на английском языке  мультик «Маша и3 медведя». И так, за дело!

    (Карточки с текстом готовятся заранее. Учащиеся просматривают слайды и озвучивают реплики мультяшек на английском  языке. Транслируется мультфильм «Маша и 3 медведя» электронное приложение  к учебнику 1 класса)

    Ученик 2: Отлично! Команда …. получите свой приз! 1, 2, 3 лови!

    Ученик 1: Ok, children! You did your best. Let’s count the bones and bananas. Who is the winner?

    Ученик 2: Пока жюри подводит итоги конкурсов,  мы исполним гимн нашего конкурса.

    (Дети поют вместе песенку “The more we do together”. Песенка транслируется в слайдах).

    Жюри объявляет итоги конкурсов, поздравляет победителей и награждает медалями.)

    Ученик 1 и 2: Wave your hands and say: Goodbye!

    Книга джунглей

    Книга джунглей / The Jungle Book (Вольфганг Рейтерман / Wolfgang Reitherman) [1967 г. мюзикл, приключения, семейный, мультфильм, DVD9] С.Р.И. (Платиновая коллекция, 16:9)

    Книга джунглей / The Jungle Book - Год выпуска. 1967

    Страна. США

    Жанр. мюзикл, приключения, семейный, мультфильм

    Продолжительность. 1:18:28

    Перевод. Профессиональный (полное дублирование). Профессиональный (одноголосый) А.Михалев

    Русские субтитры. нет - Режиссер. Вольфганг Рейтерман / Wolfgang Reitherman - Роли озвучивали :

    Маугли - Брюс Рейтерман / Томас Шлеккер (дубляж)

    Балу - Фил Харрис / Дмитрий Назаров (дубляж)

    Багира - Себастьян Сабот / Эммануил Виторган (дубляж)

    Шер-Хан - Джордж Сандерс / Юрий Яковлев (дубляж)

    Луи-Обезьяний Король - Луи Прима / Олег Анофриев (дубляж)

    Полковник Хатхи - Дж.Пэт О'Мэлли / Алексей Булдаков (дубляж) - Описание :

    Книга джунглей, уникальная адаптация романа Редьярда Киплинга, возвращается в этом 40-летнем Юбилейном Платиновом Издании с великолепно восстановленным звуком и изображением. Насладитесь этим музыкальным праздником дружбы, веселья и приключений в последнем мультфильме, над которым работал сам Уолт Дисней.

    Вам предстоит отправиться в увлекательное путешествие с мальчиком по имени Маугли, который пробирается сквозь джунгли к людям вместе с умной пантерой Багирой. По пути ему предстоит встретить импозантного Короля Луи, гипнотического удава Каа и весёлого, неунывающего медведя Балу, который считает, что "Всё в жизни ерунда", кроме настоящей дружбы. - Доп. информация. Релиз от "Специального Российского Издания"

    Никогда ещё "Книга джунглей" не была такой яркой и увлекательной! Художники-аниматоры и технические инженеры Диснея преобразовали киноплёнку с мультфильмом в цифровое изображение высокого разрешения. "Книга джунглей" снималась с помощью метода последовательного экспонирования, так что этим трудягам пришлось отсканировать почти 337000 кадров, а это 6 километров киноплёнки! И теперь вы можете наслаждаться результатом их кропотливой работы на DVD.

    Впервые мультфильм представлен в исходном формате изображения 1.75:1. И не забудьте про новый многоканальный звук 5.1 Disney Enhanced Home Theater Mix, бесподобные джазовые композиции, очаровательных персонажей и классический сюжет о настоящей и искренней дружбе. - Доп.материалы. Удалённые сцены, 7 удалённых песен, которые не поместились в конечную версию мультфильма, музыкальный клип "I Wanna Be Like You", аудиокомментарий - Качество. DVD9

    Формат. DVD Video

    Видео кодек. MPEG2

    Аудио кодек. AC3

    Видео. NTSC 16:9 (720x480) VBR

    Английский (Dolby AC3, 6 ch,448 Kbps)

    Русский (Dolby AC3, 6 ch, 448 Kbps) А.Михалев